From Steven Bodway:
“The Perfect fit for the Job”
Making people feel good for what they do every day is a driving force behind leadership. At 45 South Main Street your Sheriff continues to be driven by his own narcissistic behavior without consideration of what is best for Harford County’s citizens.
Recently, yet another poor decision has been made once again by Sheriff Bane to fill a leadership position at the CAC (Child Advocacy Center.) The Center provides services of care for victims of child abuse, which is a crucial entity within our law enforcement community. In order to complete the selection process of who is best to lead the center, a promotion system of competition through testing and interviewing was recently conducted.
The best candidate for the Lieutenant’s position was selected by outside board members comprised of allied police agencies that are invited in to conduct interviews of candidates in an unbiased manner. This process has been long-standing and is a preferred method because it is designed to prevent injustices.
Traditionally, the Sheriff will respect the selection process and uphold a sense of fairness by abiding by the end result and promote the top cop for promotion and position. Any of the three candidates on the Lieutenant’s list would serve well in any other position in the agency. The issue here is that the CAC is a unique assignment that requires a unique skill set.
With no regard to recommendations of his staff members and dismissal of the board recommendations, the Sheriff has decided on the third most qualified candidate to coordinate the Child Advocacy Center.
It must be mentioned that the deputy recommended as the best candidate has a Masters Degree from Johns Hopkins University, 9 years experience working at the CAC, is nationally recognized as an expert in the field and is the top trainer for new CAC operations opening across the country. We must also recall the Aegis article (4/21/10) when Sheriff Bane stated that this deputy is “the perfect fit for the job.
Everyone knows the reason for this politically driven choice but for now, Sheriff Bane will have his way. It seems that all of his decisions are based on what is best for him instead of what is best for the citizens of Harford County.
Unfortunately, this particular decision fails miserably because it deals with sensitive issues that take care of our most vulnerable children.
A leader who makes a decision to throw out the final results simply due to political obsession should truthfully explain why he did what he did. Not just to the citizens that he has sworn to provide the maximum service to but to those who worked hard all their life to achieve the distinction of being the best of the best.
People don’t feel good about this decision because it was done for the wrong reason. The simple truth is that this was done for political vindictiveness and will be remembered long into the future.
Steven E. Bodway
Major (Retired)
Harford County Sheriff’s Office
CW says
Thank you so much for saying something about this sheriff. I know of quite a few things that Bane has done to deputies because he feels like it. He does not want to be challenged and he belittles any individual that may question his motives. He does not have the credentials for his position since he was pushed along by the good ol’ boys. It’s sad that the men and women that serve and protect this community have no one to serve and protect them.
Retiredawhile says
Some things never change with Sheriff Bane. As Sheriff, he has the authority to promote whomever he wants. What I find disturbing are his claims of fairness and the impression he gives the public that he is an upfront person. He has proven time and again that he believes he is Sovereign.
Why have a written policy for promotional process, require Deputies to apply and compete through the process, then select someone for promotion and assignment who did not demonstrate in the process that they were the best qualified. If Jesse wants to promote someone, why not just do it? Quit trying to give the impression that your process is fair and equitable.
Jesse has always been big on written rules and procedures. He just never believed they applied to him.
Retired from HCSO says
The problem is the Sheriff cannot comprehend the policies that are in effect at HCSO. He does what he wants and the end result is a “run of the mill operation” under his command. The men, women and citizens deserve better leadership. While I was working at HCSO I witnessed the Sheriff’s inability to make logical secisions because his political and personalinsecurity clouded his judgement. He is the Captain of the Titanic steering it toward an iceberg because he thinks it will move…
Sounds like sour grapes to me. Your complaints sound as if they are “…simply due to political obsession….” There is a reason we elected Sheriff Bane by huge majorities; we trust him.
Marc Eaton says
Proud to be a liberal? Say no more.
Well Marc are you proud to be a reactionary?
Marc Eaton says
First there was no huge margin. Use your real name like me. I worked for Bane, I know how he operates and people talk to me.
Marc Eaton says
Proud to be a Liberal, how is law school coming? I bet the ACLU can not wait to get you on board.
Retired from HCSO says
You apparently have no clue what kind of leader Bane really is. The amount of money that he has squandered would make Obama look good. The maoney he has wasted came from your taxes. Bane does not care. The County just keeps writing him checks. No one holds him accountable. That is because he controls the press (Aegis)and his PIO’s only job is to make him look good. Open your eyes, not your wallet.
Marc Eaton says
If her job is to make him look good then she should not lie when people call in and ask her questions. Wait a minute that is right, under Bane it is okay to lie. Silly me.
none says
Wow is it campaign season already? Just think two more years of whinning before the next election.
CW says
This has not one thing to do with politics. His character is what is in question. He is a good public speaker that says what the public wants to hear but behind closed doors, he uses his position to get what he wants. He is condescending and challenges/threatens any officer that questions his actions. A slight majority voted for him and he barely squeaked by in the last election. Hopefully the next sheriff will support the entire agency, not just his buddies.
David A. Porter says
In a predominantly Republican County… Say that out loud please because as a moderate living among some of the more hateful among you even I can see this was a substantial victory, regardless of how small the majority that voted for him might have been.
FactCheck says
Sorry Davey Boy. Harford County was majority Democrats until just before the last election. Republicans had just taken the lead in the county by roughly 300 voters on election day. Obviously, no massive majority then and a lack of facts from you.
the coach says
Maj Bodway: We only have your word that the Sheriff dismissed the Board recommendations and those of his Staff. We also have only your word that the best candidate for the Lieutenant’s position was passed over for a lesser qualified candidate. What I find interesting is that the only word of this “outrage” is coming from a retired member of the force and not the rank and file members of the HCSO. If 3 qualified deputies applied for, competed, tested and ultimately made the standing promotion list, I am confident that the most qualified was selected for this position; otherwise we would have been inundated with news of Union complaints.
Marc Eaton says
Do you really think any of them would speak out against Bane? Only people who have retired and have their pensions can speak out against him.
Marc Eaton says
Coach, take his word to the Bank it is true. In a few months or so you will get your verification. Be patient, the Indians are getting tired of the Chief. You can only screw with people so long and it bites you.
M Hagy says
Union Complaints? You mean the Deputy Sheriffs’ Union? Bane controls that too. Ask Tim Impallaria about the recent election. Yes, the same Tim Impallaria who has been skipped over for years for promotion by Bane because Bane doesn’t like him. God help you if you are on his crap list because he will wreak havoc on your life and career and then find someone else to chip away at.
Stop Whining says
Im not a Bane fan. However, all this whining sounds like any other typical job. The BOSS not liking you its not fair blah blah blah.
M Hagy says
Whining: I am very happy that you are so secure in your job that you can make light of the plight of others not so fortunate. We are talking about Bane ruining people’s lives and careers JUST BECAUSE HE CAN. This is not petty bullcrap–this is the #1 law enforcement official in Harford County condoning criminal activity by his own people– not just the video and Forwood, oh, there is so much more– while at the same time ruining the careers of those who have the audacity to speak out against what is wrong. If you tell the truth and defy the Mighty Oz, you have a target on your back for your entire career and it’s only a matter of time before you are hit with his arrow.
Retiredawhile says
You say that Bane controls the Deputies Union. Why do the Deputies keep electing someone as their President who is more interested in advancing his/her own career, rather than the interest of the union membership? That’s how Bane controls the union. He co-opts your leadership!
RandomPoster1 says
He was re-elected as the lesser of two evils this past election.
Mike Welsh says
Are you talking about Bane, or the person who was recently elected your union President?
No Names Please says
This is the first term the newly elected Union President, which BTW won only by 8 votes. Doesn’t sound like Bane control as much as some thinks he does.
Mike Welsh says
Time to find out what your new President is made of. The Union members should have a meeting and discuss just what kind of promotion system you really want to have in the HCSO. Should it be a system that provides a fair and equitable process for advancement, or one that is controlled by the political whims and personal vendettas of the Sheriff.
I want to be clear that I do not believe the Union should run the day to day functions of the HCSO. In no way am I suggesting that the Sheriff does not have the right to decide who gets promoted. But when you as Deputies see things occurring that you know in your heart are just wrong, then it is time to speak out. As a Union you have the ability to collectively make these wrongs public, and in my humble opinion, you need to do so. The citizens and other elected officials of Harford County will listen to you.
RandomPoster1 says
Plenty of them complain, but it does no good. Or it’s done within the family. Remember, there is the clause “for the good of the agency” which is the catch-all that someone can be transferred under. Some people can’t afford to loose a particular position.
Marc Eaton says
Coach, have you been reading the posts? Do you still believe this is not true? Do you now believe how vindictive and mean Bane is?
Patriot says
@ Marc
If the readers have read your comments, the only ones that look vindictive is you and your retired buddies. You have tried to mislead the citizens of Harford County by discrediting our elected Sheriff Bane.
just sayin' says
Delve into the Dagger archives and read some of the comments about our elected Sheriff from 2010. Marc Eaton’s name is nowhere in sight, yet the complaints are the same. No one is discrediting our elected Sheriff. He has no problems doing that on his own.
Marc Eaton says
@ Patriot…still to much of a coward to use your real name. Does you name come from a foot ball team by chance? Why doesn’t your elected Sheriff try to refute mine or any other persons comments on here? After reading Banes response to the video I think it is Bane who is trying to mislead the citizens of Harford County. Bane discredits himself with that response. He is basically saying he picks and chooses who will have to follow the rules. Very good try at misdirection. Take the focus off of the problem and put it on me. I have not even posted half of the things I have been told. If I am misleading why is my email box always so full of the “Real Stories of the Sheriff’s Patrol”? Holding some back. Use your real name all of you and stop hiding behind fake names. If you feel so strongly about Bane then have the guts to put yourself out there.
John Wayne says
Seriously, MR. Bodway, you have no right to criticize the pick for the CAC Lieutenant. I notice you didn’t post the qualifications of the guy who did get it and what he’s accomplished in his tenure here at HCSO.
The “board” that you speak of only recommends who’s qualified to be LT not who fills certain positions. The truth is that every appointment and promotion is political and that’s the way government works. All of us deputies know that once we take on anymore stripes, everything is fair game.
I find it in ill-taste to write a letter because one of your friends didn’t get a position that he really wanted. Talk about a good “old boy system!”
Retiredawhile says
Thanks for sharing and confirming how promotions really occur in the Sheriff’s Office. That was exactly my point in a previous post. I have never questioned a Sheriff’s right to promote whomever they want. My concern is, why have a written policy and procedure that provides a fair and equitable competition for advancement, only to have the Sheriff promote who he wants for political reasons! Why paint a picture that you are a fair and equitable leader when, as you state, promotion, position assignment etc., will be made for political reasons.
Just get rid of the written policy, tell your employees that promotion and assignment is not about merit, and be done with it.
Oh, one more thing, you will still have to read Serpico!
Stop Whining says
People only complain about political appointments and favors when they dont get what they want. As soon as one of your friends, family or co-workers get a little play power you will be singing a different tune.
voter says
Where are the friends of Gahler? We need them to comment on what Reitred Bodway said. The position was for Lt….not CAC. The person selected was a good choice. He has risen through the ranks and deserves to have a chance. The people on that list know the sheriff can pick from the top three. Love when people, who are outside the agency, like to play quarterback. The CAC is an important department in Harford County. It deals with CHILDREN. So stop the name calling and move on. THE CHILDREN ARE THE ONES WHO ARE THE FOCUS OF THE CAC….NOT WHO GETS PROMOTED AND MOVED INTO THAT SLOT. I have been the victim of child abuse and I find it disgusting that people can make it seem that the CAC is getting a second rate Lt. GROW UP. How many want to have a child abused and then say…only if we had the right person.
Mike Welsh says
There is no need to shout. The very reason for these comments is because the people who know, know that the best qualified man was intentionally passed over for promotion. If you are a member of the HCSO, please tell us why you believe the man selected for promotion was a better selection than Sgt Betz, who by the way finished first on the current Lieutenants promotion list.
I agree that the man selected for promotion is qualified to be a Lieutenant. That is not the contention in this conversation. This is about Sheriff Bane playing King. This is about a person showing how small he can be over politics. This has happened before, and it is time for it to stop.
HCSO union members should call a meeting and discuss this. Remember, this could be you the next time. Don’t you think its time to cease this kind of behavior?
Voter says
Mike Welsh says
Yes the Sheriff had his reasons for picking the man he did. That’s what the conversation is all about. His reasons for passing over a man who is uniquely qualified for the leadership position at CAC, and who was also number one on the promotion list.
I asked if you knew those reasons. Apparently you do not, since all you did was shout back that the Sheriff had his reasons. Well, Duh… we already knew that!
David A. Porter says
This is little more than speculation by people who must have an axe to grind. While we may not be in the know because we have not operated within the confines of HCSO, the manner in which you criticize without specific description of defects in the person selected (other than third place) suggest a partiality that is only confirmed by your continued argument in this forum.
Mike Welsh says
David Porter,
This conversation is not about any defects in the man promoted. It is about the outstanding qualifications of the man who placed first in the promotion process and was passed over for promotion by the Sheriff. If you have knowledge of why the outstanding man was passed over, please let us know what those reasons were?
Stop Whining says
Glad your not the boss.
Marc Eaton says
Voter, the Lt position was for the CAC, number one on the list ran the CAC for years and went around the country helping other agencies start theres. Now, would it not make sense to give the number one guy that job who has the experience? Or give to someone who has to learn the job. I know who got this and he is a good guy but common sense here okay. It is politics with Bane. He is a spiteful little man.
Retired from HCSO says
Yes he is and I point out the Sheriff wouldn’t be Sheriff if people really knew how he misrepresented his qualifications during the last election.
Stop Whining says
Grown men name calling?
Patriot says
I agree with John Wayne, thanks for your comment. I think the change in the CAC will benefit the unit, its a long overdue change. These good ole boys with their same old thoughts of keeping the same person in a unit forever is why most of them never had a clue of how a real unit operates. Change in the HCSO is good practice, it cross trains the deputies to handle all emergencies.
OnPoint says
I think you are 100% right in your statement that the HCSO needs change. Time for Jesse to change to retirement.
Marc Eaton says
You have shown you have no common sense. The number one guy on the list ran that unit so you skip him and go to the third guy who has no experience in the CAC. Change is good and cross training is good. Seems like a waste of an asset to me. You have no clue my friend.
Patriot says
@ Marc
I do have a clue, you most certainly don’t. You’ve been retired for 10 yrs.,and all at once you want to act as if you know the daily operations @ HCSO. Get a life…
just sayin' says
Thank goodness Retired Deputy Eaton is devoting his time to speak up for those who can’t. He could be relaxing and enjoying his retirement instead of helping out his brothers and sisters in blue in their time of need. So Marc, please don’t “get a life” right away, we need you and thank you so much for your efforts on our behalf.
Marc Eaton says
Mr. Wayne. Do some research at the Aegis newspaper. Sheriff Bane praised one of his own back in 2010 who was running it then, you may find your answer there. Why would you promote someone with no experience to the CAC when someone higher on the list has done the job and done it well. This is a very important position and experience is needed, not on the job training. Bane’s kingdom is falling around him.
Marc Eaton says
Dear John Wayne, if you work at the Sheriff’s Office and are so happy with Bane. Why do you use a fake name?
Common Cent$ says
“Yet another Sheriff wanna-be whining about Jesse Bane” How sad 🙁
GoFigure says
I very much doubt that you are a member of the HCSO or any other law enforcement organization. If so, you would no that the norm for a promtion at this level rests with the established, fair and unbiased system that includes impartial police officers from outside the HCSO. Since the outcome of this assessment process (that did cost taxpayer dollars to even have), did not fit Jesse’s political desire, a true law enforcement professional who has committed his life to the citizens of Harford County is made to suffer.
Thank you Major Bodway for bringing this embarrassing action into the public eye.
Do What's Right says
Unfortunately it seems that politics had more to do with this decision than what is best for those most vulnerable victims of all, children of abuse. When all the facts come out I believe everyone will see that this was not only unfair and unlawful employment practice but even more importantly, a complete disregard for what is best for the victims of child abuse in our county. They deserve better than this.
David A. Porter says
Oh my gosh… it’s like watching the Simpsons “WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?!” And in case you can’t tell, that would Reverend Lovejoy’s Wife… she is depicted as a reactionary gossip.
parent says
@Poerter..What is the mission of the CAC….CHILDREN…..Let something happen to your children and you would go ballistic. IT IS ABOUT THE CHILDREN…..
Marc Eaton says
Bane does not base his decisions on what is best for the Department. He makes them on how to get even. He is a mean little man.
Patriot says
The CAC has qualified counselors/social workers that are there for the children. The person overseeing this dept from the HSCO isn’t the counselor/social worker. Know how this dept. is ran, CAC will continue to serve Harford County with its best in place.
just sayin' says
Bane, you are posting your own comments again. Your grammar is atrocious and you don’t even know the correct acronym for your own agency. The only interests you have are your own so don’t even play this game, we are not that stupid.
FactChecker says
3% of the vote is not a huge majority, it is the difference of being first on the ballot. He did so poorly because like you, he has a problem with the FACTS. His placement on the ballot won’t be enough to save him next time.
Verdadero says
Major Bodway only speaks the truth about how the Sheriff’s Office operates. The agency members are controlled by a man that uses fear and retaliation to anyone who dares to have a different view than his. The office does have a process for promotion that is SUPPOSED to be fair in selecting the most qualified person. The Sheriff would not understand the work it takes to compete in the Promotional Process, since he has never in his career competed for promotion. The Lieutenant’s promotion in which the most qualified candidate was overlooked is Bane at his best. Simply put, it is a personal attack against two people who the Sheriff felt weren’t supportive of him in the last election. The first one who was skipped is an absolute expert in the field of Child Sexual Assault. Just read the article from April 2010 in the Aegis, because that is what the Sheriff himself says in the article. The second candidate will never be promoted by the Sheriff because his brother, a State Delegate, has angered him. The Sheriff professes to the public that he is caring and understanding, but in reality is petty and very vindictive. This is a man with no family himself who makes decisions that will affect the families of his deputies, just because he can and because it strokes his ego. This latest decision by the Sheriff has not only hurt the other individuals professionally, but also affected their families financially for many years to come. Bravo Bane… you have shown you are a little man in a big position.
