From Jeffrey R. Gahler:
On Thursday, July 26th, I had the distinct privilege of attending the Harford County Chamber of Commerce’s July Luncheon and an opportunity to listen to Sheriff Bane detail his term as Sheriff. Several details of his presentation were in direct opposition to my first-hand knowledge of past law enforcement efforts and accomplishments, and for the most part, can be summed up to the Sheriff failing to recognize those who initiated most of the efforts and initiatives he now claims as successes. I would like to take this opportunity to clarify some information presented.
Just a few short weeks ago, in a public letter; I outlined the Sheriff’s slow reaction to address the rate of fatal and serious injury accidents occurring in our county. I outlined how the incidence of devastating motor vehicle accidents was not a new phenomenon and had been an important part of my past campaign platform for Sheriff. In fact, this topic had been a key point as far back as 2008 and it was noted that the Sheriff failed to act until approached by the local State Police Commander who had proposed a traffic task force to address this growing, but consistent, threat to our community. During his Chamber of Commerce presentation (and likely repeated at this weekend’s Darlington Town Hall meeting), in front of a room full of community and business leaders, Sheriff Bane informed the gathering that the traffic task force grew from a local police chief’s meeting “in April of last year.” I am curious if this aspect of his presentation was meant to address my previous condemnation of his failure to act in a timely manner with those in attendance, but using false information to cover inaction is never advisable.
For reference, I have attached a Harford County Sheriff’s Office Memorandum that clearly shows the “Multi Jurisdictional Traffic Task Force” was proposed by the state police commander and shows that the proposal dates back to September of 2010. I assume Sheriff Bane does not want to admit the issue and need for action stems back to the last election (fall, 2010) because then he would also have to admit that it was not his own loudly touted processes that brought this issue to the forefront. Instead, it was his more experienced opponent followed by the local state police commander that recognized the need. Sadly, even if this April of 2011 claim was true, the question would still remain as to what has taken the Sheriff so long to address this real public safety issue? Detailed crash data has been available to the Sheriff from the Maryland State Highway Administration for his entire term in office. Why now is he presenting information that contradicts fact to describe his efforts?
As stated in my previous letter, the regrettable facts are that this is a very real issue that has always deserved a serious level of attention from our law enforcement leaders. Sheriff Bane was still nearly four years late in this realization and response. Clearly the recognition of this issue and the origin of the response was not as he claims or when he claims. I assume his motives for such a deceptive timeline and action are purely political in nature, but there is no place in law enforcement for variations of the truth, not now, not ever.
Jeffrey R. Gahler
2014 Republican Candidate for Sheriff
Whats the surprise here? The only issue Bane has ever been outfront on is Hug a Thug.
First off the only people to blame are the dumb arse people of harford county who voted down the county police force. What the hell do you expect with a elected police force. I am sure your the same people who gave us lame duck craig too.
It’s about time someone takes Sheriff Bane to task. Taking credit for the work of others is standard operation for this Sheriff. The public has a right to know the truth and kudos to media that recognizes this and facilitates answers to serious questions.
You claim you were the person behind the task force and then a memo is produced which proves you are misleading voters. Sheriff Bane is this an integrity issue? Did you lie? Should you be held to the same standards that you are holding your people to? I think this memo addresses this. Can’t argue with facts.
The waist of tax payer dollars by Bane is outrageous! He has stood on the shoulders of hard working officers for over 30 years it’s time for a change and the hug a thug bull s–t has got to end!!
Under Sheriff Bane integrity is based upon how much $ you contributed to his campaign or how you helped him get the union endorsement. This isnt about the deputies. Do you really think Bane cares about his rank and file? His legacy will be nothing, and it is fitting because he has done nothing. The agency continues to funnel down the tubes and his commanders continue to flex their muscle. They are drunk with power, my advice is enjoy the buzz while it lasts. Change is coming.
I’m guessing there’s about 8 of you. The deputy I spoke with on Sunday said he joined HCSO because of it’s professionalism and he had good things to say about working there which seem to contrast with the goofiness you folks (all three of you using multiple aliases) like to portray here. None of you has any credibility in my estimation. Marc is simply a disenfranchised individual with an axe to grind in so many different areas of his life. No one really knows who Uncle Benny is or Marc’s 8th Cousin. You come out of the cabinets when you see Gahler or Bane mentioned and then you go into hiding again. I expect the rest of you will eventually eliminate this post from view when you decide to collaborate on giving it thumbs down. Seen it before, you;’ll do it again. You really must be a bunch of sad bad apples to require the comfort of each other on those lonely nights when you wish you were better thought of.
