From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[November 20, 2012, Bel Air, MD] — As the result of information received from the community and a patrol deputy familiar with the Thomas Run neighborhood, sheriff’s detectives had a 24 year old neighborhood male, Sean Michael Certeza of the 1800 block of Oxford Square picked up for questioning on the evening of 11/18/2012.
During questioning by detectives Certeza confessed to attempting to break into the Bishop’s home on Glendale Lane on the morning of November 18th and assaulting Mr. Bishop. A search warrant was obtained for Certeza’s home on Oxford Square were additional items were recovered to link Certeza to the crime.
Certeza was arrested and charged with Attempted Murder, Burglary 1st degree, assault 1st degree and Firearm use in a violent Crime. He is being held at the Harford County Detention Center on $300,000 bond awaiting a bond review hearing in District Court.
Previous News Release – The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a First Degree Assault and Attempted Burglary that occurred on Sunday 11/18/2012 at approximately 6:15 a.m. in the 1800 Block Glendale Lane.
The victim reported his wife who was in the living area of the home called to him concerning hearing noises coming from the basement area of their home. The victim went to the basement and saw someone outside the basement door. The victim then went back upstairs grabbed a baseball bat then proceeded outside to the back yard where he confronted an unknown white male suspect. A struggle ensued where the suspect was struck with the bat and both men fought on the ground where the suspect cut the victim with a box cutter style knife in the back and shoulder. The victim was transported by Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company’s ambulance to Upper Chesapeake Medical where he was treated for his injuries and released.
The suspect left the scene and was last seen walking toward Centerville Way. Sheriff’s Office K-9 and Maryland State Police Aviation were called for a search of the area however the suspect was not located.
Excellent work from the community and deputy!
The Dagger should do a little more research on Certeza. Was he a regular resident of Bel Air or is he from one of those druggie half-way houses scattered around town?
Pavel you should ask Santa for the movie Shallow Hal. What difference does that make…. Let me guess a “regular Bel Air resident” would never commit a crime. Get out of dream land!
If I thought that regular Bel Air residents never committed crimes, I wouldn’t be asking the question, would I? You might want to try reading for comprehension before posting an unwarranted insulting reply.
The reason for my inquiry is that the do-gooders push for housing these people in residential neighborhoods (as long as it isn’t within ten miles of THEIR neighborhood, of course) claiming that they pose no risk to the regular residents. If all of the facts were reported, we wouldn’t jump to unfounded opinions on either side of the case.
To answer a question yes, the man in question was a “regular” bel air resident. The rest of the man’s family are all college educated and respectful member of society. This may come to a suprise to all you sheltered harco citizens that even little angels raised in the over glorified pseudo-wealthy community in which you reside commit crimes.
This type of crime is becoming more prevalent. I never thought I would say this, but I believe every household should be armed with more than a baseball bat. In some cases, criminals are breaking down doors in people’s homes to threaten them. If you don’t own a gun, buy one. Go to a place where you receive instructions on how to care for your weapon and learn to use it properly.
Since I live in PA, we can shoot anyone in our homes or on our properties if threatened. It is called a Castle Doctrine law. Interestingly enough, when we had a Democratic governor, he refused to sign the law. Once we elected a Republican, the law was signed immediately. A homeowner should never be threatened with prosecution if he is defending his family or property.
Get a gun? In Maryland? Surely you are joking. In Maryland our state government would rather have us invite them in for cookies and milk and let them have their pick of our property. Perhaps even drive them to their next stop if it is cold out and they are without transportation. In Maryland, Cathy, the only people with guns are the criminals.
You’re probably thinking about the ridiculous difficulty in obtaining a concealed carry permit. As long as you’re a law abiding citizen in Maryland, you should have no problem purchasing a firearm. Hell, even unregulated firearms such as most shotguns you can get cash and carry.
Just visit Wallmart and pick up a shotgun and a box of ammo. Only takes 15 minutes and it is yours provided you have no criminal record. Otherwise, fill out a similar form and wait a week for a handgun.
It is not really that difficult despite protestation to the contrary.
The difficult part is what happens after you need to use it for defense.
I have a gun and know how to use it and will if anyone breaks into my house.
I hope you also have a very good attorney on retainer. I am on your side as far as the sentiment goes, but this is Maryland and the burglary artists actually have more rights than you do plus attorneys lined up to take their case on a contingent fee basis. You, my friend, will pay by the hour, win or lose.
Stay in PA Cathy. Comment on the issues that affect you there. You are not involved, not engaged, probably not wanted, and have left for reasons that I’m sure we all appreciate and admire for taking you away form here. You owe MD nothing, and conversely we owe you nothing.
Because is an idiot.
And because, Because is
an idiot he is ignored.
Just not by you. Am I challenging your poorly developed self esteem? Seek counseling – it will make you a productive and contributing member of society.
“Since I live in PA, we can shoot anyone in our homes or on our properties”
I’ll be sure to not stop by unannounced!
You’re a treasure Cathy. Please stay in your newly adopted state. I’m sure you have them rolling on the floor there with your home spun humor.
Lots of my friends who are Maryland residents have guns. Glad I now know to watch out for them – I didn’t realize they were criminals!
String him up! Harford County residents arm yourselves….
You seem to be suggesting a lynching… uh, that is illegal and with good reason. Do not confuse the difference between protecting yourself, your family or your property with vigilante ‘justice’. There is no comparison, they are not even in the same discussion.
MD has some of the strictest gun laws in the USA. However, most law abiding citizens can purchase a long gun cash and carry or a handgun if you feel like jumping through the hoops. The problem is if you use it to defend yourself or your family. If someone breaks into your house and you shoot them, you’re going to jail and the criminal is going to sue you.
Not necessarily. You’ll have quite the case if the intruder has a weapon and/or attacks you.
Lots of e-lawyers on here.
Riiiiiight. And you know the background and personal experiences of everyone that posts here. Troll attempt denied. Think before you post. Kthxbye!
Do I need to break out the tape measure?
Haha no need! I’m not gonna engage mindless posters until they get a clue.
The question remains: If a stranger is standing over your bed @ 2:00 in the morning are you going to ask him if he’s armed or if he just wants to chat?
When was the last time someone broke into a home for anything but stealing and/or harming the resident? Of course we have the right to protect ourselves but this ridiculous State seems to think otherwise. This two-bit crook was lucky he broke into that house – a break in at many others would have ended very differently.
If an intruder were to break into my home, I would immediately feel threatened for myself and my family’s safety. It would be a one sided story, mine vs. the person on the floor.
Sean was not paying attention in school. There is a legal way to redistribute wealth and then there is an illegal way. Sean, Sean, Sean.