From the Aberdeen Police Department:
(Aberdeen, Maryland) January 20, 2012 – At about 8:30 this morning patrol officers responded to the area of Maryland Route 22 (Churchville Road) and Post Road to assist emergency medical crews with an unknown type medical emergency.
At the scene personnel found a male and female in a tent in a wooded area near the intersection. The two were unconscious and unresponsive, and additional male in the area that was feeling ill. All three where transported to Harford Memorial Hospital where the female and one of the males was pronounced dead.
Preliminary investigation revealed the three have been in the wooded area over night sleeping in a tent, one of the men awoke in the morning and found the other two individuals unconscious and unresponsive and then notified the authorities.
There were no signs of foul play; the deceased are not being identified at this time pending notification of next of kin.
Anyone one with any information on this case is asked to call the Aberdeen Police Department, Criminal Investigation Section at 410-272-2121.
So, so sad! The homeless in Harford County have no options for help. These folks were just trying to be sheltered and warm … carbon monoxide took their lives.
There needs to be more help in our county … shelter availability, like there is in the city.
Such a sad thing!
This is SO sad! There is help for folks in need like this, but like everything else, we need more funding. My organization, Sharing Hope Foundation, helps and we partner with other agencies in the county to help prevent things like this from happening. We have an upcoming event to help bring attention to the great need our county has in just helping to provide shelter and food (basic necessities) to our neighbors in need. (check out our website: for details). There are shelters in town and they are always full because of the great need. I run a program called One Church One Home that provides transitional housing for the homeless by partnering churches, business and individuals to help support the home. With more funding, we can expand services to get every single person out of the woods and in shelter – but we need help. Anyone out there that would like to help and/or financially contribute, please e-mail me at….every little bit helps – together we can eradicate homelessness in our community.
There are homeless shelters around this state however one must be drug and alcohol free. The homeless rather spend their government checks on alcohol and drugs rather than a apartment, hotel room, etc.
Wow Jason you really should educate yourself before making comments like this. Yes you must be drug free when entering a shelter in Harford County but if the shelter is full, which it is every night in the winter, you must either have children or a written letter from a doctor to get into a motel for the night through the shelter. So this means that you could be completely drug and alcohol free and still have to sleep in a tent in the woods. Anne Marie is correct in stating that the only thing that will stop the homelessness is more funding and awareness for programs that can help people to learn to become more financially independent.
Thank you Heidi….and yes, the shelters are busting at the seams during the winter AND all year long there is a wait list. That’s why we have created the One Church One Home program – to help expand the shelter’s programs to be able to help more and more folks with the necessary case management that is needed to help people go from homeless and hopeless to self-sufficiency.
Yes, Jason, all of the shelters in our community require folks to be drug and alcohol free. And some homeless have addiction issues (like folks who are not homeless) and there is help for them too – to get clean and help getting their life back, if they choose to take it. We cannot force anyone to take our help. But right now, there is a long list of folks, many with children, that really want the help and are willing to do whatever it takes to get on their feet again, but there is no way to help them without the funding.
is this a fact that they were homeless? or is this an assumption?
Yes; it was reported to me that they were indeed homeless. They were sleeping in a tent, homeless, trying to keep warm with some type of heater, and died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Very sad.
Who reported it to you that they were homeless and died of carbon monoxide? I’ve looked in the media and haven’t read anything about that so I’m curious to know why you would be privy to this information and not others.
It was disclosed by a family friend of the deceased. Although I run a local outreach to the homeless, I was not privy to any information that was not confidential.
I’m sorry – I clicked “send” before proofing…I meant to put that I am not privy to any confidential information. (Geeze, I can’t even type tonight.)
Ok. Was just curious as the other articles state that the deaths are still under investigation.
Wow everyone go ahead and attack Jason. I’m sure none of you were complaining about the recently relocated “tent city” that was growing daily next to the train tracks on Rogers St. And I bet all of you donate to the homeless shelter with either your time or your money, right??
I hate to break it you but Jason is 100% right. Most of the homeless in Aberdeen can be witnessed in line at 8am outside of Short Stop Beverage Barn, and I can guarantee it isn’t for a job application. And lets not forget the ones that were running a rather large prostitution business from inside tent city. I’m sure they were victims of a poor government that just didn’t have the funding to help them. While I agree that the people were probably just trying to stay warm, I also bet you my years salary that there were cigarettes and alcohol present inside the tent. No money for a hotel, but they had enough for the true necessities. Everyone is a victim, no one is ever held responsible for their own circumstances these days.
I could not agree with you more! In all honesty, you hit the nail on the head. Good job.
On another note, I feel as if the homeless are absolute sacks of shit and do not deserve to even sleep in tents, nor shelters. They should all be shot on sight. That would solve every problem.
You’re more disgusting than they are!!!! Given the choice to change their circumstances, most of them certainly would! 99% of them know how they got themselves into the situation that they’re in, but getting back out is much easier said than done. If they should “be shot on sight” for being homeless, I can only imagine the things YOU should be “shot on sight for”!! You’re far from being perfect, just like everybody else!!
