From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive David R. Craig has announced that Department of Treasury employee Marcus Williams has been selected as the selected as the Employee of the Month for December 2011.
Marcus was nominated by Donna Birkmire and Paul Kelly from the Abingdon Water Treatment Plant (AWTP) for his “professional and personal service” when helping them handle obstacles that arose when using the P-Card for their year end purchases.
The nomination states, “Marcus and his staff have always been very helpful with creating new accounts for vendors. The problems that we had with our year end purchases with the P-Card and the help we received was exemplary. The accounting department is extremely busy during year end and the attention that we received from Marcus in addressing and recommending resolution was greatly appreciated. Marcus was understanding and patient in his attempt to resolve the year end issues for AWTP.”
Commenting on Mr. Williams’s service to the County, County Executive Craig stated, “Marcus has shown himself time after time to be an exemplary county employee who is both helpful and professional in assisting his co-workers. Marcus, his staff, and the entire Treasury Department do such a good job in making sure that county government remains a good steward of the county’s resources. I am pleased to give him this honor.”
Congratulations Marcus!
It’s so heartening when we hear that someone in Harford County government is doing their job. But why should we bestow an award for it?
I guess in an upside down world of county government where you can’t be fired for not doing your job or having a job that requires no work it would make sense to reward and recognize people who stand out for doing the bare minimum or solving a bureaucratic problem that they created in the first place.
Harford County government should keep up the good work of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and doing less with more.
Marcus–great job and well deserved. There are always idiots like WOW who are miserable and want everyone else to be that way too. Thanks to HCG and David Craig for recognizing those who go above and beyond.