Maryland Republican State Delegate Glen Glass has Hearing on Smart-Meter Opt-Out Legislation
Annapolis, MD – Maryland State Delegate Glen Glass, (R-Harford, Cecil), announced today the hearing for House Bill 1038 – Consumer Relations – Smart Meters for Thursday the 14th in the Economic Matters Committee. The bill provides an optional opt-out at no cost to the consumer.
Delegate Glass also proposed a second bill which is a subsection of the first bill that fines the Utility Companies from releasing the data it collects to third party advertisers.
“I am deeply concerned about public health and privacy and so long as I am able I will continue to advocate for health, safety, rights, liberty and the general well-being of all of my fellow citizens” said Glass.
“These new smart meters are potentially neither safe nor reliable and are a risk to children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with compromised immune system and medical implants” Glass implored.
Another aspect of that legislation will stop the utilities companies from charging Marylander’s hundreds of dollars per year to opt out.
“Marylander’s should not be fined for exercising their inalienable God-given rights promulgated in the Declaration of Independence to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Marylander’s should not have to pay one penny to keep cancer and other serious health risks out of their lives” Glass concluded.
Just wrap the meter and your head in tinfoil…
I understand the wrap the meter in tinfoil! It will Prevent RF radiation from polluting the environment!
The problem I have is with……………… deciding to wrap your head in tinfoil!
Are you planing on treating it like a Hot baked potato?
Obviously ‘Kharn’ is one of those ‘low information voters’. People are concerned all over the country, with THOUSANDS of health and other complaints. This is not just a couple people whining. Moreover, if the utilities DO get their hands on your “usage” data, unless they put it in EXPLICIT WRITING that they and any third party will NEVER sell the data – your daily personal habits can be endlessly profiled to negatively affect you. Example: A truck driver may not sleep well and his ‘usage’ profile shows lights going on and off at night. Think this data won’t make its way to the government? Bingo – he could have his CDL license pulled because he fits the ‘profile’ of someone with ‘sleep deprivation’. Hey Kharn – wonder what YOU do in private – that you wouldn’t want ‘profiled’. Smart people understand that this is NOT about smart meters. It is about smart CONTROL AND MONITORING of your personal life. Trust me – we do NOT want to go there folks. Call your legislators and demand they vote FOR the no-cost opt-out HB1038 bill. And THANKS very much to Del. Glass for standing up for our rights and freedom.
Nonsense. Kharn is clearly the one devoid of responding to the excitable blatherings of people afraid of everything introduced into society in the last one hundred years. Tell me ProPrivacyBlahBlahBlah, were you alive when the electrification of rural America was deemed the most significant engineering advancement of the 20th century? Or were you so afraid of that development that you joined the other “Flat Earthers” who probably claimed it would cause spontaneous abortions in farm animals?
Delegate Glass likes to pander to the low information voters of Harford County. Just like Andy Harris and Faux News.
Personally, I’m afraid of a government monopoly acting in concert with the government itself telling me that I am REQUIRED to accept a device that monitors my usage by day and time. I’m also afraid of the next steps that could include requiring me to pay premiums if my household and the number of occupants fall outside a matrix designed by rabid environmentalists and imposed by the government using the meter. If BG&E wants to ‘sell’ the meter and its benefits to people who want it, fine. It’s when I have it rammed down my throat that I’m going to kick back hard. Health concerns are real but only the first of many concerns.
Just because and the rest of those corrupted 37% knocking down the jobs and money these days as fyi 67% are at home and being forced to stay their while the scum like Goldmansucks and ilk take everything we have. BGE are criminals and I caught them stealing from me and overcharging so get giggy with you dam bills people and you will find this out too, got love the 1% squeeze and control gig and the work for the elites club as the rest of us sobs are purportedly under qualified……. Read the message idiots, that means Bill Gates and ilk want and are getting thru NAFTA, SLAVE LABOR SO FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOUR FIXATION TO ITEMS MADE BY SLAVES AND BECAUSE YOUR AMERICAN….YOU SHOULD PAY LESS, EVEN IF IT MEANS USE OF SLAVES, HAAAAAAAA
Could you explain how a smart meter will determine if the trucker’s interior lights are being turned on/off vs the house’s motion sensor-equipped exterior lights cycling due to wildlife or trees (or the fridge, freezer, air conditioner, etc, cycling)? Smart meters do not read the individual breakers, they read just the total usage.
