From Sen. J.B. Jennings:
It’s No New Taxes, Not Armageddon
Recently, I wrote about “A Day in the Life of O’Malley’s Maryland,” sharing all of the ways our Governor wants to tax you throughout your day. Aside from the White House in 2016, his sights are set on your wallet from the moment you wake up till the minute you rest.
I was overwhelmed by the positive response from you to this “day-in-the-life” way of looking at taxes, but also received feedback asking what I propose as an alternative. In other words, you rightly demand that fiscally conservative legislators like me don’t just vote against these taxes; we must also provide a remedy to avoid them.
I want you to know that every year, the conservative caucus in the Maryland General Assembly proposes an “alternative budget.”
Every year, we create a solution to pass a reasonable, balanced budget with responsible spending cuts by eliminating waste and reducing government to its rightfully limited role in taxpayers’ lives.
And every year, this budget is squashed by liberal legislators who can’t wait to nickel and dime the rest of the state so they can take home big chunks of money to their districts, counties, and pet causes.
This year, the fiscal situation is so bad that the Budget & Taxation Committee is seriously considering a “doomsday budget.” Basically, this plan is what the budget would look like with no revenue increases: no new taxes.
It’s hard to believe that a budget with no new taxes is so epically unheard-of that Maryland’s leadership thinks it deserves the moniker “doomsday.” I’m pretty sure you would agree with me that to be considered as Armageddon-like as “doomsday,” a budget would have to wreak a lot more havoc than not increasing marriage license fees or not subsidizing an off-shore wind farm.
This so-called doomsday budget that I support would save $794.9 million with no new tax increases. It includes cuts across the board, in many service areas, dispersing a fair diet pill to many of Maryland’s bloated budget items.
You can see for yourself below, and I welcome you to review the details of each cut in-depth here .
Please let me know your thoughts on Maryland’s budget situation.
As always, I am proud to represent you.
Senator J.B. Jennings
Contingent Reduction Options
– Reduce per pupil foundation amount from $6,694 to $6,650 (savings: $70.9 million)
– Eliminate Geographic Cost of Education Index (savings: $128.8 million)
– Eliminate Teacher Quality Incentives and National Board Certification fees (savings: $5.2 million)
Subtotal – Education saves $204.9 million
Other Local Aid
– Reduce Disparity Grant by 10% (savings: $12 million)
– Eliminate supplemental disparity grant (savings: $19.6 million)
– Eliminate Policy Aid grants (savings: $45.4 million)
– Reduce library and State library network funding by 10% (savings: $5 million)
– Eliminate local law enforcement grants (savings: $20.8 million)
Subtotal – Other Local Aid saves $102.7 million
Tax Credits
– Eliminate Stem Cell Research Fund (savings: $10.4 million)
– Eliminate Biotechnology Tax Credit (savings: $8 million)
– Eliminate Sustainable Communities Tax Credit (savings: $7 million)
Subtotal – Tax Credits save $25.4 million
Health and Human Services
– Reduce Medicaid (savings: $100.8 million)
– Eliminate provider increases for DDA, MHA, foster care, and nonpublic placements (savings: $15.2 million)
– Reduce capacity at the RICAs; patients can be absorbed in private RTCs (savings: $6.5 million)
Subtotal – Health and Human Services saves $122.5 million
Higher Education
– Reduce public higher education by 10% (savings: $115.5 million)
– Reduce funding for community colleges by 10% below the BRFA (savings: $19.9 million)
– Eliminate nonpublic higher education grants (savings: $38.4 million)
– Eliminate Delegate and Senatorial Scholarships (savings: $11.8 million)
Subtotal – Higher Education saves $185.6 million
Grand Total: $794.9 million saved with no new taxes
The Cat in the Hat, in Annapolis
I look forward to visiting several District 7 elementary schools after session to read Dr. Seuss stories with local students.
If you would like me to visit your child’s school for reading time, please contact District Director Tammy Larkin at or 410-591-9758.
Senatorial Scholarship Application Deadline is March 31st!
Merit- and need-based scholarships are available for college and graduate studies.
Each scholarship is a four-year award available to students who reside in the 7th District.
Please e-mail your request for an application to:
The deadline to return completed applications for the 2012-2013 academic year is (postmarked) by Saturday, March 31st.
Good luck to all of our bright students in District 7.
Good luck. The Left will have their Md Pravda Sunpapers blaring that you want uneducated people, with no healthcare, or access to libraries, dying in the streets for lack of police protection, and no stem cells to save them, either.
And the ignorant will cry, “Save us from those evil Republicans…TAX US MORE!”
Keep fighting the good fight. Hopefully we’ll be able to send you re-enforcements in November.
Good comments, Bruce.