Kenneth Pitman says
I recognize that Mr. Bodway identifies himself which in my mind lends credibility. However, maybe my ignorance of law enforcement will be obvious, but I read only innuendo and vague inference in his letter. Where’s are the facts, to include names and supporting data. To tarnish the reputation of both Lieutenants and the Sheriff I ask “Where is the beef.”
Mike Welsh says
Mr. Pitman
I don’t see a need to get into names. For the record, the man chosen to be promoted is certainly deserving of promotion. There is no need to make it appear that he is “unqualified”. The question should be, was he the “most” qualified. The written policy and procedure currently in place for the HCSO placed the man who was promoted as third best for advancement. The man who placed first after completion of the promotion process and also highly qualified for the assignment in CAC was a man who did not support Sheriff Bane for re-election.
This is what the HCSO has come to. It is not who is most qualified, but rather who you did, or did not support during an election process. This is nothing new for Jesse. He has always been this way, and I don’t expect him to change.
Retired from HCSO says
Bane actually made the following statement to his Command Staff one day. “I will hold no grudges and I won’t allow politics to guide my decisions”. But that is exactly what he endorses. He lives up to the definition of his name…
Marc Eaton says
The K-9 Unit had a meeting with then Major Bane during the Mele administration over being compensated for taking care of the K-9 while off duty. We all three sat down with Bane and the personnel director at the time I think his name was Joe Ramaca. Bane agreed we should be paid but several months later our overtime slips did not show up on our pay checks. We had a lawyer send Bane a letter and I was called into Bane’s Office. I took my Corporal Gary Vernon with me. Bane tossed the letter over the mound of files and papers on his desk and ask me what this was about. I refreshed his memory of our meeting and he denied ever telling us we would get paid. He is either forgetful or as liberals say it ” he misspoke”. Even Ramaca backed him up on this. I guess the three K-9 handlers all had the same dream and the meeting never took place. Damn worm holes in time.
Marc Eaton says
Mr. Pitman, if you knew how this administration operated you would know why we do not use names. People talk to former employees and we speak out because we are retired. They have to work there. They have families and have to provide a living for them. Cross Bane one time and he does not forget. Just give this time and you will see some names and other facts come to light. This is only the beginning.
Rohm says
Is this the fella with the Home Depot problem
Wtcher says
The Guy with Home Depot problem was Mark Forwood. Jesse Bane’s handpicked number 3 that was convicted of serious crimes. Jesse Bane was able to cover up Mark Forwood’s activities until the night before the election. Jesse Bane paid Mark Forwood to sit home for months on end…. These are all facts and can be researched in local media circles.
Marc Eaton says
Forwood could not be fired until he was found guilty, this is why he was paid. As far as Bane covering up I would not doubt it.
Retiredawhile says
Jesse fired Forwood before he was found guilty. In fact he fired him just after Forwood was caught stealing again from the Bel Air Home Depot. Forwood pled guilty just weeks after being fired.
I know there was a lot of fuss and talk back and forth about Jesse not being able to fire Forwood until he was found guilty, but Jesse could have fired Forwood at any time. Jesse knew Forwood was guilty, but it was in an election year and Jesse sure didn’t need the bad publicity. So he kept him suspended from duty, but on the payroll for over 8 months, at a salary over $100,000. A disservice to the citizens of Harford County.
Marc Eaton says
I was schooled by someone about the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. He could not be fired until convicted, that is all I know.
Retiredawhile says
Under normal LEOBR circumstances what you say would be true. Forwood, as a Major, was an exempt employee since he was appointed Command Staff. As such, Forwood could have been terminated at any time.
Retired from HCSO says
Jesses certaintly had something to do with delaying the Trial Board. The Forwood issue should have been expedited once the investigation was completed. But Bane knew that was not in HIS best interest. The citizens come first Mr. Bane, not you.
Marc Eaton says
No not the same guy.
Marc Eaton says
How can you brag and then commend Dave Betz in 2010 and then pass over him in 2012? Did he screw something up in that two years? Or maybe support the wrong candidate for Sheriff? He is recognized as an expert in the CAC, trains others and you pull him and put him on 4-12 in the upper end of the county and now skip him for the job his was perfect for in 2010. No way this is political. Right Jesse? I guess you never know when someone will have their fill of you and your games and stand up to you. You can’t put the citizens or the department ahead of your ego.
US Taxpay says
My sources tell me that Jesse Bane vindictively moved Jack Meckley around since the election. What an insecure little-man this Jesse Bane must be…. Maybe he has short man syndrome without being short?
Marc Eaton says
I think Jack is still in his same place but I understand he was passed over for Capt. There will always be politics in this Department. I can’t remember any Sheriff while I was there doing these type things after an election. I was there for four Sheriff’s and they never played by these rules. Now if you were disciplined you were moved but this is acceptable, I was moved once and deserved it. What is taking place now is wrong but this is the kind of man Bane is. In 22 years I never heard guys count down the days to retirement. We enjoyed working and loved the job. We had Bane under the Mele administration. Sheriff Mele was a fair and good man. Bane was his number two guy and that led to his not being elected to his second term. I did not agree with every Sheriff we had but you were treated with respect and treated fairly. Passing over two people because of politics is just childish. People are retiring and hopefully will start to speak out about this Administration and it’s bully actions.
FactCheck says
Meckley was indeed transferred from the 4-12 shift in the Southern to Internal Affairs after having the audacity to stand up to Bane. Bane will be lucky not to have his entire command staff run against him next time.
Marc Eaton says
Bane’s kingdom is crumbing around him with two years to go.
Wanis says
There should be a clean sweep of the Department, and Bane should be booted. It’s best to treat employees with respect if you expect respect in return, whether in the private sector or governmental agency. I don’t hear many good things about this man, which is why he did not get my vote. I wish he had more compassion, but you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Damn him for his unnecessary ‘restructuring’ and putting hard working people in financial ruin. I’ll never go to bingo again. B is for BIMBO.
Voter says
Are these the same people who were saying that Meadows and his cronies had to go? Sheriff Bane has a tough job and the people that are talking about change are the same ones who want to take over and keep the system going. Any time to bash the current sheriff will get the comments going abouthow this is wrong and that is wrong. Does anyone care about the children……Apparently not because they want to blame everything on promotions and this person got moved and that person got in trouble. Everyone has a closet that is filled with secrets………Do people remember what happened, years ago? Same thing.
Baker's Babe says
So what else is new? You honestly think that just because Jesse is elected Sheriff, his agenda changed? He has been like this for years with everyone who had the misfortune to work under him. Thank you Steve for having the guts to bring this newest issue to light. Some things just never change!!
Joe White says
If this was the only poor decision made by this sheriff, it would be questionable. But, in truth, he steps on toes all of the time, and the deputies now serving are in no position to criticize him. Thanks for “outing” this guy again, Mr. Bodman. He won the last election because the votes were spread across 8 candidates.
Marteen says
I know of one person who worked there for 17 years who was recently let go, then officially moved to a different position (midnight shift)for no apparent reason. Was it because she single-handedly helped her co-workers in times of need and Bane felt thwarted or did he become paranoid? For a man with higher rank calling the shots, calls for an ego check, if you ask me. CMN’s hard work, legal skills, and lighthearted personality should not be overlooked. If he wants to make it official, and be so official for the record, then file an official report, delineating in detail his reason for such an out-of-the-blue decision.
why? why? why? says
This is just another example of this arrogant man treating people with cruelty and disrespect. These people have given many years of service to Harford County and he ruins their lives with such lack of compassion and justice. He wants to make it perfectly clear that bad things will happen to you if you dare to cross him. Why is he allowed to get away with ruining people’s lives without any just cause??? I say it’s time to get rid of Sheriff Jesse Bame!!!
Patriot says
Isn’t it strange how Sheriff Bane gets the blame for every person who is dismissed from their position. Doesn’t anyone think her immediate supervisors had to complain to their supervisor before it went to the sheriffs desk? I’m sure her having personal phone calls throughout the day didn’t help her situation with her co-workersin the office.
And if I remember correctly, which I do, Steven Bodway wanted this female fired a few yrs ago, but Sheriff Bane couldn’t justify her getting fired. See everyone has a secret in their closet, even Steven.
A happy work place doesn’t always have to start the top, it starts within a person. Kindness can cure unhappy employees, maybe everyone should try it, you’d be surprised at the effects. Smile and be happy.
M Hagy says
Patriot/Lionel: So you want to fire someone for making personal phone calls? You wouldn’t have many employees left if you were to do so. You wouldn’t even fire someone looking up “unsavory” websites on the agency computer in the office next to yours. Instead of exerting so much time and energy on finding new and different ways to demoralize your staff, how about trying to do something productive in the time you have left before you are resoundingly voted out of office?
NoNamesPlease says
Oh boy, does Steve has skeletons in his closet. I think he should rethink the mud-slinging before the bones start to roll!
Retired from HCSO says
The current Sheriff would have been fired for his lack of productivity when he was a Major. When he was in his office used to sit in his office and play computer games. When he was out of the office no one knew where he was. He was being paid to play. And he is personnaly upset over an employee taking a phone call? Just proves his mental capabilities are in the hamper.
Paul says
@Sheriff Bane –
What kind of department are you running?
You intentionally pass over qualified ranking officers for positions, punish officers with whom you disagree or plain don’t like by re-shifted them and relocating their territory.
And if that don’t beat all you run the county jail with gangsta rap officers posting their questionable activities on YouTube.
Search YouTube to see for – We Came to Party – 80 Proof (Top Shelf)
Do Harford County a favor and resign…at least you’ll retain a bit of integrity if you do.
why? why? why? says
OMG OMG OMG…. this is terrible!!!! Everyone should take a look at this abomination. UNBELIEVABLE… I am a very concerned citizen!
Marc Eaton says
Jesse Bane is standing up to gangs and drug dealers? So how can he stand by and allow his employees to make and star in a music video portraying themselves as gang bangers and drug dealers. If you view the video and you come away with any other view that these guys are not pretending to be gang bangers or drug dealers your wrong.You walk into a car dealership with a back pack and hand it to a person who I assume is a salesman. He looks in the back pack and his eyes grow wide and then he hands both of the men keys to new cars. Then we go to a night club for some dancing. Yankee hats are blue and white, red and white represents the Bloods, or he could just like red hats wink wink. With the gang violence and drug problems in Harford County do you really think your Sheriff should allow his employees to make such a video?
You skip qualified people for jobs they are right for, for no other reason then politics. Yet you allow clear violations of the Sheriff’s Office Rules and Regulations go without any investigation. If they are making money off of this video or appearances then this would be considered secondary employment and would have to be approved by Command Staff. Portraying yourself as a gang banger and drug dealer if not against rules and regs should just be common sense that it should not be done. You need to explain this to the citizens you swore to protect.
Pretty simple, you will be judged by the company you keep and by your actions. This video says a lot about both.–klY 80 proof (TOP SHELF) WE Came To Party. Check it out on you tube. If anyone can justify this as being okay let me know.
David Chaney says
Marc Eaton,
I viewed the video you posted and grew quite concerned. I gather the main male sujects are members of the SO. My question is in what capacity are they employed with the agency. Although there is no reference to the SO, the video clearly displays or inferences behavior that is troubling on the behalf of a sworn law enforcement officer. Your points have substantive merit. Although I think their selection of female participation was rather weak as I think the person in the blue and white patterned dress may have been a man
Marc Eaton says
David, they work at the Detention Center and they are sworn also. Bane is aware of the video and I guess is okay with this. Waiting for him to respond but we all know he won’t. You would think with all the drug and gang violence in this country, and with how many sworn police officers and correctional officers are killed by this violence he would have something to say. I called the Sheriff’s Office and was told he was not aware of it but I already knew when I called he did. Same old same old with Bane. My sources are very good.
Retiredawhile says
Marc Eaton,
When you called the Sheriff’s Office about the video and asked a question you already knew the answer to, what did you expect to accomplish? Did you want to speak with the Sheriff about the video? Is the video illegal? Did you want to know if the Sheriff’s take on the video was the same as yours? The video seems to be in poor taste and if someone understands the gang culture, then I can see where certain inferences could be drawn.
David Chaney says
Thank you for the clarification. I may not be in law enforcement but my family and I live in Harford County. The innuendo portrayed by the men in the video cannot be ignored. I wonder if the State’s Attorney’s office is aware of the characterizations put forth by members of law enforcement. Not only by the officers but members of Adams Chevrolet who obviously condoned this video by allowing their signage, showroom, staff and automobiles used. They can scratch me off of their potential buyers list.
I may not be able to effect change with the officers but my and my family’s, as well as anyone who will listen to me auto patronage will be elsewhere.
Puffdoggy says
David you may be right. The person in the dress just may be a tranny, maybe one from the big house
Marc Eaton says
To David and retired awhile. RetiredAwhile, Bane will not speak to me was not offered to me. I wanted to see if they would deny it or as we both know lie about it and to me a denial is a lie. Bane was aware of this and it was voiced concern of one of his people. When taken before Bane he decided this was artistic expression. I don’t know about you all, but if this is what Bane thinks about this what other things is he clueless about? Part of being a police officer is using good judgement and common sense. Bane, and the two wanna be rap gangsters have neither. As for the car dealership I would not jump to conclusion on them, they might not know what the video was completely about when approached about this. I would say this video and Bane’s actions on this should make anyone who voted for him rethink their votes next time around.
I remember reading where on of the patrol deputies was jumped by a crowd in Edgewood trying to make an arrest. I wonder if that deputy thinks this is just artistic expression or making his job more difficult. Then again I can understand Bane’s thought process having never actually done any real police work or dealing with gangs and drug dealers other then from behind a desk. He really has no clue what is going on out there. Remember this is just two Correctional Officers and it should not reflect on the men and women who come to work every day and do their jobs and conduct themselves properly in the publics eye. When I was hired in 1982 I was told by then Cpl, Aeillo that even when you are off duty you are representing the Sheriff’s Office. By the actions of the two in the video I don’t think that is a concern to them.
David Chaney says
Thank you Marc for your comments and service to the community. Sometimes a leader makes unpoplular and difficult decisons. To me ignoring the video is not a sign of leadership.
Retired from HCSO says
Jesse wouldn’t know a gangsta if he would to bump into one…he should write a book “How I became a Sheriff without ever doing real police work” and he should have read “How to be a Sheriff for Dummy’s”
Marc Eaton says
If this is artistic expression per Jesse Bane then everyone who reads this post should send it out to everyone on their email list and see what they think of the video and Bane’s decision.
Marc's Friend says
It is being called “Artistic Expression” by the administration. The gangsta driving the mini van is none other than a certain Female,African-American Bureau Major’s boyfriend. There is a subject sitting at the bar that is a convicted felon, related to the skinny gangsta. The two camaros are parked in handicap parking spaces. There are other correctional officers in this video also convorting with the felon also. Lets not call it Art and call it wht it is….Disgraceful and conduct unbecoming…..
Mike Welsh says
This is very disturbing if what you say is true. While every individual is free to have a relationship with whom they want, anytime you have a personal relationship between senior ranking command officers and rank and file deputies within the same agency, it is almost always a recipe for disaster. The perception of inappropriate influence is always present, and only when both people conduct themselves in a manner above reproach are these relationships not detrimental to the agency. The appearance of one member of such a relationship in the video calls into question his judgment, but more significantly, calls into question the judgment of the command staff member, who, I assume, is aware of the video.
Sheriff Bane needs to get on top of this quickly. One can only guess the kinds of stories that are circulating among the Deputies. The integrity of the HCSO is at risk.
Patriot says
OMG!!! I can’t believe how many retired HCSO have so much time on their hands, you have nothing better to do during the day besides try to tear down the HCSO. Mr. Bodway, you for number one should be ashamed of yourself, all you have to do all day is to chat with current deputies to get the latest news on the HCSO. You need to get a job, and stop trying to degrade the citizen elected Sheriff Bane.
Yes the promotion process is testing, interviews and a decision made, but who are you to judge any decision made. It seems all you do is try to stir up troblem through negative media adds. One positive result came out of the election, Mr. Bodway you wasn’t elected the SHERIFF. Harford County Citizens think about this; Is this the kind of person you’d want to head the HCSO? Mr. Bodway seems to be a busy body with nothing to do but stir up lies about our wonderful sheriff’s office and elected Sheriff Bane.
I also read where Mark Forwood was mentioned, he was a good man that made bad decisions. It was also mentioned how Mr. Forwood was hand selected by Sheriff Bane, well guess what he was also hand selected to be a personal friend of Mr. Bodway. Oops… Did Steven also make a bad decision? Yes both Mark & Steven shared a friendship that included going to each others home as friends, not just a work relationship, but friends. Honestly I’d hate to have Steven as a friend, when he doesn’t get his way, look out. Please for the respect of Mark leave him out of your negative postings, he was a good man with regrets.
For the current deputies making negative comments, maybe you should give your 2 week notice and move on where you’ll be happy.
I’m so happy we have the best man as sheriff!! Thanks Sheriff Bane for all you do for your deputies and the citizens of Harford County.
Marc Eaton says
Stand by Mr. Patriot I have a good one coming for you.
why? why? why? says
Dear “Patriot” a.k.a. Sheriff Jesse Bane…. why are you reading and responding to these comments while you should be working hard to protect the citizens of Harford County? I’m sure you have lots better things that you should be involved with than trying to convince people that you are “the best man for the job”. NOT!!!!! oh, by the way I am not a current or former employee of the Sheriff Office, (thank God).
Mike Welsh says
If you are a current member of the Sheriff’s Office, then you know full well the kind of underhanded things that go on. Because you have a right to do something does not make it the right thing to do.