C’mon, Kharn, you are smarter than that.
Nope, explain it to me. Have you ever looked inside your breaker panel? The only inputs are the two phases (from the meter) and the neutral wire, a smart meter doesn’t come with a new breaker bus (with individual runs back to the meter) to replace the one already in the panel (imagine the logistical nightmare that would be, BGE would have to rewire every subscriber’s house, and then chart what each breaker does). Yes, they can tell you’re using a bit more electricity, but they cannot tell what you’re doing with it. For all they know, your fish tank light turned on or a fox walked in front of your patio light.
Kharn, They don’t care what you are doing with it. It’s the next step to mandatory rationing and mandatory shut off at peak usage times. The industry and the government won’t permit new supply sources to be created so the only solution that will eventually be open to them is mandatory rationing. And, Eureka!, the smart meter just happens to be there to make it possible.
Khan..You are so ignorant, that I am at a loss , as to where to start giving you an education! You are so far behind the times in the smart meter issue, I am surprised that the electrons do not revolt while you are typing your drivel!
Alex R:
California already has rolling brown/blackouts every summer, BGE’s PeakRewards program is a rolling HVAC blackout for volunteers, industrial users are given huge incentives to go off-grid during times of peak usage (to the point that some build natural gas generators and back-feed the grid for substantial credit on their bill) so that residential customers can keep watching Maury and cooling their houses to 60 degrees during weekdays. The greens are able to hold our electric industry hostage, and with Calvert Cliffs being denied their third reactor (proposed to be almost the size of the other two combined) for political reasons (a French company wholy owns Unistar, federal law requires they be 50% US owned; even though the French are one of the most experienced nations and use nuclear for 78% of their electricity), we are not likely to see an improvement in the future.
How would you feel about a double-blind study? Let BGE pick a thousand houses, 500 of them would have a smart meter installed, the other 500 would retain their original meter (after a short service interuption to simulate the meter being replaced when they’re not home) and they would both live with a tamper-proof shield (RF-transparent but optically opaque) over their meter for 6 months so we could have unbiased results. BGE already has remotely-read meters in Harford, they drive down the street and scan your meter from their van every month. Have you been having health problems from them?
The studies have been done and the PILOT programs have been run! and the results are IN! There have been no economic benefits to the consumer other than those that have been SPOON FED with conservation information, during the so called TRIALS! DO YOUR RESEARCH and FIND the Relevant information. PEOPLE want to and DO go about their lives and NOT BEHOLDEN to the UTILITY MONITORS , WEB PORTALS and CONTROL Gizmos and gadgets
Regarding the AMR infrastructure…you are talking to the EXPERT on the subject! And the FACT is that the ERT Modules Fitted in those electric meters (Analog & Digital) have been programmed to the what is called BUBBLE UP MODE…operating at 3/4 RF Radiation and Polluting the environment UN-NECESSARILY , CONTRARY to the ORIGINAL ERT Design to operate on the WAKE-UP Mode when the Utility METER-MAN who has been relegated to the ECONOMIC TRASH PILE, drives or walks down the street!
SMART METERS are a NO GO for me in every aspect of their Existence.
DO YOUR RESEARCH to discover that there is NO SHORTAGE of GREEN energy in AMERICA & that the energy shortage is a manufactured EVENT by the ELECTRIC UTILITY MAFIA Cartel, so they can SELL YOU , less and LESS of their product at an ever elevating PRICE!
How DO YOU KNOW what the Smart meters will and will not do!
Do you work for the Smart meter Manufacturer(s) are you their Public Relations Shill?
Do you work for one of the utilities (Not a Meter reader as they are Gone with the wind!)
Did you JUST Fast read the Electric utility blather, and are posting on this blog to DEMONSTRATE YOUR IGNORANCE?
Did you consider I might be an engineer with RF transmitter/receiver experience and I’ve scabbed as an electrician?
If it is true as you say then it is OBVIOUS!
Your experience and Background is working to your Detriment!
