Patterson Mill Middle/High School in Bel Air was briefly locked down Monday following an armed robbery at a nearby bank, police said, the third daylight armed robbery in Harford County in the last week.
According to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, shortly after 11 a.m. a white male in his 40s entered the Sovereign Bank on the 1800 block of Emmorton Road in Bel Air, displayed a firearm and directed a bank employee to give him cash from the teller station.
The suspect was described as wearing a hard hat, a dust or surgical mask, blue jeans, work boots and a plaid flannel shirt.
The suspect fled on foot to the rear of the bank, causing deputies to request Patterson Mill Middle/High School be locked down for “a short period of time,” while they searched the area, according to Sheriff’s Office spokesman Edward Hopkins. No injuries were reported in the incident.
Hopkins said detectives are not certain if the robbery was connected to the robbery of the U.S. Post Office in Benson Wednesday afternoon, or the robbery of the NBRS Bank in Street a day later.
See what happens when you let business’s like banks build in that area?
Crime goes up.
Build a walmart and they will be buying guns driving to the bank then driving back to walmart.
It’s going to be a traffic and crime ridden nightmare
I think you’re overreacting BelairBob. The plan is for the traffic to be so bad that they couldn’t possibly drive from the bank to the Walmart quick enough to get away, thereby reducing crime.
The end game is for them to escape along the bike/pedestrian path in a safe and environmentally sustainable way. They will certainly be moving more quickly than the intentionally gridlocked motor vehicles that already clock too many VMTs as it is.
Ummm…. Okay, so let’s build a Kmart instead since Kmart doesn’t sell firearms, but they do sell toy guns so that’s a bad idea too. ah, the hell with it, let’s let that waste transfer station build there and fill the air with a foul stench everyday. sounds good to me.