From the Bush River Community Council:
The Bush River Community Council will hold our next meeting this Monday October 17th at the Anita C. Leight Estuary Center (700 Otter Point Rd. 21009
As always, the meeting will begin with a report from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office on safety issues in our sector. The focus of the October meeting will be redistricting. Many members of the Bush River area are greatly concerned that one of the proposed redistricting maps would move the entire Bush River community out of District F (Councilwoman Mary Ann Lisanti) and into District E (Councilman Dick Slutzky). Council woman Lisanti and the Bush River Community Council have worked very hard to build a strong partnership to improve our community. Councilwoman Lisanti will give a presentation on the proposed redistricting maps and will host an open discussion about the concerns of the community.
As always our meetings are open to the public and all are encourage to attend. The meeting will begin at 6:30pm.
Bush River Community Council
Bush River Community Council
Monday October 17, 2011
Anita C. Leight Estuary Center
• 6:30 Meeting Called to Order
• 6:35 Harford County Sheriffs Department
– Community Report• 6:45 Councilwoman Lisanti
– County Council Redistricting Discussion and Q&A.
– The proposed map greatly affects our area• 7:45 Belcamp Rec. Discussion
– Randy Conlon• 8:15 Open Floor
• 8:30 Adjournment
Jimminy Crickets Uncle Jed!So what’s one more huge ugly complex in the 24 corridor gonna do?Ruin the skyline?Kill a whole bunch of racoons and box turtles?GahaalllEE Sgt.Carter!Rememeber WAY BACK in the early 1980s when they sold all of us on this SUPERHIGHWAY TO 95 to take commuter traffic off good old Rte. 24? Wow,what a DREAM COME TRUE we all thought! 5 minutes from the mall to 95!The REAL dream come true was for DEVELOPERS!Endless acres of fresh land to build stuff on.Now people take OLD 24 to AVIOD THE TRAFFIC!Heeheeheeeheeheee!Gotta love it!Now we gonna get us the ULTIMATE TRAFFIC TORNADO-a big ass ChinaMart dropped right in the middle of the clustercluck.A REAL HUMDINGER,BARNEY! I sure hope the same genius geek engineer gets the job who designed the gawd awful nightmare that faces everbody trying to get to the OLD WalMart or Regal from Edgewood today.Just LOVE those mind boggling left hand turn lanes that have you tossing the dice about which lane everybody wants to be in once they complete the left hand turn.Sort of like musical chairs only with 2 ton automobiles.YeeeeeHAH!Lets add the cell phone gabbers one handing the wheel with no blinkers!WhooooWHEEE!Face it folks.The Wal Mart is a done deal just like the Transfer Station in Joppa.You ain’t got no power to stop nuthin!BIG MONEY IS TALKING.And as the property values DESCEND in the area the Section 8 households WILL RISE along with the crime.HERE WE COME,FOLKS!Thank your investor neighbor with his Section 8 rental houses in 21040 who would never go there at night.GREED IS KILLING OUR ONCE BEAUTIFUL HARFORD COUNTY.Keep electing all the well connected people to office who look so nice and have all the money for lots of signs and advertising.They orchestrate it ALL.UUUUUGGGHHHHHH…..
Now that was funny! Unfortunately your sarcasm is full of truth. As too the original point of the letter the Bush River Community lost big time on this redistricting move.