From the New Harford Democratic Club:
The New Harford Democratic Club
Minutes of Meeting
August 1, 2012
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Ann Helton at 7:06 P.M. at the Holiday Inn in Aberdeen. The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Welcome to Guests:
Ann Helton welcomed visitors: Peggy Holmes, Jim Hanna and Jonathan Hanna.
Approval of Minutes:
The Club approved the minutes from the May 2, 2012 meeting. Moved by Wendy Sawyer and seconded by Bob Greene. The club voted to approve.
Treasurer’s Report:
George Harrison being absent Ann Helton reported the Club presently has $13,312.45 Club Account and $6,707.90 PAC account with $20,020.35 Total Bob Greene moved and Russ Kovach seconded to approve. The club voted to approve.
* Young Democrats: President Tom Myers reported The Young Democrats of Harford County ( will meet at Sean Bolan’s Irish Pub in Bel Air, MD. Meeting starts at 7pm. Join your fellow Dems for some good food, great drinks and excellent conversation.
Tom reported that there is a new executive board, of which 75% are under 21.
* African-American Democratic Club:
* Harford County Democratic Central Committee meets regularly for a monthly meeting at 7:00pm at the office of Bel Air Reporting Inc., 217 East Churchville Road, Bel Air, MD, 21014.
* Main Street Democrats : (click for link) meets at The Tower Restaurant In Bel Air
Science Behind Climate Change, presented by Russ Kovach
When one considers climate change it is only valid if the data covers change over time. Individual years do not yield useful information on this topic. Data from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) shows that there is a 2° F change over 100 years in the United States. As a measure of what this means a 5° drop would cause an ice age.
Using Paleoclimatology data extrapolates that we are experiencing the warmest temperatures in 2000 years. As a practical proof of this trend we need only to consider ice melt.
Every observations has indeed borne this out. One of the dire consequences of this widespread ice melt is rising ocean levels and dumping more fresh water into the oceans called thermohaline circulation.
The oceans have a central role in protecting Earth. But ocean acidification, rising sea levels and melting ice caps are endangering our planet. Since water circulates over the globe in a predictable pattern, changes in the great ocean conveyor belt affect worldwide climate and the ocean’s inhabitants. Learn more about these factors as well as the potential for extreme weather and intensified bleaching of coral reefs. When water warms, it expands and takes up more volume. This effect is called “thermal expansion.” Long-term measurements demonstrate that sea levels are rising worldwide both from thermal expansion caused by warming temperatures and from the addition of water from inland glaciers, which are melting nearly everywhere at accelerating rates. Increased melting is also occurring at the ice caps in Greenland and West Antarctica. From 1978 to 2004, perennial sea ice cover in the Arctic declined by 7.8 percent each decade. If these trends continue, late-summer sea ice could disappear from the Arctic as early as early as 2030.
Another effect could be the slowing, or reversing, of large-scale ocean circulation that is driven by global density gradients created by surface heat and freshwater fluxes (the flow of a physical property in space.)
A recent article expanded upon this danger:
The natural question that arises about this is: what is causing the global warming? It has been proven that CO2 and other gases absorb infrared radiation near the Earth’s surface. This absorption results in a 50° C increase in the Earth’s surface temperature, making life as we know it possible. However, too much CO2 can raise the temperature too much.
There is definitely a correlation between an increase in mean temperature, but the question remains if man is the cause. Since the atmosphere is warming only in the troposphere is proof that it has been caused by man.
The political perspective on climate change and global warming is driven by party ideology. Not a single, NOT ONE, Republican in the House has publically acknowledge human induced global warming. Some, like Sen. Inhoff R, OK. charged on the floor that climate change is a myth and lambasted Democrats (and by extension every scientists on Earth) of promoting global warmth hysteria. This Luddite point of view can only bring great harm to us all.
We can only hope, and the Earth’s only hope, is a Democratic controlled White House, Congress and a veto proof Senate.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:36 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
K. Gary Ambridge, Secretary
New Harford Democratic Club Schedule 2012
Membership Meetings
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5
Board Meeting (fourth Wednesday of each month 7:30 p.m.)
August 22
September 26
October 24
November 28
December – No Board Meeting
Jackie Auburn says
As a many year democrat it never ceases to amaze me how much the democrat party has changed. The ole dixie crats are gone. Grew up believing that the democrats were for the blue collar worker and republicans for the rich guys not realizing til much later those rich guys were our employers and the past few years under O’Malley we have more then 7000 business’s disappear either left the state or locked the doors. After a few years of noticing I just didn’t like some of the democrats on the ballot so secretly I voted the one I liked and didn’t care about their affiliation. I became a swing voter as they call it today. Now we have Obama.Never in all my years has there been such bitterness among parties and he seemed to have divided a nation. The bitterness that has arisen between democrats and republican is something that was rarely seen. This Hopey changey thing is not what I expected.More then 28 million unemployed in our country and over 1 million foreclosures a year under obama’s watch. Then he grants amnesty to millions of illegals and allows them a drivers license so they can work *so he says* but the real deal is it’ll give them access to the voter rolls..Obama did inherit a disaster. Bush oh Bush had much on his plate. He had to deal with the cost of 911, then came katrina, then the awful war with irag. Obama quotes “the 1st thing I do if elected is bring our troops home”..well he didn’t bring them home but sent them to Afghanistan about 2 1/2 years later. Now I know Obama inherited a $1.3 trillion debt. Something unheard of in prior years. A terrible debt we forced to pay .Now in 3 1/2 years we are almost at the $17trillion mark..Geez,thats more then “all presidents combined”.How will we pay this mess? Oh Goodness our poor children..How will they afford all the higher taxes/fines/fees/food prices etc that go with paying down debt? How