From the Office of Rep. Andy Harris:
Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Andy Harris testified in front of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee about the impact of Hurricane Sandy.
The 1st Congressional District had many areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy particularly the communities of Crisfield, Smith Island, Marion, Fairmount, Deal Island, Ocean Pines and Princess Anne. Rep. Harris provided the following testimony at the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee:
“On October 31, I toured the affected sites in Crisfield and Ocean City with Governor O’Malley and I was stunned to see the evident devastation that some of our communities like Crisfield suffered,” said Rep. Andy Harris. “Last week, I hosted a tele-town hall meeting with over 1,000 residents from impacted communities. I was encouraged by the federal and state coordinated response efforts to date, but we need to ensure that our resources are always made available to those parts of our community most in need of assistance.”
I was encouraged by the federal and state coordinated response efforts to date, but we need to ensure that our resources are always made available to those parts of our community most in need of assistance.”
Wonder why your view changed as you initially opposed the request for federal aide. The rest of our states delegation signed on….but not you!
What kind of “candy ass” comment was that Andy? Grow some balls and admit that your party (the party of “NO”) is wrong when it comes to tax-payer funded FEMA allotment! It’s amazing that you were “stunned” during the tour of YOUR district with Governor O’Malley. Hell, I’m surprised that your ultra-partisan ass would even appear with him in public! Then again, Governor Chris Christy appeared AND supported President Obama right after Hurricane Sandy destroyed areas of New Jersey, so I guess that you’re following his example? Watch out Andy, Governor Christy was ridiculed and lambasted by the right-wing nuts for his association and support of the way President Obama handled FEMA, etc. You may be next on the lambasting list for appearing with the good Governor O’Malley! (I’m Just Sayin’) 🙂
If you had any “common sense”, you’d show some class. Name calling and foul language is not appreciated here.
Please stop using a knock-off of my handle. I’ve asked you before, but apparently you just don’t have any “common sense”.
You make everyone look like a joke.
Blow it out your ass “Cents”. I’m the “O.G.” Common (you probably don’t even know what that means!).
And as far as name calling and foul language goes….It happens all of the time (not only in this forum, but in life!) Get one!
Also interesting to note is that Andy Harris does not believe there is some sort of climate change in progress. Maybe he will evolve on that point of view.
Hey, at least he held a “tele town hall” so he wouldn’t actually have to face his consitituents in person.
Maybe he was trying to be environmentally friendly by reducing his “carbon footprint”! Nah, just kidding! 🙂