Porter, you make enemies on every thread you post on due to your finger-pointing accusations and mindless drivel. Until you know the identity behind everyone’s screen names, why don’t you keep your conspiracy theories to yourself? Why are you even posting on here if you allegedly don’t have any ties to the Sheriff’s Office other than speaking to one deputy over the weekend? I’m sure a deputy is going to tell a random stranger how horrible Jesse Bane is. You are only important in your own mind, Porter. Go haunt another story, you have no knowledge about anything that is being written here.
BBC… nice to see you guys followed through on my prediction. it’s nice that you submerged a comment given to me freely by a sheriff’s deputy that contradicts the stuff you guys seem to be experiencing in your tiny little world.
So everyone that wonders about the “Drivel” I wrote that disagrees with these stellar members of the community I fence with, just open it up and read it for yourselves and make up your own mind.
Eighteen Thumbs down as of this writing. Do you really have access to that many computers, all three of you?
If you are capable of a one word answer, yes or no. If Mr. Gahler is correct in what Sheriff Bane said and the memo is not a forgery of some sort, would Sheriff Bane have been caught in a lie?
David A Porter, why are you ducking the question? Is it now clear to you that Bane is a lying? Stop the liberal talk and answer the question. If you can. Put up or shut up.
David Porter,
Jeff Gahler’s facts are clear. Can you explain Bane’s contradictions?
David will not answer this issue and Monster knows better. If David does address this issue it will be irrational and not unrealistic. Bane= ship sinking quickly. But he needs a full 8 years to get a 2nd pension and he will not step down, the agency will be taking level 1 swimming lessons by then. It will take a decade tof ix the issues that exist. The citizens and the rank and file have all lost faith. SAD SAD SAD. Now David if you want to comment then answer the question, what do you dispute in this letter; Gahler gave you his phone # and you still cry foul. What is your issue?
Here is the question again for you: If you are capable of a one word answer, yes or no. If Mr. Gahler is correct in what Sheriff Bane said and the memo is not a forgery of some sort, would Sheriff Bane have been caught in a lie? It is a yes or no answer, not some rambling that a deputy told you he wrote a ticket and on and on and on and on.
To help you out I will also point out where you are wrong and/or misleading. Mr. Gahler’s letter clearly “demonstrates” that Sheriff Bane has an integrity issue and “demonstrates” that Sheriff Bane was years late to take action. It is obvious that Mr. Gahler gives the Sheriff Office credit for participating in the effort since he was the one who showed us the memo.
Since arriving in this state I have counted on a loyal and ignorant opposition. Principally because in addition to the willful hate and stupidity you embrace many of you are also hypocrites. There are many I agree with and many that agree with me, but not always. Not everyone agrees with me, but then again the ones I disagree with only validate my opposition to their questionable perspectives and motivations.
Hey Porter. I am one of the guys on here who does agree with you once in a while. Uncle Benny asked you a serious and honest (as well as respectfully,) question. What exactly do you disagree with. Please don’t attack me or others. Take a look at the question and answer it. Thanks in advance.
Arturo, the letter is from someone inside HCSO certainly. Mr Gahler has taken the memo to demonstrate that Sheriff bane has done nothing to support that effort. The letter is not proof that Sheriff Bane has failed to do anything and you and I have no smoking gun that shows he deliberately prevented participation in any task force. The deputy I spoke with two weeks ago told me pointedly that there are many people driving around on suspended licenses and finding one is usually difficult without some insight or a deliberate violation of traffic law. The “Welfare Queen” you have seen me post about previously just recently spent ten days in HCDC for driving on a suspended license after she was caught by a State Trooper in February after a serious accident. This was her second suspended license offense after she was tagged in October 2011 by a Deputy Sheriff. Just recently she was tagged a third time with driving on a suspended license, for a third time and now awaits trial with a public defender in September. The charge was leveled by a HCSO Deputy Sheriff. I cannot speak to the complaints against Sheriff Bane by any of these other posters. What I see is a diligent effort by HCSO to remove undesirable and irresponsible drivers from the road. So my answer to you I guess is: I have nothing so say about the memo because it does not reflect on my personally verifiable observations. And Mr Gahler is just running for office.