You are an example of how bad things are in the HCSO. You have positive things to say about the Sheriff and how great a job he is doing. You even thank him for his leadership. Yet you will not even use your real name when posting those comments. If you really are a Patriot, stand up, use your real name. Let your fellow Deputies know you fully stand behind the Sheriff’s decisions. But maybe, just maybe, things are not really as good as you and the Sheriff portray. If that’s the case, then you are wise not to use your real name.
Wtcher says
Looky here Patriot,
The facts are the facts with regard to Jesse Bane and Mark Forwood;
Mark Forwood was Jesse Bane’s number 3 man in charge of the Harford County Sheriff’s Department.
Mark Forwood was found guilty of serious crimes.
Jesse Bane paid Mark Forwood to stay home for many many months at Taxpayer expense.
Jesse Bane did not replace Mark Forwood’s position while Mark Forwood was out.
Jesse Bane was able to delay the Forwood announcement until the night before the election.
The next time Sheriff Jesse Bane decides to keep an employee making in excess of $100,000 around to sit home, you feel free to pay him.
Jesse Bane should be charged with dereliction of duty and should pay restitution to make the Taxpayers whole.
TruthSayer says
What a shame. This is a slap to the face to all of the hard-working citizens of our county that Jesse Bane purportedly serves and protects. The sheriff is spitting on those working under him if they’ve happened to get on his bad-side. Decades and decades of service for nothing.
What is the saying? “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
@Sheriff Bane, this one’s for you: Have a long, hard look in the mirror – do you really enjoy what is staring back? You have and currently are ruining the lives of countless individuals simply for your own political maneuvering and ego. Newsflash, the public will decide if you’re re-elected, not your chosen ones. Step back and look at the big picture sir – you are in a public office, you’ve sworn to serve the people. That INCLUDES fair treatment for everyone in the HCSO, a responsibility to do what’s right, and to always uphold your public oath.
To the unwashed masses who voted for Bane – I feel sorry for you, seriously. Time to get a clue. Fortunately for me I don’t work for the man. When is the next election, anyone?
Thank you Steven Bodway for exposing yet another truth about this Sheriff, and for your previous years of service!
really says
i vote for clint eastwood to become sheriff. its safe to say from our postings we are all idiots. frank rizzo out!
Marc Eaton says
This is not about any election. This is about a Sheriff who is a tyrant and rules like a dictator. Everyone knows this is going on concern should be for the people caught in the crossfire of Bane’s vengeance.
Marc Eaton says
I think the next time Bane has a community meeting on gangs he needs to play this video to the community and get their expert opinion on it. After all they live with the gangs, maybe the might not feel it is artistic expression as he does.
Marc's Friend says
See previous posting. A major is dating the head gangsta!!!!
Marc Eaton says
I am curious. If you can make a video that makes you look like gangster or a drug dealer and it is considered “artistic expression”. Why is it that Sheriff Bane requires employees to wear long sleeve shirts and a tie year round to cover up visible tattoos? Is a tattoo not considered art? Does Sheriff Bane pick and choose what rules and regulation to enforce by what candidate that person supported in the last election? Why did the PIO tell me that they were not aware of this video when I called her? If they are not truthful about this what else are they not truthful about when citizens calls into the Sheriff with complaints? If you supported Bane in the election do you get a pass? If your a corporal and you lie in a staff investigation do you get fired or demoted? Answer, you get demoted and moved to a shift because lying in a staff investigation is not as bad as lying in an internal investigation. If you have a staff investigation and it is unfounded, it then gets sent by Bane to the Internal Affairs Unit who investigates it and you are then found guilty on all counts? Even I am amazed at the things going on in this department. From Sheriff Kunkle to Meadows it has never been like this. How can one Sheriff demoralize his department in less then two terms? Hey guys, remember when you looked forward to going to work? Remember the excitement of the job? Remember working for Sheriff’s and a command staff that were not head hunting? Remember being encouraged to go out and catch the bad guys and supervisors were there to help you? From the phone calls and emails I am getting those days are long gone. Just remember guys, you work for the Office of the Sheriff not the man who holds it in this case. Be proud of what you do and the citizens you protect. They do not know and some will not believe what you are enduring right now. Keep your heads down and pray for a change in 2014, the job can be fun again.
M Hagy says
Well said Marc. The Policy and Procedures Manual is a joke. Why even bother having rules? Oh, to CYA. But because you work “at the pleasure of the Sheriff”, you are subjected to his whims “for the good of the agency”. So you’re right, it’s ok to have a member of the agency film a music video flashing gang signs and wearing gang colors. And it’s ok to fail to report income to the IRS. And it’s ok to abuse your power by not promoting the most qualified person just because he had another candidate’s sign in his front yard. It is a very dangerous situation having a person in place with so much power and no ability to make sensible decisions or to keep his personal feelings and politics out of the office. Very sad to see the agency sink this low. Keep pounding away Marc and hopefully his kingdom will crumble before it’s too late.
Retired from HCSO says
I remember the night you backed me up and saved my life. Thanks dude!
Hercules says
Marc you’re right Sir! This is a fun job, and there are many fine men and women still wearing the star and one day the tarnish will be wiped clean! Hercules, Hercules!
Marc Eaton says
Well stay tuned because a large bottle of Tarnex is coming to Harford County!
RandomPoster1 says
Although at least Bane did away with the hat worshiping and making recruits sit through presentations on how mystical and magical the stetson is.
Rob Gill says
This is another case of this administration waisting training, experience and education for a political reasons ! It’s a shame!!
Political Prisoner says
Kudos Rob for un-shrouding, and thank you Marc for setting the example. For reasons previously stated, no one currently employed will ever be able to do that. (Keep your ear’s to the ground and an eye out for smoke signals)
I’m glad to see Steve Bodway is still around, and cares. Steve, you know the Lt. that is going to the CAC. Why didn’t you acknowledge his capacity to do a good job? I know your old school, and this is progressive thinking, but does the managing official of any unit or agency define “It” or do the men and women in the trenches with their 400 + caseloads each year? If you would have stated this with your post about Betz, I would have felt it was more about right and wrong than your own political gain.
Mike Welsh says
Political Prisoner,
Thank you for the work you and your fellow Deputies do each and every day. A tough job is made even more difficult when you have to look over your shoulder all the time to protect yourself from your own leaders.
In a previous post I stated that this had nothing to do with the qualifications of the man promoted. He was certainly qualified for promotion. It was a conversation about Sheriff Bane, and his political vendettas. I wish the man promoted success in all his endeavors.
True blue says
Its funny to me how all these ex deputies, have a lot to say about there former boss. Here’s some Facts for you all he was elected for a second term by the citizens of Harford county key word being second so obviously he’s doing something right. Bodway, Eaton and other you need to get a life and stop being sore losers. Bodway you LOST get over it get a clue obviously the citizens of Harford County didn’t buy what you were selling. All this over because a homeboy of your wasn’t promoted boohoo. Plus I think it is a excellent idea for people to gain experiences in different units in the department. Has you sit there on your computer alone in your room, passing judgement on others you should take a look in the mirror Mr. Eaton and get a clue your no longer employed by the agency get a job, a life and stop concerning yourself with a agency you are no longer employed with loser. Now Mr. Bodway next time campaign a little bit better maybe you’ll get more than 50 votes. I support the sheriff Jesse Bane he has done an outstanding job leading the agency threw these tough global economic times. MR. Eaton you should really stop putting other deputies business out there cause I’m sure your no angel either didn’t you quit. Also has far has the two deputies who were off and did a music video with no reference to violence, drugs ,or any other questionable topic you owe those two men an apology obviously you have a issue with characterizing black men. I saw the video sir I think your fishing a little to hard for a story get a life. they’re at a night club dancing and having fun. Obviously your envious because your to lazy to get off your computer chair and take your head out of a computer to get out and have a real life. Hate, jealousy and envy will get you no were just ask Bodway.
Mike Welsh says
True Blue
You have some very nice things to say about Sheriff Bane, and the HCSO. Why are you afraid to use your own name when posting on this forum? At least Bodway and Eaton use their names and don’t hide behind screen names.
If things are going so well in the HCSO, then let your fellow Deputies know who you are. After all, you said it’s the former Deputies who have nothing good to say.
True blue says
Mike please get a life, I have one and it will surely continue has I don’t need to be a unpaid blogger like yourself I have other things to do with my time. I’m leave it at that Sir. It funny to me how there are all this negative talk about a man who was elected twice by a favorable majority by the good citizens of Harford County. A lot of you on this blog are coming off has disgruntled ex employees. I leave you all with these kind words move on your no longer apart of the agency go fishing, go learn how to ride a bike but move on. I bid you fair well and I hope all of you find success and hopefully happiness in life.
Mike Welsh says
So long True Blue. We can all see from your comments, that you are one of Sheriff Bane’s finest.
US Taxpay says
True Blue,
You are correct, with the Unions heavy financial support and the MD Democratic Parties help in going door to door – Jesse Bane did win the last election by roughly 3,000 votes. The Union financed Bane’s campaign for the last month of the election providing in excess of $60,000 and the Union staffed many of the polling places day of election.
On an even playing field Jesse Bane will lose every time….
Mike Welsh says
US Taxpay
Those union members should be on this forum, using their real names, and standing up for the man they spent so much money on, and worked so hard to elect. Yet they are silent, or using screen names even when when posting positive comments regarding Sheriff Bane’s leadership. It would appear that there is a very divided house in the HCSO. So much so, that even the Sheriff’s supporters within the HCSO do not want to be seen publicly supporting their leader and his vindictive practices.
Marc Eaton says
Mike, I know the new Union President very well. He is a good man with a strong back bone. I don’t see him being Bane’s tool like the others. And you right, shows you they have concerns about supporting Bane by not using their real names.
Mike Welsh says
The new union President may be a good man. If so, then he should call the union members together and discuss this issue. The Deputies need to decide their position on this issue. Numbers mean everything. No acting alone. No tucking your tail and burying your head in the sand. You know what the power of numbers mean.
M Hagy says
True Blue: I certainly hope you are not a member of the sheriff’s office. Your post has so many errors, makes no sense and is childish and petty. You can’t possibly be writing official reports.
Mike Welsh says
M Hagy
Perhaps True Blue is just artistically expressing their thoughts!! But you are correct, True Blue would be a supervisors nightmare when reviewing reports.
Patriot says
Bodway only used his real name as the one who wrote the article, trust me he’s commenting on here using a code name. As for Eaton, he’s nobody accept for a retired deputy with an ax to grind. Marc doesn’t even live in Harford County, and yet he tries to mind HCSO business.
Mike Welsh says
I can understand why employees who have uncomplimentary things to say may not want to use their own name, given the allegations that Sheriff Bane is a very vindictive man. What are you afraid of Patriot? You have good things to say about the Sheriff and yet will not use your real name.
By not using your real name when commenting in support of the Sheriff, you add credibility to the allegation that HCSO is a very hostile work place. The public has to wonder why those employees who support Sheriff Bane will not use their real name. Do you not see this?
Mike Welsh says
And by the way Patriot, what does Mr. Eaton not living in Harford County have to do with wrongs in the HCSO? I happen to know that several current Deputies do not live in Harford County, and some do not even live in the state of Maryland!
just sayin' says
not ACCEPT for God’s sake, EXCEPT. Is there a teacher in the house? And you are you to call anyone a nobody? You are a very ignorant person, in all meanings of the word.
Marc Eaton says
Mr. True Blue. I didn’t quit, I retired with a a pension in 2002 and get my retirement check every month. No such thing as Ex Deputies, once a deputy always a deputy. I know your a Deputy and you need schooled on a few things. A fellow deputy is not a homeboy. Passing over experienced people for an important job shows poor management skills, and a waste of an asset. Thanks for the advice on looking for a job. I have a job working from home and being retired does give me free time to be on my computer. When conducting an investigation; if the person becomes agitated and starts name calling or plays the most important race card, you realize it is out of desperation. As for me being an angel, I was no angel. I did my job and took my share of lumps with internal affairs………one thing I never did was lie. Ask anyone who knows me. I find it funny that Sheriff Bane is leading the agency in tough global economic times and you have to read a book from 1973 “Serpico” to learn how to manage and be promoted. I never mentioned race once in my posts, you yourself played that card. As for their actions, they speak for themselves. And from the phone calls I am getting, people feel the same way. If it was not true, why was this investigation brought to the attention of Bane in the first place? Apology? I think the apology needs to come from the employees in the video to the people of Harford County for their actions and what they did.
Mr. True Blue if your such a big supporter of Bane why do you hide behind a silly name. Could it be that you are playing it safe just in case Bane doesn’t make the cut in 2014? If you were a true supporter you and the rest coming to Bane’s defense should be proud to post your real name.
When I was there supervisors helped the people they supervised. We helped each other. Do I hate Bane? No, I hate what he is doing to my department and my fellow deputies. Jealous of what? I have a pension and a great life. I travel and enjoy working at home with my wife. What is Bodway jealous of? He lost the election, that is how democracy works. They get another chance in 2014. I know Steve and he has a pretty impressive resume for someone who you think is jealous. I would love to have accomplished all he has, but it is not my cup of tea.
Do not play the race card here, that is just a desperate act on your part. Perhaps Bane or one of his people told you to word it like that? If you work for the Sheriff’s Office I am not hard to find. They have my phone number. Feel free to call me and we can talk or go out for a beer. Lets just say I am speaking on behalf of people who can not speak for themselves for fear of being demoted, transferred, put on shifts that cause hardship to their families……. you name it. Bane will stop at nothing to pay back those who supported other candidates in the last election. Now onto “your” video I meanTHE VIDEO……. Under the formers Sheriff’s from Kunkle to Golding this video would have never been done and if it had they would have been former employees. How can you say your video has no reference to drugs or gangs? A bag of cash for two Camaros? Or were we to believe there was drugs in the bag? I did the job and I know what it looks like, you do too! These two men are sworn deputies under Bane’s command. During my time we had to conduct ourselves on duty and off duty in a manner to not make the department look bad. So, I question Bane’s judgement or favoritism to these two men for political reasons. I can only assume he had YOUR…..err……..I mean, their votes last election.
I am not doing this for any candidate and for any election. Just trying to get the people to realize what kind of a man is running my Sheriff’s Office. From the calls I get I must be hitting a nerve. It should worry Bane that his deputies have had enough. It is very hard to do a good job when you looking over your shoulder because you didn’t have a red sign with a star on it in your front yard. I can not imagine going to work in this environment which is stressful enough without this childish pay back hanging over their heads 24 7. Well only some of them have to worry about this retribution. From the video not everyone has to worry about Bane’s vengeance.
If you have the courage it is don’t make up a fake name email use your name. Be a man.
verdadero says
Marc, have you read the book or seen the movie “Serpico”? If not, then don’t knock a book about a REAL Police experience. This book is very important to Sheriff Bane and for his future supervisors. It is the “Bible of the Agency’ and a excerpt is posted in every building occupied by the Sheriff’s Office. It is almost like having the Ten Commandments that use to hang in our court houses. This book teaches a very important lesson to all those who have read it. That lesson being,that corruption always begins at the top! In this book you learn that the corruption in the NYPD started with Mayor Lindsey of NYC. The corruption of the NYPD went from the Chief and all through the department. So this is the perfect book for a morally and ethically vindictive leader like Sheriff Bane. Set an example by punishing a person with a tattoo, transfer and not promote a person for not supporting you, but it’s okay for a Major to embarrass the good men and women of the department by stealing and combing for dates on the internet, let deputies emulate gang members, and tout a woman that raised a drug dealer and a criminal daughter as a community leader. The Major was on the dole while he was still out stealing from Home Depot because the Sheriff didn’t have the courage to fire him. The Sheriff attended a vigil for the murdered drug deal and takes the mother around to meetings so she can help raise your children. Ask the Sheriff how many police officer’s funerals he has attended? That would be none. So let’s fast-forward to 2012 and maybe a new book of police corruption will be written “Betz, Life Under the Sheriff”. This story is still in the making, so keep your eyes open!
Verdadero says
@ True Blue: I have not seen anyone come to the DEFENSE of Sheriff Bane. All I have seen is people say “everyone knows promotions are political”, “at will of the Sheriff”, and as they say “for the better of the agency,” if this is true then why even have a process? I’m sure True Blue, Patriot, Proud to be a Liberal, and Voter are in the minority of agency members. I also did not see Mr. Eaton make any reference to race in his posts. I don’t think that anyone should have brought the Major into this process ,that was wrong. But to say that the video is devoid of any gang reference or use race of the two rappers in your argument is just dishonest. Gangs have no race, religion or orientation separation… they cover all aspects of society. The only thing in common with gangs and the Sheriff’s Office is how they are run. Both are run with fear, reprisal, and intimidation, one by the OG and the other by Sheriff Bane. I also like how True Blue writes in a stereotypical style that is surely to hide that he is asleep at the wheel or barking up the wrong tree. He most assuredly knows that Bane will make life miserable for any Deputy that has views different from his. And that person will soon become Bane’s target. That is just why Major Bodway brought this issue to light. We all know Kennedy and the Aegis will never investigate their Liberal Demigod Bane. Even after the Aegis wrote the Bane election piece in April of 2010 on the CAC and its GREAT RENOWNED leadership; they had no questions as to why, after the election, he was transferred or as to why he has been skipped over for promotion. Also, why was the brother of a State Delegate transferred the week after a lawsuit against the Sheriff was made public and why was he also skipped over,again,for promotion. For years the Sheriff’s Office always announced their promotions publicly in the Aegis. Not anymore because since Bane has taken over, promotions by him have not been made in a fair and unbiased manner, but instead with a vindictive, get even with non-supporters way. His process is truly cronyism at its best. From what I hear, the Union’s new President wants to get away from the old perception that they are bought and paid for by the Sheriff. So if you support the Sheriff, why not give us some concrete reasons/examples as to how he is not being vindictive and petty.
OnPoint says
@True Blue,
I am not sure I have ever read anything posted on here with so many errors and typos. I share the concerns that others have also mentioned and also hope you are not a member of the HCSO who is required to write official reports.
