From Friends of Harford:
The Hooker Farm
A Community Input Meeting (CIM) for “The Hooker Farm”, a proposed housing development in the Abingdon area, has been announced. A description of the CIM process is available at The proposed site plan and other information should soon be available at .
Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 6:00 P.M.
Meeting Location: 3445-A Box Hill Corporate Center Drive, Abingdon, MD 21009, offices of Morris & Ritchie Associates Inc.
Location of Proposed Development: The Hooker Farm, located on the east side of Laurel Bush Road between Burgh-Westra Way and Overview Drive
Description of Proposed Development: 168 single family lots on 107.65 acres
If you have concerns you wish to raise or simply want more information, this meeting is your opportunity to do so.
James Run Amended Site and Preliminary Plans
A Community Input Meeting (CIM) has been scheduled for “James Run Amended Site and Preliminary Plans”, a proposed Mixed Office development at I-95 and MD 543. Per Bill 12-35, the James Run project will receive a County-issued Tax Increment Financing bond for up to $23,000,000.
The proposed site plan and other information is available at
A description of the CIM process is available at
Meeting Date/Time: Monday, March 11, 2013 at 6:00 P.M.
Meeting Location: 3445-A Box Hill Corporate Center Drive, Abingdon, MD 21009, offices of Morris & Ritchie Associates Inc.
Location of Proposed Development: James Run – Located at the southwest quadrant of the I-95 and MD 543 interchange.
Description of Proposed Development: These plans revise the previously approved Site and Preliminary Plans, changing the proposed uses to Retail, Office, Restaurants and Lodging House
If you have concerns you wish to raise or simply want more information, this meeting is your opportunity to do so.
Do you want to know where this fits into the development process? Read A Citizen’s Guide to the Harford County Property Development Process (September 18, 2012) by Friends of Harford.
Is the cut-off for stopping development due to school capacity still at 110%? Patterson Mill HS is already at 102% capacity and PMMS is close behind at 98%. As Singer Road and Hooker’s Mill is the cut-off boundary, this new development would also attend PMHS.
The threshold for the moratorium is set by the county’s Adequate Public Facilities law at over 110% of capacity in the current year, or projected for anytime in the following three years. This link will take you to the 2012 (most recent) school capacity and enrollment reports:
I thought there was a moratorium for building on this property for another 75 years. What happened to preserving the watershed?
It’s all bel air Wal-Mart’s fault, and Harford county school teachers, and gas tax, and especially, its for the safety of the children.
O’Malley’s new stormwater fee will take care of it.
“Hooker Farm”So THAT’S where they come from.