From the Governor’s Office on Crime Control and Prevention:
The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention has announced that 22 law enforcement agencies and prosecutors will share almost $1 million in funds to reduce gun violence. The grants – $928,478.00 – are going to agencies across the state, from Allegany County to Worcester County.
“Violent crimes are at their lowest level since 1975, when current record keeping began,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “One reason for that has been the commitment of the dedicated men and women of Maryland law enforcement. They have worked tirelessly to remove guns for our streets and keep our communities safe places in which to live and work.”
The funds are awarded under Maryland’s Responsible Gun Safety Act of 2000. Their purpose is to help local law enforcement agencies develop and implement strategies specifically intended to reduce gun related crime in the State. Under that law, GOCCP may consider funding for programs that address the following criteria:
• Comprehensive and coordinated law enforcement and prosecution programs that target criminals and juveniles who use or illegally possess firearms
• Law enforcement and prosecution salaries and overtime in support of firearms reduction programs
• Covert firearms related investigations and debriefing of criminal and juvenile arrestees and offenders for information related to illegal firearms trafficking
• Initiatives that support the identification of illegal firearms traffickers and the tracing of firearms used to commit crimes or delinquent acts
• The purchase of technology and information systems to support firearms violence reduction initiatives
• Other efforts that aid in the apprehension and prosecution of criminals and juveniles who use or illegally possess firearms
• Regional information sharing and collaborative systems are a priority.
The grant program is administered by GOCCP and overseen by the Maryland Cease Fire Council. The Council is made up of eleven members drawn from law enforcement and criminal justice and chaired by the Superintendent of the Maryland State Police.
You fail to mention that the Maryland State Police has an injunction against it from the Md. Court of Appeals, to halt ALL issuing of concealed carry permits, because they were found to be issuing them in a manner that is unconstitutional. If you’re gonna act like a reporter, try finding ALL the relevant news. Get to work, you’re letting us down.
Agreed…but that went Tango Uniform yesterday when the court of appeals punted on doing their job and gave Maryland their stay of ruling pending appeal.
I say, let’s hijack the legislative session. Obviously, if money is so darn important to the state, they could save a couple hundred thousand (or 1 million +, depending upon how far it goes) in attorneys fees that will be due to Second Amendment Foundation and attorneys Gura and Hansel when the state ultimately looses.
Its not “gun violence”, it is “illegal violence against persons by a perpetrator, committed with a firearm”
The gun isn’t shooting people, the criminal is.
Kharn, I agree with you 100%. After the shooting in Colorado, I am surprised some liberal didn’t propose that we do away with movies.
Precisely the kind of homespun conservative rhetoric I would expect from some of the lesser, but willfully ignorant, residents of Harford County.
The sun rises in the east
The sun sets in the west
Abortion stops a beating heart
A liberal will give you the shirt off of somebody else’s back
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns
By the way, there is no such thing as “state funds”…it’s all our money.
And you have no uterus… you are just a spectator
The fact that he doesn’t have a uterus doesn’t change the fact that David and his liberal friends murder children instead of asking a person to act responsibly.
I’m calling you out as a fraud. I have given more to unwanted unplanned live children than you have you. They didn’t spring from my uterus… I didn’t go around urging pregnant women to abort their unplanned unsupported children – I gave my money to see to it the baby was healthy and that the mother felt supported while her third father of her three unplanned unsupported children did his drug thing. Go whine someplace else about how liberals murder unborn children. I know what my feelings are and what my actions are and I gave more of a damn than three different men who should have been responsible. You’re just irritated and pissy because you are filled with hate and malice. You have decided to make this a personal dispute on a forum related to other articles. I will not stand by and let you make baseless claims about anyone or anything as you hide behind the second letter of the alphabet – you have no dog in the fight. You are most definitely a spectator, thrilled by the ability to anonymously denigrate anyone you feel your lack of self esteem warrants attacking.
Thank you for the typical response of a lib that can’t win a debate…… The personal attack. Irregardless of how much you have given, you defend abortion, and therefore you have blood on your hands. Simple as that.
Even this past week, the democrats in congress voted down a bill to ban LATE TERM abortion in DC.
Doesn’t sound like I am the angry one. From your post I can only assume that you wish these children you supported were aborted instead of dependent on you financially? You come off very unstable and irrational David. Maybe you should rethink posting with your name. Also, take a second and look who responded first to make this a debate on abortion.