… I’m just sayin’
Everyone has their own issues, Incredible. I hope that someone is as compassionate as you are when you need help with yours.
I am CERTAINLY not saying that these folks did not have their own issues … but, don’t we all. Even those of us that have homes, families, vehicles and food have issues of some sort. They most definitely did NOT make the best decisions and choices in life, I know that for sure. I knew Tameka … I did not know Will. The saddest part of this whole story is that, between the two of them, they left behind 8 children who will now grow up struggling with the loss of a parent at such a young age and never being able to know them. Tameka had 5 children and Will had 3 … his oldest daughter’s birthday was yesterday.
While it is, most definitely, true that they had very serious drug and alcohol problems … which I will not bite my tongue about not feeling sorry about a single bit, and yes, they did indeed get themselves into the situation of being homeless of their own accord … it does not take the sheer sadness and non-necessity from the circumstances and outcome.
No matter how it breaks down, it’s so sad.
If there can be an upside to this it would be that perhaps one or more of those eight children may now have a real chance in life. The children certainly had no chance with the two people you describe.
Yes BPB – you are right on a lot of counts. As I have mentioned before, we cannot help everyone and especially if they do not want help and otherwise use the resources they have on non-essentials. (There are a lot of folks right now that are not homeless that do that, as well, and their “misappropriation” of their resources will probably lead them down a dark and lonely road.) There are some folks that you just cannot help because they don’t want to help themselves for whatever reason, including those with a “victim” or “entitlement” mentality. Those folks are not the ones I am usually able to help. I have a program that can help ONLY if you want to help yourself – we offer case management that holds you accountable – and a support team that will help you until you can fly on your own again. (And if you do not agree with the program guidelines and at any time do not work your plan, then you are asked too leave….there are too many folks that do need our help and appreciate it.) The folks you are describing above (sometimes) are well beyond our reach in a program like mine. I would like to catch them before they get to this point. It’s like the “Starfish Theory”.
And regardless of any of this…everyone in our community should have a warm, dry place to stay (shelter) for simple humanitarian reasons. I have been working with other agencies to come up with a plan for an emergency wet shelter, but sadly, that has yet to come together.
Heidi, I am well educated, thank you. In fact, well educated by the homeless that choose not to help themselves but choose to purchase alcohol or drugs before taking their government checks to pay rent for an apartment or motel room. Fact, many of these homeless have once been in a shelter, or given many opportunities to get help however chosen the path they walk.
@BPB and @Jason Neidig
Hit the nail on the head! I know addiction is a problem, it’s a problem that’s going nowhere fast. It’s also a lifestyle choice and in itself is not a disease. The effects of addiction are similar to that of diseases, I will not argue that but, the choice to polish off a pint of Bartons vodka at 0830 instead of using that money to get a bite to eat is a choice. See when people attempt to remain sober, they often make better choices. I’ve watched the homeless situation in aberdeen for years. I’ve seen people get help and get better, hell through my careers throughout life I’ve helped many people in need, sometimes with money out of my pocket. I’ve also seen people live this homeless lifestyle because it’s easier to do that than take responsibility for their own actions. A lot of the people who are viewed as homeless in the town have families, families that at one point tried to help them. Most of them went on and stole from their family members and lost that support. There are homeless shelters, church support groups and other means to gain help in this county and state, all of which are abused and make it almost impossible for the funds to be allotted for people who truly want, need and deserve the help. Being destitute isn’t always a choice, it’s the negative choices taken once someone becomes destitute which leads to these problems. Dying in a tent in the woods with nothing is a god awful tragedy and I could not begin to imagine how they or there families felt but, there are avenues for help. Im often confused at how average people view the world. Not everyone is a victim in this world. People need to learn to take responsibility for there decisions and actions. A fact that the public needs to come to terms with is a lot of people we view as homeless, destitute, severe low income, bums or whatever term you want to use… They don’t all want help because it’s easier to be a leach on the system, take no responsibility for their actions and place blame on someone else rather than straighten up and be a productive member of society….
