From Derek J. Howell, Chairman, Harford County Republican Central Committee:
In his 2013 State of the County Address, County Executive David Craig opened his address with a quote from Scripture, Proverbs 29:18 – “Where there is no vision, the people perish….” Indeed, we are living in times where we don’t have to look far beyond Harford County to see that people are suffering from a lack of leadership and vision in their elected officials. I believe we are blessed to be served by David Craig, and I applaud Mr. Craig for his leadership, planning, and the vision he has applied in Harford County.
County Executive Craig pointed out various achievements and successes of the County in his State of the County Address. Among these he explained some of the recent safeguards and protections that have been made to promote the protection of life and property of Harford County citizens. Securing and protecting the life and property of its citizens is the chief responsibility of civil government, and Mr. Craig has proven to be committed in helping to protect life and property in Harford County. Some of these attainments reported by the County Executive were the new state-of-the-art Southern Precinct for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office; enhancements to many of our local volunteer fire and EMS companies through a variety of capital improvements, most notably the first fully county-funded volunteer fire station at Patterson Mill Road; plans for a new state-of-the-art Emergency Operations Center in Hickory and if approved, a Department of Emergency Services to provide more support, coordination and assistance to our volunteer fire and EMS service.
I recently had the opportunity to visit the new Southern Precinct when I attended the Rt. 40 Republican Club meeting, where it meets in the community meeting room. The precinct is a welcomed upgrade, and it will serve the Sheriff’s Office and citizens of Harford County for many years to come.
There were many more achievements laid out by County Executive Craig in his address. I would encourage you to take a few minutes and watch County Executive Craig deliver the State of the County Address:
Derek J. Howell
Chairman – Harford County Republican Central Committee
The tale changes to fit a narrative…’s all about personal initiative. One day your in, the next day your on the edge, then you’re a centrist. The pace of ideological zig zag is stunning.
Damn Derek, wipe off your nose (I think you have some “dirt” on it!) 🙂
Not everyone would agree with your assessment. How about the wasteful expenditure of taxpayer money on the purchase of an overpriced piece of land in Joppa for a waste transfer station was not necessary and will likely never be built? And let us not forget his strong-arm tactics to move Harve de Grace to the top of the list for a new school ahead of other communities with greater need. It took state education officials to finally put a stop to that.
The question is not if Harford is perfect, but if Harford is better off than other Maryland counties. It clearly is.
The job of the Republican Central Committee Chairman is to support the parties’ candidates and elected officials. Pointing out the things that make them better than nearby counties, which are run by Democrats, is exactly what the chairman should be doing. It is good to have a chairman that understands the job description. And it is an easy job. The differences are clear and favorable.
Yes, support the positive but don’t ignore the shortcomings. We don’t need the antagonism we saw between our elected officials and the McGrady/DeLong led central committee but nor do we need or want unabashed cheer leading either. Honesty and balance is what republican voters want. Being at either end destroys credibility. Excessive cheer leading fosters a view that it is back to the good old boy network of political insiders controlling who gets elected.
Why do we need a sugar-coated regurgitation of the State of the County Address? I’d much rather hear from Mr. Howell what the Central Committee is actually doing to increase the number of Republican registrations in the county. Give us a State of the Committee Address.
Well said, Derek! I couldn’t agree more! It’s refreshing to hear someone focus on the positives from an elected official and offer the reader an opportunity to view the State of the County speech, so they can reach their own opinions. No personal vendetta, No hidden agenda, just a clear informative message!
Says the Craig appointee.
Oh yeah… the Robert F. Kennedy fan. I had forgotten that name.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
What do you people do all day besides constantly refreshing the dagger press for bel air walmart, Harford county government news articles to post on?
Who here masturbates to reading about budget cuts?
Hmmm… you know, if I were a gamblin’ man, I’d say it looks like someone’s positioning himself to run for something… Just as I suspected: 100% establishment sycophant opportunist. 0% honesty or commitment to liberty.
Ya know RINO, I think you’re on to something. Which elected office do you think he’s gunning for?
Excuse me, will you please pass the poop pon?