As far as the video, remove concerns of race and gangs. The impression of a non-descript bag loaded with cash, sufficient to buy two cars, is clearly an image associated with illegal activity and most often the selling of drugs. Members of the HCSO are required to conduct themselves (working and off duty) to a certain level of decorum. This video, and Jesse’s obvious support of this video and what it is meant to portray, is an embarrassment to the HCSO and to the men and women who serve the citizens in this County. What’s next, Jesse attending candlelight vigils for criminals? Wait, he did that in his first term!
It’s not just sworn officers who cross Bane that are retaliated against. There are civilian HCSO employees too. How about the female records clerk ,who has had an exemplary 17 year work record, who just happens to be the mother of one of the Dagger Press founders. Oh, and she has also supported Bane’s competitors in election campaigns. Oh, and she also has very supportive of those who have previously met with the wrath of Bane’s vindictiveness. Take a guess what has recently happened to her???? Yes, you’re right, she was transferred to the midnight shift due to “restructuring” and her position was advertised before she was officially notified of her new location/shift. If the truth was told, it was not due to “restructuring” but really because Bane does not like Dagger Press. After all DP represents what Bane is NOT… a forum for truth and justice. And this employee’s son is part of that. She also has dared to question Bane’s absolute authoritarianism and individualism and democracy have no place in the “Kingdom of Bane”!
Retired from HCSO says
Well that just proves Bane is a real goof. Picking on clerks because he can. She is one of the nicest people. Bane has no shame.
tru dat says
Not only is CN one of the nicest people, she obviously is a devoted and proficient employee. She is so dedicated to her job that she only missed 2 days of work when she had surgery and treatment for breast cancer. How dare this man stoop so low as to punish this cancer survivor simply because she stands up for what she believes in!
Retired from HCSO says
Like I said, he has no shame. He is only concerned about his own little fantasy world. He does not put the greater good first. He is paranoid and his delusions drive his decisions. We all know that. If only the citizens knew what kind of person he really is. The top Law Enforcement Official in Harford County is worried about his clerks and not the gangs? His priorities are definately messed up. Lord knows what kind of decisions he would make if faced with a real crisis.
tru dat says
Everyone, except True BLEW and PatriNOT, on this blog knows what kind of despicable man Bane is, but how do we get the word out to everyone else? How about you tell 10 people, I tell 10 people, they tell 10 people and so on…. and hopefully the message will get out.
Kenneth Pittman says
To Trueblue:
Sir or madam, your remarks are childish and nonsensical. I am not in law enforcment, and have no interaction with the Sheriff’s Office other than in my daily dealings in life. However, my children do in school. I certainly hope the indiviuals shown in the video discussed earlier do not present themselves to my children, they were taught to respect the law and officers. I believe law enforcement officers should be held to a higher standard than the caliber of person portrayed in the video. Freedom of speech and artistic expression is one thing, but pushing things to the edge by cops, on or off duty is another.
Citizen says
I’ve seen on here several times that Sheriff Bane has no real policing experience. I know it’s not a requirement to be elected Sheriff…but in his years serving in the department previously, he was never on patrol? What has he done for his career besides being the Sheriff and being on Sheriff Meadows’ command staff?
Retired from HCSO says
Nothing, nothing and nothing. Oh he did waste A LOT of taxpayer money on the Records Management System, Laptops and the Red Light project (which he never completed).
Anybody recall Bane making an arrest? Writing a ticket? Working south of Rt. 40? Making a drug bust? I do remember Bane mistreating a female employee to the point that she retired to get away from him. Oh yes, he has mastered the ability to take credit for others hard work and the ability to misrepresent his credentials…
Marc Eaton says
Citizen, I don’t recall in my time Bane doing any real police work. From 1982 to 2002 I only know he was behind a desk. I have searched his name on the Maryland Judiciary Case Search and nothing comes up. Major Bodway has over 25 pages, Jeff Gahler has a records on there as well. Nothing for Bane. His education and he history of arrests really have nothing to do with the way he treats people. I only had four years under Bane as the Under Sheriff for Sheriff Mele. We had some run ins but for the most part he was kept on a leash. The things he is doing to people is just wrong. This would be wrong if he was just a landscaper. We grow up and you are taught that you can support whoever you want for Sheriff or any other political position. During my time there you were never treated different because you supported someone else for Sheriff. The Sheriff’s Office has some really great people working there, then there are some that should be doing something else. Bane has his click surrounding him who will protect him at all cost. They get special treatment and passes on things. If you supported someone else you get passed over for the head job at the CAC. This should have County residents in an uproar. You also get transferred out of that position soon after the election and sent to evening shift. As for CN who worked day shift for 17 years. This person was a delight to be around. I never saw her in a bad mood. When you walked in her section or passed her in the halls she was always smiling and happy and loved her job. Her crime, supporting the candidate and the Dagger. When you move someone from day work to midnight shift it is to punish them and pressure them to quit. A deputy can be charged with abuse of power if her uses his position to influence a case or makes an arrest to get even with someone. The problem is that Bane gets to do this and it goes unchecked. Who is going to hold Bane’s feet to the fire and stop the things he is doing to his department. I will tell you who, the men and women in his department. They can post on here and tell people what is going on, or give me a call or email me. Now I understand that Bane is sending a member of his command staff to roll calls to do rumor control. Well if you are doing rumor control why are you telling them that if they are talking out of class it will get back to you. That seems more like a threat then rumor control. I guess now they do not feel as strong about the artistic content of the video as before. I can tell you that the local media and politicians have been sent the video and I am waiting to see what they think of it.
When I was working I didn’t care for a bully, or for bad guys taking advantage of the public I served. Bane is a bully. Only he is the kind of bully that is timid like a mouse unless he has ten people around him. In his case he is a bully from behind the closed door of his office with a computer to send out memos transferring people and punishing them for exercising their rights to support who they want during an election.
We “old” guys had fun working at the Sheriff’s Office. We did not have to worry about the games and head hunting going on with this Sheriff. So when True Blue tells me I am an ex deputy I can tell her that there is no such thing as an ex deputy. With other things pending on my plate, I will post them as my information is confirmed. True Blue, I work from home and I am retired from the Sheriff’s Office. I have a lot of free time. For you young guys don’t use the agency computers for anything but official work. Email me at and keep me posted. Remember…….A good cop never gives up his informants. The fact that Bane and his number one helper can’t control this is driving them crazy.
Janice Redmond says
I cannot be silent any longer. I am CN’s sister. Not only has she been transferred unfairly and vindictively to midnight shift, she was slapped in the face yet again when she went to move her belongings to her new desk. She arrived at the office to find every office door and desk locked, as though she were a common criminal. In the 17 years that she worked at the Sheriff’s Office, those doors and desks were never locked. She went to look in a file cabinet to see if any of her personal belongings were there. The cabinet is normally locked, however, when she went to get the key, she found the key had been hidden from her, most certainly at the direction of Bane. What the hell? Stooping this low? She’s been there for 17 years, for God’s sake, and in attempting to make an already difficult transition from day shift to midnight shift, this is what she had to face. Ridiculous. I’ve lost all respect for Sheriff Bane. Did I mention that my sister is a breast cancer survivor? Bane knows this. She’s not supposed to experience stress per her oncologist, radiologist, and surgeon. Well, let me tell you something. She’s handling this unecessary stress well for putting up with the degrading treatment that she has received. This is the self-professed kind and compassionate Bane at his finest. I hope there are no repercussions because I am writing this. If there are, you will hear from me again…and again….and again. Let me remind you, once again, of her “crime” : She helped a co-worker when Bane did the very same thing to him, then she supported someone else for Sheriff, and her awesome son (my Godchild), runs this website. I work at a law firm in Towson and many of my peers feel a sense of outrage for the unjust treatment of a lowly records clerk. I guess Bane will think I am committing a “crime” for sticking up for my sister. So be it. Many thanks to all of you who have been in touch with my sister and shown your support. I am proud to have broken my silence.
Retiredawhile says
Janice Redmond,
This is very typical of Jesse Bane, and has happened before. Time for the Deputies and other employees of the HCSO to collectively speak out, and to do so in public.
Marc Eaton says
Janice, this is what is needed. People think that my comments are just ‘sour grapes”. More people from within this department and family need to speak out. Bane can’t fire everyone. I lost my Mom to breast cancer. I watched her fight this from 1996 until her passing in 2004. Midnight shift is hard on the body of a healthy person, it takes so much out of you. This was done by Bane to get her to quit her job. Bane has created a hostile working environment for so many people since the election. I know Cindy is strong, but the stress caused by Bane and his head hunters is causing problems for a lot of people. David Craig has to be aware of this but do not expect him to do anything. Bane seems to just be able to do what he wants unchecked. His handling of the Forwood case should be investigated by someone and Bane should have to resign for his actions. The Aegis will never print anything bad or negative about this Sheriff, typical drive by media.
I think Cindy’s story would be something that maybe Jayne Miller from news 11 might be interested in. I have three things that have been sent to me and I am looking into. One of them is a $110,000 dollar piano for the new Souther Precinct. Now that is a good use of County money.
Mike Welsh says
Why in Hell would you have a piano in a police precinct building? What am I missing here?
tru dat says
Marc, I have heard all kinds of stories about state-of-the art exercise equipment, bedrooms with their own bathrooms, huge flat screen tv’s, etc. at the new Southern Precinct. After hearing about the piano, I can believe it. Are you able to verify if any of this is true? Seems quite over the top to me. It sounds to me as though Bane is not in full possession of all his faculties. Seriously, is there a medical reason that is clouding his thought process and decision making?
George says
That’s the first I’ve heard about a piano (at any cost) being purchased for the new SP or any HCSO facility. If it’s true then that’s absolutely ridiculous and a complete waste of money.
There will be an exercise room with quality equipment (which is something many police agencies have.) Just take a look around the people wearing HCSO uniforms…there are plenty who need to spend some serious time in the gym and having a facility available 24/7 is a good thing. Deputies can work out before or after their shift and have a secure facility to keep their gear in. I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable locking my gear up or getting in or out of uniform in a public gym and I doubt most gym goers would feel comfortable about having a deputy getting dressed for work in the locker room. Having a healthier agency makes it more effective, lowers health care costs, and lowers worker’s comp claims. Anyone who has a problem with that is an idiot. Hopefully this will eventually lead to fitness standards for current deputies (and not just standards to get hired initially as is currently the case…and even those standards are pretty basic.) Bane did attempt to make fitness testing a part of the yearly in-service training, but that lasted less than two years before issues were raised about whether worker’s comp would cover injuries sustained during testing or not (the county said it wouldn’t, but from my understanding all that was needed was a new policy about it which never happened.) Lots of deputies were against it (mostly older and fatter deputies) which I’m sure contributed to it just quietly going away. No one was even required to pass it, just do it unless they had a doctor’s note excusing them from the test.
From what I’ve heard there will be two bunk rooms (not individual bedrooms with private bathrooms…) in the new SP. Deputies won’t be in there sleeping during their shifts. It’s there for basically two reasons. In the event of an emergency situation where deputies can’t go home, it’s a place they can sleep when off duty. It also gives deputies who are having problems at home (domestic issues, etc) a place they can at least get some sleep and get away from some of those issues at least temporarily and let things cool off. It’s no secret that police have pretty much the highest divorce rates of any profession in the country and not everyone has a buddy’s house where they can just drop in and sleep on the couch at 3 am. I’m not sure if the bunk room would be available for this or not (probably not usually), but we’ve also had cases of deputies and their families having to live for weeks out of hotel rooms because their home was damaged or destroyed by fire or flood (most recently happened during Irene.)
I know a lot of what’s been posted is reasonably accurate, some of it is bullshit, and some of it I have no idea either way since I haven’t heard even rumors about some of this stuff. I think it’s important that the average citizen keep in mind that a lot of this info is coming from deputies with an axe to grind (sometimes justifiably so) via retired deputies who may or may not have had personal issues with Bane or other HCSO command staff. That doesn’t mean that what they’re saying is wrong, but it is something to keep in mind and that there may be more to it than what’s being relayed.
Marc Eaton says
The piano was told to me by a good source. Just wanted to see if anybody else had heard of it. The exercise equipment and sleeping quarters should have been done years ago, great idea. I read a comment about the election in 2014. This is not about any election. This is about the men and women who are going to have to try and survive there for the next two years. I will tell all of you what I tell people who call and email me. It is hard to do your job when you have that target painted on your back. One good scenario would be for Bane to resign due to all this political payback. Greg Carlevaro be appointed to the remainder of the term with Major Stonesifer taking Carlevaro’s spot. With Bane gone, I am sure having worked with Carlevaro and Stonesifer they could bring this department back together and make it work again. I feel sorry for the department if they have to wait for another two years to pass under the “leadership of L. Jesse Bane.
George says
I’m not doubting that someone told you they were buying a piano for the SP for $110,000 but just the price tag alone makes me question that rumor and your source’s reliability (though it’s certainly possible to spend that much on a grand piano I just can’t see anyone approving it.) Even if for some unknown (and stupid) reason somebody thought a piano was for the SP was appropriate, there’s no way the price would be that high. Pianos aren’t cheap, but if they were going to put one in, they could get a full grand piano for more like $20k and a baby grand or upright piano for significantly less.
That would still be an incredible waste of money. They may be trying to cram a lot of things into the new precinct, but a concert hall isn’t one of them. Although if we walk into the precinct in a couple weeks and see piano in there, then Bane will have a lot to answer for to the taxpayers of Harford County.
Retired from HCSO says
There has been “rumor” of the “vote of no confidence” in the Sheriff. It is time for everyone to stand up and make their voice be heard. We have had enough of Bane’s childish antics. The citizens need a strong and committed law enforcement official in place to address the variety of crime problems that exist here.
Bane has violated the ethics that are required of such a position. He has created a hostile working environment in which no employee can feel valued. It used to be fun working at the Sheriff’s Office. People used to respect the Office. Sheriff Kunkle can attest to that. Criminals used to hide. Now the Sheriff holds their hands and admonishes the deputies for “picking on them”. When will this insanity stop?
just sayin' says
Didn’t Bane lie about his college education as well? He tells everyone he has a degree in Criminal Justice from The University of Maryland, however, this is a falsehood. “With courage, honor and integrity” …. right Jesse Bane!!
Retired from HCSO says
Just Saying,
You are right. His degree is in Sociology. He took one criminology course in his program and he posted that he had a degree in Criminal Justice and was an expert in criminoloty. What a joke.
Retiredawhile says
Retired from HCSO
Did Sheriff Bane ever attend/complete the Criminal Justice Masters Program through Johns Hopkins? I know several members of the HCSO have attended and completed that program. If he did, perhaps that is what he is referring to.
Retired from HCSO says
Nope – He did stay at a Holiday Inn once…
Marc Eaton says
Here is another form of mismanagement from Sheriff Bane. You have open office space at the Detention Center, Bel Air, Northern Precinct, and Southern Precinct. You moved your Megan’s Unit once housed at the CAC to the old Bel Air copy center owned by a friend. No sex offenders were registered at the CAC so why would you move it out and now had to pay rent for this building owned by a friend of yours?
Waiting to hear from you.
Retiredawhile says
What are friends for if you can’t help them out!! Jesse has been helping his friends for years.
mrs says
Presburry has been using her race gender and weight to bully deputies for a long time now. And if anyone says anything contradicting her they have an X on their back and they are head-hunted. Oh and by the way harford county… Fyi she is not qualified to be in her current position…. other more qualified canidates were passed over so that she could get promoted. because she is black overweight and female no 1 in this county has the nerve to say anything to her can you say reverse racism.
Marked says
There is no reverse racism – just racism. It is ok to descriminate against white males in our society, why should the sheriffs office be any different.
Sheriff is doing what hes doing because he feels comfortable enough to make an example of certain agency members to send a message and quell any support for any other candidates come election time. This sort of nonsense is what caused the union to form in the first place.
mrs says
true true marked… but that is not recognized nor will it be…. that is exactly what i meant by reverse racism. you explained it perfectly!
mrs says
racism is racism… but what people normally think of is what i meant. sorry for the confusion
Aden McNamarra says
Politics should play no part in policy making in the Harford County
Sheriff’s Office. The mission of the Sheriff’s Office is to protect
the citizens of Harford County, pure and simple. Democrat,
republican, Independent, Black, White, Orange, Purple or Green,
nothing else should play a role in the operations and deliverance of
police services. I must say that as a citizen of Harford County, I am
very disappointed in the decision to allow politics to enter the fray
and influence promotions. While I am certainly no expert on the
matter, the Sheriff I understand had a promotional process in place
that has been the same since he took office. That process has been
deemed fair and impartial and outside agencies have come in and
decided through that process that the person who came out number one
was the most qualified in the agency to be eligible to be promoted to
Lieutenant. The fact that the Sheriff of Harford County, elected to
serve the citizens of Harford County has decided to play political
gamesmanship with this process is disgusting to me. Okay, so the guy
who turns out number one didn’t support your candidacy for Sheriff
during the previous election; such is life. The citizens voted to
elect who they felt was the most qualified. As one of those people, I
am certainly questioning my decision now. The recent decision to
promote the third most qualified person on the promotion list, I
believe calls into direct question the Sheriff’s leadership abilities
and perhaps even his integrity. I ask what the point is in having a
promotional process if politics is going to play a role in the
process??? Save everyone the energy and just promote and hand select
who you want. What is this, North Korea? A good, experienced and
successful leader, respected by his people would respect those who
disagree with him and work hard for there support. “Credibility is a
leader’s currency. With it, he or she is solvent; without it, he or
she is bankrupt. Character creates consistency, and if your people
know what they can expect from you, they will continue to look to you
for leadership. Character makes trust possible, and trust is the
foundation of leadership.” -John Maxwell
Sheriff, with this single act, I will make the supposition that you
have lost the trust of your people and more importantly to you (so it
would seem), the voting public. One thing is for sure, I won’t be
supporting him in the next election…
Mike Welsh says
If you read back through all of the previous comments you will note a very telling fact. Not one single Deputy or Employee who is currently employed by the HCSO has spoken out in support of the Sheriff using their real name. Why is this?
mrs says
gosh if only we didnt need an income………
mrs says
we could all say what we feel and attach our real names that is…..