Good spin David A Porter. This letter addresses Banes integrity, he has none. He has now for the third time taken credit for something he did not do and lied to the public. That is what this is about. You should apply for the current opening for PIO, you spin things great.
Here is the question again for you: If you are capable of a one word answer, yes or no. If Mr. Gahler is correct in what Sheriff Bane said and the memo is not a forgery of some sort, would Sheriff Bane have been caught in a lie? It is a yes or no answer, not some rambling that a deputy told you he wrote a ticket and on and on and on and on.
To help you out I will also point out where you are wrong and/or misleading. Mr. Gahler’s letter clearly “demonstrates” that Sheriff Bane has an integrity issue and “demonstrates” that Sheriff Bane was years late to take action. It is obvious that Mr. Gahler gives the Sheriff Office credit for participating in the effort since he was the one who showed us the memo.
You’re pretty much all brain dead. The letter says nothing about Bane’s integrity nor does it implicate him any wrong doing or subterfuge. Where did you derive that interpretation? It was written by a totally different person and bears no signature from Sheriff Bane or Gahler for that matter. If you like Gahler’s spin on a letter that he is providing to you to analyze with someone else’ name on it you are free to be as vacuous as you appear. You really are off base here. And you are equally off base for demanding me to say anything about Sheriff Bane relating to a letter written by neither him nor Gahler. Spin your bull all you like. You’re the only ones you are convincing…. all three of you.
He’s running for office and if this is the best he can do he will certainly attract the nitwits but not someone that can read.
Yes, you are right that Mr. Gahler is running for office, but so is Sheriff Bane. Mr. Gahler has written a LETTER that clearly outlines Sheriff Bane’s false statement and the internal MEMO is the proof that his claims were indeed false. So what do we have, a candidate running on facts and integrity and an incumbent running on outright fabrications. If Mr. Gahler is wrong or making this stuff up, where is Sheriff Bane to refute the facts? Sheriff Bane can’t even defend himself, but at least he has you and your reputation going hard for him. Keep up the effort, we all know it is not easy to hide facts with BS, but keep on shoveling.
There you have it people. Only a liberal could read this post, have the evidence in front of him and still say it is not lying. I have to hand it to you David A Porter you are true to your liberal beliefs. Good for you.
I have seen police officers terminated for being less truthful and similar integrity violations! How can anything be trusted that comes out of Bane’s mouth. Answer, it can’t be!
I have seen officers demoted and forced to retire because they didn’t agree with Jesse’s ways. And that was BEFORE he was the sheriff.
Wonder how Mr. Gahler got a copy of this Memo? Are those beads of sweat I see coursing down your bald head Jesse? Looks like your ivory tower is starting to implode.
Prior to this internal memo being leaked, I was accused of being a character assassin. The whole time I knew the truth and now I am glad the public also does. What I have been saying the whole time is that the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is a complete mess and that the public has the right to know. 2 Posters tried to make me, Marc Eaton and various other posters look like bad guys. We are not bad, we are sickened by the current state of the department. We are just trying to get the truth out and I am glad that facts and documents support what I have been saying. Again with that being said the men and women of this department in general are good people and will continue to protect you and your family. When the time comes make sure you support them! Stay safe and god bless you and your family!
I agree with Mr. Gahlers letter but I have a few concerns as a member of this agency. Mr. Gahler will you keep most of the command staff in place? I hope not. I know that one of your campaign advisors has both personal and professional relationships with the patrol major and captain from admin services. Both of these people need to go and questions are being asked if you will actually get rid of them? Again I do agree with your letter but I think that you need to make it clear what your intentions are with cleaning the scum out of the command staff. You have support but your support needs to know that you stand behind us before we give you are endorsement. We need change across the board. If you fired nearly the entire existing command staff I dont think that the rank and file’s feelings would be hurt. WE NEED SWEEPING CHANGE AT THIS POINT!
I agree the house needs to be cleaned
Too bad we have to wait until 2014!!
Exactly! How many more 20-somethings will die of heroine overdoses in Bel Air, especially in my neighborhood? I have called and emailed the HCSO. I have attended meetings. I have visited crime prevention trailers and voiced my concern. Still witnessing unbelievable acts of my neighbors. Police have shown up in my neighborhood and laughed with the party-goers at 6:00 on a Sunday morning, disregarding the open containers on the road next to them. The good old boys club needs to be disbanded (dis-Baned!
