From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Rep. Andy Harris Statement on Dismal August Unemployment Report
Rep. Andy Harris released the following statement regarding the Department of Labor’s unemployment report for August 2012:
“When the President passed his nearly trillion dollar Stimulus bill in 2009 he promised that unemployment would be around 5.5 percent this month. Instead, unemployment has remained above 8 percent for 43 consecutive months. The President’s failed economic policies have left 23 million Americans unemployed, underemployed or not looking for work. The number of Americans participating in the labor force is at a 30 year low. The amount of Americans who have given up looking for a job once again exceeded the number of new jobs, which can’t even keep up with population growth. For every new job that was created last month four people gave up looking for work.”
“That is why the House voted to stop President Obama’s tax hike proposal on small business owners and the middle class, which would destroy over 700,000 jobs. We need the President and the Senate to work with House Republicans instead of continuing to promote job-destroying policies that the American people can no longer afford.”
American's Against Racism says
Harris and his ilk (House Republicans) have blocked all attempts of President Obama to fix the depression Republicans created. Harris must go.
The Money Tree says
Sorry dear…he’s got about a snowballs chance in hell of losing so live with it.
The Money Tree says
Even less chance now that it’s been proven little miss cupcake, Rosen committed voter fraud in Maryland and Florida by voting in both states in 2006 and 2008. Wear it.
B says
The Republicans were victorius in 2010, running on stopping Obamas destructive policies. Obama, who stated early on, that elections have consequences, refused to work with the Republicans, and has been asleep at the wheel. This country needs leadership, not someone who is only interested in being popular.
Americans Against Racism says
lol- we fixed our name.
Americans Against Racism says
Republicans had one agenda, to defeat President Obama in this election. Treasonous behavior. Ronald Reagen would have raised taxes on the elite. “Snowballs chance” is probably true, and appropriate metaphor.
Mike Welsh says
The goal of any opposing party is, and has always been, to defeat the incumbent if they are eligible for a second term. Have you ever witnessed an opposing party support the incumbent opposition candidate for reelection? Of course its their agenda! Nothing new here.
contrarian says
That is an over simplification of what has been going on for the last 3.5 years in Congress and you know it. You are comparing policy, governing and elections and they are not comparable. In the past, the President and Congress have worked together. Bush was highly successful in getting Democrats to sign onto both of the unpaid wars. Bipartisanship works.
Mike Welsh says
I agree bipartisanship works. However you can’t just browbeat one side into submission and then call it bipartisanship. True bipartisanship requires concession from all parties involved.
contrarian says
Mike Welsh,
You extend your hand and once it is bitten you recoil. The Repubs agreed to be obstuctionist and the party of “no” before Obama stepped one foot into the Oval Office. When you are the party in power and the minority party refuses to work with you, then yes, you browbeat them into submission, ram it down their throats, steam roll them or all of the above.
Mike Welsh says
So now we have absolute gridlock because Obama, as you said, quit working toward bipartisanship. Obama’s first two years in office with solid democrat majorities in both houses didn’t need bipartisanship, and quickly let the Republicans know it. He told them “elections have consequences” if you don’t like my way then we will do it without you, and he did just that, no compromise. Then along came 2010, and things changed…elections have consequences! Same thing happened to Clinton in 1994. After two years in office and an election with consequences, he realized than compromise was necessary if he was going to get anything done, so he did just that…compromised!
David A. Porter says
Andy… please tell us how much Grover Norquist appreciates you. I know what Kathy has to say for you… she is such a delightful pit bull cheerleader for you. I wish I could actually get you to talk about something besides other people’s ideas…. instead it’s the same old Paul Ryan Budget crap and you see no need to reduce defense spending, instead increase it, so you can be in good stead when Romney wants to take out Iran… another elective war brought to you by people who never pay for anything when they can borrow the money from others.
B says
By “Paul Ryan Budget Crap” i assume you mean his pathway to a balanced budget, as opposed to the stellar budgeting of our fearless leader, which has been the only thing the house and senate agree stinks.
