From the Harford County Municipal Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #128:
On October 26, 2011 the Harford County Municipal Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #128 who represents professional law enforcement officers with the Aberdeen Police Department endorsed Mayor Michael E. Bennett for re-election. Additionally, on October 29, 2011 the Maryland State Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police voted in favor of endorsing Michael E. Bennett for re-election.
Our lodge encourages all voting residents from the City of Aberdeen to vote on November 8th, 2011 at the Aberdeen Senior Center located on Franklin Street. Attached is a copy of the endorsement letter sent to Mayor Bennett.
Jason Neidig; President
Chris Dubiel; Treasurer
Jon Sova; State Trustee/Delegate
I wonder how many of the true rank and file sworn officers really agree with this. It is job security, plain and simple. Been on the east side lately? There is an open air drug market operating 24/7 and nothing appears to be done about it.
We can’t blame the rank & file. all they want to do is survive in a lousy, economy.
Oh, believe me Vet the last thing I’,m doing is blaming the rank and file. I have nothing but the highest regard for the entire APD. What I’m questioning is the union endorsement. It stands to reason that the State Police would back him, he is one of the brown shirts. The APD union is another matter entirely and they are not entirely in step with their membership.
While shocked given the organizations history with the Mayor I believe it was a wise choice. After attending Mr. McGrady’s town meeting, simply sitting in the back listening to what he had to say, it is apparent and obvious he needs to become educated on the government which he would like to represent.
McGrady simply doesnt have any depth, his critiques of the issues just don;t sound like what we need in a mayoral candidate. I will stick with a proven mayor, regardless of his shortcomings.
The FOP would be wise to be Bennett;s lap-dogs, it is amazing how shallow the leadership of the fop appears, they run around screaming the sky is falling, and want a rabbi to take care of them, what a joke, they are. “little men, small minds, in a small pond”.
Although I appreciate our town police, right now is not the time to be begging for pay raises or other benefits, the fop should be glad they have nice paying jobs, there are a lot of people that dont have any jobs right now.
just my thoughts hombre!
I don’t know whether I am amazed that our organization is labeled as “lap dogs” or “little men, small minds, in a small pond.” As I continued to read your post it became evident of your ignorance and arrogance.
To clarify your allegations, the officers we represent, specifically Aberdeen as you are directing your comments and false accusations towards, have not received promised “step” increases in four years and have not “begged” for an increase in pay. Until recently, one of the agencies in which we represent officers received their promised “step” increases. The officers whom we represent have been asked to do more, with less, and have succeeded.
I welcome any resident within the three jurisdictions in which we represent the professional municipal police officers to contact an executive board member to find out what our true issues are and to have honest and open dialog. You can find us on the web at, or on Facebook at Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128 (Maryland).
Jason Neidig
Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #128 (Maryland)
I know you didn’t ask — but, I think you may need some education on the government yourself or more likely on the CONSTITUTION.
Remember what happened last time that FOP didn’t back Bennett! You bet they’ll endorse him. Or he’d run through them like a hot knife through…well….a dougnut. Bennett is one of the most vindictive people I eve had the displeasure of knowing. And he surrounds himself with the like. I respected him at first. Seeing him active in the church, the Fire Dept, etc. But then the claws came out shortly after he was elected. He went after people he didn’t even know or wanted to know. Look what he did to the poor Chief of Police, Randy Rudy. Regardless of whatever spin is spun, nobody ever got more production out of those officers as Randy. And those officers never got bigger pay raises. A true pay for performance program you might say. Now, I won’t even go to Aberdeen. Its just not safe.
Well please kb dont come here! Rudy let these guys get away with everything.The inmates ran the asylum! You call now with a problem and you dont get that “Nothing we can do about that”attitude!I see more patroling and less hanging out. Please theres always been drug markets in Aberdeen,look where we are located!Theres just as many drug markets in Abingdon and BelAir if you care to look! Just take your attitude or tea party back to BelAir or where ever and we will be just fine. And for the rest of the out of towners trumpeting the virtues of pat elect him in your town!
@KB: If you remember, the FOP ran an aggressvive and successful anti-Wilson campaign to get Simmons elected. If the Mayor or Council start acting like that administration I think they will do the same. I am just not fully comprehending this endorsement because the FOP endorsed Simmons, then Hiob v. Bennett.
That makes it even more peculiar with Hiob now backing McGrady.
Now that the Ethics Commission ruled, will the FOP pull their endorsement? Or will the police support the (now proven) unethical behavior?
As for me coming to Aberdump….no way! I choose LIFE! Seriously though, I avoid going through Aberdeen. Like many others do. At some point, the people there have to want a better environment. All the shaddy real estate/tax deals, all the ‘good boy’ processes for permits and the very selective code enforcement are just a few reasons I avoid Aberdeen.
I mean do the residents ever wonder why they have so many warehouses? Where is all the high-end housing they were suppose to build? Where is the development that was suppose to occur around the stadium? High-end condos, a Ruth’s Chris, a Best Buy? They were all knocking on Aberdeen’s Door, where did they all go?
It’s very unlikely the police department will pull there indorsement. we have the Mayor & the fantastic four on council.
@KB:If I too doubt the FOP will pull their endorsement and they shouldn’t in my opionion. They should stay consistant and stand behind Bennett. You wouldn’t turn your back on a friend or family member, you would support that friend or family member and help guide them through their choices. I am sure some will disagree with that thought process because I know everyone on here has an excellent record and has never done wrong. If your man enough to admit you have, I bet your friends and family didn’t turn their backs on you and trash talk you.