Once again maintaining its role as a Republican stronghold in an otherwise Democratic state, Harford County overwhelmingly supported the Presidential ticket of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, the U.S. Senate candidate Daniel Bongino, and voted against the Dream Act, gay marriage and expanded gambling – even though the state of Maryland at-large chose Barack Obama and Joe Biden, re-elected U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, and approved the controversial ballot questions.
With 75 of 79 precincts reporting in Harford County (and absentee and provisional ballots reminaing to be counted), Romney garnered 69,122 votes (58.87%) to Obama’s 45,221 (38.51%). The numbers nearly mirror the local Presidential vote in 2008, when Harford County overwhelmingly supported McCain with 71,751 votes (58.19%) to Obama’s 48,552 votes (39.38%).
Similarly, even though the Democratic incumbent Cardin was re-elected in a landslide statewide, Harford County threw 37.12% of its support (42,767) to Republican challenger Bongino and only 33.92% of the vote (39,088) to Cardin.
Regarding the statewide questions on the ballot, Harford County voters supported Questions 1, 2, 3 and 5, while rejecting Questions 4 (Dream Act), 6 (gay marriage), and 7 (expanded gambling). Statewide, voters supported all seven ballot issues.
Harford County voters also overwhelmingly approved all six Charter Amendments on the ballot.
The results will be certified as official following:
– Thursday, November 8th, 2012 at 10am – 1st Absentee Canvass
– Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 at 10am – Provisional Ballot
– Friday, November 16th, 2012 at 10am – 2nd Absentee Ballot Canvass
Obvious says
Don’t worry the upcoming gerrymandering will fix those numbers next time….its a shame, but thats the way the game is played in MD. In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is god.
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Well if there is any consolation with a 51 Trillion Dollar National Debt and 121 trillion in unfunded liabilites, I am truly going to enjoy watching how this blithering idiot in the White House explain to all the folks out there in TV land the coming economic collapse.
Let’s get the popcorn and beer and let the fun begin!!!!
Free State Defender says
How about some self application with your cleaning technique? It sounds like you have a real cesspool going on there.
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Actually, I was kind of hoping that your Mom would have aborted you and done society a favor.
Gene therapy says
Sounds like you need some help. We have solutions.
Your Welcome says
Every State needs a nut house
Filter King says
The American people have spoken and elected the right man for the job, Mr. Obama. As no surprise to me, Harford County went with the Republican candidates and this shows how out of touch our county has become with the rest of the state and the country. 4 more years! Wonder what Bachmann is going to say now that our president is a 2 term president.
JPB says
Another moron has spoken
Bonnie Nelle says
Harford County, marching to a different drummer … right into the 19th century. So proud of (the rest) of my True Blue state!
o says
Where do you think all those conservatives came from? Harford County will continue to become more conservative as people move here to get away from the liberal populations in Baltimore City and Baltimore County. You could always move to another county more in line with your thinking – go West young lady.
catapult57 says
Even Cecil county was more progressive than Harford County. These are the same people who didn’t want women to vote, wanted to maintain segregation, exploited laborers. The Republicans are becoming an anachronism peopled by the aristocratic greedheads and frightened bigots
Pam says
You are wrong on all counts. Actually, the Democrats under Democratic President Woodrow Wilson opposed the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote. It was, in actuality, the Republicans who fought for civil rights in the 60’s and in most cases against the Democrats. I’m no Republican, but you might want to do your homework before spouting out inaccuracies.
ALEX R says
Oh, yes, Pam and it was also the Democratic controlled state governments in the South that had the most extensive and discriminatory Jim Crow laws as well, but Proud to be Liberal has already revised that piece of history for us here on The Dagger. Months ago he explained to all of us that the Democrats are only the Democrats when they do something that he is proud of. At any other time they are actually Republicans disguised as Democrats.
monster says
Filter King, you should move from Harford County if you think it is out of touch. Go to PG County or to Baltimore City where your way of thinking is a way of life. Meanwhile, we Harford Countians will stay here and work to pay for the Democrats year round campaigning.
Because says
Monster…. if he is such an afront to you, why don’t you move instead? Is there a place somewhere on this planet where people of your ilk are tollerated for their intolerance? I’m actually not sure there is one. But to suggest that someone you disagree with should move, ignores the alternative – that you should move.
monster says
Because, your name suggests your intelligence level. When a child can’t explain something he/she replies “because.” That should be the motto of the Democratic/liberals in this country. No, I shouldn’t move, it was your fellow dumbass filter who said that Harford County was so out of touch. It isn’t out of touch for me, why would I move? It doesn’t surprise me that I have to explain everything to you that you aren’t smart enough to understand. That is normal for you and those like you who think the Democrats/liberals are correct. Some time, I would be happy to explain economics to you so that you would understand why when you vote Democratic, your head is up your butt. By the way, learn to spell. Tolerate has one ‘l.’ One final comment, who are you going to blame 4 years from now? The economy is improving and unemployment is 8%. The stock market dropped 300 pts. today. Do I need to continue, or do you get the idea. Now, having said all of this, why don’t you move back to Baltimore County or Baltimore City. You ran away from there and now you want to see what you fled become life for everyone.
Because says
Sorry, the pseudonym “Monster” was already taken.
Pam says
Disagreeing with the President is intolerance? Wow! In that case, the Democrats were the most intolerant people on the planet during the Bush administration.
Filter King says
Monster, I see you have to take it to the next level everytime someone disagrees with you. I could sit here and belittle you like you do to everyone else, but instead I’m satisfied that the outcome of the election has you disgruntled enough. 4 more years!!!!
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Well I would imagine she would say something along the lines of “We got about 60 Million idiots out there”. That number could change by a few hundred depending on how many Obama voters kill each other in “da hood” this weekend.
The number does sound about right to me though.
Hope this helps
Filter King says
Wow, a nazi……
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Wow, one of the 60 Million idiots that voted for “Pimp Daddy” Barak. Your lost just reminded me that I need to increase my contributions to Planned Parenthood so we can prevent more mistakes like you.
Localguy says
One thing for sure… Somehow I know I’m going to be counted among the wealthiest Americans now that the election is over.
monster says
To Because,
‘Sorry but the pseudoname Monster was already taken’- Is that the best you have? You are a sorry individual. No wonder you are a Democrat/liberal. You can’t compete in the real world.
orry, but the pseudoname Monster was already taken
Because says
You really don’t deserve much more invective. You are selfish and denigrating against anyone that has a progressive view and urging them to leave this county indicates you have some sense that you are superior to them in some way. Sorry to burst your bubble, we have a right to live here and believe what we believe too. If you don’t like it, pout, shout or move out. I’m here to help you with your issues of arrogance and narcissism. And your timidity.
monster says
Because, no wonder you like Obama and his fellow liberals. Your response shows me you either didn’t read or understand my previous posts. You live in a ferryland where money falls from the sky. In other words you are an intellectually challenged dreamer. In the real world we pay debts and don’t do things we cannot afford. Continue to bullshit, but that is what you do best.
monster says
Because, I don’t feel superior to most people, but in your case I do.
Filter King says
You MUST make over $250,000.00 a year then, you can afford it…..
Now that the STATE and COUNTRY has spoken, the tea party in Harford can watch how the grownups govern.
Localguy says
Thank you for the comic relief!!
Grown-ups? You are kidding, right?
How have the grown ups been running Maryland? Let’s see… Balancing the budget, since it is required by law, not by cutting spending but rather by raising taxes on everything except breathing (we do tax the stoppage of breathing…) and raiding money meant for education. When that falls short of fiscal responsibility we turn to an excise tax on the poor called gambling.
I swear Proud, if that represents grown up action – perhaps we should let the children run the place for a while. Because Maryland is run by the Democrats into the ground, and the bleeding promises to get worse and not better…
Funny thing – I’m not part of the tea party. I’m part of that segment of the population that votes once, that votes to save the country from the financial cliff we stand on, and votes against the thinking that parallels all those societies of the history books that have collapsed.
Yes, you and your fellow liberals won the election. Congratulations. Since you have the answers to the problems you’ve created – fix them.
Bonnie Nelle says
We’d certainly welcome a fair chance to fix our problems — but first we need the obstructionist conservatards to get out of the way.
PeevedOff says
Actually, you dont need is the same Dumbacrat, willing to give handouts and free cellphones . And when our national debt is soo high (Greece, ring a bell??) Where will the money come to feed the “freeloaders”?
Because says
Cellphones and handout as you call them began well before the term of this smart black man you despise.
The reason Greece is in trouble is because it is a nation of tax cheats. If they paid their fair share of taxes, the problems would go away. Does that ring a bell?
Brianczaw says
Still waiting for a concrete definition of “fair share”
BRIANCZAW: Fair share would be when billionaires pay the same rate as their secretaries.
Brianczaw says
Nope, not talking about billionaires(there are not enough of them to pay down the debt anyway), I am talking about me. What do you consider my fair share?
CDEV says
Brian I think I answerd this before. Fair depends on what you think that means if you think fair is equal than fair can be calculated by taking the total expenditures for the government/total population and multiplying that by the number of people on your tax form. Most likely if we did this we would find most people could not afford their fair share!!!!! This is why we have a tax rate and than various other taxes beside that derived from income. I think given a tax on income all should pay an equal percentage of their income after we exempt certian expenses!
BRIANCZAW: If you tell me what your income is, I will tell you what your fair share is. However, I can tell you what is NOT fair. When the top 0.1 (one out of 1000 households) receive one and half TIMES the total annual income growth as 180,000,000 million Americans yet they pay a smaller percentage of taxes than you do. From 1979 until the eve of Bush’s recession, the top one percent received 36 percent of all gains in household income. Are you one of those billionaires or are you just the water boy making it possible for them to rape the rest of us?
Don’t keep repeating Fox talking points about “there are not enough of them to pay down the debt anyway’ when 400 families have more wealth than 150,000,000 Americans. I think they can pay down a good portion especially if they stop hiding money off shore like your Romney did.
Brianczaw: Wrong again. (And don’t tell me you even looked at Obama’s web page.) I got those figures from a book I am reading by Jacob S Hacker and Paul Pierson, “Winner Take All Politics”. It is about how your GOP/Tea Party made you give them all the money while you just voted against your own best interests.