David A. Porter says
What part of a balanced budget involves increasing defense spending at the expense of everything else? What are you willing to sacrifice, that you value, to help the country out of this mutually ignored fiasco we created by being impressed with how wonderful we are?
B says
B says
I don’t know how anyone can give you a thumbs down on this question Dave; it is one we are all going to have to ask ourselves to get our heads back above water.
Americans Against Racism says
Not in this manner with so much at stake. It’s been your parties mantra, and your paid for propagandizing fox station since day one. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a party with so much vitrolism and inept, ignorant candidates as the Republican party of last four years, ever since the respectable Senator McCain opened the door to ignorance with his pick of the dizzy Alaskan. Politics is not a football, or golf game, as you and your party seems to think. President Bush sabatoged this economy for all but the elite, and Republicans have worsened it for corporate benefit, not the general American public’s.
Taxpayer says
You really need to read your post. You claim the GOP is full of vitriolism then follow with your own. That seems hypocritical.
The economy under Bush created a stronger middle class that was then undermined by the housing crisis (an honest look at the causes of which point right back to the Democrat Party). Bush went to Congress on 4 separate occasions about the problems Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were going to cause and the Dems in Congress stated there was no need for more regulation and taxpayers would not be on the hook. Once it happened, they blamed Bush, a cowardly way out and the media covered for them.
This election is more to bring integrity and accountability back to the White House. Obama conintues to take no responsibility for his policies, his Senate has not passed a budget since he became President. That is a serious lack of leadership and an embarrassment for this nation.
Stillwell says
@Americans Against Racism
Are you a racist and when did you stop beating your wife?
Americans Against Racism says
Three main reasons we are in depression – deregulation of financial industry, particularly Wall Street and banking (poor people getting loans from the fannies is exagerrated and diversion), tax breaks to the elites and corporations and the Iraq War. Both parties have problems, as lobbyists rule. Clinton left a balanced budget and a strong middle class. Bush and the Republicans destroyed it.
I am proud of our President and many of his accomplishments.He has compromised too often with the Repubs voted in in 2010, and they have blocked all tax increases on the elite. Balancing a budget on back of social security, medicaire, the environmental protection agency,the lower and middle classes is inhumane while increasing the military, DEA, Homeland Security budgets and not taxing the elite is the Republican way. As Bill O’Reilly stated four years ago “It’s a culture war.”
Nothing vitriolic in my messages unless one is really proud of the republicans assembled in the last four years. At least Nixon was a very intelligient man, tho a bit paranoid,he did open the wall of China. Obama’s forign policy has been successful and Fox would have been gushing if he was a Repub.
By the way, check out recent Forbes article- Obama’s government is smallest since President Eisenhower.
Republicans have pushed us beyond the “eve of destruction”. This is most critical election I’ve seen in my lifetime.If you are a humantarian – Vote Obama.
B says
No point in debating you anymore, your head is clearly shoved somewhere uncomfortable.
Taxpayer says
Obviously you recieve your news from the media and have decided not to do your own research. The banking problems lead back to the CRA Act that was put on hyperdrive under Clinton. Banks were forced to make loans to people that could not afford them, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac provided a market for these loans (otherwise the banks would have had to stop providing them). Since there was a market, the loans continued and many in the mortgage industry made millions. Bush warned Congress this was a problem and asked for MORE regulation of the market to address this.
Increasing taxes on the rich will not take care of the deficit or dent the debt, as Obama said last year, we cannot increase taxes on the wealthy or it will hurt the economy.
The problem with socialism, as what Obama is proposing, is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.
HotJavaJack says
@Americans Against Racism
You really ought to read the full op ed instead of just the headline. Having the lowest rate of GROWTH, does not equate to “Obama’s government is smallest since President Eisenhower,” as you state. It simply means that we spent a lot more than we did in previous years, but not as much as we could have.
It absolutely does not mean that the government is the smallest its ever been. Anyone who believes that is hopelessly misinformed and has buried their head in the sand while the bureacracy has grown out of all proportion to what is really required.
Americans Against Racism says
Stand corrected, meant to say “smallest government spending”, it is of course larger with repub fueld increases with war on drugs and homeland security, larger population, etc. So President Obamama has spent less than any president since Eisenhowser, Reagan would be proud.
