From the Maryland State Police, Bel Air Barrack:
(BEL AIR, MD) – On March 12, 2012 at approximately 7:30 p.m. troopers from the Bel Air Barrack responded to Route 1 (Bel Air Bypass), just north of Route 147 (Harford Road) for a call involving a motorist experiencing a medical emergency.
Investigation revealed that Ronald Eugene Farley Jr., 29 yoa, of Street, Maryland, was operating a GMC pickup, northbound on Route 1 (Belair Road) approaching the Route 147 (Harford Road) intersection. Based upon witness statements and other evidence it appeared that Mr. Farley, upon passing through the intersection and continuing northbound on the Route 1 Bypass, experienced an unknown medical emergency.
The pickup, operated by Farley, suddenly accelerated and drifted into the slow lane of Route 1 where it glanced off the rear of a tractor trailer traveling in the same direction, in the slow lane. The tractor trailer was being operated by Konan Julien Kouassi, 54 yoa, of Joppa, Maryland. After deflecting from the rear of the tractor trailer the pickup struck a guardrail located on the right side of the roadway, coming to final rest.
Troopers and bystanders attempted resuscitative efforts at the scene on Mr. Farley who was unresponsive. Mr. Farley was transported to the Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, Bel Air, Maryland, where he was pronounced deceased. Damage to both vehicles was minor and the operator of the tractor trailer was not injured.
Preliminarily, it appears that a medical emergency may have caused Mr. Farley’s death. The investigation is continuing.
reader says
pray for the family
minniemouse says
Like I said look him n the family up an yull c for yurself that under case yu will thank god he’s no longer here
minniemouse says
Won’t shed tear 4 that ass hell ppl look it up under case search .com yu”ll see y I’m glad pay back is a bitch
Regardless of any demons that he or his family might have/have had, you’re still a moron that can’t spell for shit. Your e-argument might be stronger if your word-smithing was better. Just Sayin.
C'MON says
Congratulations for being able to look up judiciary cases. I know the family, and would not consider Junior a friend, but will admit the the criminal record was a unique circumstance and he got a raw deal.
Brendon says
dont admit to looking people up in case search, first off, when you go on the website you click a box agreeing to not use the information like the way you described, idiot!
Phil Dirt says
Besides the run-on sentence and lack of capitalization, your statement is factually incorrect. The agreement says nothing about using the information in this way.
I won’t call you an idiot. I don’t have to.
Brendon says
oK wHo ReaLlY cAres AbOuT caPItaLIZAtion aNd Run~oN senTencES, it’s Not LikE tHis IS beING graDED. aND wHo CareS thaT I waS fACtuALLy wRong, I juST ThiNK itS meSSed UP thaT eveRYtiME somEonE iS liSTed iN thE news ThAT tHEy autoMATicAlly gO tO CasE SeaRch tO diG up DirT oN a PerSoN wHo diED as ThE reSuLt oF an aCCidEnt. ESpeCially SiNce ThiS gUy had NO!!! VioLEnt CrImeS, aNd thE wAy “MINNIEMOUSE” dEsCrIbeD hIm wAs wAy ofF. So YeAh, MayBE I wAs fACTuallY WroNg anD I’lL Admit thAT, and YeAH I MadE it Up, BUt HopEFully YOu SeE mY PoiNT.
David A. Porter says
You are being graded whether you like it or not. Be defiant, people will shun you, be dishonest, people will shun you, be incoherent, people will ignore you. With as much effort as you put into that deliberate effort to be annoying, how much less would it have required to be comprehensible and not so annoying?
Brendon says
Well to be honest, David, I was setting bait to see who would take it just for a little fun. I really do see that being punctual on these posts is very important because people do seem to get offended. I don’t really know what I was thinking, I was just being goofy. Let’s see if I can improve on my postings and come across as a diligent Harford-Countian.
Lets detract from the original argument yet again. Brendon: Your idiotic comment is painfully difficult to read. As a matter of fact, I spent a good ten minutes recovering from a brain hemorrhage after reading your rant. Besides, it probably took you half an hour to purposely type that way in the first place. I think that it’s clear that you lose.
Brendon says
actually there is a program that does it for me, and it didn’t take that long, but anyway, i didnt realize that you were the editor in chief here, so thanks for the heads up, maybe ill retake english 101
minniemouse says
First off I do kn this family in fact I was close to them at one time, one nite his sister was in bar acting stupid as a lot of ppl dose but she was carrying her 1st child getting drunk n hitting herself in gut saying she didn’t want that baby well god helped her she won now once again was there pills involved r was he drunk behind the wheel idk I wasn’t there. I do kn there was a lot of drama non stop so say wat yu want I just kn I won’t loose any sleep BC I was done w/ those type of ppl. I lived in that street home in fact I Owen the home in street
TOM says
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day a bit early, are we?
minniemouse says
By the way I do look under case search n thank god I started that last year it saved my little one BC the ppl that was living in apartment mind u there were 42ppl livin in building only finding out not only was there 4 men child offenders living there but the 4th one had a warrant for his arrest no I did not turn him in instead I went to office n showed them hell. The only reason I looked under site was to find out if we were safe not only for my 3yr old babygirl but also for the others families so say wat yu want I don’t care n jimjim peace out
George says
You failed 3rd grade English, didn’t you?
Brendon says
I think she is just young, probably like 22 years old and using the hip internet language.
Brendon says
MINNIEMOUSE!!! I was not saying that it was a problem if you check out your neighbors, that is completely fine, I would do that as well. What I was saying is that looking a person up in case search after they died on here is a little rediculous. Now that you mention you know this person changes a lot. You have personal experience with him, and you aren’t just judging him based on what is listed in case search. Do you see what I am saying?
minniemouse says
Yes I do thanks u see why I got away from them n livin in Pa now so good luck have a great day ppl happy St Patty day b out for while remember b safe tmorrow call a cab if yu get to slammed
Brendon says
Cool, I’m glad you understand. Corn Beef and Cabbage for me tomorrow, can’t wait!!
minniemouse says
I believe we might of p**sed someone off oh well just another Friday
minniemouse says
No first let’s clear up my age its 23 a mom of 3 one girl and set of twins, so therefore I do text differently and I live near Brownville , Pennsylvania. So when I text its short texts rap whatever who cares seem you all can read them lol. Second of all what your problem!! My question is did anyone find out yet what made him wreck his car ? Most likely that won’t be in for few weeks I can almost bet we will not get that information. Well people have a wonderful day and pray we all will be back Monday just please be safe this weekend even if your not drinking you still have to watch out for asshole that are so be save peace out
Brendon says
I was so close, did you just turn 23 this year?
minniemouse says
Yes I did March 4th Y?
minniemouse says
Srry enjoy ur weekend n yur 28
Brendon says
not a bad guess…lol. 29
Brendon says
Just to boost my confidence, I could read your age based on your style of writing 🙂