Regardless… irregardless is the domain of morons that do not know language. And you are simply too full of hate and despair for me to give a damn what you think about me or what I do.
Your assumption is wrong and you are a fool and an idiot. If I was like you I suppose I would cut them off altogether instead of providing them the help they need. You do nothing except come here and attack me for the things I do while you spectate and do nothing except criticize. That’s why social services exist, so you can pay your taxes and justify a clean conscience as they spend your money however poorly to help those in need. And then when the effort fails, because you have a limited stake in it, you want to fold up your tent and focus on something more personally rewarding.
Just dry up like the empty husk you are and blow away. The world would be a better place without snipes like you that observe complain and do nothing.
Wow, Its like you know me better then I know myself. I “attacked” you because you came on a website and defended abortion. No matter what you want to call it, your position ends in the death of a child. If you don’t want to be attacked, don’t post.
Otto, people seem to miss this point alot. Thanks for pointing it out.
Throwing money at a problem doesn’t fix the problem. Our local sherriffs need to be more present in the ghetto, make their presence known and start cleaning up these communities.
Harford County’s funding is for “personnel support” not “overtime support” which means that Bane will hire one of his campaign contributors to sit behind a desk and do nothing. He’ll be kept on the books long after the grant money is gone. Go ahead and give me a thumbs down Porter, you haven’t done that in a while.
BBC, do you have any facts to support your contention? Or do you just dislike Bane?
Not just Porter is going to give you a thumbs down. You are politicking again. Mike Welsh, are you out there. Do you believe me yet?
I will reserve my opinion until we actually see how the money was spent.
Mike, how come you didn’t ask for facts when BBC made his statement, but tell me that you will withhold judgement until you see how the money is spent? I made no statement about Bane, but he did, again. And….he and others will begin the campaigning again. I don’t give a damn who you vote for, that is your business, but I wish you would at least acknowledge that this site is being used to campaign against Bane. It was during the last election and started a couple of months ago for the next.
What facts would one expect regarding the use of money that has not yet been received. BBC is speculating his/her opinion on how the money will be spent. Sheriff Bane is not the first, nor will he be the last Sheriff who hires someone to fill a position within the HSCO as a reward for their help in getting the Sheriff elected. One only hopes that the person is qualified for the position in which they are placed.
There, I gave you exactly one. I hope you’re satisfied.
Had someone in Colorado had a handgun, maybe that shooter would not have killed and wounded so many people.
Avg number of people shot in mass shootings before police respond? 18
Before lawful gun carrying citizens respond? 3
The police have no duty or OBLIGATION (caps for emphasis) to protect you…
Here’s a thought…if they felt so greatly about preventing gun violence and misuse, why not contract with the NRA to do outreach programs on safety. Contrary to some peoples’ thoughts, the NRA certified trainers do more training of civilian and police than any other group in the country.
Lots of people in Colorado have hand guns… they just don’t bring them to theaters.
You’re really advocating a Gunslinger mentality here whether you know it or not. There’s a reason people stood on the sides of the street while two characters attempted to gun each other down at high noon.
Mr. Porter, you have seen too many cowboy movies.
And where do you see your gunfights?
Mr. Porter, I don’t usually see gunfights. What I see is criminals using guns to harm others. Believe me, if you lived in a dangerous area you would want protection also. The police cannot provide instant protection. When citizens can carry guns, punks will think twice about rousting them. The situation in Aurora could have been stopped if someone had a gun and shot the assailant before he wounded and killed so many people. It is a shame that it is this way, but it is. Witnesses who are supposedly being protected by police have been killed in Baltimore, just to mention one city. If liberals want to do something meaninful, enforce the gun laws already on the books. E.g. mandatory 5 year sentence just for the commission of a crime with a gun. Look at the statistics on this and see how many times that charge is plea bargained away.
Open your eyes and look Porter. There are people who defend themselves with firearms reported on every day. That isn’t isn’t convenient for your opinion, so we should just ignore it right?
I’m aware of that. My point is most law abiding gun using citizens don’t take their weapons with them when they go out to eat. There’s a reason for that, it has to do with discretion. And if you think I am opposed to gun ownership, please help me obtain my Barret .50 cal for home defense. I work with weapons on my job and I know they have a purpose and I support the rights of those that would use them responsibly. I am however telling you that if you expected a gun toting theater goer to brandish his firearm while chaos was letting loose in a crowded theater with tear gas to defend the non gun toting innocents you have seen too many Clint Eastwood movies.
That theater was a gun-free zone, or so I have read