ALEX R says
You ask “Where will the money come from?” No one seems to actually care. We will just crank up the presses and print more. That’s why we have a Treasury Department and a Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Or maybe China. And Obama and Harry R. will point fingers at the Republicans and they will point their fingers back. Same old, same old.
Anyway, PTBL and I are going off the financial cliff together so the focus of the discussion will change very quickly. Unfortunately for him, I’m ready for it and he isn’t.
Brianczaw says
Proud, I own my own business. I bring home $150,000 per year; but here is the kicker for LLC’s like mine(which you probably are unaware of). I pay taxes on about $225,000.00 a year. How is that fair? I leave money in the company so I can pay January’s and febuary’s expenses. This includes 4 salaries, 80% of my employees HC premiums, deposites into their HSA’s. etc. AGAIN, tell me what my fair share is???
Brianczaw: You want to talk about fairness? OK how about the richest people, like Romney, who play the system by hiding money off shore or other dodges, and pay only 13% tax? How about agribusinesses who get tax money for NOT planting crops or oil companies who get tax subsidies on top of BILLIONS in profits? Let’s be consistent. “Apple, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft Avoid Taxes By Keeping Billions In Profits Offshore: Senate Report”.
How about GE who paid zero in taxes while making billions in profits and even managed to get millions in tax refunds? According to the New York Times story, GE reported U.S. profits of $5.1 billion in 2010 (and $14.2 billion worldwide). “Its American tax bill?” asked the Times. “None. In fact, G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.” The company accomplished this, the story said, due to “an aggressive strategy that mixes fierce lobbying for tax breaks and innovative accounting that enables it to concentrate its profits offshore.”
ExxonMobil and Shell earned $9.6 billion and $6.1 billion respectively, bringing their total 2012 profits to $35 billion for Exxon and $18.9 billion for Shell. Exxon received an estimated $600 million in annual tax breaks. It paid just a 13 percent federal tax rate.
Why would you vote for a group of GOP politicians who send their good jobs overseas; weaken environmental standards so they can be poisoned by the water they drink, the food they eat and the air they breathe so that corporations, who sponsor these politicians, can then reap even more profits and hid the profits with tax loop holes all the while sticking these poor Red voters with higher taxes?
You and I are just middleclass folks who do not get these huge tax breaks because the GOP/Tea Party only needs your vote but is unconcerned with your finances, your life, your children’s education, the air you breathe or the water you drink. Wake up man, you are being used.
Brianczaw says
You are exactly right, I am being used.. Stop spouting off Chris Matthews like MSNBC talking points… You still didn’t answer my question. Until people sign the front of checks and not just the back of them–they will never know how really unfair this system is…
Localguy says
Hi Bonnie,
Name calling aside…
When the Democrats had the super-majority in Congress for HALF of Obama’s term we got banks too big to fial and now a government promise that personal corporate jets for Obama’s friends and supporters would be intact… we got cash for clunkers that drained the treasury, ran up the debt, and ruined the used car industry… we got a stimulus that would generate 10 million jobs and rebuild American infrastructure for thousands of “shovel ready” projects…
At the end of the day we doubled the debt, created no jobs, and companies are still finding it attractive to send jobs over seas.
Bottom line – at the federal level the Democrats failed miserably.
At the state level, let’s be honest. The Democrats have controlled the state house and the corruption that is Maryland politics forever. So to cast blame for anything bad in Maryland is utter stupidity of hte highest order.
Try again. It makes sense you turned to name-calling since you have no argument.
The Democrats have NEVER had a super majority in Congress. You must have 60 Senators for that.
The GOP/Tea Party failed as they have introduced the following bills:
• 46 bills on abortion (women’s health)
• 113 bills on religion
• 73 bills on family relationships
• 36 bills on marriage
• 72 bills on firearms
• 604 bills on taxation
• 467 bills on government investigation
• And blocked the American Jobs Act
Localguy says
Proud, in this instance you are correct. However, it is also correct to say the Republicans had a super-minority.
Too much government? Too many taxes? Move to Somalia (or Mississippi). But if you elect to stay here, understand that we Democrats only want to help ALL people to meet their full potential as humans. You live in the richest state in the union and the Bluest, either you work with us or get out of the way.
Spiro Anatolus says
Proud to be Liberal
It’s great that you can be so gracious.
Meet me at Panera at Festival at 12:15 PM today and you can further share your graciousness and humility in person for the progressive win for President Obama.
I’ll be wearing a blue jacket and grey fedora hat with a blue band.
See you there!
Spiro Anatolus
??????? ??? ???? ???
Spiro Anatolus says
Proud to be Liberal
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Spiro Anatolus
Spiro Anatolus says
Proud to be Liberal should change his name to Proud to be a Coward.
Proud was not proud enough to meet my Panera challenge.
Spiro Anatolus
P.S. Proud to be Liberal is a sad, pathetic, hate-filled, envious Dagger troll.
SPIRO is an example of an intellectual midget who thinks physical threats and school yard name calling are a substitute for reasoned, thoughtful arguments. This is so typical of one with low level knowledge and unsupportable positions. Spiro, you do not impress me so you can bluster all you want.
Spiro Anatolus says
Proud to be Liberal
Au contraire mon frere, I don’t recall making any threats of any kind.
Spiro Anatolus
Localguy says
“either you work with us or get out of the way.”
That’s the bipartisan spirit we need!
observation says
I love it how the liberals talk about compromise and working together but what they really mean is see everything their way and screw you if you don’t.
There will be no compromise at the national level. This country is equally divided and each side believes in the conviction of their cause. This will not stop until one side or the other is completely vanquished.
We like to think we are a civilized society but chaos and civil disorder is much closer than most like to think is possible. The American people (liberals and conservatives) will tolerate the current economic situation for only so long. If this economy does not turn around quickly there may be violent times ahead.
ALEX R says
Bring on the fiscal cliff. I will be encouraging my representative in Congress to not budge one inch. If the Dems want to go over the cliff rather than compromise then I’m all set to go.
Your killing our party says
Alex- Your past brilliance on this forum, with which I often agreed, has become increasingly tarnished by foolish statements like this one.
Filter King says
The problems were created by the overspending of the incompetent REPUBLICAN leadership during the BUSH era. How quickly we forget that the last Democratic President elected to 2 terms had the deficit completely wiped out. Then a REPUBLICAN president elected to 2 terms came in and totally destroyed the economy, our credibility and our liberty. Remember the war in Iraq that cost way too much, was kindled by lies from BUSH’s administration about WMD and the PATRIOT ACT that deprives all americans of freedom. All of that was REPUBLICAN idealism at its finest! Not to mention the BUSH ERA TAXCUTS that basically fattened the rich man’s pockets in exchange for the destruction of our economy. BOTTOM LINE IS CLINTON, NO DEFICIT, BUSH, COUNTRY IN COLLAPSE, enough said.
Kharn says
So who was in charge during 2009-2011?
Filter King says
Our nations first Black President was in charge and he did a pretty good job leading us through the greatest depression our country has ever seen. During the first two years, he was getting things in order until a group of racists came in and brought progress to a stand still, you know I’m talking about the TEA party! With the House and its leadership held hostage by these racists, who admitted that their primary goal was not to help the American people, but to make OBAMA a 1 term president, progress and our country began to stagnate. You want to know who is preventing America’s recovery, it is clearly the Tea Party and the Republican leadership in the House. You can argue your point over and over, but the country and the world all know its about racism and a group of morons that would rather our country go to hell than to be led by a black man!
Eric says
Filter King = Racist
Because says
And you are a conniving lawn maintenance guy that capitalizes on exploiting other people to line your pockets. You create nothing, offer low wages, probably are pissed off about the health care mandate because of what it will cost you and simply interested in your own self elevation and preservation. And you probably hate kittens.
Eric says
I may have to charge more where I can and move people to part time status to stay under the requirement threshold.
Additionally, I can shed less profitable accounts and lay people off.
Because says
Or you can always mow yourself Eric. Welcome back to high school.
Eric says
I am in business to make a profit.
I wouldn’t expect you to understand how business or the economy work Because you’re an idiot.
Because says
Eric Eric Eric… high school again… of course I understand profit… in my many manifestations, even in government… I ran my projects like a business, always ensuring my customers were satisfied with our work, that my employees were properly paid and recognized for their efforts, basically putting the needs of the many over the needs of the one or the few and ensuring adequate capital was re-invested n our infrastructure. Do you have a concept of infrastructure Eric? You know… the stuff that no one pays attention to until it falls into a river taking people with it, or creates congestion because it hasn’t been upgraded in twenty or more years. That sort of stuff a narcissist takes for granted.
Because you are an idiot... says
Eric is right!
Because you are an idiot…
Arturro Nasney says
Your statement falls apart in the first sentence. Barrack Husein Obama is not black! In spite of all the comment to the contrary, his only black blood that he has is through his father’s grandmother, who was an African. The rest of his father’s blood line is ARAB. Of course his mother’s blood line is European. As an aside to that, most of the arabs in Kenya were either slave owners or slave traders.
Eric says
@Proud to be Liberal
We have been suffering governance from Democrat President, Senate and for the first two years of President Obama’s term a Democrat Congress.
Democrats continue to control Maryland governance as they have for years.
So to suggest the 2012 election has ushered in adults or grown-ups is insane. We have the same spend and tax children we had before.
Sorry, I’m just too happy to worry about what Fox talking points you pepeat today.
Sorry, I’m just too happy to worry about what Fox talking points you repeat today.
Eric says
@Proud to be Liberal
Here’s my comment again. I knew you are annoyed by pesky facts.
“We have been suffering governance from Democrat President, Senate and for the first two years of President Obama’s term a Democrat Congress.
Democrats continue to control Maryland governance as they have for years.
So to suggest the 2012 election has ushered in adults or grown-ups is insane. We have the same spend and tax children we had before.”
Because says
Oh Eric Eric Eric… please go back to exploiting illegal aliens for your lawn maintenance business as you head towards membership in the 1%. By the way, just like “Joe the Plumber”, you’re never going to make enough to worry about the taxes you would have to pay at that level. But you can continue to make money off the labor of others.
