From the office of Del. Kathy Szeliga:
Wednesday, a group of Freshman Republican House members released the findings of a recent Gonzales poll showing that statewide a clear majority, 63%, of both Republicans and Democrats say they pay too much in taxes. An astonishing 96% of Marylanders believe they pay too much or the right amount of taxes – with only 4% feeling they pay too little in taxes.
In a press conference with other GOP freshman today, Delegate Kathy Szeliga (Baltimore and Harford Counties) commented, “After a year in Annapolis we realize that this place is run by tax-aholics. We freshman are here to offer a 12 step recovery plan to our colleagues, giving strength to the weak. We commissioned a Gonzales poll which shows an overwhelming majority of Marylanders are opposed to new taxes.” Szeliga continued, “Families are struggling today and they sent us here with one message – we cannot afford to pay more taxes and fees.” This poll was released as the leadership in Annapolis is pushing a hike in the gas tax with a bill expected any day.
Delegate Michael Hough (Frederick and Washington Counties) said, “These results clearly show that Marylanders are already overburdened by the constant tax increases from the leadership in Annapolis. For far too long, the answer to every problem in Maryland has been for politicians in Annapolis to dig deeper into the already stretched thin family wallets.” Many in attendance at the State House wore pins saying, “We are the 96%,” representing the number of Marylanders who already pay enough taxes.
Delegate Neil Parrott (Washington County), talked about one of the new taxes being proposed, “The App Tax – there is a new 6% tax proposed on I-tunes, songs and Apps for your cell phones. I wonder if they will have to come out with an app for that tax!” Delegate Steve Hershey, who represents the Eastern Shore, pointed out that the shore residents have already been hit hard by the massive toll increases on the Bay Bridge and the proposed gas tax would break the backs of Eastern Shore families and businesses.
The 15 House GOP Freshman have solidly unified behind this message. “Our fragile economy simply cannot recover under a tax and spend policy. We will not enable the tax-aholics in the House of Delegates to continue down this road. The people of Maryland have spoken – Just say no to new taxes.”
Fighting the good fight for you in Annapolis!
Thanks for your support and prayers,
Delegate Kathy Szeliga
Politicians are definitely not part any 99% or 96%. I would start cutting the political fat in Washington DC and move quickly to Annapolis. As one might say, we should “cull” the political herd. I suggest we make career politicians an endangered species. I refer to Democrats and Republicans with equal enthusiasm.
Delegate Szeliga was kind enough to email me a copy of the Gonzalez poll in detail. While the pollsters did collect information about political parties, gender and where they live in the state of Maryland, the poll failed to collect information about the income bracket of the various respondents. I would be curious about the income bracket of the 4% who responded that they do not pay enough in taxes. If the respondents who say they pay enough in taxes or pay too much are among the lower income bracket and the 4% who say they don’t pay enough in taxes are among the wealthiest of the respondents, then the solution would be to have a more progressive tax rate, similar to the one this country had in place before the George W. Bush tax cuts. The “We Are the 96%” movement is based on an incomplete poll.
Tom Myers
President, Young Democrats of Harford County
Tom – I find it rather amusing that you would seemingly assume that the 4% who feel that they don’t pay enough in taxes would be upper-income earners. Amusing, but not surprising. Did the though ever cross your mind that at least some of that 4% might be enlightened lower to middle income earners? Folks that get a full refund of their taxes come April, and feel that maybe they are being given one too many exemptions?
Equally amusing, almost predictable, is your obvious solution of a MORE progressive tax code. Was that your own idea, or one passed down from above? Perhaps you were unaware, but income tax is hardly the only tax we pay. Tobacco tax, excessive liquor tax, fuel tax, flush tax, fees for this and fees for that, the list goes on and on. Perhpaps one day you’ll free yourself from being a bull-horn for your party and think for yourself. Or maybe you can just repeat the ‘Blame Bush’ meme until you’re on your death bed.
In all fairness, though, this poll is silly in its concept. I don’t need a poll to tell me that the vast majority of taxpayers don’t want to pay more taxes.
When did I say the 4% were the wealthiest? I was asking about the income bracket of the respondents because that question was not asked in the poll and therefore remain a mystery, to both you and me.
The reason why a lot of progressives such as myself are doing what you call “Blame Bush” is because the Republicans (including those running for President) want to continue the economic policies of the Bush administration that caused the recession that Mitch McConnell and John Boehner hope will continue until the election because they think that will help them take back the White House (which won’t happen).
Tom Myers
President, Young Democrats of Harford County
Mr. Myers must be an independantly wealth Statist. If you want to pay more go right ahead. The majority of us have bills to pay and here comes O’Malley dipping into our pocket again.
The bottom line is that O’Malley can not manage a budget and the spending goes up another 1.2 Billion.
I guess you didn’t notice that everyone is talking about Maryland. We can’t control what the White House does but we sure can here at home.
Mr. Myers and all of the other liberals are blind sheep being led to pasture by socialists… If O’Malley and Obama have their ways our pay checks will first go to the government and then they will give us what they think we need. It’s amazing how the rest of us all have to tighten our belts but the liberals in power just spend more and more. I can not even begin to rationalize how anyone supports a Governor that has broken the state budget and the middle class and a president who has done 1 thing in 4 years (and a half ass never funded health care plan at that)
It doesn’t matter though because the poor and uneducated make up more than 1/2 of our population so we will be led to slaughter because of their uninformed misguided decisions.
Mr. Myers,
Are you offering a hypothetical solution to an unknown problem with a poll? That seems mighty silly.
As someone said – no poll needed. I probably pay enough. Do the wealthy need to pay more? Well, that smacks of idiocy. If their overall dollar amount is more than mine – I’d say they do pay enough.
The problem, kind sir, is that this governor has not really made any real cut in the budget – ever. The truth is he keeps raising taxes to cover his ability to spend a dime when all he has is a nickel.
By spouting off party line dribble, you serve your masters well, but to the rest of us that have voter cards that read INDEPENDENT you sound like another song from the lunatic left.
If your governor Owe’Malley had any sense of decency he’d resign for failing to manage the public’s money in a fashion that does not require him year after year to keep coming back to raising taxes. Why is he and the other Democratic leaders of this state so bad at their jobs? What is your excuse for this truth?
You are 100% correct.
Hello everyone, This poll is right on the money. The citizens of Maryland are taxed to the max and they do not want or need any more taxing. As many of you know, there are alot of us who just do not have anything else to give. As your delegate , i will vote against these taxes.
Thanks, Del.Glen Glass 443-360-8607
Apparently, grammar and spelling aren’t a prerequisite for representing constituents in Annapolis. I think about these thing “a lot.”
Proof Conservatives Suck At Math!!!
FYI – The KKKlan for Liberty, to which Del Szeliga apparently pledges her allegiance within this article, is getting special moderation privileges now for their posts. Notice how the invite for a presentation by their guest speaker from the land of the 3rd Reich doesn’t have any comments on the page. Try and post one. Everything about this group is targeted at suppressing the voice of the people while suckling at the teat of wall street lobbying money. Disgusting.