From the Harford County Board of Education:
The Board of Education of Harford County met in an open business meeting on Monday, September 10, 2012, in the Board Room of the HCPS/A.A. Roberty Building and took the following actions or received the following presentations:
Approved the Consent Agenda:
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting: August 13, 2012
2. Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards
3. Decision on School Sponsored Project: Aberdeen High School Electronic Scoreboard
4. Decision on Award of Contract: A/E Services for Magnolia Middle School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement
5. Decision on Award of Contract: A/E Services for North Harford Elementary HVAC
6. Decision on Recommendation of Candidate for Audit Committee
Received a presentation on the FY14 Proposed Capital Improvement Program. The budget request was revised based on stakeholder input received over the summer and the capital budget hearing held August 20, 2012. This budget request includes three (3) new items to include two (2) new major capital projects and one (1) new systemic project. The three new items include replacement buildings at Youth’s Benefit Elementary and Havre de Grace High School, as well as an HVAC project at Fallston High School. The proposed 2014 Capital Improvement Budget was revised to advance the educational and facility infrastructure replacement needs, which supports the Board of Education Strategic Plan. Board will take action on the FY14 Capital Improvement Program at the September 24th Board meeting.
Received a presentation on the FY12 Fourth Quarter Financial Report from Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Jim Jewell.
Received the Superintendent’s Report, which included:
– Recognition of Ring Factory Elementary School on being named a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan this past week. Ring Factory is one of just 10 public and private schools in the state and 269 in the nation to receive this prestigious honor.
– Announcement that Edgewood High School has been accepted as a new Chapter in the National Honor Society for Dance Arts (NHSDA), an exciting program sponsored by the National Dance Education Organization and the Maryland affiliate: Capital Region Educators of Dance Organization. Kelly Christ is the dance specialist in the school that organized this effort. Participation in the National Honor Society for Dance Arts enables schools and school districts to celebrate student achievement and dedication in the art of dance, and it connects inductees to the community of dancers at the state and national levels. Congratulations to Mrs. Christ and Edgewood High School!
– Announcement that Harford County Public schools will be participating in the fourth annual 2012 Meet the Primes event, in conjunction with Baltimore County, Maryland Purchasing Division, Baltimore County Public Schools, Baltimore County Public Library, the Community College of Baltimore County and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC). This is a joint effort by the sponsors to provide a venue where teaming arrangements can be made between prime contractors and subcontracting for future projects. This networking event allows minority business enterprises/women business enterprises (MBE/WBE) and small businesses to meet face-to-face with prime consultants, contractors, purchasing professionals and business advocacy agencies. The event will take place on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Maryland State Fair Grounds in Timonium. The event is free of charge. To register, visit the Baltimore County website at
Way to cave under political pressure. Craig will bankrupt the county before he leaves office.
You are so right.All the ones that voted Craig back in have no idea what goes on in the County.Give all the employees their bonus
Wondering how Havre De Grace suddenly got into the running? There are schools that have been on hold for over 5 years and they get into first place? Craig wouldn’t happen to be from Havre De Grace? Would he? hmmmm?
I used to agree with everyone doubting how HdG High got pushed to the top…until I went to an event in that miserable looking place. As a graduate of the previous iteration of Aberdeen High School, I would have to say that the facilities I learned in were multiple time nicer that the current HdG High. The cafeteria has exposed flexible piping and heating elements and is about a quarter of the size of Edgewood’s new cafeteria.
Of course it’s political, but it is also rooted in fact.
Boo hoo, exposed piping WAAAAAAA
Sorry to hear about the exposed piping
This is a strong move by our fearless leader. They are unequivocally steering our county in the right direction. Our children need us in the most dire of economic times.
It is the dauntlessness of our Superintendent and Glorious Board of Education to make the difficult spending decisions which can propel our county back into the forefront of the education conversation. We need to compete with the best counties in the nation (located directly to our south and west), as well as Finland.
It is time for all of us to sacrifice and make the necessary cuts to our budget so that ALL of these facilities can be improved. We must invest in our future at all costs. My suggestions: don’t go to Sonic, don’t go to Joe’s crab shack, don’t go to that “new-fangled” monomaniacal Chic-Fil-A. Save that money and eat seaweed, peanuts, brown rice, and broccoli. This combination will save an incredible amount of money, correct your ponderous waistlines, and allow us to collect the appropriate revenue for these improvements.
You’re Welcome.
Your intellectual savior,
Damien Sandow
Who died and made you intellectual savior? Puulllease.
You are not the real Alex R. Post under your real name. I am the original Alex R and the last several posts iunder my name were not from me.
What is most disheartening regarding this process, is the total disregard of the John Archer School, in this article and also by our school board. The children who attend JAS come from all over Harford County, so we did not have a politician speak on the school’s behalf, just concerned parents. This should not be a political issue, but of course like everything else when the government is involved, it is. Regardless, the parents will keep pushing for a much deserved new facility for these children, and the wonderful teachers will keep doing what they do.
Well, it looks like Dr. Tomback can read the handwriting on the wall.