How is it Banes fault people drive with their heads up their butt? Mr. Gahler you lost the last time you ran what makes you think the people will vote for you next time. Your being a cry baby.
It’s called traffic law enforcement…I’ve commented numerous times the horrendous actions right in my small neck of the county on several threads on Dagger. People passing on solid double yellows along Watervale is pretty much standard procedure anymore and that’s if you’re doing 5 mph over the limit there. Nobody cares because absolutely nobody ever patrols to enforce the laws. With a limited resource it’s important to place priorities where they belong. Hugging thugs takes time; perhaps those officers assigned to lip lock with gangmembers could be occasionally sent out to issue a couple of tickets.
It is not Sheriff Bane’s fault that people drive with their head up their butt. It is Sheriff Bane’s fault for trying to take credit for an idea that he knew was not his, and not giving credit to those who originated the idea.
I can attest that Jesse has no clue. I can show exactly how Jesse has lied and misled the public. It is time for him to resign. He is wasting your tax dollars and mismanaging the HCSO personnel. Sadly he can’t remember what he did yesterday or what he has directed others to do. It is not his fault that he misrepresents crime data or that he claims credit for the ideas and work of others. He is a sick man and that is why he totally screws up everything he touches. According to him there are no open air drug markets in Harford County or problems with the reckless drivers who present a direct threat to the motoring public. Of course Jesse has never written a ticket or arrested a driver for DWI. He has never been a real cop. Truth be told.
David A Porter. In typical liberal fashion you try distraction from the facts. Please address the letter and the memo and try to stay on topic. Attacking us is weak. He lies and now there is proof for you and monster. We know how much you love facts.
Marc… why bother when you clearly have an agenda fueled by personal animosity? Your credibility is in doubt; partly because of your anger and your hate. Other deputies I have talked to don’t have the venom you express here in this forum. Consider the source of all these complaints… and it’s you and other people like you that simply hate the fact that Bane is Sheriff.
Porter, again, why would a deputy(s) discuss their personal feelings regarding the Sheriff with you? You are stupid, but you can’t be so dumb as to think we would believe that you randomly walk up to a deputy somewhere, ask him what he thinks about Jesse Bane and expect him to pour his heart out to you. Even if the deputy is someone you know, that is even more reason for the deputy to remain silent because you are a loose cannon. You still refuse to address the matter at hand–Bane taking credit for initiatives that someone else created. Care to address that now or are you going to continue to call us names because the truth is out and there is no rebuttal to the facts presented?
Not so much a loose cannon as an irritant in your life. A duty I will perform with great zeal since you are now bound to make this personal. And if you are wondering why I enjoy this, it’s because I use my full name and don’t hide my identity behind a pseudonym. Hiding is the domain of cowards and criminals.
End the Andy in Mayberry approach to police work in Harford.
Create a County Police Force.
Take the Deputies out of the middle of every 4 year politics.
Don’t like who the county hires – don’t re-elect the appointers and then somebody new will fire the chief if he’s really a bum. But how many times in the last 50 years or so has Baltimore County fired their police chief———ZERO. Me thinks the people that yell the loudest about how bad things are in the sheriff’s dept are the ones salivating for the six figure salaries in a new administration.
I have addressed this previously for BelAirFED, so I will give it another go here too. Any police department with an appointed chief gets nothing more than a puppet to carry out the political agenda of the elected appointing authority. This has been seen clearly in the past and present Baltimore County Police Department, the Baltimore Police Department and the State Police department heads. Also recently here in Aberdeen where an effective long term chief was replaced by a political supporter of the Mayor after a comprehensive National Search (National Farce to be more accurate). And, let’s not forget AA County where the puppet chief just retired in disgrace for following the demands of his now indicted boss.
Don’t be so foolish as to think an appointed chief does anything to remove the “politics” from the police department.
more in my thinking of the deputies not having to chose sides every 4 years – and wind up like a friend of mine – years ago- supported the loser – reassigned from patrol to detention center.
or last month–the friend of mine who is the breast cancer survivor–now working at the Detention Center after 17 years of exemplary service incurring the wrath of Lionel’s vindictiveness
Politics will never be removed completely from any police agency. Having an appointed Chief would remove employees from using election politics as a means for grade advancement or position assignment. Internal agency politics will still exist. It’s the nature of the beast.