Let readers read the article and make own conclusions. Happy to have brought it to your attention.
Americans Against Racism says
*Obama, of course, typo (before anyone has fits over typo). But, he’s our MAMA!and Father!Holy Ghost and we work for our money, and he’s spent less of it. Small Government – Vote Obama!
Americans Against Racism says
lol there B, good vitrolism. At least its not shoved up Limbaugh’s butt like yours is. you started vitriol, i’m ending it. Addios, and Annex Mexico.
B says
Not “vitrolism”, reality. You have no ability to be objective… Just spout party line. Also, I don’t listen to Limbaugh. You can be proud of your president, just have to be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Obama is clearly in over his head. I voted for Clinton, and I like Clinton. I am aware that he was forced to the right by the midterm election and part of what made him great was his willingness to work with the right.
Post after post about which branch of the Dempublican party caused the recession… and not one mention of the Federal Reserve. Kind of like having a discussion about why one has lung cancer and never mentioning their forty year smoking habit…
Common Cent$ says
Andy Harris…..”You Lie”! (’nuff said)
Until term limits become universal in our government and a third party candidate has a genunine shot at the presidency,there will be nothing new or revolutionary in the political arena of The Once Great United States.We have been sold out from within.The arguments here are dogmatic and schoolgroundish.I will continue to look for the leader who will make the United States the Most Favored Nation.We,the people,need to stop giving figureheads eight years.This president needs to go.And the same for Romney if he can’t turn this nation around from the cracked ship in a bad storm with a blind captain she has become today.America,HEAL THYSELF.
Monster says
To Americans against racism, I resent your name. You are saying that anyone against Obama and his policies is a racist. That tactic is getting old. I could care less what color he or anyone else is, it is his ideas in which I and many Americans disagree. You probably are the racist and try to use it to your advantage in any discussion. You are worst kind of bigot.
Q says
Please come up with fresher material. This and the Hitler spiel below were posted (almost verbatim) in other stories.
As for racists and bigots, takes one to know one, don’t you think?
Monster says
Q., Is that you speaking? Where have you been hiding? How are things in Ferryland?
Q says
Not hiding. Lurking.
Monster says
Q., another brilliant post. But, you really don’t have to hide or lurk. You can come forth with some substance and make yourself known. Now you appear to be a scared rabbit who can only come up with short answers.
Q says
Keep trying.
Monster says
Had you ever read how Hitler came to power you would understand the danger we are now facing. It isn’t hearsay information, it is a fact. Tell me o’ wise ones, how this president could be elected without any qualifications or experience running even a small business. I have never heard of a president of this country sealing his birth certificate, college information, and have no friends from the past. Tell me how this president could pass a major health care law without the congress (Democrats) not knowing what was in it and that included the Speaker of the House. Tell me how a man who had served as president for two months was given the Nobel Peace Prize and fighting a war in Afghanistan. Tell me how he defies Arizona’s attempt to keep out illegal aliens. Tell me about his position on the American flag, that the U.S. is no longer a Christian nation, no longer attends the National Day of Prayer but does attend Muslim activites, on gun control, and why has the Social Security Administration bought hollow point amunition. Tell me how he feels on redistributing the wealth. Tell me about the backgrounds of many of his cabinent members. Adolph Hitler came to power not by revolution, but by slowly taking over the democratic government of Germany. He, too, was a great speaker and very charismatic. He also promised change for Germany, and he delivered it. It wasn’t the change that they thought it would be. So, what I am saying is read history instead of some of the posters on this site. You might actually learn something.
David A. Porter says
A couple counterpoints to that come to mind for your immediate consideration, and I acknowledge I will not address all of them:
Not only Social Security has purchased Hollow Point ammunition, but also TSA. And I think if you consult the FedBizOps and Commercial business Daily you will find that the unsavory DoD has also purchased this ammunition along with the National Park Service and a variety of other government agencies that happen to have a law enforcement arm that uses fire arms.