did it ever get so high? I recall that the union thugs now have more $$ then they’ve ever had before. I know the auto and banking industry’s CEO’s aren’t hurting for $$.I know General Electric,the media guru don’t pay taxes and has control of the market that will force us to buy those mercury filled light bulbs that has enough mercury to disfigure a crawling infant or dog.I know that Ge owns stations like Cnn, Msnbc and many others that catered to obama fibs as they still due today. I know that many of us got a few bucks when we turned in our old clunkers for $3k. People were knocking on doors asking to buy their old jalopy’s cheap then turn around and sell them for $3k. I know people who’ve never played golf before was given $5k to buy a golf cart. I remember obama giving solyndra, wasn’t it $5billion and 2 months later they filed bankrupcy? I remember obama saying NO to the KEYSTONE PIPELINE which would of helped with gas hikes. I remember fannie and freddie made out like a bandit on wheels. What about the Stimulus to creat jobs? Billions spent and some given to the Governors to stimulate our states. Omalley gave more then $1million to Charley brown cutrate & Bar. A dive on Hazelwood Avenue in Baltimore. Google’ll find it.. He has about 4-5 employees.. I hope they were stimulated..Now we have the Global warming issues. Al Gores long time dream and made him richer then a monkey’s uncle.. What a waste. Don’t we have a bit more to worry about then a republicans point of view on Global warming? I for one have done my homework on our politicians by researching before I vote for any of them. I check their voting records and see how they vote on important issues and see if they’ve sponsored good bills or ignored them which is just as bad.. The silent ones are the worst kind. So i’m telling you now that Mitt Romney and his wonderful Economic major Ryan is the best there is. I know Romney made his fortune by hiring millions not spending trillions unemploying them. I know Ryan is well liked by both parties in congress for his economic abilities. This kid is a wiz and I am so pleased Romney picked Paul Ryan. So we have a jobs and budget master to run our country.. Maybe with obama gone his czars will follow him..
Jackie Auburn says
I forgot to ask you to please tell pelosi, ruppersberger and many others to please read the dang bills before they sign them into law.
Robert J. Willick says
” Some, like Sen. Inhoff R, OK. charged on the floor that climate change is a myth and lambasted Democrats (and by extension every scientists on Earth) of promoting global warmth hysteria.”
Every scientist on earth ? Really?
“We can only hope, and the Earth’s only hope, is a Democratic controlled White House, Congress and a veto proof Senate.”
The ONLY hope for Earth? Just plain silly.
Ronald says
So the last lce age ended because of man? Correct oh wise democrats? Because other than a few volcanic events since humans have been record keeping our planet has been getting warmer. Scientist with common sense believe our planet is getting warmer because of increased solar activity and this year is the solar maximum of the cycle. Yes democrats that large star close to our planet is making it warm. What a concept. Maybe they will try to legislate the sun out of business just like they have done with our country.
Jason says
Yes silly you didnt know that. The dinosaurs drove big SUV’s
RINO Hunter says
Two words, statist hacks: East Anglia. Look it up.
BTW… Tom Myers? Wendy Sawyer? Mr. and Mrs. Wife Beater? These are the folks at the helm of the Democratic Party in Harford County? No wonder the GOP has thousands more registered.
Tom Myers says
I would much rather be at the helm of the Democratic Party in Harford County than post with a moniker like “Rino Hunter.”
ALEX R says
Frankly, Tom, I would go to the ends of the earth to avoid both options.
Terrance says
Tom, you can give yourself as many fancy titles as you want. But to Harford County, you’ll always be that weird guy who works at 7-11 and lives in his mom’s basement.
Tom Myers says
I don’t live in a basement. I am also employed as a PA announcer by Ripken Baseball in addition to touring as a comedian and doing film and television work. Please stop trolling me and start doing something useful with YOUR life.
ALEX R says
Comrade Meyers,
Terrance has actually have done something useful with his life. He has renounced Satan and all of his works and the Democratic Party in Maryland.
Lighten up, Tom. It was a joke. Surely a comedian can recognize a joke. BTW, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Tom Myers says
And to Harford County, you’ll always be an anonymous troll who needs psychiatric help as you have some sort of obsession with me. God clearly has a plan and you’re not in it.
ALEX R says
Neither is Wendy Rosen.
Jackie Auburn says
you have something against jobs? over 28 million unemployed under obama and $16 trillion in debt.. Over 1 million foreclosures a year under obama.. half the country on welfare.. Can’t you see the socialist behavior? Read up on the start of socialism.. You want us all on welfare living under his thumb? Another 4 years and unless your filthy rich we all going to be losing homes and on welfare and if you don’t do what he says after that he’ll pull the plug on your welfare check.. The democrats destroyed maryland. They’ve ruled this state for how long now.. Don’t you think somebody else can do it better? They keep voting the D in office even if they suck.. How smart is that.. Do what many people are doing.. Swing Vote. Vote the person not their affiliation.. I do.. and romney will have my vote although i think obama will be re-elected.. He has amnesty illegals, muslims and voter fraud on his side.. just like he got his senate seat..Acorn and voter fraud.Acorn got rich off of it also..He bails out well..
Jacke Rugburn says
Please go back and study more Fox News. Dullard.
Monster says
I can see why your name is Rugburn. You are an abrasive floor mat. You don’t like Fox News because it tells more than Obama’s fluff side.
RINO Hunter says
Do you know what a RINO is?
Tom Myers says
Yes. Do you know what a high IQ is? I know because I have one. Pity I can’t say the same for you.
ALEX R says
A high IQ? Tom, I guess it wasn’t high enough to see thru Wendy Rosen. When will she be indicted?
Phil Dirt says
There’s nothing more convincing than referencing a non-biased organization like The Huffington Post.
HuffPo? Really? Is that all you’ve got, Russ?
Patti says
I am with you Mr. Dirt. I stopped reading when they cited the source on that one. Might as well be the Lorax. (no insult intended to the Lorax)
Russell Kovach says
No part of my presentation used data from Huffington Post (or for that matter any other news source other than to justify the comments by Republican politicians regarding their stances on Climate Change).
