From Sen. Nancy Jacobs:
I am so thankful that the voters trusted me and I feel very grateful. I will live up to their expectations by working with all my heart to win and to faithfully serve, never forgetting those I represent.
I was humbled to learn that in Harford County I received 75% of the vote. I believe my history of service to my constituents, my get it done attitude, and my record in the Senate played a part. Of course my great team of volunteers worked tirelessly to pull it all together.
Now we really need to shake up Congress. Dutch Ruppersberger went to Washington…but somehow he became Washington. He is a yes man for the Obama-Pelosi team and has forgotten the people who elected him.
My goals are to create jobs by laying the groundwork for small business to grow. I want to repeal Obamacare. The tax structure must be simplified. And I think we must have a balanced budget amendment so our children don’t grow up in a country saddled with debt.
America’s people are enterprising and proud. Now we need representatives to stand up for the principles they hold dear.
I ask Republicans and Democrats in District 2 to visit my web site,, and let me introduce myself when I come to your neighborhood over the coming months.
Thank you for this primary election victory and I humbly ask for your vote in November.
Sen. Nancy Jacobs
Bel Air Fed says
Nancy almost lost her state senate seat in the last election. Now she’s out to “Ditch Dutch.” At least she’s doing her part to generate a 2 party feel to Maryland politics. Wonder why she didn’t try for county executive in a couple years?
JR says
She will be in a couple of years. She ran to boost name recognition and build a campaign war-chest she can use when she runs for CE.
noble says
Considering that odds don’t favor her actually beating Dutch, I think a practice campaign in the 2nd is probably part of a larger plan. Parties like to candidates to test out their appeal in broad areas.
She’s not running for Harford Exec because she doesn’t live in Harford.
Bel Air Fed says
wow, I forgot she moved to Cecil and left Long Bar Harbor. Did she sell or does she still own that house in Abingdon? I wonder.
noble says
I might have spoken too soon, her website indicates she still lives in Abingdon.
Considering she’ll lose to Dutch, Craig is out, and she won 75% of the of the vote in Harford, she’d be crazy not to run.
David A. Porter says
Good luck with that Balanced Budget Amendment. Practically the only thing that has enabled this country to engage in elective wars has been the ability to borrow well beyond our needs to support our wants. And if you can’t even bring people together to raise a debt ceiling when we need it – without threatening world markets – just how to do you expect to get enough people to go along with a plan that will hamper the country’s ability to borrow money when you need it?
noble says
Correct, a true balanced budget ammendment will never pass. Ever.
The best you’ll get would be balanced budget, except for…
Which won’t accomplish anything, because as the current Congress has already proven, they can write and legislate their way out of any corner they pretend to paint.
B says
I think that the idea would be to balance the budget, pay off the debt and then build a surplus that would pay for any future disaster/military action. Hard to get to this point when you have half of the population voting themselves other peoples money.
noble says
Never happen.
Look at what happens every time any jurisdiction ends up with a surplus– people start demanding their money back. Not in a million years will people let the Federal government just sit on money for a rainy day.
Deficit, and even debt, is not the real evil. It’s the irresponsibility of not controlling them that’s killing us. Never cutting back or increasing revenue to manage it. We have all had our cake and ate it too.
ALEX R says
I’m trying to figure a way to get this country to stop borrowing money when they don’t really need it. They just want it.
Ron C says
Well when you figure it out call me, that is the Rosetta Stone of all that has crushed empires historically.