From the Aberdeen Police Department:
Aberdeen, MD – An unidentified man was found slumped over in a vehicle in the 600 block of McHenry Boulevard after being observed by a man walking his dog. Members of the Aberdeen Police Department responded to investigate and located the male, who was deceased at the time of police arrival.
The incident was reported shortly after 5 p.m. on March 5, 2013.
The circumstances surrounding the nature of death were investigated by the Aberdeen Police Criminal Investigation Division and Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Maryland. It was determined that the man died of a single self inflicted gunshot wound. Notification was made to the decedent’s family.
thought so
So sad. Prayers for the family.
Life…. Ain’t nobody got time for that….
RIP. Suicide is never the answer to life’s problems.
Why all this bad reporting ? First reports said this man suffered from multiple gunshots.
Another life lost, my goodness what is going on. Had a friend that was in detention center for 20 days over car ticketing and they said he killed his self – honestly he had no reason to when he went in there. But something happened to him while he was in there that caused him to take his life – now something is up in that detention center – and everyone is being closed lips. Understood his death was the 9th in the detention center – what’s up with so deaths? who’s watching who or who’s not watching who is the question!!! Hope they find out who was involved in pushing to his death – somebody in that center did something to him – he was totally not a suicidal person
Calico: I agree there is a problem at the Detention Center. Why don’t you ask for a meeting with Sheriff Bane to discuss the problem? Then report back to The Dagger what lies he tells you to make it look like nothing is his fault.
The county is attempting to deal with the mental issues that some citizens are born with but also with increasing number of self-induced mental issues resulting from the abuse of prescription drugs, synthetic marijuana, bath salts, etc. Unfortunately it is very easy for several hundred people to go to 7-11 and get the next brand of “Spice” and not so easy to develop a plan to deal with it, especially when the stuff is legal. This is the second suicide that has made the news coming out of Harford County in the last week, people that don’t work with this stuff like we do have no idea how many suicides go unreported to the news. The jail is only a reflection of the society that it serves and there is an issue countywide with suicides right now. The major difference is that 100% of the suicides at the jail get reported while outside the jail only the ones done in public make the news.
Give me 10 guys that are depressed and I’ll show you 9 that don’t have sex enough.
Maybe he received his notice from APG.