From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive David R. Craig has announced that Harford County government will waive all permitting fees which a property owner would normally be subject to, for damage to property caused by Hurricane Sandy. In the event a property owner pays a fee for permits to repair damage caused by Hurricane Sandy, the fee will be refunded.
The County Executive has approved the waiver of permitting fees pursuant to Section 157-2b of the Harford County Code, as amended. The waiver and refund is authorized from November 1, to December 1, 2012.
It is outrageous to me that giving citizens “permission” to fix their property with out a government fee after a storm is touted as helping them in time of need. In a free society this would be normal and certainly not news worthy. Thank you Harford County government for staying out of the way – for once. Maybe one day you will allow us to have a storm door installed or a cable tv line installed without having to get a permit. I won’t be holding my breath.