Mike Welsh says
Would your income be in jeopardy if you spoke out in support of the Sheriff?
mrs says
no no. thats why i followed it up. i hit the enter button to soon. i do not support this sherrif. you will be marked and head-hunted if you speak out about the issues inside…. so no one will say anything with their real name until they no longer are in striking range ya know?
Mike Welsh says
Well, yes I do know. My comment was about the people who support the Sheriff. I think it is sad that even the people who support Sheriff Bane are afraid to use their real name. Why do you think even his supporters will not use their real names when saying good things about him?
tru dat says
Even supporters can’t use their real names because Bane hates The Dagger. If he finds out you are so much as reading The Dagger, much less commenting on it, you will have hell to pay. Yes, it is childish, intimidating and contolling, but that’s life at the Sheriff’s Office–Bane’s way or the highway.
Mike Welsh says
Tru Dat
That’s incredible. Given those circumstances, why would anyone be a supporter? I shudder to think what day-to-day life must be like working in the HCSO.
Time To Go!!! says
A good friend of mine works at the DC, he doesn’t even want to test to get a promotion until Bane is gone
Patriot says
So many comments, about so many different issues.
It saddens me to read all of this, yes I comment a couple days after this hit the dagger. Its hard to believe all the comments, I’m not saying their all lies, but some comments have been taken out of contents.
Sheriff Bane has did a lot for SARC, none of you can say any different. Steven Bodway’s posting in the Dagger took a huge turn from a man not getting promoted to racism. All of this is sad, many of you at the beginning though I was Sheriff Bane due to my comment, I’m not. I’ve always looked at the good in people and tried to stay away from the negative. One wrong thing I posted in my previous comment was about CN having personal calls throughout the day. Yes everyone gets personal calls throughout the day, so I was wrong for making a comment about that. But let the blame go to the correct person for her transfer.
I do agree the top person should get the promotion if we the taxpayers are paying for a panel from different agencies to come in to interview the deputies for a promotion. As we all know there are people in the command staff that shouldn’t be there, but for whatever reason they are, its only a short term appointment.
I think that some people are starting too soon trashing the HCSO. We have 2 yrs till the election, and sometimes people will get pissed about negative adds, so they vote for who you’re trashing. This is only because after so much is said, people will think some are bitter only because of a promotion or someone getting transferred. Let the chips fall into place closer to election time. You don’t want to sound like sour grapes that has turned into vinegar.
I think people will see who’s real during the elections.
mrs says
i am not trash talking. i just used this an an avenue to express other hidden issues within. Bane is part of that problem as well. this does revolve around the standards that these people should be held to.
tru dat says
Patriot: I do believe you are True Blue. You make the same asinine comments and your writing is atrocious. This thing is spinning out of your control and you are trying to right the ship. Too late. And why are you talking about elections in 2014? We are talking about unfair practices and violations of the agency policy and procedures by the Sheriff HERE and NOW. And are you really so petty as to be tracking personal phone calls? The person responsible for every unfair and punitive transfer and non-promotion is L. Jesse Bane. End of story.
Patriot says
Did you read the post correct, I mentioned how everyone gets personal calls. I realize this is about fairness and about the sheriff. I’m sure the word is going to get out in the communities about how the sheriff isn’t fair and makes poor judgement calls. I guess for now I’d hope all could just get along for the time.
Mike Welsh says
Really!! What’s wrong with correcting the wrongs now? This is not about an election two years from now.
tru dat says
Patriot: I did read the post correctLY. You missed my point–why are we even talking about personal phone calls when an egotistical power-crazed out of control Sheriff is ruining people’s lives, squandering taxpayers money, and basically wreaking havoc on the agency? The sad thing is, unless this thing goes viral, the community in general will never know the situation. The elderly and the Edgewood/J-towne citizens will continue to think that he is God. And guess what, they’re right. Until there is a system of checks and balances and some way to punish his abuse of power, he virtually is God of the Sheriff’s Office.
Citizen says
Isn’t it possible for this to be brought to the attention of anyone and everyone who might be able to put the pressure on for a change? EVERY media outlet in the greater Baltimore area…the governor…the county council…anyone?
Marc Eaton says
Citizen, who are you going to go to? I have sent the video along with a letter to David Craig, Council President and every member of the County Council with no response from any of them. I also sent it to Senator’s Glassman and Jacobs and no response. The Aegis will not report on anything negative on Jesse Bane. Kennedy refuses to post anything that would show Bane in a bad light. Liberal media protecting a liberal Sheriff. I can’t ever get the FBI to call me back over an investigation Bane had his hands on. What everyone on here should do is call their Senators and Council representatives and demand action. Don’t even bother with David Craig, he is just worthless in my book. I wish I knew of a way to get to the residents of the gang areas to let them see the video and let them know Banes’s thinking on it.
Citizen says
Marc, wouldn’t it be possible to get a resident of those areas to bring the video to one of Bane’s community meetings? Someone either current or retired in HCSO has to have a contact living in those communities who would willing to bring it on a portable dvd player or something, show it and force Bane to comment…or at least make a “no comment.”
mrs says
oh one more thing… you will not be hired if you have visable tattoos because there are standards in place of how you must present yourself. but pressburry’s boyfriend (who works at the jail) can act like a straight up gang banging thug, post it on youtube, and that is acceptable because its artistic expression….. or Bane is to scared of her to say anything about her man. just like when she threatened to file a suit when her promotion was in question……. the internal workings of this department are off the hook and this county has no idea…..
David A. Porter says
I know for a fact that this comment is full of crap. MRS, I personally know a Harford County Sheriff Deputy with a full arm length of tattoos – on both arms. I suggest if you have an axe to grind you list your real name and reform your comments to something more actual instead of resorting to rumor and innuendo to satisfy some personal grudge you may have. You have been called out as a fraud. Your only choice now is to come clean about who you are and where you get off posting this nonsense. I despise people who misrepresent others for their own person prerogatives; and you may eventually find yourself on the wrong end of a defamation of character lawsuit if you choose to continue.
RandomPoster says
Its 100% true. No visible tattoos when in uniform or in an official vehicle off duty.
Marc Eaton says
Tattoos were never an issue before. I don’t think a tattoo should have anything to do with your ability to do your job. I don’t really think you can say no to hiring someone if they have tattoos. I have four and one is on my lower arm. If I was still there and they came down with the new rule that they had to be covered then it would have to be covered. More important things go worry about. Now vulgar or tasteless tattoos are a different subject. I understand that if you have visible tattoos you are required to wear long sleeves and a tie year round. if you want the ink then you have to wear the tie and long sleeves, not really a big deal. To me tattoos is a none issue, I like them if others don’t they do not need to get them. I don’t think a tattoo should keep a qualified person from getting the job, just know you will have to keep them covered while working. It is a fair rule, but I don’t know if they are not hiring people just because of a tattoo. Honestly people talking to me are not worried about tattoos, the mistreatment of people and not being able to do their job seems to be the main issue. That and the Bane hit squads roaming the hallways of the Sheriff’s Office.
RandomPoster says
Marc I agree, however it just seems like another way to make current employees uncomfortables. Although one has to ask if this policy will apply to the rumor of a higher up having tattoos on their face.
Marc Eaton says
Are we talking cosmetic tattoos or other tattoos?
RandomPoster says
Rumor is cosmetic, but the policy was described to me as making no distinction between the two, apparently only outlawing any and all visible tattoos when in uniform ( to apparently include tattoos visible while wearing special duty outfits such as the bicycle uniform I.e. leg tattoos and shorts) or while off duty and in an official vehicle.
David A. Porter says
I will still believe what my eyes tell me versus a nameless random poster on the Dagger. If you don’t have the integrity to put your name to your comments then you don’t have any credibility.
RandomPoster says
Why not ask this friend of yours what the the new policy says? If its a warrants person he’s allowed to have then visible per his assignment. Ask any other deputy and they will confirm the new policy.
Retired from HCSO says
That deputy was hired before Bane was Sheriff. He has stated in meetings that he does not want any tattoos on the arms of new recruits.
David A. Porter says
And exactly which Deputy am I talking about additional nameless random poster?
steeler says
Just because people don’t post their name doesn’t mean there is no merit to what they have said. Those close to the sheriff probably fear for their jobs if they give a opinion he might not like. I as so happy I don’t live in a town run by a sheriff who seems to do whatever is best for him and not the people who elected him.
David A. Porter says
Then perhaps it would be wise for them to keep their opinions, as unfavorable as they may be, about the man they work for inside their heads, or in the Sheriff’s office in order to improve the situation, or consider that you are doing nothing but acting like a bunch of high school kids instead of adult males and females employed in a law enforcement operation in this county. Just because someone has a public outlet for their venom does not mean it’s at all professional or appropriate or adult to comment here about how much they dislike their boss. Perhaps there is good reason that they are as poorly viewed in the force if they are still there, or no longer in the force. I happen to like Sheriff Bane for reasons I am sure many do not care to imagine – and I do not work for him, but these folks are coming across as a bunch of sniveling little kids who are not among the popular kids at school.
tru dat says
One of the newest graduates of the last Corrections Academy had to pay $1000 to have his tattoo removed by laser because a small part of it showed slightly below his shirt sleeve. He paid to have it done rather than risk incurring the wrath of Bane.
Mike Welsh says
David Porter
Many police agencies throughout the United States have implemented policies that prohibit the hiring of individuals with tattoos, if they can be seen when wearing the agency uniform. For the most part, agencies have grandfathered Officers already employed, if their tattoos can be covered by wearing one of the agency authorized uniforms.
George says
David A. Porter, it is the policy now that all visible tattoos are forbidden when in uniform or in agency vehicles. People can have tattoos, but they must be covered at all times. Anyone who has tattoos on their arms that would be visible in short sleeves must wear the long sleeve winter shirts year round (minus the tie in the summer.) People working in a covert assignment are exempt (however if they have to wear their uniform for some reason then the policy applies.)
This policy has changed numerous times since Bane took office. At one point tattoos just couldn’t be on the neck/face or offensive. Then no visible tattoos were allowed anywhere, but members hired prior to the policy taking affect were grandfathered in (and couldn’t get additional visible tattoos.) Then the policy basically went away. Then it came back and applied to everyone with no mention of how agency members with existing tattoos would comply (cover them up? have to spend thousands of dollars to remove them?) Then after someone decided to get a couple initials tattooed on a wrist (which was stupid to do since the policy was in effect) and was punished by being suspended and ordered to wear the winter uniform (with tie) all last summer, the policy was finally changed to what it is now.
Personally, I think the policy is petty and short sighted. It’s already difficult to find qualified candidates to be deputies and given the number of young people today who get tattoos just means that this policy shrinks an already small candidate pool even more. This also eliminates a lot of ex-military who are frequently highly qualified to be police and corrections officers. It also permanently punishes deputies who had tattoos prior to this policy taking effect by requiring them to wear long sleeves all summer long regardless of the temperature. It gets uncomfortable enough wearing a ballistics vest during the day in July and August. Having to wear long sleeves as well makes it potentially dangerous, especially when a deputy gets into a foot pursuit or has to fight someone resisting arrest (or gets into a foot pursuit, catches the guy, and then has to fight them.) I do agree that deputies shouldn’t be wearing offensive tattoos (like gang or racial tattoos) or have them crawling up their necks onto their faces, but having a few tattoos on your arm doesn’t affect your ability to perform your duties.
Hercules says
The deputy I think you’re speaking of is in a specalized unit, so his tat’s aren’t and issue. Of course that is if we’re speaking of the same deputy.
RandomPoster says
You forgot to mention the most telling line of lyrics in the whole music video. That line clearly states “throw your set signs up” referencing using gang hand signs. Artistic or not, clearly using gang signs and referencing them is in poor taste by any member of law enforcement.
mrs says
need to comment on this. the statement i made concerning her promotion was rumored throughout the county. Since that is the case, I feel that I should point that out.
suspicious says
So, Bane is afraid of Pressbury and that’s why he is not doing anything about the gang video? And it is Pressbury’s boyfriend in the video? Are there any rules about relationships within the department? And is there a difference in rank among Pressbury and her boyfriend? Seems like a cover up of sorts. Has Pressbury commented on the video? What are we missing her? Feeling nervous about how the HCSO is running things.
Marc Eaton says
Bane is smart he is not being controlled. He has his people do his bidding for him. If he was out of the picture and as I mentioned before the two names to take over this could be cleared up in not time.
mrs says
yep she’s 3 in command and hes low on the totem pole. he is a jail guard.
Mike Welsh says
Does being a jail guard make you low on the totem pole?
mrs says
only if you are looking at ranking.. not that they are not inportant and needed. dont twist this. i was referring so his rank vs hers.
Mike Welsh says
What is his rank? Do you know? There are Correctional Officers at the DC of various ranks. All the way from Major on down.
George says
I believe he’s a DFC (the lowest non-probationary rank in the agency.) He might be a Corporal (which is the lowest supervisory rank and 4 ranks below major), but I’m fairly certain he’s a DFC.
Mike Welsh says
Thanks George. That is a large difference in grade between the two. Not a good situation for the HCSO.
Marc Eaton says
I worked at the Detention Center for 4 and a half years. It is a hard job. My hat is off to anyone who takes the job on. The video stars apparently don’t take it serious. I wonder what the inmates think when they watch this video and see the reference to throwing gang signs? Oh I know, “artistic expression”.
Mike Welsh says
Do you know the rank/grade of the Deputy at the DC who is alleged to be involved with a Major on the Command Staff?
Marked says
At first, there was no tattoo rule. Then one was put in place -no tattoos. Then old employees were grandfathered in and it was for new employees – no visible tats. Now,it is reenacted for all emplyees. Like a couple of other policies that were on the books, removed from the books, now, on the books again. Seems wishywashy. Just toss the rule book and do what you want, promote who you wan and transfer who you want without regard for the individuals.
Based on all the training officers receive as a police officer on identifying gangs and gang activity, that video depicts the actors favoring and promoting gang related activity. If those actors are in fact sworn officers, then that is a real problem. Gangs have been know to infiltrate police and corrections. This seems like an open and shut case.
Marc Eaton says Jesse Bane campaign video, gang violence down. I wonder if the Deputy Sheriff Union would like their endorsement back?
mrs says
just because you “know” a deputy that has a sleeve of tattoos (which i know him as well) does not mean this is not policy right now… im not fighting with you on this… you can call bullshit if you want… but watch how many people like this comment and that will tell whats what. if the sheriffs dept holds their deputies to certain standard of how they present themselves… then that should be the standard across the board…
David A. Porter says
Who am I talking about MRS? There are 500 deputies and only one of them has a sleeve of tattoos?
mrs says
sorry dont fall to easy for bait… i will not compromise who i am talking about by dragging his name through this dog and pony show.
mrs says
just because you “know” a deputy that has a sleeve of tattoos (which i know him as well, they changed the policy after he was hired and now he has to wear long sleeves in the middle of summer) does not mean this is not policy right now… im not fighting with you on this… you can call bullshit if you want, im not a fraud, you need to get your facts straight… but watch how many people like this comment and that will tell whats what. if the sheriffs dept holds their deputies to certain standard of how they present themselves… then that should be the standard across the board…
David A. Porter says
The popularity of a comment in the Dagger is never an indication of its validity. Only someone that posted as multiple personalities, or collaborated with other persons masquerading as multiple personalities, would say such a stupid thing. Just take a look at the discussion about Nicole Diaz and her driving offense, that killed a woman, for evidence of how the walls are filled with cockroaches that come out when it’s dark.
mrs says
I will not fight with any of you on this page. Deputies are being raked over the coals and their puppeteers are named throughout this post. Deflection and baiting is quite obvious. The men and woman that serve this county deserve better than they are getting…. if you all only knew what was really going on….
tru dat says
OK PEOPLE, Here are a few email addresses and phone numbers of officials to contact. Maybe if they get more than one or two complaints and see that their own campaign efforts may be affected, they will sit up and take notice:
Senator Nancy Jacobs 410-841-3158
Senator Barry Glassman or
Harford County Executive David Craig 410-638-3550
County Council President Billy Boniface 410-638-3525
Councilman Joe Woods 410-638-3520
Council James “Capt Jim” McMahan 410-638-3523
Councilman Chad Shrodes 410-638-3524
Councilman Richard Slutzky 410-638-3522
Councilwoman Mary Ann Lisanti 410-638-3526
Councilman Dion Guthrie 410-638-4109 X 1403
Delegate B. Daniel Riley 410-841-3289
send a link of the video to:
Edgewood Community Council Chairman Jansen Robinson 410-676-1589
Edgewood Newsletter Editor Art Stuempfle
Someone else can look up the rest of the delegates. Ok, so most of your work has been done–now fire off those emails and make it happen!
Marc Eaton says
I have already sent the video along with a letter to everyone on this list. As of today no response,but I am just one person. Numbers make a difference.
Mike Welsh says
Tru Dat
Jesse Bane and Dan Riley are two peas in a pod. Think!!
Ray Nevin and Janice Redmond says
Jesse Bane, Patriot, True Blue and Bane supporters: I am the husband of the records clerk who got transferred to midnights. Her sister is writing this for me because I’m not very good at typing or expressing my feelings on paper so she is helping me out. My wife starts her first midnight shift tonight. She is going to drive with only 3 hours of sleep, if that, because she was not able to change her sleeping pattern with only a few days notice that she was being unfairly transferred. It isn’t natural for her or anyone else for that matter to go to sleep at 7:30 at night. I have a few questions for all of you: how would you like it if your wife had to get up at 11:30 at night, drive to work with less than 3 hours of sleep, in the dark, and worse yet, drive home after being up almost 24 hours straight, all because someone has an irrational dislike for her? On top of that, what if your wife had a chronic illness? What if her immune system was compromised due to cancer surgery and treatment? What if her whole cycle of medications is now going to be out of kilter solely because she voted for someone else? How would you feel towards the person who is doing this to your loved one? You treat your dogs better than you treat her. She is a civilian, not a cop. She knows she works at the will of the Sheriff but when the Sheriff’s will is callous and cold-hearted, it’s just plain wrong. She knows you are trying to get her to quit, but guess what? You’re going to have to figure out a different way to get rid of her because sleep or no sleep, she’s going to work tonight.