All data presented were from NASA, USGS, NOAA, and the National Climate Data Center.
Arturro Nasney says
Sorry Russel, but you are wrong about your quotes as well as the entire piece about global warning: “A recent article expanded upon this danger:” is a direct cut and paste form your screed.
Larry Smith says
Maybe the climate is changing — maybe not. If it is, it may be from greenhouse gases, or solar cycles, or both. If greenhouse gases (GHG) are a culprit, we must remember that the U.S. is the world’s #4 emitter of GHGs behind China, India, and the rest of the “non-OECD” countries, collectively. The notion that the developing world will be denied its “turn” at development is fanciful; and unilaterally stunting our economy to cool the earth less than a tenth of a degree isn’t worth it. Therefore, the only solution is channeling money away from green energy production subsidies and toward green energy research. Once we invent sustainable energy sources that are economically viable, the world will embrace them.
noble says
What an unimpressively written release. Does anyone proofread anymore? Basic errors make you look pretty amateur. I’ll hope to assume the Dagger’s reprint is the reason for the mistakes.
I think there’s a reasonable amount of evidence that there is some kind of man-made climate change going on, but I’m not yet convinced it’s going to permanently alter our world.
What I am convinced however, is that I don’t think it’s wise to sit around and and wait to find out.
Considering that most policies that address climate change improve the health outlook for humans and the earth, I see no logical reason not to pursue them in a practical manner.
Jackie Auburn says
it has been proven by many scientist that Gore has no clue.. Yet again he doesn’t care as long as the money keeps rolling in..
Stop using hair spray.. That’ll make a difference..
David A. Porter says
Jackie, were you one of the people that scoffed at Obama when he suggested we all keep our tires inflated and our cars tuned up to reduce pollution and reduce our oil consumption? I mean he was really only echoing everything I have ever read form the editors of Car and Driver. Terrible when different people can agree like that.
Jackie Auburn says
Dave are you comparing air in tire to obama’s $17 trillion debt? Why not compare obama’s record vs. Bush or clinto or any president prior? obama has no talking points. The only thing he does at his campaigning is talk about the other guys flaws and he’s lying like hell!! Do your homework Dave because you are the minority who still support obama. The naacp are plugging romney, most churches are now for romney, many democrats are now for romney and your still stuck in a hole..
David A. Porter says
I’m comparing the ignorance expressed in the one situation to the ignorance you display in this situation. Sorry I had to help you with that.
Couldn’t have said it better. So much time is wasted debating what simply isn’t provable either way, and if we get it wrong, we don’t get a do-over.
The discussion shouldn’t be whether or not climate change is happening, it should be what we can realistically do about it, and how much each proposed law and regulation balances the likelihood of working as intended versus the corresponding infringement on our liberties.
noble says
Yes, and like so many other critical issues, we rarely have conversations on facts or real information about the key pivot point of an issue. Instead we end up with useless headline-induced rhetorical shouting.
ALEX R says
Ah, yes. The key word being practical. You tell me what is practical and I will tell you what is practical and then let’s see if we have any common ground. We might. But we can’t let the incessant shouting and doomsday predictions of the ultra Left radical environmentalists get in our way. And we can’t allow the stupid and misguided policies of the ultra Libs rule the day.
noble says
Indeed. Even if I don’t always agree, what I like about you is a keen ability to focus on the key point, and I sense that you appreciate intentional word choices.
One thing that is telling to me is that Romney has laid out a plan to be NA energy independent within 8 years. This leads me to believe that, if absolutely necessary like say, in case of global conflict, we could probably be energy independent in less time, maybe 4 or 5 years, or less. So between the reserve, domestic production, oil production of allied and neutral parties, as well as domestic conservation of oil (oh my god we’d have to do without something during a war!?!?), I think we’d be just fine.
Also considering that oil prices are a commodity in a world market, and whether we can generate all of our own oil or not doesn’t have much of anythign to do with the price of oil… unless we plan to use price controls on our oil, which wouldn’t be very republican.
So in reality, the only reasons to be energy independent in 8 years are 1) oil company profits, and 2) create good paying jobs that will eventually go away anyway, and 3) it wins elections.
Look, I drive a gas car like everyone else, but I am of the mind that the sooner we ween ourselves off of this teet, the better off the entire country is going to be in numerous ways. Why delay the inevitable? We’ve been doing that with several major issues for decades. We need real leaders of people to get some serious work done. I don’t think either candidate represents that choice.
See Ed Rendell’s A Nation of Wusses, for reference.
Sandy says
When there is a better way, in a free market that will logically be the way to go. We need to stop the subsities and then we will find the best way. With government intervention we will keep throwing away money at things that don’t work. Let the free market come up with the best way, whatever that may be.
noble says
I agree, but that’s true only when you first meet two assumptions:
1. That people will generally make financial decisions that are in their own best interests
2. The market either self regulates in *its* own best interests, or the government regulates it as needed
I think in the last several years we’ve seen clearly that these two assumptions do not always hold true.
And subsidies you say? You mean, like oil subsidies? I agree, let’s get rid of those.
ALEX R says
Why delay the inevitable? Probably because there is not presently a widely available option that is economical and reliable. Electric cars and hybrids are coming on strong but that means we have to address an increase in the supply of reasonably priced electricity.
And we can’t do that because solar and wind are answers sometimes but only a very small part of the answer and not yet proven to be economically justifiable.
Another part of the answer is nuclear. But the environmentalists will have apoplexy over that. They have a dozen good reasons why no option is acceptable to them but no good answer to what is readily available, reliable and affordable. Their real answer is ‘you will use less because we said so and if you don’t we will make sure we control what you use so you have to use less, or else’. And that is why I don’t listen to them. Limousine liberals whose mother tongue is hypocrisy.