Middle Class says
Mr./Ms. Because
I worry about taxes go up for me and especially wealthy owners, because I get paid from those awful and greedy 1 percenters.
If you over-tax the rich you can’t miss hurting the middle class.
Now go ef yourself.
Because says
So basically Middle Class… you are a Serf… dependent on the good intentions and Christian like conduct of your employer. I’m so happy for your condition.
Middle Class says
Mr./Ms. Because
I sell my products and services to people who can afford them and when they have less money I get less money. I am no serf, but we are on our collective way as a society to serfdom.
As Friedrich August von Hayek wrote – “Even the striving for equality by means of a directed economy can result only in an officially enforced inequality – an authoritarian determination of the status of each individual in the new hierarchical order.”
Now go ef off and kiss your own behind.
John says
Middle Class:
I assume that you (or people in a similar trade) were selling to those rich people in the 90’s when the tax rate was higher. You seem to have managed not to starve to death.
Middle Class says
In the 1990s we didn’t have economic growth because of higher tax rates, we did in spite of them.
In fact, we could have had greater economic growth and higher tax revenues with lower tax rates.
It’s amazing how economically and financially illiterate liberals and progressives are.
John says
Middle Class:
You speak with such certainty on a very complicated issue. Can I assume I’m speaking to one of the foremost economists in the country? I’m glad you solved it! You should call up the vast majority of economists that disagree with you and set them straight. It makes sense now that I think about it. Even though taxes are the lowest they’ve been in 30 years (my taxes have gone down under Obama. Yours have too.), raising them a tick on those that can afford it would throw the world into global turmoil. Glad you set us straight! Thanks!
Curious says
Is someone using your screen name today? While I don’t often agree with you, you usually exhibit at least a modicum of intelligence and self control. Today, not so much.
Brianczaw says
How classy to throw insults even in perceived victory.
monster says
PTBL, based on the last 4 years they are going to learn how not to govern. Who will Obama blame during the next 4 years?
Common Cents says
Wow, the name-calling on this site is ridiculous. I even saw someone infer that Republicans don’t want to help everyone. Seriously, people need to think before they click submit.
Almost everyone wants to help everyone. The remaining .01% aren’t worth our time.
What bothers me about the results of this election are that our country (and in particular) our state has ignored the biggest issue we have – securing a future for our children.
That’s all about the debt. The debt, the debt, and once again – the debt. There is no money for health care reform, no money for welfare, and no future for our children if we can’t control the debt. In short – we can’t help ANYONE unless we fix the debt!!!
To me, I didn’t see Obama explain how he plans on resolving this mess. I’ve seen him blame Bush, but I really don’t care about the past. I dont’ care if it’s Bush’s fault, Obama’s fault, or George Washington’s fault for that matter.
I want a solution for my children. I hope someone finds it quickly, and I can’t imagine that more spending is part of that solution.
Localguy says
Actually he did say how: tax the wealthiest 2% of Americans. If we do that everything will be paid with a surplus to pay down the debt. Simple.
What’s the matter, were you not paying attention? That’s it, the top 2% are the key to all our problems. Just don’t be surprised when the definition of that “2%” in actually about 98%, though.
Joke's on us says
Another 4 years, grin and bear it. In 4 years he will be gone and we can say I told you so, if there is any thing left of the USA. Now he is a lame duck and won’t do anything else. Republicans need to get a fresh approach, people will vote for them if they drop the abortion nonsense and keep religion out of it. Rubio and maybe even Ryan might stand a chance.
roman says
pretty soon the Rep Party is going to represent only old white guys whom are going to be retired or dead. Women, minorities, social issues, poor, middle class and mainstream issues are a thing of the past for the Tea (Republican’t) Party. The GOP used to be the progressive party, the one that thought out of the box and actually made things happen. Now, all you guys can do is attack decisons made by raped women, deny basic rights to minorities or side with big business at every turn. In due time you guys will be burning crosses and hoddies. What a bunch of idiots..
Brianczaw says
Roman, You left one thing out that we still do–“pay most of the countries taxes”
Because says
No, the Middle Class pays the most taxes of anyone in this country.
Brianczaw says
Because, Please define “middle class” for me. 15K-45K? 45K-99K? 99K-115K etc..
Because says
Based on your earlier stated income level, you are above the middle class. Still well below the $200,000 limit being proposed as the cutoff for any potential tax increase. I look forward to the end of the Bush Era Tax Cuts. Time to pay down OUR debt, again.
Amazed. says
@Roman, unfortunately the Republican Party will soon only represent those who are willing to work hard for what they want. The portion of the population that wants something for nothing has reached a point where they can keep their sugar daddy in office. If you have another reason for continuing amateur hour in the White House when gas is double, unemployment is higher, the deficit is gargantuan and the economy is generally in the toilet with millions on welfare and food stamps I’d like to hear it. Why is it that liberals cannot envision a world where someone who wants the deficit cut, pork cut, a balanced budget, and less government intrusion in their life isn’t a shill for big business or a lover of the uber-rich? Just because a person doesn’t like where the far left is taking the country, it doesn’t automatically mean he is waging a war on women (utter tripe), minorities, the poor or anyone else. You want to tax the rich? Do it! Quit talking about it and do it! Anyone that thinks it’ll balance the budget raise their hands. Take all the wealth from the top 2% that you’re so jealous of… will it kill the deficit? No? Oh, and now they’re penniless and we’re still deficit spending… I know, build a casino!
CDEV says
Great Rhetoric…..when you come up with an original thought you can come back to the adult table.
Amazed. says
Why, thank you.
Rhetoric (noun): 1. Persuasive speech or writing; speech or writing that communicates its point persuasively…
I thought so too… not sure about the adult table comment but if you’d like to rebut what I stated I’m all ears… hopefully you can do that without any more insults. I’m simply sharing my interpretation of what I see around me and what is reflected in the electoral maps. I’m always happy to learn where I’m mistaken.
Common Sense says
Amazed had a great post,
and you? You got nothin!
CDEV says
Let us start with the unemployment rate. It was 7.8 % the day Obama took office and in October it was 7.9% .1% is not a statistically significant difference when the MOE is as high as it is!!!!!!!
Next while I will give you the cost of Gas on Jan 20 was about 1.86 and the national average today is about 3.50. What was the National average about 5 months before he took office? The artifical low 1.86 was created by the fact that our economy had entered the toliet and demand for gas was so low and the suply had not readjusted. I can’t tell you what liberals think as I am not one of them. All though I imagine you label anyone who does not agree with you a liberal. I would like all of the things you mentioned but realize that will not get us to a balanced budget without some sort of tax increase. Why is it Conservatives can’t recognize that.
Localguy says
cdev – I think it was Josef Stalin that said when one person dies it is a tragedy, but when 1,000,000 die it is a statistic. I feel pretty confident those ‘statistically insignificant’ unemployed people feel much better knowing their perils are making talking points for you. You may not be a liberal and perhaps not a conservative, but you are one real callous person.
CDEV says
Not a talking point. Not callous at all I wish that portion get jobs. At least I am not like some people and refer to them as leeches!
Kharn says
I’d suggest you look at the U16 unemployment rate. The commonly reported rate does not include people that have given up looking for work, are forced to work part-time against their will, and a few other very important catagories of un/underemployment in our nation, but they’re in the U16.
Cdev says
In the most recent report MORE people where looking for jobs and in fact MORE people had obtained jobs than the previous month. You all do realize the UE rate is a survey of a small amount of people and loke a poll has a MOE!
Phil from Joppa now in Bel Air says
How will Martin get Barbara out of her seat in time to become a Senator before the 2016 run? Who will be our next GOV – Tony Brown, Doug Gansler? Peter Franchot? When will the Bel Air Wal-mart issue be settled? Finally, back to some more mundane stuff in the land of one party domination.
monster says
Roman, you have to be one of the dumbest asses on this site.
CDEV says
Based on some comments here we seem to be in for four me years of partisan bikering. I hope the elected representatives can find a way to come together and solve our real problems together or I am afraid they will collectively drive it into the ground!
observation says
Not going to happen. I will not surrender significant portions of the fruits of my labor to support those that will not make the effort to do so themselves without a fight.
Cdev says
What I find Ironic is that conservatives claim to cherish the US COnstitution and a COnstitutional government. We had an election following the Constitutional procedures as indicated and they are unwilling to accept the results of this in action. I listened to Hannity and Levin today and heard caller after caller who sounded as if they where going to cry, and in some cases did. They could not fathom how other people could vote in the manner they did as if they are somehow defective. I suspect it is because they wrapped themselves in polling models from Morris and Rasmussen and such who either based their demographic model on something else other than the actual electorate or on no facts at all.
Regardless of this the election has occured and the people have spoken. Obama is and will continue to be the President. The Republicans in the house will need to work with the Democrats in the Senate and Obama if they wish to solve this nations problems. To not do so would only result in them further alienating a vast majority of the elctorate.
Brianczaw says
You say “The Republicans in the house will need to work with the Democrats in the Senate and Obama if they wish to solve this nations problems.”
How ’bout this: The Democrats in the Senate and the President will need to work with the Republicans in the House if they wish to solve this nations problems.”
Kind of interesting how both those statements really mean the same thing and mean something different, all at the same time. LOL
Cdev says
Either or they all need to work together. It is like saying Flacco needs to work with Boldin or Boldin needs to work with Flacco!
Cdev says
Although Mark Levin was suggesting that they should refuse to do anything!
Brianczaw says
I know what you’re saying. The problem is both sides act like the other side won’t work with them. And frankly-we’ll never know the truth as to which side is really being uncooperative. Libs blame the “incooperative” republicans and the Conservatives blame the “out-of-touch” democrats.
girl says
What seems to be the case it that the majority of people that voted for Obama do not want him to go because they may have to get up off the couch and quit collecting/living off of welfare. How is that fair to all of the others who are out working day in and day out to support our families? I want to support my family and military not everyone elses families.
Because says
Welcome to society Girl. Now I think I will choose not to pay for any of your OB/GYN treatments through our shared Healthcare costs. Please stay off my Public Roads. Do not use our clean water or clean air or National Parks or anything else in the miscellaneous category that does not involve your selfish needs to support YOUR family and the military.
