From Harford County government:
Retailers expect a strong holiday shopping season this year; as the malls and stores become packed with shoppers, so will area parking lots. The Harford County Commission on Disabilities reminds everyone that “handicapped” (accessible) parking spaces are reserved for qualified individuals with special needs. These spaces are reserved for motorists and/or their passengers with disabilities who require those spaces and would not, in many cases be able to shop otherwise.
The Harford County Commission on Disabilities also reminds citizens that people with disabilities face challenges every day, not the least of which is finding adequate parking when they need it. For those with disabilities, the use of “handicapped” parking spaces, correctly known as accessible parking spaces, is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Yet every day, motorists with disabilities cannot find parking spaces when they need them because their non-disabled counterparts use these spaces as a means of convenience.
During the holiday shopping season, deputies with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office will be checking to make sure that vehicles parked in accessible parking spaces have the parking placard or designated license plate displayed. Failure to do so may result in a fine. It is important to note, in addition to the placard or license plate, drivers are also required to produce their Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) – issued identification.
The Commission encourages all motorists with disabilities to learn more about parking accommodations for persons with disabilities, the use of special parking placards and registration plates, etc. For more information on the rules and conditions that apply, visit the MVA’s “Everything You Need to Know” for Maryland motorists with Disabilities at
They need to inforce these laws everyday.
Ticket and tow those that stand or park in fire lanes while you’re at it.
The problem is most of the “fire lanes” in the county aren’t properly labeled/designated and can’t actually be enforced.
The county says it’s the Fire Marshals Office’s responsibility and the Fire Marshals Office say it’s the county’s responsibility and the last time I heard anything about it neither one was doing anything about it.
If you built parking lots big enough thus issue would get better on its own
Hahahaha! That was a good one! People will ALWAYS be lazy!
Yea, that will solve the problem, cut down more trees, displace more wildlife.
The ten extra steps that fatty needs to take probably won’t kill them. If it does, a message will be sent, and then the problem will correct itself. Loose weight, or die while walking to dinner.
Too many mouth-breathing land beasts!
While they are at it, I hope that they ticket those people who invent handicap spaces by parking in the areas with yellow lines. Just because you have that blue hang tag doesn’t give you the right to park anywhere you want.