Bruce O'H. says
Well said, Alex !!
noble says
I think in the near term it takes all those sources to ween us and eventually the market will decide the best one. Change is incremental and too often what I see from my fellow conservatives is ardent unwillingness to change anything. This change is going to come whether we want it or not.
David A. Porter says
Alex, until time and energy is devoted to resolving the issue of how to handle even low order nuclear waste, nuclear power has a cost that is difficult to bear. Please look up the efforts undertaken to bury the dead from the SL-1 accident from the early 1960s. Even the recovery of their bodies was impaired by the presence of radioactivity. And our first Atomic Power plant was situated on top of an aquifer in Idaho that serves the Pacific Northwest. We know how to build great things, we lack the knowledge of how to contain them and dispose of them when they become outdated and worn out. I would also like to see more nuclear power used, but the supporting research has to be done to make it easier to live with.
Bruce O'H. says
How about natural gas? Oh no, the Left WON’T ALLOW that either. Here’s the deal…the Left is being removed from power in the Nov election. We’ve had it with the Left’s soft tyranny on everything from energy to light bulbs, for God’s sakes. Bunch of flippin’ goofballs.
Wean yourself off of oil. I have things to do, places to go and a house to heat. I LIKE A GAS STATION ON EVERY OTHER CORNER !!!
Bruce O'H. says
Mr Noble…when a better, more efficient, more plentiful, and cheaper solution to ANY problem presents itself, NO ONE has the choice. The change happens, period, for the above stated reasons.
I’ll gladly run my car on unicorn urine when the Left meets those above stated criteria.
Until then, don’t tell me I have to pay more, do with less and live in discomfort because the Left doesn’t like oil.
Because, you know what sir? It’s not really about oil or solar or unicorn urine…it’s about pulling our economy down by destroying our energy sector, and they are WELL on their way to accomplishing that. WAKE UP !!!!
The Left can put the eff up, with a viable alternative that can power the ENTIRE country in an equal or superior fashion to what we have, or shut the eff up until they do.
It’s the holy grail, cheap, plentiful, energy. Let them compete in the market, find it, or invent it, and become the wealthiest men in the world for the 21st century.
But they DO NOT get to shut off the tap that powers us, in the meantime, until they do.
noble says
I hear you arguing for free flow of oil and other carbon-based fuels, or any energy source needed to power our industry and economy. That’s fine. I don’t really agree with that in full measure (I do agree in large part of course), but I understand your argument.
What I don’t understand is anyone, liberal or conservative, who is categorically opposed to increasing our efficiency, or dismissive of efforts to increase our efficiency in numerous ways. Doesn’t increased efficiency either save us money, conserve our resources, or even both at the same time? Efficiency is a key part of energy independence.
So how could anyone be opposed to technologies, funding, and regulations that require or encourage increased efficiency? This makes no sense to me, but yet some hold that view. Even Romney’s energy independence plan lacks any real iniatives to increase efficiency, which is astonishing to me as demand is equally as important as supply in the independence equation.
Again, the only logical reasons to hold that view, in my opinion, are refusal to change or it helps your campaign contributions.
Monster says
as always, Noble, you waffle around both sides of the issue. In simple words, tell us what you believe you would do about this problem, professor.
noble says
Monster, thanks for noticing, I’m touched.
First, what I like most is productive dialogue from both/all sides of an issue. Most of my comments are intended to foster that conversation, or at the least keep it centered and prevent it from spiraling into partisan nonsense that ends up using words like “liberal elite”, “hate”, and “teabagger”.
Second, what you call waffling, I call not blindly following either “side” of any issue before me. Waffling implies that I change my position, which although I am open to doing so when presented with new information, I don’t often need to do because I rarely stake out a position without proper consideration. For example, I voted for Bush W the first time (I preferred McCain anyhow), but when presented with evidence of his first term, I did not vote for him the second time. I changed my position in light of new information.
Third, it’s not my job to solve the energy crisis in America, but since you asked, here is what I would like to see:
1. Ensure the national defense a)fund programs that reduce military dependence on oil b) ensure capacity/infrastructre is in place to quickly increase domestic production
2. Ensure enough energy sources of all types are available so as not to limit growth of the economy, but also not use it as a tool to spur the economy merely for political purposes
3. Ensure that wherever possible, the energy industry and forms of energy do as little harm to the environment as reasonably possible, given the above conditions. Expansion of energy programs should not be poltically motivated by corporate lobbying or vote pandering
4. Provide numerous regulatory incentives and some funding for alternative energy programs
5. Task the entire nation at every level to increase efficiency and fund education programs for rich, poor, student, and adults to increase understanding of energy use. Also use regulations to encourage private industry to invest in and develope efficient technology to the maximum extent possible for all types of energy. This also includes working with colleges and the industry to develope energy efficiency degrees, training programs, and career paths. Energy efficiency should be an industry all by itself.
The last there is truly the most important, beacuse it is my belief (a conservative principle actually) that change is best implemented by people, not government, and by increasing knowledge and responsibility of all citizens regarding energy use and efficiency, the largest change is going to occur. If we accomplish that, the remaining sectors of private industry, etc, will fall into place when people begin making informed energy choices in the free market.
Jackie, these are GOP Fox talking points. Allow me to present some facts about spending: The truth on spending by Presidents (in trillions):
• Reagan 1982-85 $8.7
• Reagan 1986-89 $4.9
• Bush Sr 1990-93 $5.4
• Clinton 1994-97 $3.2
• Clinton 1998-01 $3.9
• Bush Jr 2002-05 $7.3
• Bush Jr 2006-09 $8.1
• Obama 2010-13 $1.4
You must know that a president’s first year runs under his predecessor’s budget. “So, how have the Republicans managed to persuade Americans to buy into the whole “Obama as big spender” narrative? It might have something to do with the first year of the Obama presidency where the federal budget increased a whopping 17.9% —going from $2.98 trillion to $3.52 trillion. I’ll bet you think that this is the result of the Obama sponsored stimulus plan that is so frequently vilified by the conservatives…but you would be wrong.
