From Patrick L. McGrady, Chairman, Maryland Liberty Political Action Committee:
Last Wednesday, thousands of you traveled to Annapolis to stand for your property rights and 2nd Amendment rights. Tomorrow you have another opportunity.
The Senate version of our S.B. 236 repeal will be heard. It is vital that we activate around our bill so that we can de-rail Martin O’Malley’s Plan Maryland agenda. Our Senate Bill 391, sponsored by Senator E.J. Pipkin, will be heard tomorrow at 1:00p.m. by the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee. The hearing will take place at 2 West, Miller Senate Building, Annapolis, MD 21401. You have to sign up on the “Witness Sheet” in the committee room by 12:00pm.
We need patriots like you to come out to this hearing in Annapolis to testify in favor of this bill.
Here’s the obvious–your private property rights are under attack in Maryland. Every day the liberals from both parties in Annapolis are working to close the door on your land rights.
Senate Bill 391 will repeal the destructive, property rights shredding Senate Bill 236 passed last year. Senate Bill 236 forced all counties throughout Maryland to create Tier Maps to submit to the Maryland Department of Planning.
Rural property owners across Maryland given Tier IV designations, as a result of Senate Bill 236, had their developments rights effectively stripped by the whims of liberal politicians and central planners in Annapolis.
Last year, the General Assembly took away decision making authority from our local governments under Senate Bill 236. In the name of ‘preservation’, they gave us restrictions, and in the name of ‘planning’, they have now taken control. Currently, many local governments are waiting and hoping that some relief will come during the 2013 Session. We are hoping to provide relief with Senate Bill 391 sponsored by Senator Pipkin.
Please understand that if we do not stop the expansion of government intervention in land use we will soon see a day when your land is no longer yours. The ulimate goal here is to abolish private property. Karl Marx mentioned this exact goal in his Communist Manifesto. Make no mistake about it. Already the government owns a third of all land in our country, but that’s not good enough for them. We must stop the expansion of state control over our land.
If you cannot make the hearing tomorrow, that’s O.K. You can voice your opinion by submitting written testimony in favor of our bill to the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee. You can submit the written testimony by emailing Senator Joan Carter Conway, the Chair of the Committee, and all Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee members.
Or mail a letter to the committee at:
Senator Joan Carter Conway,
Chair, Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee,
2 West,
Miller Senate Building, Annapolis, MD 21401
The title or subject of your written testimony should read:
Written Testimony in Support of SB 391
One more thing. It takes courage and leadership to stand up for an issue like property rights in Maryland. Give a call or send an e-mail to Senator Pipkin thanking him for sponsoring this bill.
You can contact Senator Pipkin’s office at:
Or you can email him at:
This is a tremendous first step for us, but this only begins our work. We need to dial up pressure on the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee. When you contact the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee members tell them to:
* Hold a roll call vote in Committee on Senate Bill 391
* Vote FOR Senate Bill 391
You can click on any of the banners in this email and it will automatically open up a pre-drafted email for you to send to the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee.
All you have to do is sign the pre-drafted e-mail and send. If we don’t pressure the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee, they are going to take our bill, throw it in the drawer, and never look at it again.
This is our time. This is the turning point. When Marylanders look back in history they will look to these days and our movement as the grassroots rebellion that turned the tide in Maryland. To use the prolific words of Ronald Reagan, you and I have a rendezvous with destiny.
Let’s make it happen right now.
For Liberty,
Patrick L. McGrady
Maryland Liberty PAC
Neon Dion says
Please. Isn’t it almost time for you to run and lose an election again?
Chris says
I will be writing a letter in support of SB391; this administration has been chipping away at our property rights for years, all in the name of environmental preservation and sustainable planning. Take a look at a new bill proposed by the Department of Planning this year, HB613, if you think this is a joke. Imagine being kicked off your land one day because you live in the area slated for the next ‘sustainable community’. Or your County Executive declaring Edgewood an historical site and levying a ‘special tax’ to pay for its revitalization and grand new Metro Center. We all need to pay more attention to the legislature Annapolis is trying to pass, and be the squeaky wheels that grind this expansionist agenda to a halt.
Steve (A different one) says
Reading HB613 makes it clear that the words “Sustainable Growth” equate to “Hand over all your cash and nobody gets hurt”.
W.T.F.! says
“Little Shady”, stop spreading the Communist Manifesto B.S.! You and your ilk need to saddle up your elephant (or should I say wooly mammouth) and head off into the past where you belong.
Steven Bee says
When you have no brain for an intelligent debate, then please resort to name calling!
W.T.F.? says
You can’t “debate” with stupid. (what say you Steven Bee?)
Rusty says
Pat! You still have my blow up doll! I would like it back, please!