JtowneJeff says
@BECAUSE – “Welcome to society Girl. Now I think I will choose not to pay for any of your OB/GYN treatments through our shared Healthcare costs. Please stay off my Public Roads. Do not use our clean water or clean air or National Parks or anything else in the miscellaneous category that does not involve your selfish needs to support YOUR family and the military.”
This is nothing but typical liberal drivel. “YOUR” public roads? Really? Because you paid the entire bill for them, I’m sure. And the same of the water and Parks. And that clean air, no one made it clean. Most of us do our part to try to keep it clean.
Shared healthcare costs? Really? Let me send you my healthcare bill so that you can share it with me. I doubt you want that.
And how selfish of anyone to want to support her own family first! What an evil woman! I’ll tell you what: pretend that your parents put the welfare of everyone else over your own well-being while you were growing up. Would you have even survived?
The bottom line here is that the oft-repeated talking point that conservatives hate the poor is a lie. We love the poor. And that is plainly evident when you look at our tax returns and how much the average republican gives to charity versus that of the average democrat. Republicans give substantially more. What is true is that we hate our government robbing us blind to fund it’s entitlements and pet projects that the democrats use to essentially buy votes from minority groups and poor.
So the next time you want to talk about a conservative hating the poor or being selfish or greedy, I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror first.
Jeffery Beck
monster says
Because, your comment to Middle Class about being a serf is outrageous. Do you work? Are you a serf? Does your employer have to make a profit? In what world do you live?
Brianczaw says
I doubt you’ll get an answer Monster..
Because says
The same one you live in Monster. Filled with spite, hate, derision, a desire for more like yourself and a fear of anything different or opposing.
Brianczaw says
You didn’t answer all his questions?
monster says
Brianczaw, he cannot. All he can do is spout emotional statements.
BrownTown says
Soon there will be married gay brown people who use IVF to make new brown babies.
Rejoice in the browning of America!!!
Your killing our party says
If you are a Republican, you are exhibit #1 as to why the GOP is in big trouble. Do us a favor and leave. Also, take some of these other negative jerks with you.
Clear and Present says
I’d say your party’s draconian social outlook is its’ own undoing.
firstname.lastname says
Its a glorious day. Mr. Obama back in the drivers seat and the wreathed Romney/Ryan sent back to the bench. 🙂
Original Observer says
As I did four years ago, I was going to put up my American flag — upside down and at half staff to mark Obama’s election. But like the nation, my flag has been so battered over the past four years that it’s not fit to fly. So let’s watch Barry fly the nation further into the ground with the afterburners lit.
KCS says
Fly our flag upside down? Are we really in trouble? Why the hell do you dicredit our nation by doing that. We are strong and this election, as did the ones before, show why we are a great nation. Just because you do not agree with one parties views, doesnt mean that our nation is in distress. Stop getting baited by topics that are only brought up to get people upset.
Our nation is not in distress, dont disrespect our flag.
B says
16 trillion in debt is not distress?
What the hell? says
Another 4 years? Heh, wait until you see who is putting his bid in for 2016. I hear he’s the current governor of Maryland?
Clear and Present says
He’s moving forward.
Billy Jack says
I would bet that MOM will be VP to Hillary’s P.
roman says
Republican’t will soon only be seen in freak circus shows, wax museums, traveling Bible selling jobs, gun shows, Nascar events and truck pull shows. They will go the way of cassette tapes, 8-tracks, vinyl albums, pagers, beepers and smoke signals. I say good riddance, don’t let the door hit you were the Lord split ya!.
Localguy says
Your highlighting stereotypes also indicates you display second rate bigotry. You know the sort, the type that discriminates and is usually found among idealogues with closed minds and tall defenses against reason and discourse.
As opposed to you who has a first class rate bigotry.
Localguy says
Proud… okay, now back it up with a quote and citation from any one of my posts on any topic that demonstrate, even loosely, any bigotry I have ever displayed. Prove your statement.
monster says
Localguy, the way it works is PTBL will not come back with any statements that you have made illustrating bigotry. He just runs his mouth with Democrat/Liberal ideology and doctrine. That doctrine is that anytime they cannot answer a question or dispute a fact, they will charge racism. Everyone against Obama is prejudiced in their eyes. PTBL, I would welcome a debate with you on your crazy facts-namely that Greece is in trouble because people don’t pay their fair taxes. That is nuts and so are you.
Monster said: “That doctrine is that anytime they cannot answer a question or dispute a fact, they will charge racism. Everyone against Obama is prejudiced in their eyes.“
Really? Well just look at one of your tea baggers says and tell me he is not a racist pig: “dolts like yourself voted “Big Pimp Daddy” Barak”..”Obama voters kill each other in “da hood” this weekend.” “hoping that your Mom would have aborted you and done society a favor.”
Now as far as Greeks cheating on their taxes: “The International Monetary Fund has ratcheted up the pressure on crisis-hit Greece after its managing director, Christine Lagarde, said “All these people in Greece who are trying to escape tax.” She says she thinks “equally” about Greeks deprived of public services and Greek citizens not paying their tax. “I think they should also help themselves collectively.” Asked how, she replies: “By all paying their tax.”
“Over the weekend Ms Lagarde told a newspaper she agreed that it was “payback time” for the many Greeks who see taxes as optional. Ms Malliarou said: ‘Rich people have many tools to renegotiate their taxes while poor people have to pay in full. I paid the state all my taxes in full, not installments, even though I have to deny myself other things.’ Tax evasion is such an issue in Greece that successive finance ministers have declared crackdowns as a route out of the current crisis.”
Monster: you really need to get a grip on this new tool called the “Internet”. You will find that you can answer many questions with about 30 seconds of looking and not seem such a dolt.
LOCAL GUY: That was hyperbole because I felt you were being a bully.
Roman: You are more correct than you know. Up to “…2000, the majority of people in the United States were European Americans. In most of our major urban areas, however, a new majority is emerging—one composed of people of color: African Americans, Latinos, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Arab Americans, and many others…This new majority includes the Latino population of 35.3 million, more than double the 1980 U.S. census figure. Nearly two-thirds of the Latino population is Chicano (that is, U.S.-born persons of Mexican heritage).”
Another site found, “A major demographic shift is underway in the United States. According to the 2010 Census, White babies now make up a little less than 50 percent of all babies in the country. By 2030, the majority of U.S. residents under 18 will be youth of color. And by 2042, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and other non-Whites will collectively comprise the majority of the U.S. population.1 For the first time since Colonial days, the United States will be a majority-minority country.”
Welcome to the new America where the tea bag will only be for a hot cup of tea!
Localguy says
So tell me Proud – are you proud to be divisive? Are you proud to focus on what separates us through vision at the cost of what binds us as humans?
This new form of bigotry pushed by the extreme radical left, does nothing to unite this country – but of course the divide and win tactics employed by liberals and Democrats for years are now taking root. Congratulations on fostering differences instead of binding unity. I guess that is the new normal for America… I guess it will only be a matter of time that he left will fire up the ovens to rid yourselves of us that think differently.
How soon you people forget. Does this ring a bell? You are aware that Republicans have vowed to neither compromise nor cooperate. “…before President Obama even took office, Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader, had a strategy for his party: use his extensive knowledge of Senate procedure to slow things down, take advantage of the difficulties Democrats would have in governing and deny Democrats any Republican support on big legislation…‘The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president,’”
Now who is Divisive?
Localguy says
First, living in the past… only tells you where you’ve been, not where you are.
Second, divisive in politics vs. divisive among people… can you see the difference Proud? Looking at peoples’ ethnicity or gender to determine or otherwise measure their partisan views is about as bigoted as you can get! Of course it is okay when the left does it, because, well, it is.
I sort of expect politicians to be divisive! If you don’t you have a one party system – you know, like they do in China and Cuba and Maryland.
Proud, stay in the present and do yourself a favor… check out the NY Daily News and their article about the Republicans’ offer for negotiation regarding the fiscal cliff we’re standing on. Seems they are willing to allow revenue increases (fancy term for tax hikes) to foster some sort of compromise…
It “showed a clear sort of mandate about people coming much closer to our view about how to deal with tax policy,” said Biden while flying back to Washington. “I hope there’s going to be some real soul-searching about, on the Republican Party, about what they’re willing to cooperate on.”
That sounds to me like a ‘my way or the highway’ approach. How did you put it? Oh yeah, “either you work with us or get out of the way.”
Since I asked you about divisiveness among people, not politics, please answer my question. Are you proud to be a bigot?
Brianczaw says
Proud, I want to call you out(in a nice way of course) on just one thing I have notice over the past in reading dagger press. You constantly reprimand people for just regurgitating “faux” news bits. Yet this post you just posted is straight from the Obama-biden re-election page. So aren’t you doing the same thing but just respouting from the left? Just saying…..
ALEX R says
PTBL, We don’t want them to compromise if it means new taxes. But as I told you before, if it means letting the tax cuts expire and the spending cuts kick in then we are ready to go over the cliff and you will be coming along for the ride. Tell President Obama and Harry Reid we see their bet and raise them one. (In the vernacular of the of local casinos who are now basking in the tax cuts voted for them by the Lib/Dems of the State of Maryland. Talk about tax cuts for the wealthy! I know, it was for the children.)
LOCAL: “I sort of expect politicians to be divisive!” Of course you do because your politicians have no (or very little) integrity or morals. I expect MY politicians to have the highest standards and work for the benefit of their constituents NOT special interest lobbyists. But that is the difference between Democrats and the GOP/Tea Party.
Not that it has always been so. With Bush/Romney/Ryan the party of Robert “Fighting Bob” La Follette, Sr., Eisenhower, Reagan and Bush Sr. is dead and buried. The Tea Party is completely in control and poor Romney, who bends to every political wind and has not a sturdy belief of his own, has grabbed onto its coat tails in the hope that it will help him. Whatever happened to the hewing to one’s own core beliefs?
Before you use the usual GOP line of a False premise, I will say that Democrats, some Democrats, are just as guilty. But the GOP/Tea Party has taken it to new heights.
Localguy says
Proud, I’ve consistently stated I’m not a Republican. I am not, still. My card still states ‘unaffiliated.’ So, don’t put the GOP on me.
