From the Aberdeen Police Department:
On February 5, detectives arrested and charged Daquane S Johnson, 18, of the 100 block of Hamilton Place, Aberdeen with the robbery that occurred on November 19 at the Exxon Gas Station on South Philadelphia Blvd.
On November 19, two subjects entered the Exxon Station. The store clerk attempted to close an interior door that encloses the cash register area. The two suspects became involved in an altercation with the clerk and were able to gain entry into the office area. The suspects removed and undisclosed amount of cash before fleeing the area on foot. The clerk was not injured in the incident.
A 14 year old from the Aberdeen area who is currently being held at the Hickey Juvenile Detention facility on another robbery has also been charged in this case.
Johnson has been released on $75,000.00 bond.
Anyone with any information about this case is asked to call the Aberdeen Police Department, Criminal Investigations Section at 410-272-2121.
14 year old scumbag
His brain is not fully formed yet! He doesn’t know that taking money from others with violence is wrong! We should let him go immediately so he can return to school and fulfill his dreams of being a ________ (rapper, basketball star, football star, community organizer, President, etc).
Assault in the second degree carries a max of 10 years but I bet we’ll see them back on the streets before they can buy beer.
Maybe Robby’s friends and family will take this misunderstood youth under their wing and help him out.
Agree, he was thinking like a child. He was not aware that committing a felony was wrong, he should be sent to juvenile court and reap the benefits of counseling to teach him that what he did was wrong.
This young man may not have understood the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor, but by the age of 14, he knew taking something from someone else is wrong. What would you think he reaction would be had someone taken his money or property? I bet he would think that was wrong!
“his reaction”. Sorry.
I hope you didn’t take my post seriously.
That was sarcasm. They knew damn well what the consequences were….juveniles or not.
Amen Kharn! Here in-lies the problem. Was this really a robbery or did the cash take a walk on its own and find its way into their pockets? This act, like any other criminal act was committed by two thugs. The legal system needs to come down on the thugs, not on their pockets. Their pockets had nothing to do with this – the correct action would take them both out of circulation for a long time – and it would result in less litter on the highways, or gum on the curb. I’m 100% certain that neither will be penalized in any meaningful way.
Khan what hell dose the President has to do with this? Your hatred for the President has affect your everyday thinking, you need to see a Doctor!!!
I saw it as enlightened sarcasm. Then you posted and now I think he was really funny; having read your attempt at intelligent discussion, I can only say I would rather be with “Kharn” (Not KHAN) and his sarcasm on this point then even remotely agreeing with you on yours.
You should watch the news more often.
Anytime a disadvantaged youth is sent to jail, or found shot to death, they always find a relative to say hilarious statements such as “He was going to play for the Lakers” or “He had a mix tape and wanted a record contract” or “He was just turning his life around” or “My baby didn’t do nothing[sic]!!!!” Everyone politely ignores the elephant in the room of the kid having dropped out of school 3 years ago, was found with pot or booze in his system, unexplained money in his pocket, undue amounts of gold jewelry and with gun shot residue on his hands when the coroner put him in the body bag .
If somebody said such a kid wanted to be an astronaut, it would be just as funny.
He had the 75K bond money, and he is out robbing Exxon gas stations?
Some companies operating in Harford require as little as 1% down and allow monthly payments until the usual 10% is received, given a relative or the defendant having sufficient collateral.
They didn’t have adult male role models or they would have been taught how to rob a gas station without getting caught. The one released on bond is probably back in the hood right now bragging about his exploits and how he beat the incompetent justice system. 10 yrs hard time sounds good to me.
Unfortunately, you’re dreaming Hydesmann. I’m sure that revolving door has already jettisoned him back into another weekend of fun and games. So what will we read about this fine young man on Monday???
The younger one will not qualify to be tried as an adult so he will receive a very stern talking to by the Juvenile System and that should fix him right up. (sarcasm) Unfortunately Kharn is right, he probably put up $100 to freedom fighters and they cut him loose so that he can go rob enough gas stations to pay the remaining bail money. There is no mention of a weapon so they will either plea out to a robbery and he will serve about 2 years on a 5 year bit or down to a second degree assault (which is considered non-violent for parole) and he will serve about 9 months.