Here’s the issue at hand that we’re all failing to see and that is, our County Sheriff is stagnant. You actually have to remove yourself from politics and be a Sheriff. You might have to patrol the areas and physically see what the rest of us see. We can complain all day long about what he does or doesn’t do but the fact is, he lost momentum and new ideas. He hasn’t grown like our county has and he’s too far gone to catch up. We need a fresh start and we need to listen to our deputies; even those at the very bottom just starting out. These are the ones who patrol our streets and spend countless hours in overtime surveying accidents at all ends of the county. If you want truthful facts, ask the guys doing the real work every day. It’s a very simple managerial concept…listen to your staff who eat, sleep and breathe this stuff. The command staff needs to be cleaned up but isn’t the main focus…the main focus for any Sheriff coming in in 2014 should take a step back and bond with the real patrolmen and women and perhaps clean house from the ground up not from top to bottom. Come in with a strategy to fill in the holes and see where our county has evolved…not just from the last election but quite frankly the change in just the past year. BRAC has been here for years now and we have a major highway in Abingdon in the past year alone…marked cars are more sparse now than ever before because they can’t keep up with supply and demand. Ask yourselves why? Does the current Sheriff or the new Sheriff coming in have the resources that he or she needs to do the job? As citizens in Harford County, that’s our role; not to complain about what he or she didn’t do or bad-mouth the “soon to be retired” command staff for being top heavy and power hungry. You can’t be an effective Sheriff based on union support or politicking the streets of Edgewood. That concept didn’t work in the last election and won’t work again the next time. Gahler is bringing forward the facts and actually has a strategy well before the election period. I don’t know about the rest of us, but a strategy is better than no strategy and it’s a fresh start. He’s already identified problem areas and plans to rectify if he’s elected and he doesn’t quite have the union backing him with money up front either. His wheels are in motion and he’s not getting paid to do it. That’s real heart and soul people! After all…the pay isn’t that great to begin with! I’d rather have a candidate ready to go with a plan than Bane giving the rest of us lip service. I’ve lived in HC all my life…back when you could leave your car unlocked in Edgewood. I’ve lived in Bel Air the majority of my life and now in Aberdeen and honestly, my zip code difference is just geography; the crimes being committed are not based on zip codes any longer, it’s county-wide.
I periodically follow the debate and/or issues raised here concerning the Sheriff’s office and the 2014 election. This is also my first posting and it is a question. Can someone explain what the “hug a thug” initiative is (as well as its real name), and what that means as far as duties and responsibilities for an officer on patrol? Thanks in advance.
Hug-a-thug is a term that was coined by the deputies to describe Sheriff Bane’s policing style during his first term and is worse than ever today. For the deputy on patrol it means you have to hope that the criminal you are dealing with or arresting doesn’t have the Sheriff’s home phone number. If they do, you can put police work to the side while the Sheriff tries to keep votes.
Does anyone know the name of the Edgewood Activist Woman that lobbies for Jesse Bane and his Hug a Thug program? What is her skin in the game?
Mildred Sammy? Im guessing this is who you mean.
She helps Jesse feel superior to someone. That’s why he likes her. One can only imagine a conversation between those two.
Mildred Samy’s son Samuel Horne was murdered in August 2007, hence the beginning of the Hug-A-Thug mentality under Bane’s regime. This is the same sheriff who left one of his own on the side of the road for 5 hours while he was suffering a medical emergency earlier this year. Integrity? None Common Sense? None Leadership? None No wonder morale is at all time low.
Sheriff Bane was going to conduct an investigation into why the Deputy you speak of was left alone for over 5 hours while suffering a medical emergency. Has that investigation been completed? Have any answers been found as to why that occurred? How can you just lose an on duty Deputy for over 5 hours??
Mike no comment im sure from the Bane administration. However i did hear that the PIO is leaving HCSO. I cant blame her, how many times can you cover things up and get paid squat before you have had enough. I wonder what Baner will get that job?????
Maybe the PIO is smarter than I thought she was. Time to abandon ship.
To help deliver the Edgewood vote.
Don’t forget the fact that Jesse caters to the thugs and their families. If they complain about a deputy Bane calls the deputy into his office and reams a new one without ever checking the real facts. Oh, Jesse also has held hands with drug dealers and other felons, felt sorry for them because they had a tough life. Of course he doesn’t remember any of the above because of his failing memory, sad.