I am commenting on objective observations, not the idealogue glasses through which you see the world. On some issues I’m far more liberal than you I suspect, and others way more conservative. I don’t like labels put on me… you claim one.
Since my usual write-in candidate doesn’t harness enough votes to win, I decided to attempt to unseat the incumbents this time around with people who had a fighting chance. Let them have a chance to screw things up more. As it is, the new flavor in town is the same as the old…
Another chuckle moment… “I expect MY politicians to have the highest standards” like Wendy Rosen??? You’re just too funny…
LOCAL: Wendy Rosen is a carpetbagger Republican.
ALEX R says
Really? But PTBL, the New Harford Democratic Club was bending over backwards to support her and get everyone to vote for her and to otherwise support her campaign. I guess they are all carpetbagger Republicans? I thought there was something wrong with them.
Actually, Wendy Rosen is an ACORN member in drag. And a law breaker.
Ms. Rosen is a dyed-in-the-wool limousine liberal Democrat that got caught breaking the law and needs to be prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated. Any Democrat that supports her or what she did is a hypocrite.
Captain Obvious says
limousine liberals
lunchbucket democrats
latte liberals
Tripe straight from Fox news.
Between O’Really? and Pissed Mathews I’m surprised any partisan loyalists know what the hell is happening anymore.
Both sides are chock full of hypocrites.
ALEX: Again talking out without knowledge. On what do you base that claim. I doubt you have ever been to one of their meetings. If you did your head would explode and you’d catch on fire.
SMH says
So Roma, you are hoping for a one party system? I think that has failed once or twice in the past…
SMH says
So Roman, you are hoping for a one party system? I think that has failed once or twice in the past…
roman says
How about a Republican party that represents all the people? How about some real Immigration Reform that provides some equity and a legal path forward for those trapped working in a country, paying taxes and not being able to fully participate in society while that same economy employs them and pays them less than a fair wage? When the Republican Party stops dissing Hispanics as if they are the only ones that could possibly be illegal (I know a few Europeans here that overstayed their visas)how about it they start recognizing the contributions of other races to the economy and society as a whole? How about respecting women’s right to keep or not have a baby? Talk about getting the govt out of our medical decisions and have a party that wants women to have ultra sound prior to getting a medical procedure? How about a party that recognizes that the middle class is paying an unfair amount of the tax burden and a high income class who can get tax breaks and loopholes which effective can reduce their taxes (14% for Mitt) while my daughter pays the same amount while working part-time and going to college full time? Talk about real shared sacrifice about building our country UP instead of the divisive, idiotic, racist rants from the TEA Party which did not have anything to say while Bush was President and a Minority leader whom thought the Senate’s job was to make sure Obama was a one term president? Give me some leadership here or get out of the way!!. Obama has a mandate and his should use his political equity as Bush called it to ram through the heart of the Tea Party a stake and put them out for good.
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Oh I don’t know, I kind of like the idea of telling these parasites that there is a path to citizenship and when they show up, we arrest and deport them…….. and their kids.
Gene clean INC says
We can help. Call us before you are a lost cause. We take the most difficult cases.
Gene Pool Cleaner says
^^^ ^^^^
Shame they didn’t take your parents. Then again every village needs an Idiot and we should thank them for giving us you.
JtowneJeff says
ROMAN – your ignorance is showing.
“How about a Republican party that represents all the people? How about some real Immigration Reform that provides some equity and a legal path forward for those trapped working in a country, paying taxes and not being able to fully participate in society while that same economy employs them and pays them less than a fair wage?” – Trapped in a country? Less than a fair wage? No one is trapped in America. Anyone is free to come and go as they please, provided foriegn visitors follow the proper channels. The only ones who make ‘less than a fair wage are the ones here illegally, working for an employer who is employing them illegally. They get no sympathy from me.
“When the Republican Party stops dissing Hispanics as if they are the only ones that could possibly be illegal (I know a few Europeans here that overstayed their visas)” – Overstaying a visa and sneaking in under cover of darkness are two entirely different things.
“how about it they start recognizing the contributions of other races to the economy and society as a whole?” – How about not seeing people as a race or ethnicity and using them as political props?
“How about respecting women’s right to keep or not have a baby? Talk about getting the govt out of our medical decisions and have a party that wants women to have ultra sound prior to getting a medical procedure?” How about respecting the baby’s right to take a breath of air?
“How about a party that recognizes that the middle class is paying an unfair amount of the tax burden and a high income class who can get tax breaks and loopholes which effective can reduce their taxes (14% for Mitt) while my daughter pays the same amount while working part-time and going to college full time?” – Define ‘unfair’. Romney’s tax rate was reached following the tax code. Get rid of the loopholes. I’m all for that. Corporate and personal. Broaden the base to increase revenue. No handouts for selected industries or companies.
“Talk about real shared sacrifice about building our country UP instead of the divisive, idiotic, racist rants from the TEA Party which did not have anything to say while Bush was President and a Minority leader whom thought the Senate’s job was to make sure Obama was a one term president?” – You don’t want shared sacrifice. you want the rich to sacrifice. you want ‘big oil’ to sacrifice. and wall street. Find me one racist rant from a tea partier. I dare you. Bush was a joke. he was as liberal as a republican could possibly be. He did nothing to attempt to stop the housing bubble (started under clinton) from bursting. He expanded entitlements. he reached further into education. McConnell is a waste of breath. He should not be minority leader. DeMint should be. But at least he saw the potential for the amount of damage that Obama could and has done to our republic.
“Give me some leadership here or get out of the way!!. Obama has a mandate and his should use his political equity as Bush called it to ram through the heart of the Tea Party a stake and put them out for good.” What happened to working together? and not being devisive? Oh, it’s ok when liberals do it? ok. The tea party didn’t put forth many candidates this year. but every tea party candidate from 2010 was re-elected. every. single. one. The tea party was simply the beginning of a movement. it was never meant to last forever or to take over the gop or to be a third party. Stop repeating PTBL’s talking points, go read a history book, and learn to think for yourself.
Jeffery Beck
Fact Check says
Not only did Alan West lose his re-election (sure he’s still holding out for the hand recount) but he didn’t even run in his original district because he couldn’t have won. Instead, he ran in a neighboring district, which isn’t new for him since he was originally elected to a district he didn’t even live in. Throw in there Joe Walsh who also lost re-election quite handidly.
So your Tea Party statement that they all won re-election is pretty false. On top of that, it was a re-districting year so many of those seats were actually made safer in the election to shore up a possible loss by a Tea Party member.
Tried and Frustrated says
All i can say is “FOUR MORE YEARS”.
Bob says
Monster: ferryland? Learn to spell!
firstname.lastname says
Bob, I think you should take your own advice. If indeed you were trying to be ingnorant and insult people, it would have been spelled fairyland, not ferryland. And I think it should be spelled Boob and not Bob.
monster says
Bob, learn some history. Ferryland was the name given to the tract of land in Newfoundland that was given to the Calvert family. It failed and a new colony was given to them that became Maryland. I use Ferryland to symbolically say Maryland, because of the dominance of one corrupt party, is going to fail again. We have become a bunch of giveaway artists. That is Ferrylandl. Now, maybe, you would like to learn some more history, or better yet, let me help you with economics.
Bob says
Monster, had you capitalized it, maybe your meaning would have been clear. I only pointed out your error because you mocked another poster for his misspelling. It was merely an attempt to highlight that personal insults are ineffective and counterproductive as arguments. I enjoy reading the posts that you and others make on this forum, but I don’t like it when people turn to personal insults. Unfortunately, in making my point I did the same, and for that I apologize.
roman says
Folks,its like this, your tea party and republican’t party LOST the election by a WIDE margin. The American people didn’t buy your top-down economic policies, 5 trillion $$$ of tax cuts and no increases in revenue to solve the budget deficit. Anyone with some kind of sense would know that just cuts to discretionary spending programs (programs not required to be funded by law) alone won’t work while leaving the military complex free from any cuts. A comprehensive approach is needed with everything on the table including revising the tax code and increasing taxes that won’t hurt the middle class. What part of trillion $$$ yearly deficits do you think can be balanced just by cutting govt services and not adding some other revenues? When two thirds of the budget are debt service, military and Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid. If these are mandated by law, then what can you cut significantly to reduce the debt without raising taxes? If your idea is to eliminate HUD, Student loans and the dept of Education alone to fix the budget imbalance, then your understanding of what is spent on these programs doesn’t really equate to a balanced approach that will effectively reduce our debt year to year, much less pay it down for the next generation. The fact is as the baby boomers keep getting older (me included in those) the costs of Medicare, Social Security will keep on going up and there is no viable way to pay for them other than borrowing more $$$ and pass the cost to the next generation.
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Well, if you hurry up and get about the business of dying we can use that money towards keeping Social Security solvent. I’m sure you wouldn’t have a problem with that.
So be quick about it and do your part for your Country.
GENE POOL CLEANER should be called cesspool cleaner because he is clearly in that business.
Gene Pool Cleaner says
In the meantime, we can’t seem to get your worthless butt out of the cesspool. Who knows maybe you were made for it.
Common Sense says
Admit you want rich people and corporations to pay until it hurts.
You hate successful people.
You believe that their money is not theirs.
You believe the government owes you and the government should take what it needs to pay you from other people.
You despise success as though it was a cancer and you want to spread misery evenly.
You are vial, envious, spiteful and hateful.
Roman damn your evil soul.
roman says
your tea party repetition got you nothing this election cycle. Just because you say it and repeat it doesn’t make it true. Look at the election results and see what the majority of America thinks of your top-down trickle down economics and supply side non-sense. I believe in the rich should pay more and it will happen as the fiscal cliff demands leaders to lead.
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Does this mean you are going to kill yourself for the sake of the Country and so that we can use your benefits towards shoring up Social Security?
roman says
What? are you on drugs?
Gene Pool Cleaner says
So I guess this mean you are going to kill yourself. Might I suggest you put your head in your toilet and keep flushing it. The noise will be just like Tuesday night when dolts like yourself voted “Big Pimp Daddy” Barak
Because says
I think he would prefer that you do the selfless thing and take your own advice. Then donate your body to science so they can analyze the disease you have.