It is also my position (shared by others) that this nation was never a Christian Nation despite others claiming to the contrary. A letter to a synagogue in Connecticut from President George Washington makes this very clear that religious freedom means freedom of religion for everyone with no one religion designated as the theology of the land.
If you will look at the history of the Pledge of Allegiance, you will see the words “Under God” were not in the original version written in the 1800s. In fact, I saw a 1943 Warner Brothers cartoon that showed Uncle Sam telling Porky Pig about the importance of Patriotism and Freedom and seeing the character recite the unabridged version which was seen in many movie theaters during World War II.
As for the Nobel Peace Prize… do you have any idea which nation is the home of the committee that evaluates people for their awards? Norway. While you may not agree with their choice, and I didn’t either because of his relative lack of presence on the world stage, Europe was terrified by the things that were being done in the name of America by the Bush Administration. If you have anyone you can talk to in Europe, just ask them. While I have no contemporary associates in Europe, I had colleagues in Switzerland, Germany, and The Netherlands. Their views of our apparent foreign policy could be described as simply arrogance on our part.
While you may not care what other people have to say or what they think, it is important to remember that whether we like it or not we are all in this together. We can spit at each other across the aisles or we can agree to agree on things and agree to disagree on others, and hopefully move forward.
Comparing Obama to Hitler is a reach. As far as I know he has not singled out any group for Concentration Camps or modified civil law to restrict the rights of a specific group.
Monster says
David , I stand by everything I said. Your knowledge of people who said that Bush foreign policy was arrogant is not a scientific sample now is it. Even so, they are not Americans, we are and have a right to have our own foreign policy. If you are saying that the United States hasn’t been the most generous and caring nation in the world, I will debate that with you all day. I also disagree with you that this country was not based on the Christian religion. We can debate that further also. Just reply. The only thing that I would explain further is that I was not calling Obama Hitler, but stating this is how Hitler came to power. The parallel is shocking and America had better wake up.
Monster says
Democrats have been quick to blame Bush for the economic decline. That is Obama’s favorite technique. The economy started going downhill during Clinton’s administration. In fact, Bush should have used the line that he inherited the beginning of the end from president, Clinton supported the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, a law dating back to the Great Depression that separated banking from high-risk financial speculation. Robert Rubin, who had been Clinton’s first treasury secretary, helped broker the final deal on Capitol Hill that enabled the repeal legislation to pass. Some financial historians say the repeal of the law paved the way for banks to invest in risky investments like mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations that played a role in the 2008 financial meltdown. This is for all of you Democrats who like to blame Bush for the economy that Obama “inherited”. It amazes me that so many people allow Obama to blame the lack of jobs on the Bush presidency four years later. Informed people know that unemployment has gotten worse during Obama’s four years.
Taxpayer says
Nice to see someone has done their research and can bring reasoned arguments to the thread.
Tom Myers says
President Obama and the Democrats have done nothing but work with the Republicans to come up with bipartisan solutions to this country’s woes. Congressman Hrris has done nothing but join his fellow Republicans and proclaiming “My way or the highway.”
It’s time for a change. On November 6, vote Wendy Rosen for Congress!
monster says
Mr. Myers, those Republicans of which you speak were elected by constituents to go to Washington and stop the money give-a-way of Obama and the Democrats. It is difficult to have that mandate and compromise on continued spending by the Democrats. You should be more concerned with the Democratic congress passing Obama’s health care bill and not knowing what was in it as admitted by many of them including the Speaker of the House. To me, they should go.
Taxpayer says
Seems to Obama that if you do not cave in to him, you are not working with him. They did not seem to be concerned about working with people across the aisle the first two years. The mid-term elections put and end to that.
David A. Porter says
Monster, I agree with you that government spending is out of control, but to simply limit cuts to the programs you don’t like versus all programs is not the way to approach a balanced budget or the ideal of compromise. If the budget needs cutting, all programs deserve a whack – including Defense. Under sequestration DoD is expected to lose 108,000 jobs, all of them civilian. The disturbing part about this is DoD civilians, regardless of your opinion of them, do possess the corporate memory of DoD. Meanwhile Contract employees, which will supposedly be left unchanged according to Defense News Weekly, actually cost the government more. Why is that? Because they are essentially temp workers. So please explain to me why DoD is planning to layoff its permanent workforce with corporate memory that costs less, just to retain higher paid temporary workers without the corporate knowledge? Is it really that important to be able to fire someone or know they are making the job a private sector concern? Just how much money should the government plan on giving to private industry for profit alone?