PETD watches everyday as the reputation of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is tarnished. PETD also supports the men and women that work at the detention center. When the time comes we all need to stand as one. I am glad that this memo has come to light but it is embarrassing at the same time. PETD also questions why the patrol major needs a corrections captain to drive her around. Shouldn’t she be focusing her daily activities on the jail? Instead she is for the most part the personal driver for the patrol major. Even the county executive and sheriff do not have a driver. My last question is who is in charge of the agency at this point? The Sheriff, Colonel and Executive Major seem to be sitting around playing paper, rock, and scissors. All the while a major with an Axe is running around destroying everything, and they cant tell her no. Poor leadership at it’s finest, keep up the great work!
PETD, that Captain driving the Major is getting promoted to Major herself and will now be the Assistant Warden.
When is Sheriff Bane going to hire the civilian warden that he first said he was not going to do, then reversed himself and advertised for a civilian warden? Has he changed his mind again? If I remember correctly it was back in March or April that they advertised for the warden position and it is still not filled.
Mike bane cant remember things that happened 5 minutes ago. He sure as heck doesnt remember things that happended in April.
Truth Be Told,
Perhaps he can’t remember that he was going to hire a warden, but he sure as hell should know that he doesn’t have one.
My guess is that no one worth a hoot applied and that has left them holding the bag with an empty warden position. Given the circumstances who in their right mind would want the position.
If Captain Jackson is going to be promoted to Major and made Assistant Warden, who is she going to be an assistant to?
Now that is just plain sick.
Didn’t Sheriff Golding post a letter about Bane taking credit for a gang program? Seems to be a history of fibbing by Bane.
Again Marc Integrity is on a sliding scale about how much money you contribute to Lionel Jesse Bane’s election fund. My question is why hasn’t an I-28 been completed on Sheriff Bane for integrity. Policy dictates that this investigation would be done by an outside agency. This is all well and good but from recent outside internal’s it still doesnt mean that things will be sustained when the outside agency sustains them. The Sheriff couldnt afford another major to have a sustained scandal and he cant afford to have a sustained internal himself. But this memo does prove that he has an integrity issue, no matter how small or big it is. Integrity is Integrity. Correct?
Marc, the letter from Golding is still on The Dagger, written on April 4, 2010. David A Porter needs to read it and he’ll see that neither Jeff Gahler, nor you, nor I, nor anyone other than Golding had anything to do with the writing of the letter. No hidden agendas, just the simple truth. Bane was a liar then and he’s a bigger liar now. What is his degree in? Oh that’s right, he lies about that too.
You won’t see that document on his office wall….because it says Sociology….not Criminal Justice or Criminology…or whatever else he claims.
I was recently in the WaWa on 152 and near 95. A deputy assisted a motorist in a problem and the motorist appreciated his help and offered to contact the sheriff dept to tell them how helpful he was. She asked for the patrol officers business card. He didnt have any on him and told her that the business cards arent cheap. Do the officer have to buy their own business cards?
That was actually me coming in to get my dinner. I hope those gentlemen made it to the wedding that they were late for. I really appreciated your kind words, the rest of the night was not friendly to me and the compliments I receive from people on the street help me through the stressful days. We do buy our own business cards and other equipment, much as teachers purchase supplies for their work. We don’t sign up for the money, we sign up for the job, the chance to help/save people, the respect, the loyalty, and the brotherhood.
Question- Yes Officers have to supply their own business cards. They get their first few hundred free but they go quick. In this day and age every penny counts most deputies work two or three or four overtime jobs just to put food on their table. I hope this makes sense to you. People keep saying that yes you get a take home car and have a state LEOPS pension. But really that means nothing without the support of the public and my bosses. I dont drive my car off duty, I will not go into how many people are actually working at a time but it isnt much and it would be shocking if the public knew how many police were actually out there at a given time. I dont know what else to say the facts should speak for themselves.
I like how people think a county police force is the answer to everything. Its not Banes fault that people are bad drivers and want to do everything behind the wheel except drive. This county has way to many relatives,friends and chronys working in it to be effective in anything except for voting themselves raises and coming up with new ways to spend money on things that arent needed. This county is corrupt from the top to bottom and riddled with waste and wasteful practices. If the Sheriffs office started cracking down on drivers there would be such a hateful backlash asking why they are screwing over drivers instead of chasing criminals.