I’m sure Uncle Jesse will do his best to get these poor misguided lads into a rehabilitation program so they can turn their lives around. At our expense, of course. I’m sure this will be helpful and we should be hearing good things from these upstanding young men in the not-so-distant future. So glad Uncle Jesse is looking out for today’s youth.
BBC, you are campaigning again. You just can’t pass up an opportunity to smear Bane no matter what. Are you suggesting that Bane is the cause of these criminals doing what they do? Shame on you.
j edgar, you’re right–every chance I get. Shame on me? Shame you all of you who keep voting in this incompetent fossil.
I think the issue is not with the Sheriff, it is more with the court system. If we get some hard-nosed judges handling these cases then we might be able to see some real change! Stop giving community service, which these days is nothing more than picking up trash in some revitalization area (where they subsequently meet other little thugs), and where they don’t get the true message of “consequences for your actions”.
Give them prison time, or alternative sentencing. I have heard that there have been punishments for juveniles that allow them out Monday through Friday to attend school only, then return home, and serve their “prison” sentences on the weekends. Restrict their freedom through the use of ankle-monitoring. Then again, they might try to bling those out?
Unfortunately BBC, Bane doesn’t have anything to do with what happens to these guys after they are locked up. If you feel like their punishment isn’t harsh enough or that they too often receive an 8505 health general rehabilitation eligibility then your issue is with the circuit court judges and Joe Cassilly.
Trying to Survive: So the plethora of suicides under Bane’s command are the problem of the judges and Mr. Cassilly? The fact that there is no warden is the not Bane’s problem? The fact that Bane went ahead with the expansion of the Detention Center when he knew it couldn’t be properly staffed is whose fault?
They are a manifestation of natural selection. But then you don’t believe in that.
No, what happens at the Detention Center is definitely on Bane. However, we do not offer a rehabilitation program other than NA/AA at the local level. Sentencing, 8505 commitments, and outside rehab are an issue of cassilly and the courts.
Survive: I don’t know what any of your reply means except for the first sentence. Not trying to be nasty, but I’m just an ordinary citizen who doesn’t understand what those programs are.
NA/AA is Narcotics Anonymous/Alcoholics Anonymous. That has replaced RSAP (Residential Substance Abuse Program) at the detention center. These are simply classes, not a rehabilitation program. 8505 is a health general recommendation that has to come from the judge, it is for inmates sent down to the Division of Corrections that are believed to have serious drug problems and allows them to significantly reduce their jail time by moving them form general population into an inpatient drug rehabilitation. Independent drug rehabilitation centers are inpatient programs that a person can be ordered to go to by a judge but there are no officers to keep them there (Father Martins Ashley, Mountain Manor,etc.) This keeps them out of jail entirely and when the program fails these people just continue to commit new crimes until they are picked up on a Violation of Probation warrant or get locked up for the new crimes. Bane only has control over what happens to the people that are pre-sentencing at the DC or have been committed to a sentence of 18 months or less in HCDC. Bane does not control where they are sentenced, how long they serve, whether they are offered drug rehabilitation as an alternative, etc. I also wouldn’t blame the judges much, our judges are known as harsh sentencing judges in comparison to other counties. I would blame the State’s Attorney’s who offer light plea deals.
A perfect example of why the clerk should have been armed with training on how to use the weapon in a high stress situation. Let me tell you this. If the clerk had been armed and if these 2 morons had known the clerk was armed then there would have been no robbery. Even though they are morons they aren’t that dumb.
On the other hand, I could make an excellent case that anyone that takes a job as a clerk handling cash money in Aberdeen or other higher crime areas of Harco might be a little moronic as well. Yeah, I know people need jobs and I am sympathetic to that. You wouldn’t catch me in that job without a weapon on display. And what does Exxon have to say about their failure to protect their employee?
Yes Exxon does a have a corporate response…none. Just like the Royal Farm store in Churchville on Rt 22 that is robbed every 6 months, shuts down night hours for 3 months after the robbery then goes back to 24/7. There is no need to have this many 24/7 facilities open, at least with only a sole person operating the establishment. Ah, but I forgot, Corporations are people too, so the breathing human can be saved by the corporation/person when they have a gun/knife pulled on them! No one cares about those people, its a cost of doing business. They only ever get upset if the clerk attempts to stop the robbery in case they are sued!
Exxon would post a reward if their clerk were wounded or killed.
(Sarcasm for those of you who don’t recognize it.)