BIOsolutions INC says
We can help clean your gene pool. Sounds like you might need some help.
Middle Class says
58 Million people voted for Romney and not for Obama. They hate and despise his reckless economic policies, because they can’t ever work.
Common Sense says
Does taxing rich people and making them poorer,
make poor people richer or poorer?
Common Sense
BrianC says
Are you saying 61 million votes to 58 millions votes is a “majority?”
I am a Democrat, the big tent party.
• I don’t hate money, I hate greed.
• I don’t hate freedom of religion: I hate that you think you can control me with your religion.
• I don’t hate capitalism: I hate unethical business practices.
• I don’t want free healthcare: I want affordable, available and preventive healthcare AND I do not want freeloaders on my health insurance.
• Freedom is for everyone and not just those who deem themselves worthy because they can afford it.
Middle Class says
Roman –
You are a fool.
The middle class is exactly who will be burdened by increased taxes and hurt when the economy doesn’t expand.
Corporations will automate, innovate and offshore jobs they know no boundaries and have two primary duties obey the law and make money for shareholders.
So put your faith in progressive-ism, social justice and liberalism. It will fail, because it is economically nonviable.
Message to the tea party: Either you change or we will crush you in 2014. Do you understand now?
Common Sense says
So let me get this right, Proud to be Liberal is giving Republicans advice on how NOT to be crushed in the 2014 elections.
So now Proud to be Liberal wants the Republicans to beat Democrats?
Why should anyone listen to Proud to be Liberal?
ALEX R says
Common Sense, I listen to PTBL for the same reason I watch late night TV and read fiction. It is an escape from reality and I always get a big laugh from it.
Captain Obvious says
That was often my excuse for spending time on The Dagger. I gave it up for awhile but came back like an addict.
ALEX: Is the fiction you refer to called Fox?
monster says
Alex, you are anti-PTBL. Thank you.
COMMON: My message is that the tea party must learn to cooperate. They cannot just represent billionaires. Is cooperation a bad thing to you?
Common Sense says
58 million voters didn’t vote Obama and congress is Republican.
Harford Lassie says
common, you can hold on to that and try to block things but the majority in both electoral and popular vote says that is not the way to go.
Oh, and the Tea Party way worked so well?
B says
I am surprised how scared you are over a group of people who simply say to live with in our means and spend less money. Common sense.
Yet you demonize them. I wonder what your true motives are comrade.
roman says
Corporations need to pay their fair share as do the rich. Cut the corporate welfare crap and reduce military spending to a manageable level. We spend more than the next 10 industrialized countries combined in military expenditures. The sacrifice must be shared by all departments and facets of govt and the revenues must be raised. Your name calling won’t change the fact that this must be done in some fashion to stem the deficit and cut our yearly budget deficit. I’ll repeat it again, the deficit can’t be reduced enough in a year to year basis just by cutting other departments expenditures. The math doesn’t compute and the numbers don’t lie. You can call me all the names in the book as you have done with President Obama, but nonetheless he was chosen as the President again. You are not only wrong, but a losing side as well…
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Seeing how you like to tell other people to pay their fair share, why don’t you start doing your fair share for the next generation of Americans and give up your Social Security so they can have something when they retire?
Because says
Self interest has consequences. With the Bush tax cuts I chose to pay down my personal debt at the expense of public debt reduction. If others choose to maximize their profits, like they have since the Bush tax cuts went into effect, instead of hiring workers which would minimize their profits while working the remaining workers harder – and saving by using overtime, which does not cost benefits – how can you deny them their opportunity for self interest?
GENE POOL: Another totally stupid remark. Does your ass ever get jealous of the crap that comes out of your mouth?
BrianC says
Why do you have to post stuff like this? He didn’t even attack you.
BIOsolutions INC says
How about cleaning your own gene pool? Maybe we can help.
Middle Class says
Roman –
You have to grow the economy so there’s new revenue.
Are you really so stupid that you don’t realize if you leave money in the hands of individuals, businesses and companies they will invest it if they can get a return and when you unleash that kind investment and incentive mix you get more taxes.
Middle Class
What’s not to understand? 332 vs 206 clearly state that the American people have rejected the Plutocracy of the GOP/Tea Party and that we want our Democracy back. We are unequivocal that the GOP/Tea Party is on the wrong side of history and that they need to change from working for billionaires/lobbyists to working for the people. We want the tax breaks and are tired of only the wealthy getting your services.
Captain Obvious says
“What’s not to understand?” – The electoral college perversion of votes is not a good statistic to use in arguing anything.
I’m independent and lean left but grow tired of seeing the left celebrating this as an overwhelming victory. PTBL tone it down.
We’re still facing the same problems as before the election and the electoral college still sucks. The 2% popular vote spread is not exactly a mandate for Democratic dictatorialism. Please do not interpret that as defense of the Republicans, they are more delusional than the Democrats.
Already the federal workers I deal with are expecting pay raises and bonuses. CNN just released a story on Fed workers expecting this to happen due to Obama’s win. Fiscal cliff anyone? Common sense and common sacrifice just is not a part of the American collective thought process anymore.
The cliff approaches and the real consequences will be felt by those least able to weather the storm.
American politics much like Dagger posts are the equivalent to High School cliques and angst.
Because says
If you would prefer you could focus on the perversion of the popular vote instead. Oh wait, the result would be the same.
Captain Obvious says
It has nothing to do with altering the final outcome, although that has certainly happened. It has everything to do with making people feel like their vote actually matters on the national level and that they have the attention of elected officials.
To vote Republican in the Northeast or Democrat is the South is an exercise in futility in a presidential election. I may not agree with someone but I’m not in favor of removing their voice from the American collective.
Take your snark and shove it.
CAPTAIN: You don’t like the electoral college? Change the Constitution. BTW I didn’t hear any complaints from the GOP in 2000.
Captain Obvious says
I would happily see the electoral college changed. It is antiquated and unnecessary.
I had sincerely hoped Obama would win the electoral and lose the popular vote just to encourage such a change.
Marginalizing a significant portion of our population’s opinion is no way to run a Democracry (Representative or true Democracy arguments not withstanding)
realitycheck says
If you prescribe to the logic that the Electoral College should be abolished then you must also agree that we should also abolish the US Senate and move to a unicameral legislative branch for the federal government. With the current political make up of the House of Representatives I doubt this is something most liberals would desire. The Great Compromise was reached to ensure that the more populous states could not run roughshod over those with less population hence equal representation for each state in the Senate. Abolishing the Electoral College would require a Constitutional amendment which would never make it out of Congress with its’ required 2/3 affirmative vote in both chambers or the required 3/4 affirmative vote of state legislatures to ratify for an amendment to become the law of the land. Doing away with the Electoral College is a dead issue so for all those out there that like to harp on that subject please move on to something more productive.
Captain Obvious says
The Senate is a balance to the House based on States vs population as you posted. The electoral college has nothing to do with balancing representaives or population. Let states divide electoral votes amongst their counties. The counties boundaries are not redrawn and the only subjectivity would be which counties to lump together to meet the population minimum for an electoral vote.
It would still not be direct voting but it would move towards equalizing the imbalance between states’ powers in an election and individuals’ choices not being steamrolled by their state’s majority vote..
B says
Elections do have consequences.
Watch how many companies announce layoffs in the next few weeks.
Because says
Just the result of self absorbed owners interested in maximizing their profits at the expense of their employees. Why does this surprise you? It doesn’t surprise me. Corporations have been looking for cheap labor for years and they really don’t give a damn how they affect people that live in their own communities or country. You are watching the expected consequence of the “Giant Sucking Sound” that Ross Perot mentioned decades ago. I love short attention spans in others. Please keep contributing.
BrianC says
Because, I’m hiring. do you need a job?
Because says
You couldn’t afford my drive, my creativity, my salary and most definitely my dissent.
Brianczaw says
You don’t what I can and can not afford. I’m interpreting that as you don’t have a job and probably don’t want one.
Because says
Just about $100,000 per year. And no you cannot afford me for all the reasons I mentioned.
The Money Tree says
Since the continuing rollout of Obamacare will cost each company thousands of dollars more per employee and assuming a fixed income stream, particularly in a bad economy just what did you think would happen? Wouldn’t surprise me one bit to see a 5% increase in unemployment. Contrary to leftist beliefs…money really doesn’t grow on trees nor is it pulled from someone’s arse.
Former Swing Voter says
These companies could have used their money to provide the health care to their employees instead of giving away millions to Repulblicans and their PAC and getting nothing in return. For being such great business men, they got a terrible return for their money on this election.
ALEX R says
As a business owner I’m no longer interested in providing health care to my employees. The Feds have decided they will do that so let them. It’s cheaper for me to just pay the minimum. Besides I have to pay my new and higher tax rate. SO I can’t hire any more people either.
Oh well, the government is paying them thru unemployment and other social programs so they don’t need a job from me. I can probably always pick up some casual labor just by calling Casa of Maryland and letting someone there know I have an occasional need for cash day workers. I have seen the light and I will now play by the Dem/Lib way of doing things.
B says
monster says
PTBL, you must not work as much as you are on this site. Are we paying for you to stay home too? As far as understanding the use of the internet, I do. In fact, I understand how it is and can be misused. Your quote about the Greeks not paying their taxes is an effect, not a cause. The cause is because many Greeks have become lazy and demanding of the government, and the government went along with it. You quote one person who was probably prejudiced about African Americans, how many Obama supporters are prejudiced that you don’t mention? Don’t tell me that many African Americans voted for him because of race. Any time you want to debate issues and not emotions let me know. I doubt you are capable of doing that. As Margaret Thatcher so aptly said, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of everyone else’s money. Greece isn’t the only country in trouble. When you don’t provide incentive for people to achieve, complacency sets in. Then you think that the government is responsible for taking care of everyone, complacency gets worse. Look at our cities where crime is rampant, and attendance in school is poor. Look at the number of fatherless families, and some cases multiple fathers in a family that the kids don’t know. This is a product of no incentive to achieve. Socialism makes weaklings of its citizens. You are already there.