I don’t know what the big deal is about all this crap. The sheriff’s Department regularly lies to bring charges upon their victims. The Maryland State Police are just as guilty. Either of these candidates is still a lying pig. There is no integrity in Harford County Law Enforcement because the crooked Harford County State’s Attorney Office will gleefully prosecute you knowing you are innocent. The Judges of the Corrupt Harford County Circuit and District Courts knowingly jail innocent people everyday. Until the Harford County Courts start to recognize constitutional rights, the illegal Law Enforcement Agencies of Harford County will continue on their mission of deceit and perjury to continue incarceration for profit of the citizens of Harford County. Just because your rights haven’t been violated yet, don’t look the other way, because you could be the next target of the malicious and dishonest prosecutors and law enforcement officers of the most dishonest Judicial system in Maryland, The Harford County Judiciary. These miscreants continue to prosecute citizens based on the lies of Harford County Law Enforcement making them the JUDAS of ALL JUDICIARIES because of their willing and knowing involvement in the illegal prosecution of 100’s of Citizens each year. NONE OF THIS WILL CHANGE, you could be their next victim………………
I would like ta add to this guy’s statement, which I agree with totally. Not only will they lie, when your son is at HCDC all pissed off because of the lie, they took him to their medical/psych staff and they declared him bipolar. Funny when my son got out of jail after having to take the plea bargain, which I might add he didn’t want to but his lying attorney told him that he already spoke to the judge in the back and he had better take the plea, I took my son to a private shrink, he proclaimed nothing wrong with him and that there never was. He also explained to me how doctors and psych doctors that work for jails normally say anything that the cops want them to. What can you do? I hate all of this and it isn’t funny even though the deputies at the jail thought it was and would just keep saying,”Oh, he is goig to be with us for a long time”,and a variety of other things that I thought were very innappropriate. HCDC has problems, the HCSO lies, the HCSAO will work with the lie and then the judges will convict you on the lie.
Offended Mom- The court and HCSO are two seperate issues. Your son got free medical care, many people cant get health insurance. Stop blaming the system, if you dont like your politicians please feel free to pull the non-incumbent lever at your local polling station. I disagree with alot of issues at HCSO but your point is completely invalid.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law, your remark about the free medical care is totally BS and anyone with your thought process has to be partially retarded. In any event, it sounds like malpractice at the jail! Being incorrectly diagnosed for a medical condition by incompetent medical staff is considered malpractice even if it is free. I particularly like the part about how a private psychiatrist declared he wasn’t bi-polar and even told her how Jail Medical staffs will say anything the police want. Whats wrong Marks 8th Cousin in-Law, don’t like the truth unless it furthers Marc Eaton’s agenda and yours? Marks 8th Cousin in-Law is just another liar…………and so is Marc Eaton!
If your son was in the HCDC it means he’s an adult. Why is his mommy fending for him and posting for him on websites? I’ll bet growing up any “misfortunes” that befell him were someone else’s fault, right? The schools, the teachers, the kids in the neighborhood.
Cops and Detention centers can’t, in a day or two, fix what you and/or your son took 18 years to screw up.
To those that are intent on the creation of a County Police Department, you need to look no further than Anne Arundel County for the reasons that reveal this is not your best option. Although there are great police chiefs out there, an appointed chief will do whatever his employer wants. In the case of the Anne Arundel County Chief of Police, he allowed or directed his officers to commit certain state and federal offenses on behalf of or at the direction of the County Executive. It got so bad that the State Prosecutor announced the Police Chief’s retirement after grand jury testimony and related investigation. Not the Police Chief himself. How bad does it have to get before this happens. Now in need of a Police Chief, the Anne Arundel County executive turned to a political pawn who himself is familiar with the grand jury process and terminations to be the next Chief of Police. No vetting, no public review and no say from the tax payers. I would much rather have a process where I have a say or at least an opportunity to do my own vetting of the head of a law enforcement agency responsible for protecting my family. In Anne Arundel County, the County Executive played the citizens of that County as fools and will continue to do so as long as he is in office. A Sheriff is beholding to his constituents day in and day out. The Sheriff’s career safety net is a good job – not a corrupt or inept sponsor.
The best safety net for any elected official is an uninformed or misled electorate. Sheriff Bane, along with many others is well aware of those factors.
All these comments and not one Bane supporter can clear Bane of outright lying to this group of business people. Lets not forget the staffing lies he was caught spewing earlier this year and the letter from Sheriff Golding calling him out on the gang issue. Is there no bottom to how low Bane will go?
There is no reason for anyone here to conduct a defamation of character suit against a bunch of gutless anonymous posters in a forum on an internet based news site.
