From the Office of the State’s Attorney for Harford County:
Joseph I. Cassilly, State’s Attorney for Harford County, announced that this morning 12 March 2012, Donnell Graham, 18, of Bel Air, Maryland, plead guilty to one count of Murder in the first degree for the killing of Patrick Ward, 29.
On August 5, 2011, The Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to 962 Redfield Road, Apartment H, Bel Air, Maryland. When the deputies arrived at that location, they found the victim in his apartment with multiple stab wounds. Mr. Ward was transported to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center where he later died from his injuries. As a result of the investigation, Graham was arrested and charged. Graham was 17 years and 6 months at that time. Graham was indicted for the murder. The case was prosecuted by Senior Assistant State’s Attorney H. Scott Lewis.
The plea was taken before the Honorable William O. Carr of the Circuit Court. A pre-sentence investigation was ordered. The sentencing is currently scheduled for May 23, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. before Judge Carr. The Defendant faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.
The Office of the State’s Attorney for Harford County would like to thank the Harford County Sheriff’s Office for their hard work and dedication in conducting the investigation that resulted in the arrest of Graham and to the citizens who came forward to assist the police.
And there isnt a group of people out there trying to get him off like they are the boy that killed his Dad?? BOTH need to be in jail for LIFE
Each case is diffrent.Also there is a presumption of innocence until one plreads guilty or is found guilty. The boy who is charged with killing his step father hasn’t had his day in court and even if he is found guilty there may be circumstances that would require a sentence that is less severe than you suggest. Also thank God the legal system is run by reasonable people and not narrow minded people who think all criminals are a waste to society.
Murder is MURDER!!! Sadly maybe he was verbally or physically abused as a child so that makes killing ok?
Murder is murder and I wish my dad was here. There my be circumstances, but who kills his father and then tries to hide the body! The “alleged” killer needs to go away for life.
There is presumption of innocence in a court of law…not in the court of public opinion.
Gotta love these liberals who say there is a presumption of innocence. Just like using an Alford plea. THEY ARE GUILTY.
I would like you to move to a society where you are guilty until proven innocent. Only an idiot fails to understand that our society presumes innocence until PROVEN guilty.
Murder is Murder, yes, however, there are different types…Murder 1st Deg, 2nd Deg, then you have Manslaughter, which is broken down to voluntary or involuntary. Do you feel like if a person kills another, no matter how, why, or what ever the circumstances are, should be jailed for life? I don’t think so…I believe that what ever category of the “homicide” is placed in, that should be the penalty. 1st Deg-Life/Death Penalty, 2nd Def-Life, Voluntary Man-10 years, and involuntary Man- 2 years…I could be wrong on the last part about the involuntary Man being 2 years…its not that clear in the law book, I don’t have any personal experiences with it.
I believe you are looking at old sentencing rules. 1st Degree with DNA evidence or taped voluntary confession is Death or life with/without parole. 1st Degree without DNA or taped voluntary confession is life with/without parole. 2nd Degree is 30 years max.
Yet there are people out there that dont think the kid that killed his step dad should do ANY time.
Maryland requires DNA for a death penalty case, but since we have a governor who wants same sex marriage and no death penalty. Gotta love these liberals who come into office and try and make life all peace and love. The death penalty is there for a reason and should be used in extreme cases. The ACLU would have you believe that the death penalty is unfavorable to minorities. Well if ya commit the crime….be prepared to pay the price. Yes, there are circumstances that you can look at, but not when you kill someone during a robbery..THAT YOU ARE COMMITTING! Now if ya try and hide the body….Oh and all those people giving money to “defend” Richardson….his lawyer is PRO BONO (FREE)!!!! Where were all these people when he needed help. They were not on the front of the paper professing that he needed help. Gotta love articles that people “appear” in after the fact and say….HE IS INNOCENT.
You are correct, MD does require DNA or a taped confession (I knew this) but I didnt put it in there, I merely was just giving the gist, but that you for adding that!
Hey Carr will give 10 years with 9 years 11 months suspended! Time served = 20 days to kill again. Typical Harford County Good Old Boy Justice. The Judges in this County SUCK!