The first year of any incoming president term is saddled—for better or for worse—with the budget set by the president whom immediately precedes the new occupant of the White House. Indeed, not only was the 2009 budget the property of George W. Bush—and passed by the 2008 Congress—it was in effect four months before Barack Obama took the oath of office. Accordingly, the first budget that can be blamed on our current president began in 2010 with the budgets running through and including fiscal year 2013.” From Forbes
Jackie Auburn says
I can tell you didn’t use fox figures.. Obama is the worst president ever and spent more then all.. go check the stats when he first took office. Give me a reason why he through our $$ away like $5k for golf carts, $3k for clunkers.. Vacations for his wife has topped all.. there is a suit out against michelle obama for her massive spending during our recession spending as much as $2500 a nite to sleep not including air force one and body guards.. This man’s goal is to control by socialism. The fastest way to get there is raise the debt which will be a disaster for low income and middle class who will lose homes and resort to obama’s welfare. He loves welfare. He controls the turn off switch. Under democrat thumb his first 2 years was when most of the debt was created.. The republicans put a hold on his spending and obama hates have to see the movie 2016 and you surely have to watch the #1 news station under nielson ratings.. They are factual.. Msnbc/cnn and many others are under obama’s General Electric media guru’s.. the ones that lied for obama. BTW .. democrat voting R..
David A. Porter says
Jackie… your Facebook evokes such love and consideration. What a wonderful representation of you as a compassionate understanding person. I’m so glad I share the planet with people like you. It compels me to continue to believe the way I do, if only to know that my existence is in some part the Karmic alternative to what you have to offer.
Jackie Auburn says
Dave what exactly irritated you about my facebook page? my dislike of obama or illegals? Both cost citizens too much money and jobs!! now go ahead and call me a racist and hater… I hope your not related to the porters i know or knew way back when.. You surely don’t act like one of them..
Angelica says
David, thanks for the diamond ring!
David A. Porter says
The person you are pretending to be is identified elsewhere in MD Case Search as an unemployment insurance fraud and has spent ten days in the detention center for driving on a suspended license. This character also faces trial in September for their third suspended license charge and now owes various court judgement in excess of $30,000. If I am to be judged by the people that are opposed to me I welcome it.
Kim says
David, thank you for showing the world why no woman could stay married to you.
David A. Porter says
The person you are pretending to be left me and my son for the man who gave her rough sex and still does in his trailer. I receive child support. Again, if you are going to judge me by the people that oppose me, or I oppose I welcome the opportunity. Glad you could make it personal… now maybe you would like to you use your real name when logging in here so we can judge your level of integrity.
Like I said earlier, I am happy to be the Karmic alternative to you.
B says
I have no love for Mr. Porter, but this is pretty low.
The Real Kim says
@David Porter – Please keep your comments about me to yourself. For whatever reason you think I left you, it is inappropriate to vent that to the general public on an unrelated issue. I have never spoken negatively about you in a public forum and this is the second time it has been brought to my attention that you have done so about me. I never left my son, let’s be clear on that point. I also apologize to the rest of the readers on this forum. I realize this is not the time or place for a personal discussion, I just want to set that particular record straight.
Taxpayer says
To say that Obama has not been a spendthrift creating trillions in debt defies logic and facts. He has been a disaster for government spending and has continued trillion dollar deficites every year. He has not submitted a budget that has received a single Senate vote, even from his own party.
This President and the Senate have been AWOL on the budget for three years. This is not leadership. This behavior should not be rewarded with a 2nd term.
David A. Porter says
Please comment about the House’s lack of action; since you are so hell bent on pointing out the failures of the democratically controlled portions of the government.
Mike Welsh says
The House’s lack of action in what regard? Are you wondering why the House (this past two years) failed to act in concert with President Obama to increase spending? Not sure what you mean.
David A. Porter says
Jobs bills Mike. They have passed none of the proposals they have been offered. The plan is to make him a one term President because they will not work with him. That’s the tea party way – no compromise only obstruction for the things you hate. And hate is very active.
Go ask Grover Norquist what you can do to destroy our country.
Mike Welsh says
The House has passed several jobs bills and sent them to the Harry Reid led Senate where they remain without the Senate taking any action. You can’t have compromise if only one entity votes on the bill and will not offer another version of the bill to be considered.
Bruce O'H. says
The House has passed numerous Bills and a few budgets. Harry Reid tables anything that won’t be destructive to the country.
Jackie Auburn says
obama supporters don’t believe your comments about obama.. They really think their better off today then 4 years ago. If I didn’t care so much about my country and family i would vote for obama to give them a dose of poverty and control .. they won’t see the move 2016… Knowledge scares the hell out of them. They’d rather believe the obama propaganda and his childish smiles..
Arturro Nasney says
Jackie you have to realize that trying to have any conversation with an Obama supporter is like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end.
David A. Porter says
We had eight years of the moron you put into office to really screw things up. I will tolerate this man to attempt to fix it.
ALEX R says
Let’s talk about deficits, shall we?
After that let’s talk about radical environmentalist polices that are strangling this nation by shutting down any and all new sources of energy thus forcing us to be ever more dependent on foreign markets and providers. On top of that they are shutting down existing supplies in this country as well.
When I look at a candidate that has a (D) after their name I immediately think of Devious, then Dumb, etc. The Democratic Party in Maryland is a joke but a joke that is not at all funny.
Paul Mc says
There is so much wrong with your numbers it isn’t even funny. First, the numbers you use are not monetary amounts, but percentages; the Annualized Growth of Federal Spending, taken from a random chart on the internet. Just do a Google search for “Is Obama a Big Spender chart” and you will see it for yourself.
According to US News, President Obama has outspent the last five presidents.