Mike Welsh says
There are laws regarding hostile work environments. I would suggest your wife look into this. While she may work as an “at will” employee, the Sheriff has a duty to prevent a hostile workplace. The description of what is occurring within the HCSO, both with your wife and other employees, sure sounds like a hostile work place to me.
Retired from HCSO says
Yes the Sheriff, who is supposed to set the example of high ethics and bestow positive values has created a very hostile working condition. Instead of focusing on the crime in the county he diverts his attention to the fine men and women who have chosen to work in law enforcement as their career. The reason for this is his paranoia. “Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion.” (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) I have been saying this for a long time. The chief LE official in the county is not of his right mind. He has demonstrated these traits for a lot of years. It is unfortunate that the citizens don’t really know the man they have put so much of their trust into.
Mike Welsh says
The men and women of HCSO know the problems. They must now decide if they want a fair and equitable workplace where their accomplishments are recognized and their hard work rewarded, or a HCSO that operates like a dictatorship. Serving in public safety is hard and often times unrecognized by the very people you serve. Being crapped on by your own leadership is the last thing that should happen.
David A. Porter says
Expressing your opinion about politics in the workplace – especially if you work for an elected official – is just asking for trouble. If not from the guy you work for, from the co-workers who disagree with you. Politics like religion, how much money you make, and sex really have no business being discussed in the workplace. And yes, I know it’s gone on for years, but this society is far more narcissistic than it used to be and people love to talk about themselves more now than ever.
Mike Welsh says
David Porter
Your words are very true, which is the reason people who have no legitimate avenue to address their grievances at work turn to venues such as this to vent their frustrations. Their words in this forum will not be effective for change unless it brings the Deputies together as a collective group to en mass address the inappropriate things that are occurring.
Marc Eaton says
Good for you Cindy! Like Clint Eastwood said in Heart Break Ridge. “Don’t give the bastard the satisfaction”.
Please email me at, have a suggestion for you on this.
Wanting her to quit is exactly what he is doing. Bane comes off as a caring warm hearted man. He is a mean spirited liberal….most liberals are. This needs to get out to all women and cancer survivors. Put this on your face book wall if you have one, tell everyone you know, email everyone on your email list. Trust me, Bane is in a spin here because he can’t control the Dagger. He does not want this to get out. I think Bane has over played his hand here and he knows it. The message is getting out trust me, my phone and email are burning up. I understand computer support is working hard so remember guys do not use agency computers when sending emails.
Resident says
Be very careful. If you go public with a complaint, the agency will only fabricate reasons to fire you. I’ve seen it happen. I’ve seen people get promoted for lying on behalf of the agency. My advise would be to just wait it out, change is always just around the corner.
Marc Eaton says
No do not hold back. This is what Bane and his people want. Do you want to have to wait until the next election? This needs to be aired out now, Bane needs to be held accountable for his misconduct in Office. Tell everyone and put it on here, trust me it is hitting home with Bane. He needs to go and Carlevaro who is also running the Jail right now needs to be appointed to the office and get things back on the right track. You would be surprised how much things would change if Bane is forced to step down. Don’t listen to the threats of people who tell you what you say will get back to them. None of us will tell them who you are.
Retiredawhile says
No one who is a current employee should ever go it alone when bringing to light the kinds of things we are hearing about. Aside from those who may very well have legal recourse, the Deputies should pursue this kind of vendetta management as an organized group.
Unless you know something all of the others don’t, I would suggest that change is not “just around the corner”. Waiting until November 2014 is along time to survive in a hostile work environment.
Patriot says
Ray, I apologize for anything I said that was negative towards your wife. I absolutely woundn’t want my spouse sick or well to travel to work during those hrs. Heads up, we’ll hope for a better future for her, and you as well.
Marked says
Ray, I would encourage you to contact the Sheriff himself and let him know how this is affecting you and your family. Other officers spouses have, and changes came down.
Marc Eaton says
Ray only if that person supported Bane in his election. If you didn’t you have a target on your back. Bane is not a nice guy.
Random poster says
A lot of deputies work midnight. Stop crying obviously you have a false sense of intitlement, it kills me her familys on this post complaining about her working midnights. I say this you are still employed and the sheriff can move you what ever shift he wants you to be on if you don’t like it quit.
Marc Eaton says
Most deputies want to work midnight shift. After 17 years to be transferred with only several days notice? Not taking into consideration her health issues. Quit? this is what he wants! Ive never seen any Sheriff do this to people in my time there……. so the old Sheriff line “I can move you anywhere” won’t work. You and everyone on here knows why Bane did this, and skipped two people on the promotions list. Little man syndrome. Bane has computer courage, he is a big man hiding behind the screen. Hey Jesse, how many nights did you pull on midnight shift? I am talking about working the road not behind a desk?
RandomPoster1 says
There are two of us on the boards, Random Poster (not me) and RandomPoster (me.) Don’t want anyone confusing us.
steeler says
Why would he move someone who is doing her job and doing it well for 17 years. Who are you kidding that she should be glad to have a job. Why would she not if her performance has been excellent. By the way I am not a family member.
Marc Eaton says
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Anne Arundel County police sergeants and lieutenants have passed votes of no confidence in their leaders, saying budget cutbacks are hurting their mission.
The county’s Police Lieutenant’s Association and Police Supervisors Association voted last week on the resolutions against County Executive John R. Leopold and Police Chief James Teare Sr.
The Capital newspaper in Annapolis reports that an email it obtained indicates the local unions are coordinating with their national counterparts ahead of the upcoming budget period and contract negotiations with the county.
County spokesman Dave Abrams said all county departments have taken budget hits and pay cuts, but the county is trying to maintain its level of service without layoffs.
Read more:
King of Common Sense says
Marc Eaton, I didn’t start at the DC until after you left but the mention of your name flawlessly draws a roll of the eyes and a chuckle so I can only imagine what you were like as a coworker. The fact that you still pay so much attention to the activity there despite your very brief career is pathetic. If the sheriff were to take action against the two officers in the video you continue to mention, that would be political suicide. The one reference about “throwing up your set sign” is the only complaint that has a shred of merit, the remainder inferring gang activity only does so if you buy into racial stereotypes. I’m sure that would look really good, Official statement from the Sheriff’s Office any african american who pays cash for a car and likes hip hop is a gang member. Nobody in the world can wear red anymore because it belongs to the bloods. Thats what you would want us to believe.
One of the officers in this video is a well known recording artist with 4PM whose hit Sukiyaki gained international recognition in the early 90’s. Any assertion that he is anything but a fine officer is ridiculous. The other guy, referred to as the “majors boyfriend” isn’t a particularly bright or mature guy but he does his job properly.
Marc Eaton says
King Of Common sense. Yes I am sure it did, I was a little too young for them. I had fun playing the cat and mouse game with inmates and at this time it was more about just letting things go on running smooth with the inmates. Didn’t take crap from them so I was considered to be always firing up the poor prisoners. It was a good job to prepare for the road. 22 year career, Patrol, K-9 unit, Traffic Unit, EVOC instructor, RADAR LIDAR VASCAR instructor, Motor Officer, was an instructor in the Academy for Traffic training. I also was a crash reconstrucionist when I retired. My career was neither brief nor pathetic! Good try. Officer of the Year in 1992 with my work with my Partner K-9 Max, and nominated twice for the Baltimore Sun’s Officer of the year. I would say I had a great and fulfilling career. Accomplished a lot in my career. Delivered a baby and still keep in touch with the family. As for the video makers: well in my day when integrity was still a part of our department….. well lets just say they would be gone. And for the record my friend I never brought up race, known felons, gangs signs or relationships with high ranking Officer so please address each poster on this site based on what they wrote because I DID NOT WRITE THOSE THINGS!!! Do I agree? Yes!! I never questioned they way the do their jobs. I just question common sense and good judgement in making this video. Please don’t insult my intelligence.The back pack with money and two new cars makes every one think about drug dealers and gang members! These two men work for the Sheriff’s Office and have to be careful how the public looks at them. This makes them look like thugs! You posted that one of your fellow Correctional Officers is not too bright, That really shines a bad light on you. Your Gang people started this investigation according to my sources so they must have thought the same thing I did. You just can’t justify this. King Of Commen Sense…..and you call a fellow Corrections Officer not particularly bright? Wow!
mrs2 says
King of Idiocy: When I first read your post, I thought it was a joke, then I realized that when you started giving props to your gangbangers, that you weren’t kidding. On Marc Eaton: People “FLAWLESSLY” roll their eyes and chuckle at the mention of his name. How in the hell does one flawlessly roll ones eyes? Visual please. I chuckle myself at the mention of Marc Eaton’s name because he was and still is a true character, a one of a kind individual, and a damn good cop. As for his short career? I don’t know who you are or what you do, but 22 years of service anywhere is commendable and something to be proud of. And wow, the dude in “the video” is “a well-known recording artist…who gained international recognition in the early 90’s…”. That’s totally awesome! Guess what? Sgt. (should be Lt.) Dave Betz is a nationally accredited expert in the field of child sexual assault. He continues to travel across the county to speak at seminars in the present day, 2012. As recently as 2 years ago, the Aegis did a multi-page story on Sgt. Betz. Bane was close by to suck up the praise as though he was the person being written about. Not even 2 years later, Betz is in the dog house because he supported someone else for sheriff. So King of Stupidity, go listen to your Greatest Hits of the Early 90’s cassette, I’ll stick with Eaton, Betz and Impallaria.
mrs says
woot woot… great name mrs2…. great minds…
mrs says
Mission Statement
With courage, honor, and integrity we protect the rights and dignity of all citizens. In partnership with our communities, we strive to preserve the peace and provide for a safe environment for all.
With steadfastness and purpose of mind, we accept the responsibility of overcoming adversity to remain effective, efficient, and responsive to the needs of our communities.
With distinction and pride, we protect the rights of all citizens equally.
We are responsible for our conduct, both professionally and personally. We are honest, fair, and strong of character. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct and endeavor to be role models for others.
unless you bed share with the sheriff.. then you can do what you want…
mrs says
I still stand by the Jack Meckley should have won…
really says
It is not right to insult someones character if they go to work everyday and do their job. What is the real issue? The video may have been innapropriate but why put down a fellow coworker? Did any of you go to them and express personally your feelings or have you just posted on here and never took your issue straight to the persons involved? Who are you really mad at?
King of Common Sense says
Mr. Eaton, your career in law enforcement was extensive and I’m sure you did a fine job. Your career in corrections was appropriately brief. It takes a different kind of person to work in corrections. More specifically, the officers that are a little rough around the edges generally turn out to be better correctional officers than most of the self-righteous clean cut ones.
I agree, that I did respond to several other posters without distinguishing who I was responding to with each statement. Also, when I used the word “flawlessly” I meant without fail, meaning it occurs every time. Apparently some other poster couldn’t come up with any material argument so they decided they would attack a grammatical error.
I know plenty of officers there that through being responsible could afford to buy a car in cash. I am not a fan of hip-hop in any way, but to make any money at it, I understand the subject matter the audience wants to see. I have yet to see a music video in which the rapper fills out loan paperwork or opens a Roth IRA. Anyone that has worked in law or law enforcement knows that the type of generalizations you are trying to make about the actions in the video are dangerous and don’t hold water in a court of law or in a disciplinary proceeding.
Marc Eaton says
Well was I rough around the edges or self righteous? If my career was short lived at the jail what exactly was the problem with me there? The reason I ask, the Lt at the time, Hank Rector came to me and asked me to stay at the jail. I made the right decision to leave, I was much happier as a Patrol Deputy. You can spin the video any way you want, it is what it is bad. Under a Sheriff with integrity this would have been handled. Bane has no ethics or integrity and his decision was made for political reasons. What ever you do though do not take personal phone calls or support the wrong man for Sheriff or you will be transferred, passed over for promotion or taken out of a job you did for 17 years and transferred to midnight shift. If the County Executive , Council President and County Council had any back bone I would love to hear what they think about it. So far they have been silent on this.
One thing you should know about me King, I have thick skin. Little digs and clever words will not upset me. If you work at the Jail, go up town and look up my arrest records and what I did. I am proud of what I accomplished. You know I should run for Sheriff, if Bane who has no experience as a police officer can do it I know I could do his job. One thing for sure people would love to work there and the men and women would be able to do their jobs free of fear. I would not stand on the streets and having a hug a thug event. I would also treat the gang bangers and drug dealers to some good old fashion 1990’s power shift reeducation classes prompting them to move out of Harford County. Well I am not politically correct enough to be Sheriff. I still believe bad guys should fear the police. They should know the streets belong to the police. Deputies should be able to do there job and not have to worry if they are dealing with a friend of the Sheriff. We all know how this turns out right Bane. Stopping investigations and giving property back. Jesse go out and ride at night with one of your men, see how a real police officer does his job. Maybe Harford County does not need a politician to be Sheriff they need a cop who thinks like a cop and would back his men up not matter what. Your undersheriff is running up town and the jail. What do you do exactly? Do you still play solitaire on your computer like you did in the old days? How is your score?
verdadero says
Marc, I would have said Greg Carlevaro would have been an excellent choice to replace Bane. However the entire Command needs to be changed now. They have all sat back and watched the agency be infected by one man’s poison. Carlevaro is the man that would comment how the previous administration was wasting the education that they paid for him to complete. Fast forward six years and watch as his administration does the same to Betz. Google his name and read how he was being punished and mistreated by the Golding administration, only now to do just what he said was done to him.
The problem now is this agency has become a circus under Bane and it needs a COMPETENT leader and entire new Comman Staff. For all of these Commanders to allow the Sheriff’s Office to fall back to the 1960’s and 1970’s of “Serpico” is downright horrible. It only took Sheriff Meadows a short time to take the HCSO out of the Dark Ages and Bane turned it back to the Stone AGE. Everyone has a core group of supporters to the end, look at Hitler; he even had friends in his bunker to the end. What would prove redemption to his command is if they would just leave the bunker and tell the truth about this deceitful man (L.J. Bane)!
Retiredawhile says
While it would be wonderful for the Command Staff to step forward and surface the personal vendettas they have had to carryout on the Sheriff’s behalf, I do not think that is going to happen.
Change for the HCSO needs to begin with the Deputies Union who must decide just what kind of Agency they want to have. I wish them every success in such an endeavor. It won’t be easy, but they can do it if they stick together.
steeler says
How come no one has commented about Jesse Bane’s dementia or is that off limits too?
Marc Eaton says
I understand that a Cpl was transferred to property today after receiving his ass chewing by a certain Major. The Cpl apparently was using his right of free speech which did not sit well with this Major. No problems with the Sheriff’s Office right? A storm is brewing and headed toward the second floor of 45 South Main Street.
Marc Eaton says
Don’t even know my own email anymore,
Retiredawhile says
Do you have any details on the move?
Why did they keep getting away with treating hard working people like that? Something has got to be done about these retributory decisions!
verdadero says
When will the Sheriff and his cult of Commanders stop all this retribution? The answer is they think they are untouchable, so they will keep it up as long as they continue to get away with it. The Dagger is the only honest venue to bring this to light so the general public can know what really goes on at the HCSO. It is unfortunate that the Aegis or Baltimore Sun will let this take a pass.
Speak up and be vocal at the HCSO… and be punished. Stalk and make a young girl feel uncomfortable and have her father file a complaint and then lie; what happens? Get transferred to the court house to only ply your trade to a family deputy and then get fired! Have your secretary (who can’t type) create a scene with one of your deputies at a traffic accident and do nothing about that! The sceanrios are real and just go on and on.
So now a Corporal is the target of the Major. This is the same Major that loses her complaint against a Sergeant but is still able to transfer him, and guess what they say…. it is not a punishment! It just makes me laugh! This just proves that the Major was promoted before she was ready to hold such a position. She is drunk with power and has lost any ability to be a true leader. Her personal relationship that has been brought up in this blog has caused her to address roll calls about rumors. This is what the agency has come to today because of the poor choices at work and in their personal lives. Commanders address issues at roll call. I have called the agency a Circus and Bane is the ring leader. The Command now acts like clowns getting out of a little car.
I agree that the deputies and the union must stick together and be strong. That is how they will overcome the Sheriff. The union and the deputies can use their power together to let the public know the plight they are in with this Sheriff.
I have heard that a vote of no confidence is coming soon.
Retiredawhile says
I agree wholeheartedly with your comments. You say a vote of No Confidence may be forthcoming. If so, I hope (all) the local media covers such an action, and listens to what the Deputies have to say about the kinds of things happening in the HCSO. Local government has a vested interest in what is going on. I encourage them to listen to the Deputies Union.
Marc Eaton says
The members of the Union have to stand together even against the Union President and executive board and bring the vote of no confidence to the floor. Remember Bane can’t fire everyone. As for the transfer of the Cpl. it was told to me it may have been for medical reasons and I am waiting for a conformation on that.
This is copied from the Sheriff’s Office web site, maybe Bane should read it and pay special attention to the last paragraph on integrity.
We are responsible for our conduct, both professionally and personally. We are honest, fair, and strong of character. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct and endeavor to be role models for others.
Mission Statement
With courage, honor, and integrity we protect the rights and dignity of all citizens. In partnership with our communities, we strive to preserve the peace and provide for a safe environment for all.
With steadfastness and purpose of mind, we accept the responsibility of overcoming adversity to remain effective, efficient, and responsive to the needs of our communities.
With distinction and pride, we protect the rights of all citizens equally.
We are responsible for our conduct, both professionally and personally. We are honest, fair, and strong of character. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct and endeavor to be role models for others.
Marc Eaton says
Do not hold your breath on the Executive or the County Council to get involved in this. The have been sent the video and never responded to my letter. It seems the Circus is not just Bane, it starts with Craig and runs down hill. I would hope people would remember this and during the next election bring this to their attention and ask why they ignored it. Senator Glassman also is aware of this video and he did not respond either, remember that when he is running for County Executive. Ignoring any citizen shows you don’t care about what they feel is an important issue and makes you a typical politician.
