From District 7 state Sen. J.B. Jennings:
Many people stop paying attention to state politics after the end of legislative session each spring. From January to April, you are inundated with daily news about legislation and issues, and then things quiet down the rest of the year- or so it may seem.
The fact is that a lot is going on after those 90 days in Annapolis each year. I would like to urge all of my constituents to stay on their toes as summer turns into fall, because a lot of important issues are coming down the pike in the next few months.
For example, I encourage you to attend the redistricting hearings taking place in Baltimore and Harford Counties, because the way those district lines are drawn will affect your representation for at least the next decade. I’m sure you’ll agree that’s worth paying attention to.
And speaking of redistricting, we have begun planning for a special legislative session to deal with it this fall (likely in mid-October). The Governor has already begun to talk about including a tax increase in this session. If you remember, the last special session provided an opportunity for anti-business legislators to sneak in the largest tax increase in this state’s history. Again, worth paying attention to.
And finally, we’re fighting a toll increase that is being proposed because the transportation trust fund has been robbed by nearly $800 million right out from under taxpayers’ noses. Bureaucrats are proposing “gradual” increases to try and make this more palatable to voters- but we should not be fooled into feeling that we are getting a fair deal. Increases should never have been on the table in first place, no matter how incremental. Once more, greedy government is trying to pull the rug out from beneath us.
All of these are examples of why we must remain vigilant and pay attention even during the political “off-season” in Maryland. We know from the success of the petition to overturn in-state tuition for illegal immigrants that when citizens pay attention, they can stop bad bills.
So in between cracking crabs, swimming in your yard, or sunning down the ocean, please be sure to keep one eye ahead towards autumn. Tax-and-spend partisan liberals in Annapolis are literally banking on voters being too distracted by summer fun to pay attention to the serious issues on the horizon. Please stay on top of them, help inform your family and neighbors, and continue to make your voice heard in Annapolis. As always, I am proud to represent you.
Senator J.B. Jennings
Redistricting Hearing Schedule
Harford County
Saturday, August 27
11:00 a.m.
Harford Community College
Amoss Center (next to Harford Tech H.S.)
200 Thomas Run Road
Bel Air, 21015
Click here for advanced sign-in to testify
Baltimore County
Saturday, August 27
2:00 p.m.
Towson University
Stephens Hall Theater
8000 York Road
Towson, 21252
Click here for advanced sign-in to testify
Please note that the Governor has required advanced sign-in to speak; you must sign-up by email to redistricting2011@ or at the link below by 12:00 noon on Friday. Sign-ins are also accepted in person 50 minutes prior to the start of each hearing. For specific guidelines, please click here.
Around the District…
–I spent the summer supporting 4H-ers, buying at both the Baltimore County and Harford County 4-H Livestock Sales and donating a pig to the Maryland Republican Party’s Summer Pig Roast in Hampstead.
–Enjoyed a great day at the Perry Hall Town Fair. It’s amazing how much this event has grown; a record-breaking 15,000 people attended this year.
–The Baltimore County School Board Task Force, of which I am a member, has completed its hearings across the county. We will now begin working on a report due later this fall, based upon the public’s input in changing the School Board from an appointed to an elected or hybrid format.
–I was proud to welcome the Maryland Air National Guard’s new C-27J aircraft at the Warfield Air National Guard Base in Essex this month. I attended on official active duty orders in uniform, but my District Director Tammy Larkin was present to represent my Senate office.
An Unexpected Meeting…
I was in South Carolina attending a conference for my horse feed mill this month with my wife, Michelle. And even eight hours from Annapolis, I couldn’t help but find my way to a political scene.
In Charleston, I happened to walk by a news conference and stopped to pay attention. Governor Nikki Haley was signing legislation to give South Carolina its 7th congressional district based upon new Census numbers. This is expected to be a conservative seat, which is certainly news that I welcomed. And I was also glad to have the opportunity to meet the Governor herself.
I got my political fix down South, and am happy to be home again working on maps of our own here in Maryland in preparation for the special redistricting session this autumn.
Our annual polo match fundraiser more than doubled this year to 150 guests. We enjoyed a great polo match and delicious pit beef. Guests indulged in Boordy Wine, and many couldn’t resist second helpings of Smith Island Cake. Despite the heat, dozens of you stayed well past the evening light to socialize and talk about the issues.
I was humbled and deeply appreciative of your support, which helped raise much-needed funds for my 2014 campaign. These funds will allow me to communicate with even more voters over the next few years to help engage them in fighting higher taxes and spending. Again, I can’t thank everyone enough, and am already looking forward to next year’s event.
Keep up the good work Mr. Jennings and DON’T let the official County currency become the “peso”!
It’s Senator Jennings now!!!!