From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
(May 10, 2012 – Edgewood, MD) – On Wednesday evening, May 9, 2012, Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested Jamar Jefferson, age 28, of the 1700 block of Judy Way in Edgewood MD, in connection with the triple shooting that occurred on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 in the 1900 block of Edgewater Drive.
Jefferson has been charged with Attempted 2nd degree murder, Assault 1st degree, Assault 2nd degree, reckless endangerment and use of a firearm in a felony. He is currently being held without bail at the Harford County Detention Center.
Investigators determined that the shooting was linked to a long standing dispute between Jefferson and the victim, Derek Burgess, age 43, of the 1600 block of Swallow Crest Drive in Edgewood. Burgess remains in critical but stable condition at John Hopkins Bayview.
Also injured that evening were Martin T. Bradley, age 25, of the 1900 block of Edgewater Drive and William L. Coles, age 37, of the 1800 block of Edgewater Drive. Both Bradley and Coles have already been released from the hospital for their injuries sustained the evening of May 8, 2012.
Jamar Jefferson
Good job HCSO Deputies!!
On probation and awaiting trial on other assault charges, how about you throw away the key this time?
“long-standing dispute” sounds like sugar coating for gang and/or drug related…
where was this member of societies support network? He was failed in life. I am sure he went to church and was a man of God. Always helped old ladies across the street and went to college. He should be given a second and third chance. Life is full of chances. I think this was just a misunderstanding between young men. DON’T BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ. GREAT JOB HCSO. YOU CAN COMMIT CRIME IN HAZARD COUNTY, BUT YOU WILL BE CAUGHT AND GET FREE ROOM AND BOARD COMPLIMENTS OF US TAXPAYERS
Shooting took place on th 8th he was apprehended on the 10th. That was relatively quick. Good job Harford County Sheriff’s Dept. For the naysayers, hats off to Sheriff Bane.
Bane had nothing to do with it. Hats off to the deputies and detectives who worked the case and did the deed.
Yup, hats off to Bane for hiding in his office under his desk and letting his deputies do their jobs.
Long-standing dispute? I’m sure it’s because one of those involved cheats at bridge.
Reading this article saddens me….. Derek is my little sister father and all though him and my mom aren’t together I still claim him as my step dad! I thank God everyday that he survived and that bastard that shot him is in jail! To the person that said its drug related, it’s very far from that! Derek is still hospitalized and please let’s keep him in our prayers
For people who dont know the truth Jamar turned himself into the police so you can stop with the police stories of them saving the day!!! Also you cant go around theating people lives hitting them and when you go to war you loss. Jamar is just as much as a victum then derek is!!!! SO PEOPLE STOP IT!!!!
Jamar is the defendant.
Derek is one of the victims.