From the office of U.S. Congressman Andy Harris:
Representative Andy Harris (MD-1) released the following statement regarding the official announcement of his Chairmanship to the Subcommittee on Environment by Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (TX-21):
“I am honored to continue my Chairmanship of the Subcommittee on Environment of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee. I look forward to working with Chairman Lamar Smith and the other members of the Committee to ensure we have a productive session that encourages scientific development and promotes economic growth.
“As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Environment, my primary responsibility will be oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to make sure they use sound science and are transparent during the regulatory process. The approaching vacancy of the EPA Administrator is an opportunity to find someone who shares these objectives. I will be working closely with Rep. Chris Stewart (UT-2) who will serve as Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Environment. I know he will be a worthy colleague who shares these values and understands the need to work toward free market solutions for environmental protection and job creation.”
Established in 1958, the Science, Space, and Technology Committee has jurisdiction over all non-defense federal scientific research and development. Specifically, the Committee has partial or complete jurisdiction over the following federal agencies: NASA, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Foundation, the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, FEMA, the U.S. Fire Administration, and United States Geological Survey, among others.
For more information about the Science Committee, please visit
Andy Harris = Chairman to the Subcommittee on the Environment?!?
So the Republicans in charge appoint a person that toes the party line (read, doesn’t believe in good science, global warming as one example) in charge of a committee who’s goal is to protect the environment. Amazing (well, not really). This is typical of the way the House of Representatives “works” when controlled by Republicans. So out of touch they are. Keep up the “good work” fellas, and soon you’ll lose control of the third (and final) branch of government on the federal level (and I can’t wait for the day….but I will!) 🙂 🙂 🙂 !
Have you spoken with Congressman Harris on the specific topics you accuse him of being ignorant? Or are you making a blanket, inflammatory statement because you just don’t like his political views?
The reality based community relies on facts not opinions. Mr Harris’ opinions on various topics are part of his political posture. This is a political appointment by a polarized body that wants to ram their beliefs down the throats of people who know differently. It is not based on merit, simply expedience for an agenda that values loyalty more than anything else.
Asking the free market to protect the environment is like asking a hungry mouse to protect a piece of cheese.
I suppose Todd Akin and Paul Broun were unavailable. Honestly, is this the best Congress can do? Four Hundred and thirty five members and they picked a guy who wants “Sound Science” to be the basis for future efforts by the EPA. Let’s be clear about this: Mr Harris’ idea of “Sound Science” is anything he doesn’t care to admit is real. He’s not a suitable representative for a district that relies on knowledge of science and technology for its living, and certainly not a capable and responsible representative on any committee that has oversight over NASA, the EPA or the NOAA.