Pollitical Prisoner says
@ Marked
“Ray, I would encourage you to contact the Sheriff himself and let him know how this is affecting you and your family. Other officers spouses have, and changes came down.”
I have read some funny things on this blog, but this really made me LOL.
Too funny…….
mrs says
Change is on the way. Stick together deputies…. There is power in numbers. Good luck!
mrs says
As far a vote of No Confidence, if the union is contemplating a vote of no confidence, then this needs to been done as a secret ballot. It can not be done in an open forum because it would possitively identify those that oppose Bane. (ofcoarse they dont have spies sitting in the back….) They have made it pretty impossible to voice your opinion openly without “Major” backlash. (no pun intended…..) So many of you want to speak out but fear for your jobs.. You have families to support, and bills to pay. I am so sorry this is so difficult. You all deserve better… This needs reach the public.
mrs says
Gosh Sheriff and Major why dont you get off the dagger and go try to be effective leaders instead of giving private citzens that only want the best for your deputies a “thumbs down” … nice way to show your true colors… i know it must be hard… its all falling apart all around you isnt it…..
mrs2 says
Very true Mrs1. There were not nearly so many thumbs down yesterday as there are today. Frank Perdue must have all his chickens pecking away at the thumbs down enter key!
Retiredawhile says
Marc Eaton,
Your comments regarding the Deputies standing up to their President and Executive Board leads me to believe you feel those folks support Sheriff Bane and the things he has been doing. It would be very disappointing if they support these most recent decisions.
Marc Eaton says
I only know who the President is, I don’t know where he stands on Bane. Lets be honest, Bane is running the show. I think the rank and file are afraid to speak up and I do not blame them. Me and you can not be touched. I don’t know how a vote of no confidence would work. I guess the motion would have to be raised on the floor at a Union Meeting and get a second and an yes vote to pass. It would have to be a secret ballot because you know it would get back to Bane who brought the motion forward. They way I see this is a no win situation for these guys. You have to remember that these men and women need their jobs and they have to be careful. Not coming forward and speaking up does not make them week in my eye. I never had to deal with things like this when I worked there, I know Bane and how he is so I can just imagine the stress they feel day in and day out. It is pretty much a sure thing that David Craig and the County Council could care less what is going on at 45 South Main Street. Aegis will not touch it they protect Bane. Kennedy will not post anything negative on Bane either.
The past two Union President have done Banes bidding, so the Union Members may have to feel the new President out. I have asked to rejoin the Union and I am awaiting an answer on this, I have a copy of the Union bylaws and I am waiting on the answer from the President. I am sure Bane will have his input on the matter. Again, I will not go away or not be heard on this.
You only hear two names mentioned on here about Bane and his command staff. I would love to see Col. Carlevaro running the Sheriff’s Office with Major Stonesifer second in command. I guess all any of us can do is keep the pressure on and maybe the right person will step up and give Bane a dose of his own medicine. Again, I do not hate Jesse Bane but I hate what he and some others are doing to the people who work at this department. They will still be there long after Bane is gone, they deserve to be heard without worrying about their job. I am hoping that people will read these post by me and others and confront Jesse Bane at his community meetings he holds. A few bad apples including Bane should not ruin the lives of people who are willing to give their life to protect the citizens of Harford County. Harford County residents, when you see the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office remember they work to protect you and right now they need you to stand with them and stop this. They deserve your help.
Mrs Too says
FYI, the Union is having it’s first meeting tonight with the new President and Executive Board. He has only been in office for one month and had so much thrown at him in that time, his head is spinning. Remember, he has a full time supervisory position as well as being the Union President. Everything takes time, especially getting people to agree on how to do something. It was a fiasco to get people to try to vote via internet because of the conspiracy theorists and dinosaurs. And, quite honestly, people hate change. Give the new President and Executive Board at least a month or so to get their bearings before judgement is passed on them.
RandomPoster1 says
Just remember that the union truly has no power, and only exists and functions at the pleasure of the sheriff. He is under no obligation to listen to them. Any action taken by them against him could be met with swift retribution without any recourse. In fact, if I understand correctly he could tell them he isn’t interested in anything they have to say and just do things his way.
There are a lot of younger (relatively speaking) guys who want the union to succeed and things to move forward with the department but many older punch drinkers in the union can’t see past banes rosy cheeks.
As far as the endorsement in the last election left, when your choices are 1) a guy with no clue 2) a guy who would build a museum to the stetson 3) a guy who says he doesn’t care about the union’s vote because troopers back him 4) the status quo 5) a newer guy many folks figured no change was better then negative change.
Retiredawhile says
Wow, I thought the Deputies Union was affiliated with some national organization. So you are saying that they are just a group of Deputies who collect money for whatever purpose, and are masquerading as a true Union? What about the Correctional Officers Union, same for them??
Marc Eaton says
The union can not strike and has no bargaining power. Under the right conditions it is to work with the Sheriff and the Sheriff with the Union. The Union should not tell any Sheriff how to run the department and the Union should not do the Sheriff’s bidding either.
The Union has a new President and you can’t hold him accountable for what the last Presidents did. He deserves a chance to show how he is going to run things.
This is not about an election or any candidate from the last election. This is about what the current Sheriff is doing to the Office of the Sheriff and good men and women who serve. Bane has his people who report to him what is said at the meetings. Speaking out could cause you problems. Any Sheriff or person running for the office wants the endorsement of the Union. Face it, who the Union endorses is helpful in the election process. They did endorse Bane in the last election and Bane was proud to tell everyone he had their blessing. I would hope that Union members would now take a look at what is going on and use that same power to have a vote of no confidence in Bane. Stand together, he can’t fire or transfer all of you. Can all of you take two more years of this from him and a few of his chosen head hunters? You put him in office and he repays this with his childish spoiled sand box actions. Time to give him his toys and send him home.
Marc Eaton says
Serpico, the Bible for Jesse Bane. Frank Serpico is a police officer who is in a corrupt police department. He refuses to go with the corruption and decides to expose it. He is harassed and threatened, his struggle causes infighting among the NYPD and causes family problems for Serpico. He testifies before the Knapp Commission that investigated police corruption in the NYPD. Now, I guess we are to believe somehow this book is to help supervisors at the Sheriff’s Office be better Supervisors? I am really confused here. It would seem that Bane is the NYPD in this case. He is the corruption, he uses his head hunters to harass and threaten a hand picked few who disagree or supported other candidates in the last election. He treats his people like Serpico and now many are starting to come forward and bring his tactics to the light. Serpico is a hero, the NYPD was the bad guy. Bane is the NYPD and his men and women are Serpico. Okay supervisors, time to use Bane’s Bible against him. Who will come forward and expose the corruption of Bane’s kingdom? If you are not part of the solution then you are part of he problem, stand up for what is right. . Keep the emails and phone calls coming and remember do not use agency computers or phones when you call. Big brother is watching and listening.
verdadero says
Marc, I heard that the Deputies did not have a vote of No Confidence at their meeting. Is it something you think they will do? I did hear that the meeting was good and handled well by the new President. I also understand that legal action by two deputies is underway against the Sheriff. So I guess your question is answered, there seems to be some people who have had enough of Bane. I hope that others will now begin to feel free to expose the Sheriff and his simpletons for what they are and stand behind the two who are willing to face the “Bane” of vindictiveness. Marc, is there any way we can help the two deputies take down Bane. Can we write letters, show up at events or put fliers on vehicles… (anything at all to show our support)? You seem to have the contacts and the leadership to take this on. We must wipe the HCSO clean of this despicable,vile man!
Do What's Right says
Verdadero: YES! Let’s find ways to support these two courageous people willing to stand up for what is right even if it means putting themselves and their families with the possibility of retribution. We can all spend hours discussing here on the Dagger but let’s put our money where our mouths are and join them. Looking forward to info regarding ways to help.
Marc Eaton says
Time to set up a fund for donations for people who have been screwed by Bane. Could you imagine having a fund raiser for deputies who need protection from their Sheriff, pretty sad but its true.
Marc Eaton says
The problem, been a long day. Sorry.
Retiredawhile says
You do not have to have binding arbitration or the right to strike, to have bargaining power. Certainly helps, but not required. What is absolutely necessary is an active and involved membership that insists on a fair and equitable work place for all employees. A strong union leadership team that is capable of articulating the memberships concerns is also necessary. If the Deputies Union has these assets they can be very effective in bringing about positive change. If the Union is affiliated with a National Union, then using their resources can also be helpful.
Wishing the Deputies Union good luck is not what they need. What they need is to get together on the right side of right. If they do that, they will be successful, and I do wish them success. Time to get to work!!
tru dat says
a person or thing that ruins or spoils: Gambling was the bane of his existence.
a deadly poison (often used in combination, as in the names of poisonous plants): wolfsbane; henbane.
death; destruction; ruin.
Obsolete . that which causes death or destroys life: entrapped and drowned beneath the watery bane.
verdadero says
They are willing to face the Bane of vindictiveness… = face the (torment, calamity, disaster) of vindictiveness. Forgot to put the word “his” in front of vindictiveness. Sorry, but I’m sure the point is perfectly clear. The two deputies are willing to stand up to LJB! And we all need to support them in any way we can.
Marc Eaton says
When and if the law suit comes out he would be a fool to go after them any further. Maybe we should start a fund raising effort for member of the Sheriff’s Office who are willing to stand up to Bane. Have some fund raisers and place adds in the papers and have people donate to a bank. I wonder how hard this would be. Probably get a lot of support for this.
tru dat says
Count me in for any fundraising event–enough is enough. These employees who have been wronged are having to seek legal counsel for something NOT OF THEIR OWN DOING–purely based on Bane’s hatred. Then they have to suffer the further punishment of taking on legal fees? All Uncle Jesse has to do is turn any paperwork he receives or wants filed over to the county legal department that we the taxpayers are footing the bill for! For the good of the agency–with honor, courage and integrity. What a joke Jesse Bane is!
tru dat says
For those of you fearful of speaking out and supporting your brothers in blue, I leave you with the following quotes:
Above all, never be afraid. The enemy who forces you into retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment—
Andre Maurois
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing—
Edmund Burke
David A. Porter says
Mr Burke may have said something close to this but you are misattributing this quote to him.
tru dat says
Easy does it, Porter. Now you are saying that John Bartlett’s Book of Familiar Quotations is incorrect. Who knew we had a genius in our midst? And you can fix radar equipment too. What a guy!
Curious says
why don’t you speak out somewhere it counts- States Attorney, U.S. Attorney? It would accomplish more.
verdadero says
Wow, did I just notice that the Sheriff is taking a stand on accident deaths in Harford County in The Sun. Deputies can now issue more tickets with their computers. The sad thing is that BEAN COUNTER BANE’s new Field Base Reporting will take deputies off the road for hours and all for the purpose of collecting STATS. He knows nothing about being a Police Officer, only about feeding the public stories and stats. He is a true Paper-Cowboy. Any advancement in technology under Bane is a boondoggle. Red Light camera program under Bane…. failed to be implemented, computers in vehicles…. sat for years in a closet under Bane, installed after being outdated for several years, records system that coast millions…. thrown away because it doesn’t work, and now a report system that is suppose to work from the field but is police station based. Why is it Police Station based? Because the outdated computers will not operate the system. A report a deputy could do on the road in the past in 40- 50 minutes will now take 3- 4 hours. This is not a joke! Seriously,talk to the deputies that are Guinea Pigging this program at the Northern Precinct Station. Wait a minute, there is one positive, Sheriff Bane can give you precise maps to show us where the crime is happening. Shouldn’t he be working to keep deputies on the road to fight crime instead? We don’t need a Paper-Cowboy, Bean Counter running the HCSO.
Marc Eaton says
He should be asked why he is taking radar sets from people and waiting to issue the new ones? They are turning in old radar sets and turning them in for $100.00 dollars and getting the new ones. Why not keep the old ones and add the new ones to the patrol deputies. If the vendor is going to sell the old ones why not keep them. We only took sets out of service when I was in the Traffic Unit when the people who did the calibration said they were no longer safe to use or could not be calibrated. This is just another way Bane’s wisdom of how being a cop works. As for the Red Light Camera program, I have been gone for ten years and he was working on it when I left. Now that is progress.
You have to grade Bane on a curve, he probably has never been certified in radar, or even written a ticket. I wonder if he could do a field sobriety test if he had to. What happen to writing a report with a pen and a paper report form? No wonder guys are counting down to retirement. How can you work for someone who has no law enforcement experience? Meadows was not a cop but he was a prosecutor, he spent more time and was closer to criminals then Bane was.
David A. Porter says
One obvious answer would be the older radar sets are no longer serviced on a service contract. Plus, since some of you guys can’t understand what it means to calibrate stuff, perhaps the newer ones will be more user friendly with this feature. And by the way, one brilliant Deputy I met told me I was doing 48 mph in front of South Hampton Middle School. When I asked him when was the last time he calibrated his radar he replied – It’s not Radar – It’s Laser. Wow, a rocket scientist. Any device you use for measurement requires periodic calibration and certainly knowledge to operate effectively. He was indignant, and filled with contempt and gave me the standard “Well some people just don’t know how fast they are traveling”. And he issued me a Warning. A Warning for 18 mph over the speed limit in front of a school.
tru dat says
Mr Porter: What is your point? You are rambling and incoherent. Are you upset that you didn’t get a ticket for going over 18 mph in a school zone? Are you saying the deputy doesn’t know his own equipment? You say you are sick of Bane detractors posting, well I am sick of you denigrating our deputies. Can’t have it both ways pal.
Marc Eaton says
@Tru Dat… why should Mr. Porter show respect for the deputy? The Sheriff he loves doesn’t so why would he see anything wrong with it? I wish Mr. Porter would tell us all how to calibrate a RADAR set. I would love to hear him do this.
Retiredawhile says
You should not have been given a warning ticket. Your actions were absolutely irresponsible, going 48mph in a school zone. In the Deputies defense, he/she probably did not know how big a jackass you really are.
tru dat says
Porker probably dropped Bane’s name and the deputy was fearful that the wrath of Bane would strike him if he wrote a ticket instead of a warning. Yup, that’s how the Sheriff’s Office rolls.
David A. Porter says
Retired. If the the deputy was afraid of me or any alleged association with Sheriff bane he did not display it in the contempt he offered me. Yes, I should have received a ticket for doing 48 mph in a school zone. Why didn’t I? Because they were clueless and they knew it but would not admit it.
Marc Eaton says
Dear Mr. Porter. For your information all radar sets come with tuning forks and have to be calibrated at the start and end of the shift. If the units fail they will not work at all so there is no way it can give a false speed reading. The Sheriff’s Office does their own yearly calibrations on all sets. Now, for LIDAR laser sets do self calibrations when you turn it on. If it does not calibrate it will show an error code. If it fails during use it will show an error message. If the battery is low it will not work. So you do not know what you are talking about. When I taught RADAR and LIDAR classes I instructed them that they did not have to give that information out or show the violator the speed. The court had copies of all the calibrations on the sets and speed odometers of the cars. To instruct you a little more RADAR AND LIDAR work differently. RADAR is a radio wave and LIDAR works with a laser beam. It is up to the deputy or trooper if they issue a warning or a citation, be glad it was a warning. He was right, some people don’t realize their speed until they are stopped. You should just google a subject next time before you try and pretend you know what you are talking about.
If you were really paying attention to my face book page you would also see I like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin. Nothing on Fox News. If your remark about my face book page was meant to intimidate me you missed. I can not intimidated! I hate no one. I do not like what Bane is doing and I am standing up for people who can not speak for themselves. No one has attempted to question anything I have written as being untrue. What is driving the regime crazy is that people are talking to me and they can’t stop it. I have so much more to get out there and I will as time allows and I verify the information. This is not political in anyway. Bane and his head hunters can call me any time they want to. I am not hard to find. I am attempting to rejoin the Union and if I am voted back in Bane or anyone can talk to me once a month at the Union meetings. Just waiting on my application form to submit along with my $50.00 dollars and then the members have to vote. From the emails and calls I get I should not have any problems getting back in.
Mr. Porter, do you carry and use your FOJ card?
I would put money on the fact that you were like a little mouse when you were stopped. You are like most people police deal with, all mouth after the police leave.
David A. Porter says
On the contrary Marc. I raised an objection as soon as the deputy motioned for me to leave the driving lane to follow the line of two cars he already pulled into the Southampton parking Lot. They were distressed when I wanted to consult the drivers of the others cars when I was told of my alleged speed and told me to return to my car and that I was being videotaped. Yes I returned to the car because quite frankly, I do not trust the intentions of someone carrying deadly force and an overinflated sense of ego and no humility. I say alleged speed because I never drive that fast on that road. And you can call me a liar about that if you wish but you were not there and your deputy issued a Warning for 48 mph in a school zone. To me, the warning was an indication he hadn’t a clue what my speed was but he just wanted to exercise his privilege as a duly sworn law enforcement officer, and his pat answers when dealing with the regular citizenry. the ones that you like to believe are mice. I do not have an FOJ card. I despise people who carry those little placards with the sheriff logo on them as if that is their get out of jail free card. I do not expect special treatment I expect fair treatment, and I can now see that expecting fair treatment on any issue, by you, will be compromised by your severe dislike of Sheriff Bane and my lack of malice towards him that must really aggravate you. Your contempt is noted.
Marc Eaton says
More schooling for Mr. Porter. You were told to pull into the parking lot to get your vehicle out of traffic. You are told to stay in your car for officers safety and for yours. No they are trained to tell the violator to stay in their car. You have no clue what officers safety is do you? The have to tell you that you are being video taped and he was correct in telling you to return to your car. Why are you so afraid for your safety around police officers? Did they pull you over at gun point? He is some information for you, when I worked nights and I was by myself I would have my gun behind my leg when I approached a car late at night. I guess I had an overinflated ego and no humility. Or maybe I did not know what was in the car or who I was dealing with and just wanted that edge should they decide they wanted to kill me. You say you don’t speed….you are a liar. We all speed, I speed. You got a warning be glad. Traffic enforcement is about educating the public, you do not have to issue a citation to educate. A warning can do the same thing. I taught RADAR classes and told my people warnings mean as much as citations. Now if you have numerous violations then the warning education has failed and now they move onto ticket education. I also taught them that they should consider every stop as though that person wants to hurt you. Never let your guard down, stay alive. The deputies are well trained by seasoned veterans. You have one goal when you leave your home and that is to return to it at the end of the shift. If this mind set is considered by you to be overinflated sense of ego then I hope all police officers have that. Now next complaint?