Yeah the line gets long at 0800 at the short stop. The constant “hey I’m short, can I have it anyway” in reference to a purchase of a bottle of rot gut is far pass being old. Theft has gotten old. The faces may change from time to time but the culture is all the same. Most people have never spent any length of time dealing with this level of society and until you do, reserve judgement because real life is a hell of a lot different than you think it is. Im not preaching, I’ve known more loss under these circumstances than many will know. It tastes like shit, and it’s hard to sleep at night seeing the things I’ve seen. The absolute worse thing a person could do is continue to make excuses for drug and alcohol abuse within this lifestyle because it just helps to perpetuate it. I knew these two people as acquaintances and never talking to them again hurts. It always hurts and I’m sorry it ended like this. Real life isn’t what people think it is…
@ Mad at Everything….You hit some very true (and sad) points…and most folks in our community have no idea about the “real life” that it seems both you and I have witnessed in reaching people in need…You can’t make people make good choices for themselves – and the whole mentality of “entitlement”, “lack of responsibility” are enough to drive me bonkers. No one is entitled to anything in this life – we are all to work for what we have and at least try to make good choices for ourselves and pray that it all works out in the end with all the ebb and flow of life. That being said, there is nothing wrong with a temporary system in place to help folks who have made a few bad choices to get themselves back on their feet if they work at it. But again, the key word is work….stepping up to the plate, being thankful for the opportunity someone has given to them for help up and making it work for themselves…taking responsibility. Somehow this has all been lost beginning with my generation (I am 47), as I see plenty of folks my age without this mentality and it’s only getting worse as kids are being raised in a lifestyle of expecting handouts and lack of responsibility. Yup…real life is not what people think it is…
I read this thread to see if someone would give the names of the people who died. I was so upset to see my friend and sister in Christ, Tameka, was named. I met Tameka in the overnight shelter last year on one of my service nights. That night, several of us were watching a movie in the women’s dorm after dinner. One of the other women was upset about an issue she was having with her daughter. Tameka gave her some very wise advise and talked about how much she loved and missed her own children. Over the year, I saw her at the Sharing Table, the Free Market and just last month at the Aberdeen laundromat. We chatted a few minutes and asked each other about our holidays, our children, her progress and our mutual friends. She was my neighbor, my friend. Please, let us mourn our loss without the ugly, judgmental comments about someone we loved.
I knew a Will; I hope that wasn’t him who perished. I feel bad about the deaths.
Harford county doesn’t help you when you need shelter! I was pregnant and Joann Cushing offered no help! She was a rude lady who treated and made me feel like I was the scum of the earth! I’ve never done drugs, or drank alcohol without it being a social evnviroment. Meaning I passed the drug screen that I had to let a lady watch me preform! Its just so sad and we need more compassionate people, and organizations that will help! I thank God for Alpha Glory who helped me find a way! I was young and had my child, not wanting to abide by my parents rules. So for these other adults who have no other choice but to live outside my heart goes out to you. And for someone who wants to shake their head at me, I do have my child, I work full time, and I haven’t received any assistance from the state! Its just a problem that’s gotten way out of control, and harford county needs to look into it. We as the people need to take action. And I’m just saying that as a woman who has been on and seen the other side. God bless you. All and the families of the victims
Anyone at any given time can become homeless. Drugs or not. A fire can ruin a life so quickly, loss of a job. Nothing is for sure. They don’t need to be “shot on site” because they are ruining your view. What a horrid thing to say. “there before the grace of God go anyone of us.” Just sad to watch human life go to waste and said to hear such hatred from a small few.
Abdm2012 that was the point I was also trying to make, it can happen to anyone! At anytime! And I thank God for the people who helped me in my time of need, me and my parents worked it out yes, but still having to go thru what I did with talking to that lady Joann in Belair, smh. Only God knows the way she made me feel. If you don’t have the heart, and your just doing it for the paycheck, don’t do it! How can u sleep at night?
I, also, had the “pleasure” of speaking to Joann Cushing a time or two in my life … when I was pregnant with my daughter, who is now 16, and my boys were very young (they’re 18 and 21 now), my daughter’s father lost his full time job and we eventually became homeless. Ms. Cushing did nothing but make us feel like the scum of the earth, though I have ALWAYS known I am WAY better than that!! We had hit a rough time in our lives and just needed a helping hand to get back up – she offered nothing but criticism, without even knowing our story.
@Shocked (not at all) … I know EXACTLY how you felt, and probably still do when you think about the day you had to encounter Ms. Cushing!! I would LOVE to have her job!! I can read people very well! It is not too hard to look deep enough into someone’s eyes, and read deep enough between their words, to know which ones are really just going through a hard time and who is looking for yet another hand out because that id their way of life! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESSFUL LIFE!!!! I, too, came back up from the bottom and, though we barely scrape by most of the time, my husband and I have a nice, comfortable home, the kids are all but grown now and things are okay. This economy is a frightening thing because every day more and more people become unemployed and homeless … but, it sure is a long way today from the bottom of the valley we had to walk through to get to Ms. Cushing’s door!! Rest peacefully, Tameka and Will … hopefully your early passings will bring people to understand the life choices they make!!
My bible says; Do it for the least of them and you do it for Him. I dont recall any disclaimers such as but not for those sick with addictions. The Salvation Army loved you, Tameka. Rest in peace.
Shelley Defries
I honestly believe Joann Cushing needs to be put out the position she holds! I believe she’s the main problem up there in Bel Air. I’m going to start a petition, and honestly try to get honest feedback from the public that have had encounters with her! Maybe it would change their outlook on who they place in charge!
I met Tameka on several occasions, usually with a different guy each time, and always pills involved.