Arturro Nasney says
your theory is that all programs should be cut equally. The problem with that is one of mission. Take a look at the constitution. It tells us what jobs and responsibilities are rightfully given too the federal government. The first step in resolving this crises is to find out which budget items are essential and non-essential. Department of energy is totally non-essential and could be zeroed. And so on. The business with sequestration, what ever the hell the word really means was created by a really ignorant Congress which figured that everyone would back down when it gets to the nut cutting and bow to the will of the increase tax crowd.
Monster says
Arturro, I agree.
David A. Porter says
Most of the high dollar Department of Energy projects are nuclear…. essentially a shell game for additional DoD spending. Therefore, I agree with you. Now let’s discuss aircraft carriers. What’s the difference between a Nimitz Class Nuclear Carrier and a Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ship? They both are capable of flying fixed wing aircraft as well as helicopters. The Nimitz has a deck length of about 1060 feet and the Wasp has a deck length of about 831 feet. Look them up in Wikipedia. We have 8 Wasp Class ships and we are building two new America Class Landing Helicopter Assault Ships. The Nimitz Class has ten carriers. Each of these ships represents an investment not only in shipbuilding but aircraft construction of nearly $4 billion a piece.
Now go find the next largest aviation capable Navy and ask yourself why we need this many ships. The savings you get from eliminating one of these easily dwarfs the savings you get by eliminating the National Endowment for the Arts mentioned below. In fact I’ll trade you two F-35s ($72 million each) for one National Endowment for the Arts.
Monster says
Mr. Myers, you should have stopped with:
“President Obama and the Democrats have done nothing”
Arturro Nasney says
Good luck with the Wendy Rosen bit Tom. Like all good democrats she has been caught voting ion Maryland and Florida. For some reason the election board folks at every level are so narrow minded as to think that there is something wrong with that. She withdrew from the race today.
Why can’t these bumbling idiots get it right?
Phil Dirt says
Tom Myers said, “On November 6, vote Wendy Rosen for Congress!”
I agree, and do it in multiple states!!!
(BTW, we need another investigation. I heard that Tom Myers is also registered to vote in multiple places – 7-11, Wawa, and Royal Farm Stores)
The Money Tree says
Rosen withdrawals from the race. Why…she committed voter fraud. You might not like Harris but somehow I doubt he’s smarmy enough to deliberately undermine the integrity of an election.
Arturro Nasney says
Look it up. She is as smarmy as they come. Democrat through and through.
152 Guy says
Actually, Arturro, she used to be a Republican. So there goes your theory about Democrats and dirty politics. Susan B. Anthony who voted (the Republican ticket) illegally and the elected official out in Indiana who was caught voting in two precincts in the same state was also a Republican. Plus, there is no evidence that Ms. Rosen actually voted in Florida as well as Maryland. She is innocent until proven guilty.
Bear says
So that is why she withdrew from the race…she’s innocent!
Monster says
Q., you shouldn’t post anything on this site or any others. You refuse to answer my question which is very simple, and yet, you come back on and spew crap. Yes, I repeated my post. Why? Because historically it is true and parallels a lot of what is going on in this country today. Do us all a favor, disappear.
Q says
You wish. I’ll stick around for a while.
B says
To see some real political courage, watch how fast the deems bow down to the teachers union in chicago.
Americans Against Racism says
[ mónst?r ]
1.ugly terrifying being: a large ugly terrifying animal or person found in mythology or created by the imagination, especially something fierce that kills people.
2.evil person: somebody whose perceived inhumanity or vicious behavior terrifies and disgusts people
3.huge thing: something extraordinarily or unusually large
4.giant creatures with very small brains with small minded thinking filled with hate, who like dinosaurs are about to be extinct. One by one these dinosaurs die off and are replaced with new giants among us, with larger,open minds filled with love.
