From Del. Mary-Dulany James:
Dear Friends,
While the second week of this year’s legislative session is over, the hard work is just beginning! The House is considering many provisions designed to help grow Maryland’s economy and put people back to work.
This last week, Governor O’Malley presented his budget for fiscal year 2013. Below are some excerpts from the proposed budget:
– Job Creation: A proposed capital budget of $3.6 billion designed to help support job creation through infrastructure and construction spending, putting 37,000 people to work. Through this budget, a further $1.4 billion in local government and private sector spending will be leveraged to support 15,000 jobs. These numbers are not final, as the House and Senate still need to approve the budget.
– Fiscal Responsibility: A reduction of government spending by $800 million in FY2013, the budget aims to keep Maryland’s Triple A bond rating, one of only nine states in the nation to be certified this rating by all three rating agencies.
– Investment in Education: An allocation of $373 million will be made to build and renovate schools all across the state. Also, a contentious plan to require local governments to pay 50 percent of the combined costs of social security and teacher’s retirement contributions is also included, and will no doubt be thoroughly debated.
The Governor’s proposed budget is neither a final nor a perfect product- it is merely a starting point, in what will surely be a long process. There is plenty in there that I have reservations about, but in the end, I hope to protect those programs that matter the most to you. Please let my office know if there is anything in the budget that you have a particular interest in.
Also of note: an organization called the Maryland Business for Responsive Government has honored me for having a pro-jobs voting record for 2011. I am very grateful for their honor, and will continue to support job growth and a flourishing Maryland economy in the future. For more information on the Maryland Business for Responsive Government, go to
I’d once again like to thank you for allowing me to serve as your delegate in Annapolis. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can find contact information for me on my website:
Very Truly Yours,
Mary-Dulany James
Ironic considering another Dagger article – STATE CUTS $3.5 million to Harford County Schools.
Moronic – raising the gas tax and possibly the sales tax saying 37,000 jobs will be created. For who – probably union contractors who get out and wave O’Malley signs.
Insane – electing the same politicians year after year after year.