From Larry Smith for Congress:
Jacobs debases MD-2 Congressional Race, claiming Smith’s “Giraffe Earmark” phone calls were “full of misleading distortions and hate”
TIMONIUM, MD – Today at a press conference Larry Smith, Republican candidate for Congress in Maryland’s Second District, expressed deep disappointment in Nancy Jacobs’ latest campaign tactic. This week, thousands of MD-2 voters received a mailing from Jacobs’ husband, Bruce Jacobs, criticizing Mr. Smith for sending out “negative phones calls full of misleading distortions and hate.” [Attached]
“Where are the distortions and the hate, Ms. Jacobs? Please step up and show me,” Smith decried. Recordings of the calls along with their scripts are attached. Jacobs is lying. “I simply don’t like the fact that she earmarked money for a giraffe house. Holding her accountable for her record is not a distortion or hate speech,” said Smith. “I have every right to point out that I disagree with a record that includes wasteful spending. As an Army Lieutenant Colonel, I find her assertions particularly troubling, because I hold the military values of Honesty and Integrity very high.”
For the past two months, Smith has been calling voters weekly with messages about his agenda as our next Congressman. He is the only candidate in the race with specific plans to cut spending, end illegal immigration, and revive our economy. During his last two calls, campaign assistants call out Jacobs for earmarking $100,000 for a giraffe house. [Transcripts and three audio files (1, 2, 3) attached]
“I believe that politicians should be held accountable. In fact, the lack of accountability is a significant part of the problem in Washington. If Jacobs’ is not willing to stand behind her Annapolis record, she won’t be willing to stand by her DC record either. And if she’s not willing to hold the line on spending in Annapolis, we cannot trust her to do so in Congress,” said Smith. “Once again, I ask: where is the hate speech in my robo calls? Is it just ‘hate’ speech because she feels entitled not to held accountable by someone else in her own party?”
During a recent debate, Smith questioned Jacobs on her giraffe house earmark. She admitted she did it and did not express any regrets. [Transcript attached]
Smith strongly believes that the motivation behind the Jacobs character assassination letter is due to the tight race she and Smith are in.
“The only reason she is making this false attack is due to her faltering campaign. She should know better. I look forward to her apology,” added Smith. “How would she behave in a tight campaign against Dutch? I mean the kitchen only gets hotter…”
Patrick McGrady says
Distortions or not– saying that Nancy Jacobs voted for all of Governor O’Malley’s budgets is a lie.
? says
Why do you keep carrying her water? Your loyalty to her is not reciprocated.
Fact Check says
Accusing Patrick of being a stooge and giving him thumbs down on his comment because he is stating a fact? Nancy voted AGAINST the past 5 O’Malley budgets. But let’s throw stones at Patrick because facts are inconvienient at the time.
Larry is doing an old political trick. You contain a lie in your ad along with a truth and when you are called out for the lie you point to the truth and say your opponenent is wrong.
Patrick McGrady says
I support the truth. It’s important that learn that this information is freely available (but kinda confusing to access). Here are links to the last five budgets presented by O’Malley in the General Assembly:
Click the links, and you will see that Nancy has voted against Governor O’Malley’s budgets for the past 5 budgets. This is a good exercise for you to be able to find these facts in the future before making wild claims.
The point could be made in other ways that are more factually accurate or even simply less wrong, but by claiming in a robocall that Jacobs votes for “all of O’Malley’s” budgets is a lie.
The truth shall set you free.
John F. says
@ Mr. McGrady, Nancy only voted for the past five of O’Malley’s budgets.
Bel Air Fed says
DUTCH WINS. I’m Republican and I can see that. Can’t anyone else see that. Jacobs is a smart person – she must have something else in mind besides actually sitting in Congress. Anybody have an idea why she’s really running? I’d like to hear some ideas.
Thank you dagger people.
? says
Building her campaign war chest for her next run, possibly for County Executive. What other office can she seek without stepping down a few rungs on the political ladder? Certainly not County Council or State Delegate. She can’t beat Dutch or win the U.S. Senate seat. With the loss of Cecil Co. as part of her legislative district she is very vulnerable. Remember she lost Harford Co. to Art Helton. A strong democrat with enough cash could beat her. The dems are already licking their chops in advance of the next election.
Daniel McAndrew says
Whether Dutch wins or not isn’t the issue at this moment, with all due respect.
All of us that will make a choice in this particular race (I live in Cong. 1)is have to decide who is the better choice here. Jumping to a false conclusion too early helps no one.
Bel Air Fed says
I wish I was jumping to a false conclusion but I’ve lived here all my life. Unless Dutch has some skeleton that’s getting ready to fall out of a closet he will be re-elected – how many times have you seen him draw the ire of even conservatives in his district. He is all for Veterans and has helped with frequent flying program for them. Now if you put a Bob Ehrlich or maybe even Kendall, they may have a shot but come November, Ms Jacobs will be back with state senate. I wish Maryland wasn’t such a one horse state but until a signal is sent by knocking off Dems at the state level, it will be next to impossible to get rid of Dem Reps in Dem districts like Baltimore County and a chunk of Harford (south county)
jtownejeff says
having met Ms. jacobs and being a volunteer for her campaign, I can say with all certainty that she embodies true conservativism and is by far the most honest politcian that I have ever met. I have not recieved the robo-calls or mailers from the Smith campaign, and I did not recieve the letter from Mr. Jacobs. Ms. Jacobs has a strong record on which to run, and I think Mr. Smith and his political aspirations feel threatened by that. If he has such great ideas for how to fix D.C. and restore america, why all the negativity? why not just run on his promises and his record?
Stewart says
Did she vote for or against BGE regulation in 1999 Patrick?
Fact Check says
I assume you mean de-regulation of BGE… aren’t Republicans supposed to be for getting rid of regulations on businesses?
Harco says
yes, lets focus on Sen. Jacobs outstanding record in annapolis, instead of focusing on things like Mr. Smith’s assertion that unfunded mandatory pre-k will keep kids out of gangs.
Stewart says
I do @Fact Check. I like Nancy and Larry both. Larry is an outsider, Nancy is an insider. I can vote for neither for I am outside of ther district. We’ve got Patrick carrying the water, like Andy Harris, Bob Ehrlich, apparently Nancy’s husband too. All I am saying is I would much prefer having our third Republican represenantive not having the poor votes that she does. I was wrong in a previous post on this blog, but Nancy voted for the 2007 budget (thanks for hiding Patrick) and a earmark for a stupid giraffe preserve. I want some body to shake it up for I am tired of Dutch and our fiscal insanity.
Fact Check says
Let me understand this, because I think if I am correct you make a good point, but a difficult one. You’re saying that although Nancy voted the Conservative way by voting for the 1999 de-regulation bill, that the public perception was it was a bad vote and Dutch will use it against her to win the 2nd CD race. The problem with what you are saying is that you want a representative in Congress to vote for the politically popular thing, not the actually Conservative thing which is what a lot of Republicans are fed up with. Nancy sticking with Conservative principles on the deregulation bill is a bad thing to you, but is probably pretty popular for a majority of the Republicans in the primary.