Au Revoir!
Monster says
Americans Against Racism, this name is absurd, and so are your posts. If posting the above is any indication of your intellectual level, you really should hide like Q. As I suggested to him, you should contact wherever you went to school and request a refund.
Monster says
Below are the cuts proposed by Ryan and the Republicans. I would like to see what the Democrats propose cutting.
A List of Republican Budget Cuts.
Notice S.S. and the military are NOT on this list.
* Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy — $445 million annual savings.
* Save America ‘s Treasures Program — $25 million annual savings.
* International Fund for Ireland — $17 million annual savings.
* Legal Services Corporation — $420 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Arts — $167.5 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Humanities — $167.5 million annual savings.
* Hope VI Program — $250 million annual savings.
* Amtrak Subsidies — $1.565 billion annual savings.
* Eliminate duplicating education programs — H.R. 2274 (in last Congress), authored by Rep. McKeon, eliminates 68 at a savings of $1.3 billion annually.
* U.S. Trade Development Agency — $55 million annual savings.
* Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy — $20 million annual savings.
* Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding — $47 million annual savings.
* John C. Stennis Center Subsidy — $430,000 annual savings.
* Community Development Fund — $4.5 billion annual savings.
* Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid — $24 million annual savings.
* Cut Federal Travel Budget in Half — $7.5 billion annual savings
* Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20% — $600 million annual savings.
* Essential Air Service — $150 million annual savings.
* Technology Innovation Program — $70 million annual savings.
* Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program — $125 million annual savings.
* Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization — $530 million annual savings.
* Beach Replenishment — $95 million annual savings.
* New Starts Transit — $2 billion annual savings.
* Exchange Programs for Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts — $9 million annual savings
* Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants — $2.5 billion annual savings.
* Title X Family Planning — $318 million annual savings.
* Appalachian Regional Commission — $76 million annual savings.
* Economic Development Administration — $293 million annual savings.
* Programs under the National and Community Services Act — $1.15 billion annual savings.
* Applied Research at Department of Energy — $1.27 billion annual savings.
* Freedom CAR and Fuel Partnership — $200 million annual savings.
* Energy Star Program — $52 million annual savings.
*Economic Assistance to Egypt — $250 million annually.
* U.S.Agency for International Development — $1.39 billion annual savings.
* General Assistance to District of Columbia — $210 million annual savings.
* Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority — $150 million annual savings.
*Presidential Campaign Fund — $775 million savings over ten years.
* No funding for federal office space acquisition — $864 million annual savings.
* End prohibitions on competitive sourcing of government services.
* Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act — More than $1 billion annually.
* IRS Direct Deposit: Require the IRS to deposit fees for some services it offers (such as processing payment plans for taxpayers) to the Treasury, instead of allowing it to remain as part of its budget — $1.8 billion savings over ten years.
*Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees — $1 billion total savings.WHAT THE HELL IS THISABOUT?
* Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees — $1.2 billion savings over ten years.
* Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of — $15 billion total savings.
*Eliminate death gratuity for Members of Congress.WHAT???
* Eliminate Mohair Subsidies — $1 million annual savings.
*Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — $12.5 million annual savings WELL ISN’T THAT SPECIAL
* Eliminate Market Access Program — $200 million annual savings.
* USDA Sugar Program — $14 million annual savings.
* Subsidy to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) — $93 million annual savings.
* Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program — $56.2 million annual savings.
*Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs– $900 million savings.
* Ready to Learn TV Program — $27 million savings..
* HUD Ph.D. Program.
* Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act.
*TOTAL SAVINGS: $2.5 Trillion over Ten Years
My question is, what is all this doing in the budget in the first place?
I expect a reply from the Democrats that will tell us all how Obama will reduce the debt.
B says
Add Barack Obama’s salary to your cut list
Q says
Removing Monster and his blind hatred for all things Democrat (and minorities, too) from The Dagger: PRICELESS
Monster says
Remove Barack Obama or whatever his name is to the list of cuts.