David A. Porter says
That is your perspective based on the conjecture of my comments while you were not present. I understand the need to protect the officers safety, I also understand the desire to conceal when they made a mistake. The Warning was an effort to say “I am in control”. Because that is the domain of the frustrated bully when he decides to go into law enforcement after a lifetime of harassing others that are different from him. I should have gone to see the shift supervisor but I do not trust that my complaint about his ineptitude would have been dealt with any differently by a brother officer, regardless of how clueless or unprofessional he may be. The appearance of competence is more important to the average citizen than the appearance of infallibility.
Marc Eaton says
Porter, A warning was an effort to say I am in control? Your right he is and he has the control to right you a warning or a ticket. I have never seen someone complain so much about getting a warning in my life. Call you buddy Bane, use your FOJ card. What makes you hate cops so much. All copes are bullies? Maybe you should watch Dr. Phil and work out some of your issues. Or better yet since you are so special go to the Police Academy and do the job if you have the nuts to do it. If you were this much of a pinhead during the stop your fortunate he was a professional with self control or you may have been given a wood shampoo.
Retired from HCSO says
Did Bane ever learn how to check his email?
It isin’t just that he has mismanaged the technology. He has ruined everything else that he has touched. He mismanages his people, budget, and his organization. He has no clue. He continues to live in a fantasy and he is an expert at hiding the real facts for the citizens.
Marc Eaton says
Do you have the F.O.J. card? Don’t leave home without it. (FRIENDS OF JESSE)
David A. Porter says
Hey Marc, saw your Facebook page last night. Why are you such a hate filled person? I mean, you “Like” Glenn Beck? Even Faux News got tired of him.
Phil Dirt says
“Faux News”! Brilliant! You are soooo clever.
Patrick says
You must be stupid if you _____________
are a conservative.
watch Fox News.
are the least bit religious.
believe in lower taxes.
want economic solutions through free and private enterprise.
think fewer regulations creates more economic freedom and more jobs.
want less government.
criticize welfare and entitlement spending.
believe President Obama is worse leader than Jimmy Carter (and that also makes you a racist as well).
We finially agree
Marc Eaton says
@ proud to be a liberal. How are the law school classes coming?
Porter says
@Proud to be Liberal
All your post does is confirm what everyone already knows, which is that you are a economically and financially illiterate big government freedom hating liberal who continues to believe that progressive social1st re-distributive collectivism will one day work when it has never worked in the history of man.
tru dat says
Patrick, your post is so close-minded and ridiculous. There is no logic to your pathetically shallow statements. Don’t even know why I’m wasting my time responding. I think Jack Nicholson is a better actor than Denzel Washington. Guess that makes me a racist.
Patrick says
Tru dat – It was satire and a statement of what foolish liberals think of conservative.
tru dat says
Porter: You are a friggin predator. Why are you checking up on Marc Eaton’s Facebook page? I fear you are obsessing over this Sheriff’s Office stuff. Marc, block this guy!
Marc Eaton says
It is private, the only way he could have looked at it is through the Sheriff’s Office Face Book page. So it is probably one of the head hunters. Which with their knowledge of how speed enforcement works really worries me. His head hunters and kool aide drinkers will never use their real names. Proud to be a liberal is a Captain with the Sheriff’s Office. I will see them all at the next Union meeting, I am hoping it is this month because Bane is coming to one of the meetings and I have some questions for him.
Beavis says
I think Marc is the one obsessing over the Sheriff’s Office
tru dat says
Butthead: Marc Eaton is not obsessing. He is the only voice the deputies have right now. So put on your Metallica t-shirt and chill on the sofa with your hands down your pants.
David A. Porter says
Tru Dat, to be honest, when I saw his post I wrote a nice message in response to his question regarding employment at the Detention Center – he wanted to know if he could take videos there. After that, since I saw just how creepy he was, I blocked him. My life is better without such malicious self absorbed people in my life. His love of Glenn Beck made me realize just what I was dealing with.
Beavis says
Tru Dat — Marc had a productive career with the HCSO, and no one is trying to take that away from him. However, his constant rantings about the inner workings of a place he hasn’t been for 10 years is getting old. His ‘insiders’ often provide inaccurate and/or wrong information which he takes as gospel to use as fodder to trash anyone associated with the HCSO who may have a different opinion than he does. He isn’t helping the situation. In fact, he’s making it worse by pouring gas on an already unstable fire. I heard his hearing aids are in the shop – maybe when they come back, he might be able to hear what’s going on around him instead of his own voice and thoughts that he feels he has to shout from the highest mountain. The more you people entertain him, the more harm he does.
Marc Eaton says
Mr. Porter what video? Blocked me from what?
Marc Eaton says
Dear Beavis, these are not rantings. Posting what I am sent. If I am wrong feel free to contact me like a man and don’t hide behind a fake name. Pouring gas on the fire? If this is the case then there must be something to all of this right? Or just speaking the truth and this does not set well with people who support what is taking place? Which is it? Why don’t you speak up and tell us if what I have been saying is wrong or right? Kinda sounds like I am hitting close to home.
Really, you are going to bang on me for hearing aids? Ii am now handicapped and your going to make fun of me. That really hurts me. At least use your real name if feel so strong about what you are posting. Don’t hide behind a fake name. Even if you love Bane I would never use your real name on here if you called me. I think things are hitting home, Bane had to come out and do damage control on his now famous Correctional Officer video. Please people, keep entertaining me. Beavis feel free to email me also, if you have the nerve.
Marc Eaton says
How many of the people who worked at the Sheriff’s Office remember when Bane was in charge of the neighborhood watch program? I can remember going on calls and having citizens tell me “Jesse Bane said yo will right a report on this” what ever the call was. This behavior did not just start, it has been going on for a long time. Bane was just kept in check once Mele lost the election. I guess way back then people were carrying the FOJ card.
PETD People for the Ethical Treatment of Deputies says
@ Mark Eaton- on behalf of the PETD- People for the ethical treatment of deputies. We would like to say thank you. Thank you for what we cannot say and thank you for telling the truth and being persistent. I have been through four sheriffs and worked with you and I cannot ever remember things being this bad.
tru dat says
PETD: Marc Eaton is owed more gratitude that we can ever give him. He is our voice. Thank you Marc and please stay on this and Bane. I know you won’t let us down.
Fortune Teller says
Sheriff Bane,
I watched the 80 proof video that was posted on this site my questions are.
1.) you said the following about parking in a handicapped spot and your “awareness campaign”:“This awareness campaign is designed to educate people about why these parking spots are necessary and should be used only by people with proper permits,” said Sheriff L. Jesse Bane. “Unfortunately, there are people who refuse to follow the rules; therefore, our deputies will be there to seek greater compliance, so that people with disabilities can enjoy equal access to Harford County’s fine facilities.”
What if these people are your correctional deputies????????
2.)I wonder what the Harford County Commision on Disabilities would think about two of your correctional deputies parking in a handicapped spot??? Well you said it yourself: The Harford County Commission on Disabilities and Harford County Sheriff’s Office urge Harford County citizens to leave designated parking spots for those who truly need them. They encourage all drivers to be considerate when parking and to remember that parking for “just a minute” is 60 seconds too long!
Double Standards? What a joke. DO THE RIGHT THING
tru dat says
Fortune Teller: Great point! I see you addressed your post to Jesse Bane. He will probably have Patriot or True Blue or David A. Porker respond by saying that the correctional officers were creating art using their artistic expressions, thus they are exempt from the rules that the rest of us have to follow. Please also ask him about the 90 computers at the new Southern Precinct. He claims to have a shortage of deputies but there sure isn’t any shortage of computers. Keep digging, Fortune, you’ll find there are many more inequities and double standards that Uncle Jesse overlooks, creates and sustains.
Retiredawhile says
Tru Dat,
How many computers does the current Southern Precinct have? Are they planning on locating several difference work units to the new precinct? 90 computers sure sounds like a lot!
tru dat says
RAW: Not sure how many computers the current precinct has or if any specialized units will be housed there. Anyone working out of Southern know? Uncle Jesse will probably have deputies training the thugs on the computers and will let the homeless have a place to sleep with all the space. You know Jesse, doer of good except to the people who have crossed him. 90 computers is definitely overkill. And knowing Uncle Jesse, they have probably been sitting in a storage unit for 3 years (said unit being paid for by us) and are more than likely already obsolete.
George says
The current SP has about 10 computers in it (which includes the booth, supervisor offices, and mid-level investigations…maybe 5 are actually available for deputies to use to do anything) and deputies are frequently forced to waste time waiting for one to come available to write reports, check their email (not everyone accesses their email from home, on their phones, or can access it in their cars), and perform other work related activities (anytime near shift change or whenever there is a major incident like the quintuple stabbing the other night and from my understanding it will only get worse whenever “Field Based Reporting” is implemented agency wide.) I have no idea if 90 computers is an accurate number or not for the new SP, but there are significantly more computers that will be available for deputies to use. A lot of specialized units are also being relocated to the new SP from their current satellite offices scattered all over the place.
Marc Eaton says
Mr. Porter, I don’t give you enough importance in my life to even check to see if you have a face book page. Who checked mine out? You did. I guess if you can’t fight me with facts you pull out the socialist hand book and start to attack me to try and take the focus off the real problem. I am given facts, I check to see if they are correct and then I make my post. I am allowed to do this right? According to Bane my first amendment rights have to be protected right? My life is an open book. Say what you will. I will not go away and I will speak up for the deputies and what is being done to them. People who hide behind fake names really have no credit do they? If they were serious about it they would use their real names on here. A supervisor once told me “your like a dog with a bone, once you get your teeth into it you won’t let go until it is gone”. I liked that and that is me. I will see this to the end you can count on it. Looking forward to the Union Vote for my rejoining come back to the Union. I think there are some people who are not.
David A. Porter says
You like Talking Heads. Especially the kind that foment Hate and Division. That is an observation both from here and from seeing your enjoyment of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. I do not care for talking heads unless they are comedians, usually pointing out the inconsistencies in other people’s values and opinions and actions. I do not need to listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck to make me feel good for putting other people down who may be different from myself. If you choose to listen to them to reinforce your self esteem and your desire to express denigrating comments about people that differ from you that is your choice.
Concerned Teacher says
Talking Heads was an excellent band. “Once in a Lifetime” is one of my favorite pieces of musical absurdity.
Marc Eaton says
@ Patriot… your right I am a nobody. I was for twenty two years and I loved it. I am a retired Deputy from a department that 25 years ago was a great place to work. In 2006 that all changed. I do not live in Harford County. Why do you think I am just trying to “mind” the HCSO business? You seem to think you know my intentions so why not tell me why I am doing this? Could it be that unlike you and Bane I still feel I am part of that family. I get nothing from this, if I can help the great people who still work there then I will do what I can. Getting rid of Bane does nothing for me…but it will do a great deal for my friends who are still there.
Trying to hide you identity now with terrible spelling is really weak. Why don’t you use your real name? Just because you think someone else is doing it doesn’t mean you should do the same thing. If you want to be credible then use your name, I think you a coward. When you all start attacking me personally that is like a badge of honor to me. If you really knew me then you would know I say what I think, and I will always stand up for true friends in need. Can you say the same?, please email me.
just sayin' says
Just found out that yet another tattoo policy will be implemented shortly. What number will this one be? 5 or 6 in the past few months? Yes, Bane is one truly and completely confused man and anyone who doesn’t think so is as nuts as he is.
B says
Wow, what an ugly conversation. Who in their right mind would want to be an elected official and endure this kind of bashing. I am very conservative but voted for Bane in the last election. I have witnessed the difference in Edgewood, where I live, since Sheriff Bane has been in office. My question is, why should I vote for Bodway/Gahler? What are they going to do differently that will be of benefit to the community? They didn’t sell themselves in the last election, and frankly, after reading the mess above, I am not sure if I could support them this time either. My advice is to stop bashing and tell me what you are going to do better and differently.
Marc Eaton says
When I person says they are very conservative the mean to say they are a liberal.
RandomPoster1 says
the reason things have changed in edgewood has nothing to do with bane and everything to do with the individual officers who work that area. all those extra officers down there? pulled from other units and shifts to include stripping the northern areas (wonder why crime rose up there?)
what would they do differently? probably not allow a dead bangers mom to dictate policy and response, not return evidence or drug paraphernalia because the druggies parents complained.
OnPoint says
As to the topic of the letter offered be Mr. Bodway, I would say it would be to promote the best qualified individual the results from a fair and impartial taxpayer funded process and not to allow political vindictiveness to distract from the mission of the Sheriff’s Office and to further degrade the integrity of Mr. Bane. That is all I see from Mr. Bodway and I see nothing from Mr. Gahler.
RandomPoster1 says
bane implemented a policy several years ago that allows him to pick from the top three rated people on any given list (promotion, transfer, etc.) This allows number 1 and 2 to effectively never be promoted since he could just keep picking number three over and over again.
Mike Welsh says
If the Sheriff has a process to evaluate his personnel based on demonstrated merit, and then provide a ranking from best qualified to least qualified out of the applicants, why does he want to ignore his own process?
The Sheriff could always provide in writing why he found the best and next best candidates for promotion not as qualified as the third. Otherwise, the current practice seems to allow the Sheriff to masquerade a promotion process as fair and equitable, when in fact it is nothing more than a ‘good ole boy system’.
Marc Eaton says
Mike, Bane can’t put into writing that he is not promoting someone due to the wrong sing in the yard or that a relative is suing him. You can see in Bane’s response to the video that he picks and chooses what rules and regulations he will enforce. He showed in his own words he lacks integrity and the Baners still bow to his feet. Give it a few months, things have a way of changing. Some things you just can’t talk or dance your way out of.
just sayin' says
Porter: This is a direct quote taken from your post to Marc Eaton regarding your traffic stop and your now-famous warning. “That is your perspective based on the conjecture of my comments while you were not present.” “…I also understand the desire to conceal when they made a mistake. The Warning was an effort to say “I am in control”. Because that is the domain of the frustrated bully when he decides to go into law enforcement after a lifetime of harassing others that are different from him.” So you chastise Mr. Eaton for his perspective on the situation, yet you are doing the same damn thing with your speculating and hypothesizing. You are so sanctimonious. You buy into your own bullcrap just like you buy into Bane’s. You have no clue what the deputy was thinking when he pulled you over. No wonder you defend Bane to the point of absurdity. You and he are two of a kind, two peas on a pod. Do you look like Mr. Burns too?
David A. Porter says
No. I do not look like Mr Burns. I am incredibly average, except when it comes to fencing with people who are self righteous control freaks. My perspective is my perspective. Challenge it all you like it does not change my point of view. Obviously we do not agree with our relative perspectives. Which is in part why you all still come across as hateful and myopic. If I simply asked for the deputy to not be condescending to me would that have been more respectful? Just precisely how much worship do you require to soothe your egos? I expect to be treated fairly. That is all. If you cannot even afford me the simple golden rule than you can lay the fault with yourself.
Marc Eaton says
Dear David Porter, When I was still working I had a simple rule. I treated people the way they wanted to be treated. We would start of with being professional on the stop, the violator was the one who had it from there. If they decided to be nasty then we could be nasty. There are no rule that say ANY police officer must stand and take abuse from any citizen. What you see as arrogance was just his way of not dealing with a knuckle head. By the way David, I am hoping to have a job soon so I may not be able to spend as much time on here as I can. Please hold everyone’s feet to the fire for me, I know I can count on you to be fair and balanced. Again, here is my email please feel free to email me. So far only people who contact me are people being screwed with by your Messiah. None of the Baners who love him will email me or use their real names on here. Why is this David Porter?
OnPoint says
And there, at long last we have it! “I expect to be treated fairly.” Yes Mr. Porter that is the whole point of the letter from Mr. Bodway. Bane CAN treat his employees like S#*T and the deputy CAN treat you like S#*T. You “expect” to be treated fairly and the two deputies who were UNFAIRLY passed over for promotion ask for the exact same thing.
Mike Welsh says
Falls on deaf ears. Porter believes himself to be perfect and everyone else inferior to him.
Marc Eaton says
This is from my friend, Tim Impallaria’s face book page. If you think what Bane is doing to him is not affecting just him and not his family you are wrong.
“Taking some time off in Annapolis with my brother stuffing envelopes and getting my thoughts together. My job has caused so many hardships to me and my family. My father always told me to stick up for what is right. Unfortunately that is not always right in the real world. This has devastated my family and hurts me deeply. If you read The Dagger Press about Harford Counties problems they hit the mark. I will not say anymore about it because I have already been touched by them. I love my job and my resume can show how much I give back to my community. Again I’m sorry to my wife and children for putting them through this. I love you all and I’m hoping we can get through this horrible time.”
Again, Jesse when you close your eyes at night do yo sleep well knowing the hardships you cause for the families of the people you target? Or do you even care?
PETD People for the Ethical Treatment of Deputies says
Marc this is just one of many lives that are being ruined. In addition to this there is a Corporal who is being treated like he committed a crime and he has done nothing wrong. His crime is that he is sick. Instead of the Sheriffs Office supporting him they are making his life miserable. Just what he needs added stress while he is trying to get well. Other things will come out about peoples lives that are being ruined. This has to stop.
You cant handle the truth says
Its the sad reality that a sick individual has been chosen to be the victim of this administration. He is not the only person that is suffering and having his life ruined. PETD and Marc Eaton thank you for putting the truth out there.
Libby says
Go get him mark. Thank you for spending your time and energy letting us know about Bane. Your knowledge helps. I know I can trust you, I can just tell.