MONSTER: When have you ever used anything BUT emotions as the bases of your statements? You are the kind of person who laps up everything said by Fox and swears it is the truth. You are not capable of any thought so please don’t try to convince me that your intellectually-dishonest tactics can be considered as proof for your statements. Your last statements used the following fallacies:
• Halo effect claims of expertise
• Finding small error
• Peer approval of subjective opinion
• Rejecting facts or logic as opinion
• Playing on widely held fantasies
• False premise
• AD HOMINEM attacks
But, on the other hand, you do provide a source of amusement
Common Sense says
And there you go again,
Proud to be Liberal these
are your debate tactics.
Halo effect claims of expertise
Finding small error
Peer approval of subjective opinion
Rejecting facts or logic as opinion
Playing on widely held fantasies
False premise
AD HOMINEM attacks
It’s good that we have
low expectations.
Someone on this post said, “Elections have consequences.”
Allow me to mention two: appointing Supreme Court justices to remove the right wingers and the people of Puerto Rico have voted in favor of becoming the 51st U.S. state. I say, WELCOME.
BrianC says
That’s just great. The unemployment for PR is 13.6%!!!!
Common Sense says
Proud to be Liberal is cheering
for failure of our nation.
H wants a one class society. A poverty
stricken class solely dependent
on government.
Proud to be Liberal wants to strip the
rich of their wealth and middle class
of their jobs.
What a bitter, envious and selfish soul
Proud to be Liberal is.
COMMON: Reality eludes you at every level.
The Money Tree says
Not sure that the people of PR voting it so makes it so. Heck I’d like to be adopted by Warren Buffet and if I say so you think that means he has to say yes?
TSB says
The thing that upsets me about the Electoral College is that the electors are not required to vote the same as the people in each district that the electors vote supposedly represents(they are currently not assigned to congressional districts, but they should be). currently in most states it’a a winner take all system. That system should be changed to reflect how each congressional district votes. it would much more closely reflect how each district would like to be represented and require a full accounting of each electoral voting district before anyone candidate can claim victory in any one state.
CDEV says
Nebraska and Maine do this. There is nothing saying they represent a district. I think the number of electors should be proportional to percentage of the vote.
TSB says
CDEV – you are correct, but in a sense they do. since the # of electoral votes is directly proportional to the # of congressmen (both senators and representatives) then it should be easy to pass a law that states each congressional district gets 1 electoral vote and that the vote should be cast to reflect the majority of the votes in the district. electoral votes representing senators should be cast based on the same method.
Captain Obvious says
A better compromise might be to divide electoral votes by counties/parrishes or collection of counties/parrishes to meet a population minimum. County boundaries are not subject to the gerrymandering BS that happens with congressional districts.
Not perfect but better than a winner takes the whole state model.
Paul Mc says
Hey there,
“A better compromise might be to divide electoral votes by counties/parrishes or collection of counties/parrishes to meet a population minimum. County boundaries are not subject to the gerrymandering BS that happens with congressional districts.
Not perfect but better than a winner takes the whole state model.” – I think your premise is good but I don’t think it would work. States control how many counties they have and the population significantly controls how many electoral votes they get. ALso, there is a problem with the population density in particular counties. In Delaware, there are only 3 counties, and they get 3 votes. Easy enough, but New Castle County has 525,000 people, Sussex has 180,000 and Kent has 147,000 people. With 1 vote per county, The vote from a resident of Kent County would be worth far more than a vote from a person in New Castle County.
To go along with that, you have states on the other extreme, like Texas, with 254 counties and 38 electoral votes. With that many counties, Texas could easily manipulate the county votes to make it so all or most of the electoral votes go to one side. In Texas, you get one electoral vote for every 6.7 counties. Texas could either offset the liberal districts with numerous conservative districts, or lump all the liberal districts together, thereby limiting the liberal vote to one or two electoral votes max.
Maryland has 24 counties (23 plus Baltimore City) and 10 electoral votes. However, because of the population density, I believe only 6 went Democrat while the rest went Republican.
I think to go along with a plan like this, there would have to be “electoral districts”, which, as we all know, would be subjected to “gerrymandering”. It happens in Maryland, Texas, and just about every where else. Unless, I guess, you appointed some sort of nuetral electoral district commission that could accurately carve out the districts.
Anyways, have a good day.
CDEV says
ALthough Paul to go back to the original intent the 2 votes where a state wide vote and the CD was only one vote. So a 3 EV state would be winner take all.
CDEV says
When they stop gerrymandering congressional districts (by both sides) that would be a fair arrangement!!! For example if we applied that logic to this year in MD Obama would have got 9 and Romney 1 when the percentage method yields Obama 6 and Romney 4
firstname.lastname says
Common sense: Iidn’t see anywhere that PTBL said that. Oh, that’s your take? You need to clean those lens a bit more.
Clint exemplifies what went wrong with the GOP/Tea Party: a crazy, old, rich, white man talking to an empty chair and getting answers. Fox’s Bill O’Reilly was a bit more perceptive: “The white establishment is now the minority,” he said Tuesday evening, before it was clear that Obama would win. “The demographics are changing. It’s not a traditional America anymore.” No, Bill, it’s not and you better get used to it.
I love it 🙂
Brianczaw says
“The white establishment is now the minority”
EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now my company can get 8a affirmative action contracts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woohooo
ALEX R says
Read Martin Niemoller. May I modify his words a bit?
“….and then they came for the Conservatives and I didn’t speak up for their rights because I was glad to see them punished, and then they came for PTBL and all of the Dem/Libs and there was no one left to speak up for his rights….”
ALEX: This is rich. You are trying to portray the richest 1% of the country as oppressed? What world do you live in?
ALEX R says
I live in a world that should be protecting everyone’s rights equally whether rich or poor, black or white or brown, male or female, Conservative or Liberal, etc. By rights I mean those granted by the Constitution and by settled case law. I do not mean “rights” when the term is used to ascribe some imagined “rights” to a group made up to assuage someone’s political or social desires. Here is what I have heard recently, most on The Dagger. (1) Everyone has a right to a house. (2) The rich have a right to pay more taxes. (3) Everyone has a right to health insurance. (4) The people near the proposed Walmart have a right to live in a neighborhood without a Walmart nearby. (5) People who are in this country illegally have a right to all of the benefits that citizens have.
proud to be liberal says
ALEX: “(1) Everyone has a right to a house.” Everyone does have that right if they can afford it.
(2) The rich have a right to pay more taxes. The rich should pay at least the same rate as you do. They should not hide their money overseas.
(3) Everyone has a right to health insurance. Absolutely. Also, I have a right that you freeloaders, or supporters of freeloaders, on my health insurance buy their own insurance.
(4) The people near the proposed Wal-mart have a right to live in a neighborhood without a Walmart nearby. They have a right that their neighborhood not be invaded by 10,000 more cars everyday because the GOP Council thinks more of developers than citizens.
(5) People who are in this country illegally have a right to all of the benefits that citizens have. If you are referring to the Dream Act (now law) they have a right to pay the same tuition rate as any Marylander who pays Maryland taxes, graduates from a Maryland school, and does not take another’s slot.
The days of the radical tea party are over. Get used to it.
Mike says
Nothing wrong with being proud to be liberal, nothing wrong with being proud to be ugly either, but neither are anything to brag about. The only thing liberals proved this time around is that “You can’t beat Santa Claus.” The liberal mentality of “take, take, take,” can’t go on forever. Those of who are actually earning the money that the government is “taking” can’t work much harder, and certainly don’t have the incentive to do so. Fortunately, some of us can say, “well, we have ours, let’s not risk our fortunes to this insatiable Socialist spender known as our President. America got what it asked for. For many of you, that isn’t going to be pretty. For the rest of us, we’ll just lay off a few more people, and use that money to take an extra vacation. Life is good.
Brianczaw says
Mike, you’re just one of those greedy business owners that cracks the whips on all your serf workers. LOL You should be ashamed for taking risks, being successful and managing well the earnings God blessed you with.
Common Sense says
To think that people who own businesses we willingly just pay more in taxes is foolish.
People will always work in their self-interest and faced with higher costs such as taxes businesses will figure out how to employ fewer people by using technology, changing their business model and investing outside of the US.
Over taxation makes our businesses less competitive in global marketplace and bigger government can’t get bigger without more tax revenue. And more tax revenue will not come from higher tax rates since higher tax rates make the pie smaller.
proud to be liberal says
common: Oh, you built the roads you use? You pay for the police and fire departments that protect you? We all pay taxes for services we may not want or approve. For instance, I am opposed to corporate welfare but I still pay my taxes. I am opposed to religious organizations having tax exemptions, which I assume you do approve, but I still pay my taxes. How about crop insurance by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation that taxpayers subsidize? They will be covered but we will be stuck with the bill. It’s similar to the tax breaks/loopholes that hugely profitable petroleum companies enjoy at our expense. This all part of the corporate welfare system we have that punishes the middleclass to benefit the wealthy. You’re not complaining about that.
I hate taxes! But I like:
• Schools
• Roads, bridges and tunnels
• Firefighters
• Police protection
• Hospitals
• Paramedics
• HAZMAT teams
• Soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard
• Clean air and water
• Safe foods and pure drugs
• Safe toys and consumer products
• Child protection
• Health care and Medicare
• Social security
• Flood defense
• Universities
• Museums
• Science
• Diplomatic relations
• Public parks
• Criminal justice system, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, etc.
• Medical research and NRA
• Space exploration and NASA
• Care for the elderly and disabled
Localguy says
The problem is that much of your list should not be a function of the government – that is our problem. Churches used to provide many of the services you listed, but stopped doing so as the government increasingly picked up the tab for it. That is the philosophy behind the tax exempt status of religious organizations. They were providing valuable services the government was not. Now, we can argue what churches are currently doing, etc…, and the level of success, etc… That could be a productive conversation.
The rest of your list are items that I believe we can reach agreement to what level or degree of government involvement.
I don’t think that this has anything to do with tea partiers (FOX crowd), who you seem to obsess over, or radical liberals (MSNBC crowd); it has to do with quality of life. Again I repeat myself, I think agreement over level and/or degree of government involvement can find agreement.
proud to be liberal says
LOCAL: Some items on that list can be done by organizations other than government, that is true. But my point is that MOST of the items can ONLY be done by the government. It is ONLY the government that can, or would, protect you from voracious, unscrupulous for-profit corporations that poison the air and water or endanger the publics’ safety.