Monster says
Q., Actually I want you to continue to post. You are the best example of a Democrat that I know. You accuse anyone who disagrees with Obama and company of being racist. You don’t substantiate the accusations or answer direct questions. Finally, you offer no factual information. You are doing more to get my point across than my posts. Thank you.
Q says
Actually, I have never identified myself as a Democrat. As a matter of fact, I’m a lifelong Republican. I simply take issue with how the party has been hijacked by the ultra right and close minded and, yes, bigots like yourself.
But The Dagger is filled with people who share their OPINIONS (look it up), so I will continue to share mine that you are a bigot. No more inflammatory than saying Obama are Hitler are similar. See? You have opinions just like I do. Funny how that works.
Monster says
You’re right. I’m sorry.
Monster says
Q. using the techniques of his beliefs, used my handle. I am not sorry for anything that I said and he is yet to substantiate how I am a bigot. This is analogous to me calling him an idiot, oh…wait, he is an idiot.
B says
You two are getting rather boring
Bear says
And very possible that they are one and the same. Monster has been outed on a previous thread posting using two names. He/She seems to enjoy having conversations with him/herself.
Bear says
Maybe I am blaming Q. when it was some anti-Baners using my name.
Monster says
Q., I don’t believe for one second that you are a Republican or have any beliefs similar to the Republican Party. As far as being hijacked, you just identified the Democratic Party. The Democrats of years gone by weren’t the liberals of today who campaign all year by giving away everyone else’s money. They are far left and getting more so. The Republicans aren’t perfect either, they are just a lot closer to America’s values. You, are the bigot. Why don’t post how your feelings about being a Democrat are important to you instead of the simple comments you make. That, at least, would contribute something to this site.
Q says
Honestly, I couldn’t care less WHAT you believe. Your thoughts, values and opinions are irrelevant. I know who I am and what I believe in. I also know that you still can’t accept an African-American President.
You are a sad and pathetic individual who gets off on spouting hate towards the President and others who disagree with you.
You have to live with that, not me.
And I didn’t “use your handle.” I wouldn’t spend a moment in your skin.
Monster says
You keep referring to me not liking a black president. Where are you getting this? It has nothing to do with race. You don’t want to believe this because you feel that you gain an edge when you don’t know what else to say. This doesn’t work with me and hope no one else. Had I said something that was racial, I could understand your accusation. If that is your opinion of me you are entitled to it. Now, let me tell you my opinion of you: you are a liberal Democrat who does not allow their brain to work. You do not add anything to any discussion other than accusations of prejudice and bigotry. It is about time this racial crap stops, and I would think you would feel that way too. But, instead you and those like you feel like they gain an advantage by using it. You say that you are an African-American. I am an American Indian of Seneca descent. I don’t hold America responsible by charging race every time somebody says something that I don’t like. I also live in the present,not in the past. While my ancestors were robbed of their land and mistreated, they aren’t any longer and I am lucky to live in this country with its founding principles. You are too. I hope you feel this way. Obama’s policies are not working and that is a fact. Now stop the racism crap and stick to facts.
Monster says
and so it very clear to you, this message is for Q.
Americans Against Monster says
You are simply an angry old white guy who can’t stand the fact that you no longer have a foothold on power in this country. I see and speak with your kind all the time. They talk about the “good old days”, when “America was great, kids were seen and not heard, and women and minorities knew their place”.
You have not grown at all from your youth in the 40’s or 50’s and never will. You are a walking, talking anachronism. You are a racist and a bigot, no question about it.
Get used to it, Monster. Society is becoming browner by the second. Being white no longer means you will receive special treatment or privilege. Now you have to stand on your own merits, capabilities and integrity. Too bad for you.
Monsters Against Monster says
What he said!
Monster says
Monsters Against Monster and Americans Against Monster, how sad that your racism is okay in your mind. There is no use in me responding any further to you because you have openly admitted it in calling me a racist and not trying to substantiate it, and then referring to the browning of America. If that is not enough you want to refer to me as an old white man. If you all really believe what you said, you need help. By the way, I am sure you will support affirmative action, scholarships, and special programs for us minority whites.