According to US Government Spending (a dot come site), total spending by year is as follows:
2012 – 6.3 trillion
2011 – 6.1
2010 – 5.9
2009 – 5.9
2008 – 5.3
2007 – 4.9 and so on.
According to Tableau Software, Spending by president was:
Reagan – 7.089 trillion (8 years)
Bush Sr – 5.91 trillion (4 years)
Clinton – 12.688 trillion (8 years)
Bush Jr. – 19.159 trillion (8 years)
Obama – 14.824 trillion (4 years with estimate for last year)
Average per year:
Reagan – .886 trillion/year
Bush Sr. – 1.4775 trillion/year
Clinton – 1.586 trillion/year
Bush Jr. – 2.394 trillion/year
Obama – 3.706 trillion/year
Under Bush Jr. the US debt raised from 5.662 trillion to 10.699 trillion (8 years)
Under Obama the US debt raised from 10.699 trillion to (as of 06/30/12) 15.856 trillion
So, under Bush Jr. in 8 years, roughly 5 trillion increase in debt, and under Obama, in less than 4 years, roughly 5 trillion in debt.
Anyways, have a nice day.
David A. Porter says
That is, in part, because spending for his elective war was never counted amongst the debt.
Monster says
It isn’t just Proud to be a Liberal’s numbers that are wrong. I don’t care much for his philosophy of what the government’s role should be. In short, he represents the Democratic Party beautifully…a perfect jackass.
Bruce O'H. says
Not a Single, NOT ONE, Democrat has acknowledged that the politically created hoax of “Global Warming” has been discredited by “ClimateGate”. The hacked emails of the East Anglia Inst scientists.
The emails where they discussed how they manipulated data to achieve the results that their Leftist political paymasters required for the endowment of govt grants. Over 10 BILLION dollars worth of govt payoffs over a ten year period, to “verify” that “Global Warming” is real. Google “ClimateGate”.
While the Left’s bullhorn, the media, ran a constant drumbeat of doomsday scenarios, and the Leftist dominated teachers union initiated courses that terrified our children.
The hoax was perpetrated to justify taxing developed, WESTERN ONLY, countries, for “redistribution” of their wealth, to poorer countries.
At the same time, the Leftist Western politicians who were in on the scam would be making BILLIONS on a carbon credit scheme.
The people set to be most hurt were the poor and middle class who the Leftist internal enemies would be fleecing. Obama and Gore were amongst the founders involved in the Chicago Carbon Credit Exchange, which was quietly dissolved after “ClimateGate”. Google it.
The Lefts war on our energy production, and our prosperity which depends upon it, continues, though. Of the 600 coal fired plants that produce FIFTY PERCENT of ALL electricity used by the ENTIRE country, 125 have been forced to close by the radicals installed and empowered in the EPA to do just that, by the radical, Barack Obama. Two power plants in Pa, which are major suppliers for the Northeast, are scheduled to close. That is YOUR electricity!! Google it.
Keystone, Gulf moratoriums, coal mines shut, new oil drilling leases held up by intentional bureaucratic foot dragging. $4.00 gas, and the resultant rise in food costs due to increasing transportation costs. Google it.
My only consolation is that the sucker Democrat voters who support the politicians that are DOING this to us, will be without light and heat right alongside side of me.
Welcome to the 21st Century Democrat Party…
David A. Porter says
Climate change is real. You can blame it on flatulence from domesticated farm animals and trees, but the majority of it is directly related to human activity.
And your six thumbs up do not impress me because I know this forum can be gamed by a singe person to make it look like more than one person agreed with you. So if any of you happen to feel the author is wrong, do not be so intimidated as to question the validity of the suddenly six thumbs up he receives on a short lived post.
Bruce O'H. says
Oh, now we go to the term “Climate Change”, because the term “Global Warming” has been discredited. OK, yes, Mr Porter, Climate Change DOES occur. It’s BEEN occurring since the earth has had climate.
There are THOUSANDS of scientist who contest your uninformed view that it is man caused. Your propaganda media doesn’t report that though, do they.
When Mt. Pinnatoa (please don’t get all Liberal smarmy on me because I’ve spelled it phonetically) erupted, it spewed more “greenhouse Gases” into the atmosphere than man has produced since the beginning of the Industrial Age to date!!! Google it.
Finally, just for the record, the opinion of Democrats about ANYTHING has no value to me.
David A. Porter says
Then you are simply willfully ignorant Bruce.
Bruce O'H. says
To the contrary, Mr Porter, I am so well informed, by the research that I have conducted over the past five years, that I am totally aware of the Democrat agenda.
I reject it, and the opinion of anyone ignorant, or evil enough, that espouses it.
David A. Porter says
You have my pity Bruce. You and all the other hateful people like yourself.
Bruce O'H. says
How magnanimous of you to pity me, Mr Porter! Such a display of superior enlightenment. What a wonderful person you are, Mr Porter. I do wish I were as devoid of hate as you, sir. It is humbling to be in the presence of such a saint…oops, did I “offend” you by mentioning a Christian concept?
David A. Porter says
Are you espousing a belief in Christian ideals? Exactly how do you match up to Jesus Christ? Is it his suffering that you identify with? Because it certainly can’t be his compassion and tolerance.
Bob says
So Porter, you really believe that this site is being “gamed” because you got 6 – oops 7 now – thumbs down. What a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist you are.
David A. Porter says
I know it can be gamed Bob. And you are simply a fool if you do not believe that. Anyone that access this webpage from a different IP can click thumbs down… and the prevalence of wireless internet almost everywhere allows a mischievous person the ability to give themselves as many thumbs up as they like or thumbs down as they care. It does not care that you may have logged in anywhere else, because it only cares about the IP where you are now. Here’s your Tin Foil Hat Bob. Those radiations make you look like an idiot.
