From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Rep. Andy Harris released the following statement today regarding the Department of Labor’s unemployment report for June 2012:
“Today’s disappointing June unemployment report shows yet again that President Obama’s economic policies aren’t working,” said Rep. Andy Harris. “President Obama’s failed economic policies have led to 41 consecutive months of unemployment being above 8 percent. Instead of working with the House majority to create tens of thousands of American jobs through projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline, he has wasted taxpayer dollars on politically connected companies like Solyndra. The House has passed more than 30 jobs bills- it’s time for the President and the Senate to start working with the House to actually put jobs and economic growth at the top of their agenda.”
What would you expect from a President that has an objective to turn the USA into a failed Euro-socialist country. Rebuilding infrastructure, with what, more of China’s money? This guy isn’t going to be happy till he absolutely and totally bankrupts this nation. Fortunately, even Marylander’s can’t save him from his soon to be fate of returning to be a two bit community organizer. Much more fitting of his style. Carter must have gotten on his knees and prayed, Dear God, PLEASE bring along some dumber than me to be President. It worked. Obama.
Even Proud can’t argue this one?
At the end of George W. Bush’s presidency, Americans were losing jobs. Now under Barack Obama, we have 20+ consecutive months of job growth. It seems to me that the only policies that aren’t working are those of the Republican-controlled House. Vote for Wendy Rosen on November 6th!
Tom Myers
President, Young Democrats of Harford County
Bush’s fault…. we’ve got nothing else to defend Obama with. Somewhere deep down inside, you liberals/progressives/socialists have to be wondering if he has any clue what he is doing.
If you are saying Bush was a fiscal conservative, you must be a RINO.
By no means was Bush a conservative…. but way better then Obama has been
When I voted for an apple, I expected to get an apple not a lemon. I expect Obama to behave like a liberal not a conservative. However, I expected Bush to behave like a conservative and not a liberal. I take it for some reason you are surprised that Obama is not behaving like a conservative? Why? I do not fault a Democrat for behaving like one. I do fault any Republican who wears the label of Conservatism and then behaves to the contrary. We have a two-party system and what should be a clear choice. My anger is that the actions of one party does not match its rhetoric. Therefore, my choice has become between two big government and big spending political parties. I find this totally unacceptable.
Tom, you fail to mention that in the first year of Obama’s presidency this nation lost more jobs than at any other time in modern history. This after Obama repeatedly told the American public that if his stimulus program was passed, job loss and unemployment would not exceed 8 percent. We all know how that turned out. His stimulus program resulted in unemployment rising above 10 percent, and despite all this job growth you speak of, unemployment remains above 8%.
What policies of the Republican controlled House are you referring to? I am not aware of any policies passed by the current Republican led house that have been also passed by the Democrat Senate and signed into law by Obama that are not working. The House has passed many bills to help with job growth, only to have them killed in the Democrat led Senate of Harry Reid.
Welsh, you are not a deputy. I didn’t think you were. Even though I agree with you 100% about Obama and conservative causes, you are wrong about Bane.
I have no desire to turn this thread into a discussion on Sheriff Bane. If you wish discuss the Sheriff then return to the thread devoted to that conversation.
Oh stop it Andy Harris!!! Stop issuing statements about what Obama doesn’t do. Why don’t you tell us what you are doing to help your constituents??? Stop the whining.
The House has passed several jobs bills to help our economy, only to have them die in the Senate for lack of a vote. Feel free to look them up on-line.
Barbara, Andy Harris is doing what those of us who voted to elect him want him to do and what he promised he would do. If you don’t like that then next time elect someone else. If you can.
Obama’s policies are driving this country to economic disaster and his cabinet is a joke. I am workig as hard as I can to make sure his agenda is defeated and he is a one term president. Andy Harris is helping to do that. This country cannot stand 4 more years of Obama and his failed leadership and policies.
This country began its slow slide about 30 years ago when we went from creditor nation to debtor nation and the national yuppie mindset was born.
Our leaders on both sides make profound statements such as ‘we didn’t pay for things then’ or ‘debt doesn’t matter’.
We are now about to reap what was sown.
Republicans claim fiscal conservancy and then proceed to spend with wreckless abandon.
Democrats may spend like drunken sailors but at least they pass the bottle first.
Same end result.
Drunken Sailors quit spending when they run out of money. Not so for our congress, they just keep on spending!!
But Mike, they never run out of money. They just print more and keep spending. Why? Because they are charging to our tab.
andy is the joke.
That would be the duly elected Congressman Dr. Andy Harris who soundly defeated whoever you voted for. He is a joke to you because you voted for someone else. That person was defeated. As Paul says, have a nice day.
two party system is a fail.
and Andy has done what for the people of Maryland…… guys a lot of talk, to bad he can’t get anyhting going for MD.
just another politician who claims it’s all another politicians fault, and that they’ll do better when they get re-elected.
Please. Can you give us just one well structured and grammatically correct sentence containing one cogent thought?