Localguy says
Most ONLY by the government? Not sure about that.
• Schools – function in both private and public sector
• Roads, bridges and tunnels – more cost effective as public items, true
• Firefighters – where do volunteers fall?
• Police protection – public function, true
• Hospitals – again, public and private
• Paramedics – see firefighters
• HAZMAT teams – see firefighters
• Soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard – philosophically I am opposed to a standing military… I see its place, though…
• Clean air and water – business should be more ethical, public needed, true
• Safe foods and pure drugs – see above
• Safe toys and consumer products – see above
• Child protection – I can protect my children far better than anyone else, thank you
• Health care and Medicare – control costs and allow health care to be competitive, probably not needed
• Social security – totally unnecessary
• Flood defense – if you build in a flood plain… like driving without seatbelts…
• Universities – private and public both function
• Museums – private and public both function…
• NPR – you are kidding, right?
• Science – huh?
• Diplomatic relations – constitutional, no discussion needed
• Public parks – no duh
• Criminal justice system, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, etc. – govt agencies are by virtue, of the govt
• Medical research and NRA – public and private
• Space exploration and NASA – past tense… Obama seems to want us out of this business
• Care for the elderly and disabled – dismal situation… private way to go
BrianC says
B says
Tried to refinance my house recently, after an attempt a year ago the was unsuccessful due to being underwater. Our house has gone down 12% in one year.
The price of everything is higher and climbing. The house across the street was foreclosed 4 years ago, and the people have been there ever since for free because Bank of America will not take ownership due to the number of foreclosures on the market already.
The fed is printing 40 billion dollars a month until recovery occurs. People are getting laid off left and right again. We have a president that covers up and lies to protect himself.
Where is this so called getting better?
Because says
Such a shame B. I refinanced mine this year to a lower interest rate and a shorter term with lower monthly payments.
ALEX R says
Thanks for your compliment that my past posts were sometimes brilliant – your words, not mine – but you say I am now tarnishing myself.
Let me tell you where I am. The Dem/Libs are never going to agree to meaningful budget cuts. Never. They are going to talk endlessly about raising taxes on the rich. And I don’t disagree with that to some extent. But that will never bring this country back to fiscal sanity and they all know it. Democrats and Republicans alike. At some point someone is going to have to draw a line in the sand and say no more spending and no additional debt. The sooner we do that the easier it will be but I do know that it will never be truly easy. I’m for drawing it now because I know the pain of NOT doing it now increases daily. If that means we have to let the tax cuts expire and the spending cuts kick in then so be it. An ugly possibility but the best one we have facing us. Otherwise Obama and Reid will cry endlessly that they really want to cut (they don’t) but the Republicans won’t agree to cut the areas the Dems want to cut and vice-versa. I’m tired of the whole lot of them so if we are forced to go over the cliff to restore fiscal sanity then that’s what we will have to do.
The media is painting Obama as having some kind of mandate. He doesn’t. He received a present from the inept national Republican Party who couldn’t nominate an electable candidate. If the country were truly rejecting the Republicans then the Republicans wouldn’t have a majority in the House where they all were all up for re-election.
ALEX: “If the country were truly rejecting the Republicans then the Republicans wouldn’t have a majority in the House where they all were all up for re-election.” Just wait until 2014 brother and the country will remove the last defenders of the rich and special interests. BTW it’s “you’re” and not “your.”
ALEX R says
The word ‘your’ as I used it is second person singular possessive. That is what I wrote and that is what I meant. ‘Your words’. Please don’t correct my grammer if you can’t get it right.
‘You’re’ is a contraction of ‘you are’. Does your ignorance extend even to grammer? No matter, we can continue the discussion as we go over the ‘fiscal cliff’ together.
Actually, the term ‘fiscal cliff’ is just a term concocted to scare people in to thinking some crisis is looming if we don’t stop the scheduled tax cut rollbacks and spending reductions. I am skeptical at best and am in favor of calling their bluff. (Or would you prefer the archaic variant ‘sceptical’ still in common use in the UK?) In other words, I have heard so much horse manure coming from Washington (and even more from Annapolis) that I believe very little of what any of them say.
ALEX: You can try to cover your mistakes, but they’re still mistakes. I can’t wait until the GOP/Tea Party is reduced to just spectators to the political process. That will come in 2014.
B says
Alex, you are trying to reason with an idiot. Correct the lies, don’t waste time with anything else.
Because says
ALEX R says
Thank you.
ALEX: Where did the debt come from? It went from a projected $5.9 trillion surplus to a $6 trillion deficit:
• 26% economy loss
• 20% Bush tax cuts
• 40% Bush spending on two wars and interest on debt
• 6% Stimulus program
• 8% Obama spending
That is to say that 60% of our national debt came from Bush and the GOP/Tea Party.
You’re is the contracted form of You are. This form is used in sentences using “you” as the subject of the sentence with the verb “to be” used as either the helping verb (e.g. You’re going …, You’re watching …) or the principal verb of the sentence.
Your is the possessive pronoun form. This form is used to express that something belongs to “you”.
You’re showing us that your knowledge is lacking.
ALEX R says
So you agree with me. Finally.
Here is the sentence taken from my post verbatim:
“Thanks for your compliment that my past posts were sometimes brilliant – your words, not mine – but you say I am now tarnishing myself.”
Here are the words I commented upon: “YOUR KILLING OUR PARTY”. I can see where we both were talking about different quotes. Sorry.
ALEX R says
I always am ready to accept an apology from you, PTBL. How in the world do you ever get yourself in to these messes?
Common Sense says
It’s unlikely in 2014 that democrats will gain seats.
Mike says
Not only is it unlikely, but the party that does NOT hold the Presidency usually picks up big in the mid-terms. I expect the same for Republicans this time. By then, who knows how bad of shape the country will be in. Frankly, at my company, we don’t care. We’ve shut down all expansion plans, planned for lay-offs. Like many businesses we know where our “sweet spot” is. We’ll just settle in there, work a little less, and play a little more in the blue waters of the Carribbean. No reason to invest money that a Socialist President is going to take. Life is good. Socialism doesn’t work for everybody, but if you’ve got a successful business model, you can look out for yourself, and it can work well for us, but to the great detriment of “worker bees.” Do worker bees need to eat? Pass the caviar, honey. I just laid off ten people. With what we saves, we can book a nice trip to Bora Bora.
proud to be liberal says
ALEX: “(1) Everyone has a right to a house.” Everyone does have that right if they can afford it.
“(2) The rich have a right to pay more taxes.” The rich should pay at least the same rate as you do. They should not hide their money overseas.
“(3) Everyone has a right to health insurance”. Absolutely. Also, I have a right that you freeloaders, or supporters of freeloaders, on my health insurance buy their own insurance.
“(4) The people near the proposed Wal-mart have a right to live in a neighborhood without a Walmart nearby”. They have a right that their neighborhood not be invaded by 10,000 more cars everyday because the GOP Council thinks more of developers than citizens.
“(5) People who are in this country illegally have a right to all of the benefits that citizens have.” If you are referring to the Dream Act (now law) they have a right to pay the same tuition rate as any Marylander who pays Maryland taxes, graduates from a Maryland school, and does not take another’s slot.
The days of the radical tea party are over. Get used to it.
The Money Tree says
Not paid taxes but filed a tax return. There’s potentially a very great difference.
proud to be liberal says
or none at all. What is your point?
proud to be liberal says
Moreover, A Maryland citizen who is on welfare and pays NO taxes gets in-state tuition. Would you charge them out-of-state fees as well?
The Money Tree says
Welfare; on welfare and never paid into the system? Somehow I have a feeling that those families using welfare as a way of life, whether sperm donors, check cashers or government pets ever plan on filling out the application forms…doubt they’d know how without help from social services.
proud to be liberal says
MONEY: You really should stop talking about your Honey-boo-boo voters in the Red States.
The Money Tree says
Truth hurts doesn’t it.
proud to be liberal says
MONEY TREE: As you think you know so much about Democrats, allow me to paint a picture of the tea bagger:
1) Greed The red states receive more federal spending, relative to taxes, than the blue states. Those who claim to be fiscally conservative are the ones who in truth tend to feed the most voraciously at the federal trough.
2) Gluttony States where residents suffer more from obesity, in part because they have worse eating habits, tend to vote Republican. Each obese American incurs medical costs 42% higher than those of normal weight.
3) Sloth States where residents get less physical exercise tend to vote Republican.
4) Lust Red states residents buy more online adult entertainment. Notwithstanding proclamations about the importance of pre-marital chastity, evidence suggests that young people in red states do have sex before marriage. It is less likely to be safe sex than among those in blue states. States that vote Republican have higher birth rates among 15-17-year-old girls. They also have higher rates of the sexually-transmitted disease
5) Wrath Nobody is surprised to hear that red states have higher rates of gun ownership than blue states. But there is an important distinction between those who use guns responsibly and those who do not. The data show that ¾ of the states with high rates of firearms assaults vote Republican.
6) Drunkenness People who drink too much endanger themselves and endanger others as well. States with high rates of fatal accidents from drunk driving tend to vote Republican.
7) Smoking Finally, states with high rates of smoking vote Republican as well.
proud to be liberal says
You should know MONEY.
The Money Tree says
Chinese proverb say never mud wrestle with a pig; you only end up dirty and the pig likes it.
proud to be liberal says
MONEY: In other words you concede to my points as you cannot contradict any of them. OK.
Remember this:
Jessep (Jack Nicholson): You want answers?
Kaffee (Tom Cruise): I think I’m entitled to them.
Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee: I want the truth!
Jessep: You can’t handle the truth!
Billy Jack says
It is hard for me to understand why anyone would deny a young person who has grown up in a family receiving welfare, the opportunity to better themselves and stop a cycle of poverty, by receiving in-state tuition to attend college. It doesn’t make sense on a fiscal or humanitarian basis.
BrianC says
Don’t bother debating with PRoud, he never comes up with original thought:
Here’s another cut n paste job:
Oyunu says
A fascinating discussion is worth comment. I do think that you ought to publish more about
this topic, it might not be a taboo matter but generally folks don’t discuss such subjects. To the next! Best wishes!!