Bruce O'H. says
Of course a Democrat would know how to fraud the vote. You’ve probably used the cheating system that you’ve just described so succinctly, which, of course, is why you know that it works so well.
Then, when you find your opinion genuinely outnumbered…you accuse your opponents of cheating, of using your underhanded methods. A typical Alinsky tactic to minimize the value of that majority opinion.
You see, Mr Porter, I really do understand you Democrats of the 21st century…
jj johnson says
Liberal and paranoid. What a combo!
Bob says
*sigh* , of course I know that the site COULD be gamed. The much more likely explanation for the large number of thumbs down would be that readers don’t like you or your argument baiting comments. But don’t worry, you can still be the smartest guy in the room – in your own mind.
Jackie Auburn says
According to a liberal when you hate obama..Strong word Hate.. But fits in this case, so when you hate obama your just a racist hater or bigot. Maybe when they lose their homes and have to resort to living in the slums on welfare they’ll appreciate someone better..
David A. Porter says
If the shoe fits Jackie… Your tolerance of an ignorant ill informed white man contrasts starkly with your intolerance of an intelligent black man.
Where was the Tea Party before he was elected?
vseitz says
The policy of wealth redistribution to offset the effects of environmental crimes can be traced to Agenda 21, a United Nations treaty that the US signed under Bush 1. If you are not familiar with this please look into the topic. You will find much to interewst you. Also, look into ICLEI.
Jackie Auburn says
Has anything been done to correct Bush’s faults? Where is the Change? Oh we got Change alright. Every single one of obama’s big campaign supporters like the ceo’s and union thugs were paid millions.. He didn’t bail out the industry.. He bailed out his campaign donors.. GE, the media guru don’t pay any taxes still and has control of the market that will force us all to buy those mercury filled light bulbs with enough mercury to kill or deform a baby or pet.. Almost $17 trillion in debt and the real unemployment level is at 15% not 8%.. What has obama done but spend more of our $$ then all presidents combined? Over 1 million foreclosures a year and 28 million out of work. Then he grants amnesty to illegals who now have drivers license which enables them to vote and take more of our jobs. Many year swing voter democrat that will be voting for the R & R this year. You can have obama and his czars and many still owe the IRS.. Obama is committing a felony by allowing illegals to work and has signed more then 40 executive orders and ignorning congress on both sides.. He now has more democrats in office truly upset with him.. Wake up you obama supporters. think of your familys who will suffer deeply. This debt has to be paid and you see it in everything you buy including food, tolls,cameras, fines, permits, gas etc.. Everything plays a part..
David A. Porter says
Maybe if you hadn’t voted for Bush twice we wouldn’t be facing the huge mess he created over the eight years you imagined how awesome your life was – all because you didn’t pay your fair share.
Could anyone have predicted this?
I mean really, corporate malfeasance was identified in 2002 and everyone in the upper echelons of corporate America was interested in short term gains versus long term growth. Like that will never create a problem down the road.
Gosh that Hurricane looks like it’s going to hit New Orleans… I wonder what it will do.
Oh we didn’t catch the bad guy involved in 9/11 but we sure as hell can kick the ass of this other guy that kept Iran in check.
Wow, my house is worth way more than when I bought it just three years ago.. I think housing prices will continue to go up… I can literally be a millionaire without working hard.
And none of this was going to fall apart and bite you in the ass.
Thanks for voting for the big mistake. Now all we have to do is pay for it all. You did good. Be proud of yourself. Give yourself a nice pat on the back for being so forward thinking.
ALEX R says
And if I was given the choice of Bush or Obama I would have to vote for Bush again. I would hold my nose and do it. I would vote for just about anybody over Obama. The guy doesn’t have a clue. And his advisers likewise. His policies have failed and he must be replaced.
B says
I guess you slept through 9/11. Pretty lame to cry about paying for Bush’s mistakes with the debt Obama is racking up…. Revisionist history from the mind of a lib.
Taxpayer says
Bush went to Congress 4 times to warn them about the coming collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac asking for MORE regulation of these entities. Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and rest told him to essentially shut up about it and the taxpayers would not be harmed.
You can try to rewrite history and assign blame to Bush, as the aforementioned have done, look at the records and see who was trying to do something about the problem BEFORE it blew up. While you are at it, look at the CRA and see what that did to the banks and real estate market. Another liberal program, another abysmal failure that hurt the very people the liberals claim they ‘protect’.
Monster says
PTBL, This is for you. It is a cut and paste:
I do not like the Obamas, because they both display bigotry overtly, as in the case of Harvard Professor Louis Gates, when he accused the Cambridge Police of acting stupidly, and her code speak pursuant to now being able to be proud of America. I view that statement and that mindset as an insult to those who died to provide a country where a Kenyan, his illegal alien relatives, and his alleged progeny, could come and not only live freely, but rise to the highest, most powerful, position in the world. Michelle Obama is free to hate and disparage whites because Americans of every description paid with their blood to ensure her right to do same.
Jason says
The party should focus on how they are bankrupting this country, and leave the global warming crap to the rest of the kooks.
Sandy says
You really believe that every scientist on Earth believes in Global Warming and that it is caused by man. There are plenty of scientist who do not believe this is true.
Just as in your statement that 1 day means nothing in the history of the earth’s temperature, neither does 100 years. I remember when I was in junior high, they spent plenty of time scaring us over the coming ice age. Oops! Now they are trying to scare everyine with global warming. Yes, this is a political stunt and lets face facts, if you are one of the scientists who are being paid to study global warming, you are going to find global warming or you will be researching yourself out of a job! Thank goodness all scientists aren’t dishonest and all aren’t being paid to study global warming. How do you feel about the research behind a drug being paid for by the drug company? Do you feel as safe taking that drug as you would taking a drug who is researched by an unbiased party?