You can’t spin this post. Facts don’t lie. Monster and David A Porter know this. I would love to see the Dagger do a follow up with Bane on this.
It is integrity, if you don’t have any sooner or later it will show.
David A Porter, again answer the question. Don’t talk about me who has been saying from day one Bane has an integrity problem. Try to stay on point. I seem to have my axe grinding proven true. So, if you can get past your liberal mindset and address the post and the memo I and many others would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Only a hedgehog or a conservative feels thew world can be boiled down into a “Yes” or “No” answer to a question. This article does nothing to highlight deficiencies that you feel exist in the HCSO because of Bane.
To meet you half way in your effort to get me to answer the question you seem to be stuck on – but you haven’t proven objectively:
Does the memo indicate any failure on Bane’s part to address increased scrutiny of Traffic in Harford County to preclude Fatal Accidents?
Is Gahler attempting to run for an office currently held by Bane?
Now you may draw your conclusions from those answers as you see fit.
Sometimes a banana is just a banana, no matter how much you read into it.
David A Porter, you still did not answer the question. Did Bane lie? Simple question even for you.
Marc… the memo said nothing about Bane lying.
Easy day here on the Dagger. Just copied my post from above and it addresses Mr. Porter’s thoughts perfectly again:
Yes, you are right that Mr. Gahler is running for office, but so is Sheriff Bane. Mr. Gahler has written a LETTER that clearly outlines Sheriff Bane’s false statement and the internal MEMO is the proof that his claims were indeed false. So what do we have, a candidate running on facts and integrity and an incumbent running on outright fabrications. If Mr. Gahler is wrong or making this stuff up, where is Sheriff Bane to refute the facts? Sheriff Bane can’t even defend himself, but at least he has you and your reputation going hard for him. Keep up the effort, we all know it is not easy to hide facts with BS, but keep on shoveling.
It was a good idea to post this letter by Jeff Gahler. This was a beyond a reasonable doubt moment for the proof of the integrity issue for Bane. The crickets coming from Bane are deafening. I wish the Dagger would do a follow with the Sheriff to get his side of the story.
No one cares anymore, the Sheriff can do whatever. The deputies are are all corrupt. We get it, but we cant do anything about it. You all are your own worst enemy. I aint going to my library for a community meeting because its a waste of my time. Harford county the new Baltimore City- bottom line.
@Luke G. No not all Deputies are corrput in fact most aren’t. Unfortunately, those in the command staff care more about themselves than the public and the deputies on the street, nothing can get accomplished. When you have command staff members who can’t follow simple dress codes or who threat to sue everyone who disagees with them or punish people for trying to do there job, than the street level deputies fear for the jobs that provide income for their families or they simply lateral to another jurisdication or leave law enforcement all together.
You could report corruption to: FBI – Baltimore Field Office – 2600 Lord Baltimore Drive Baltimore, MD 21244 Phone: (410) 265-8080, but don’t make any judiciary complaints to them because they use the Harford Judiciary to prosecute and jail offenders that would get probation anywhere else in Maryland. For Judiciary Complaints (including SAO Complaints) you could report them to US Department of Justice – 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW – Civil Rights Division – Criminal Section – PHB -Washington, DC 20530 . DO NOT LET THE COURTS or HCSO LIE ANYMORE !!!
Have you reported anything to the Department of Justice? If you have, has the Justice Department done anything about your complaint? The Department is really busy these days trying to make sure that no one is required to have a photo ID for voting purposes.
That only applies to states that are trying to suppress the voting rights of the elderly and minority voters, aka democrats. As stated on their website, one complaint normally doesn’t get the ball rolling, but multiple complaints normally trigger a full fledge investigation. I urge the citizens of Harford County to report illegal and questionable conduct of all agencies involved in the judicial process. If you want your children to grow up in a world free of prosecutorial abuse, law enforcement abuse and judicial corruption, do the right thing and report them. If not, one day your children or you could be the target of the perjurous juggernaut known as the Harford County Judicial System………
Clarified Butter,
I will ask again, what illegal or questionable conduct have you reported and regarding which agencies? When did you report such complaints and what has the justice department done regarding your complaints?
Mike, filed one with the FBI and they made contact so far have not heard anything from them. Filing anything with the DOJ or Maryland AG is useless with Obama and OweMalley in office. Now, if it was a Republican they would be all over it.
Suppression of Rights Under Color of Law – Its ongoing………..
I have an ongoing case involving Suppression of Rights Under Color of Law