No real need to go on though, if you believe that every single scientist believes in global warming then you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
Original Observer says
“Not a single, NOT ONE, Republican in the House has publically acknowledge human induced global warming.” OK, so, overlooking for the moment the two obvious spelling and grammatical errors in this sentence (1. The word is publicly, not “publically”; 2. subject/verb disagreement: It should read that not one…has publicly acknowledged…), this statement just goes to show that Republicans, especially in the House, are smarter than Democrats, who are afflicted with groupthink. The overwhelming unbiased evidence indicates that whatever effect man has on the global climate, whether you use the discredited term “global warming” or the equally discredited term “global climate change,” is puny in the extreme compared to effects on the climate caused by the planet itself or by extraterrestrial sources — namely, the sun. That none of the Republicans in the House have fallen for the hysteria is a badge of honor, not, as this diatribe would have you think, a badge of shame. Scientists tell us that temperature on Mars has gone up in recent years. What, are Martians now driving 1950’s muscle cars? Are they destroying the rain forests? We need to get all the Chicken Littles out of Congress so mankind can progress.
Fed Up says
Thank you Bruce O’H for the small piece of sanity on this thread. All I can say to the Kool Aid drinkers is prove that so much as one Euro has made any change of any kind up or down in regional temperatures to the benefit of man-kind. Prove it now and we’ll all start listening. Europe has been extorting money from the private sector for years on altar of Global Warming. As was correctly stated by Bruce and others, the climate has changed as long as there has been an earth. It is not a constant and never has been. BTW – did you hear the recent discovery of tropical fossils in Antarctica? Not a joke – so now that continent is under as much as a mile of ice – so how could that have happened? Did we do that??
What this comes down to is being responsible – a good steward with our resources, the earth, the animal life, etc. We should all do our very best not to adversely affect the planet, but unlike Mr. Gore and his phony band of intellectual stooges, I’m not prepared to live in a cave while he jets around the globe!!
Monster says
To me every Democrat or other who voted for Obama’s health care bill without reading it, should be impeached. When the Speaker of the House doesn’t know its contents and laughingly admits it, something is very wrong. Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany doing many of the same things. I am not calling Obama Hitler, merely stating that this country has treated Obama much the same way as Hitler. Hitler promised change also and he delivered on his promise. Too many people voted for Obama to prove to themselves that they were not prejudiced when they really knew nothing about him or his ideas. Liberals love to use the term “drinking the Kool Aide of Fox News”. Well, they better start watching Fox News to get information so that they can question the big networks who support Obama and overlook so many stories that are far more important than Michelle and children’s travels. Wake up, America.
noble says
Agree with everything there to varying degrees.
Unfortunately, modern legislative work is now such that the actual elected official rarely, if ever, actually writes or reads legislation on the docket. In a lot of cases, these duties are assigned to their staff, many of which are very capable, sharp, and well-meaning people.
But if I were elected to represent my fellow citizens, I would spend my time reading legislation myself rather than reading an executive summary on the the way to a fundraiser.
And overall, people spend too much time consuming news that conforms to their already established view, whether that’s liberal media or Fox. Or worse, from places that barely qualify as credible sources of news such as Huff Post or Drudge Report.
Many of these sources of information are really the executive summaries for the people, when in fact we should spend more time looking at actual facts, figures, voting history, and yes, even reading the legislation ourselves when necessary.
ALEX R says
Noble and Bruce and Others,
Those who want the market to decide are, in my view, on the right path. And the market will reward efficiency.
But the market can’t effectively decide when we have at least 2 outside factors meddling with it. First, we have to get rid of all subsidies and I mean from BP to Solyndra and everything in between. Subsidies artificially manipulate the market. Second, we have to stop thinking that every time a bunch of wacko environmentalists raise a ruckus we have to push the pause button and address every one of their concerns. We don’t. And if we are to move forward we have to say to them thank you for expressing your concerns. We live in a land where you are free to express your views. But we are moving ahead anyway because you, a small minority, are not going to dictate either policy or process. And we have to realize that nuclear is an option. France safely generates 90% of its electricity supply from nuclear power. Repeat, SAFELY. I would like to think that we in America are as smart as France and can do the same. But we have to stop allowing a small fringe minority to stop everything that we want to do because they object. They have no answers only objections to all of everyone else’s answers.
noble says
I completely agree with everything you said here (a minor quibble with manipulating the market because I think we can use regulations to incent behavior, without subsidies), but this
“But we have to stop allowing a small fringe minority to stop everything that we want to do because they object. They have no answers only objections to all of everyone else’s answers.”
Sounds exactly like what we seem to hear about the far-right for the last 2 years. So, you know, everything with a grain of salt, eh?
ALEX R says
Yep. No argument from me. There are lunatics on both fringes and they must be tuned out.
And I agree that we can offer incentives for research and development. But once the technology is in place and proven we let the market take over. We don’t end up with companies getting rich off technology where the taxpayer funded the development.
noble says
There are good examples for everything. Railroads were failing by the end of the 19th century and into the beginning of the 20th, and were saved and subsidized by government several times. As it turned out, they were instrumental in moving troops, goods, and supplies around the country in both world wars. In cases where you can make arguments for the “common good”, things get sticky.
But yes, we shoudln’t be propping up cronies and political donors so they can make more money, ie, oil subsidies for the most profitable companies and industry in the world.
ALEX R says
As I look back over this thread and especially the quote in the headline I see that the New Harford Democratic Club (was there something wrong with the old one?) has said that not one Republican in the House has acknowledged human induced global warming.
It occurs to me that there are many things of which they have failed to acknowledge the existence. One of those is the Tooth Fairy. Another is free money. A third is that we can continue to run up exhorbitant debt without eventually having to pay it.
Mike says
Wow. Global warming. Global cooling. Climate change. LOL. Why not go with the science. The earth is cyclical and as such goes through periods of normal temperature disrpution. Always has and always will. Man will not affect that. Gore has been proven to be a fraud, along with most of his “fake” science.