You need to look outside the BOX and get a real education!
To ‘Because’: Sorry but your logic-challenged broad generalizations don’t deserve answers. What I do have is 20+ years in the IT field, and while I was always eager to profit from my knowledge, I will be the first to tell you that not ALL new technology is the be-all end-all. There are ALWAYS pros and cons, but greed sometimes wins out over people’s best interests. This is clearly a case of putting profits ahead of citizen welfare. BGE has twice now admitted that there has been no studies conducted on the health affects of smart meters. Yet, they insolently forge ahead with installs, even before the PSC has issued THEIR final ruling. Did you know the utilities received federal subsidy of YOUR tax dollars to do this project, and, there was NO federal mandate that said they must force people to accept one? NO business has a right to FORCE you to buy their product. What if Microsoft came out with a new device and said it was the greatest thing since sliced bread; we haven’t really tested it to be sure your data is safe and guess what, we are going to DEMAND that everyone buys one, and if you don’t, we will send you a monthly bill for it. What would you say to that ? Don’t bother answering please. You have to be capable of multi-dimensional thinking to understand this issue, and it is clear you’re deficient in that regard.
Ah yes. IT, the field where for anything to work, you require a belief in divine intervention. Have you tried turning it off and on again? Is that really your best understanding of the things you work with on a daily basis? How about reformatting the hard drive and re-installing the operating system when all the chips are down?
@Because ,
Divine intervention is needed for you you to put a coherent sentence together, and to stay focused and on point!
RF waves making people sick? Oh well hope Glass gave up his cell phone anything blue tooth and a thousand other things emitting rf waves that are causing him to go looney……
And Proprivacy…. go out on the highway tonight around 3 am and tell me what those darn truckers are doing up, if the black opps secret government only knew they weren’t home in bed….. Yer nutz.
It is all about CHOICE and am sure you understand that concept!
Now if U chose to Bake yourself in a microwave oven! It is Fine with me.
Excitable and ill informed. Tin hats all around.
Save the TIN HAT, for a SOUND and LIGHT SHOW while you are executing your food in your microwave oven.
Watch this video
People really need a four minute video on how to install stickers and tags? No wonder some do not want smart meters: They’re afraid the meter is more intelligent than the billpayer!
Is that All you Got?
Health Effects Testimony
The utility companies and Public Service Commission assure us that non-ionizing radio frequency (RF) radiation is harmless; that Smart Meters emit less radiation than our cell phones; and that Smart Meters are well within FCC guidelines. This just is not the case.
The utilities and the Public Service Commission want us to believe the non-ionizing RF (Radio Frequency) emitted by Smart Meters is harmless, that the only physical effect is thermal and that only occurs in close proximity to Smart Meter. They say that studies show that Smart Meters pose no health risk.
In the January 7, 2013 PSC hearing, all the studies cited by the PSC were financed by the utility. The utilities’ only expert witness was financed by the utility industry.
So what are the health impacts of Smart Meters as they are configured in our environment? The fact is we do not know. There have been no studies on exposure levels and health impacts of Smart Meters as multiple Smart Meters are combined to form an operating mesh network.
What we do know – and the utilities and PSC conveniently ignore – is that there are over a thousand studies showing significant biological effects of RF radiation. Many of these studies are peer reviewed, double-blind, placebo controlled studies that contradict industry-funded studies.
Scientists, public health and public policy experts, and doctors issue serious warnings about RF radiation. The concern over RF microwave radiation has prompted three world renowned medical organizations to issue strong warnings:
• The World Health Organization now classifies this form of radiation as a class 2B carcinogen.
• The Karolinska Institute of Sweden, one of the top ten medical research institutions in the world, has called for a halt to the roll out of new RF based devices.
• The American Academy of Environmental Medicine called for a moratorium on Smart Meter installations.
In addition, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine has recommended patients with over forty medical conditions avoid exposure to the RF microwave radiation coming from Smart Meters. The recommendation, which includes reference to 20 peer-reviewed studies showing biological harm from wireless technologies, indicates that patients with neurological, neurodegenerative diseases, genetic defects, cancer, and other conditions would benefit from avoiding pulsed RF radiation from smart meters.
These Studies revealed there are biological effects at the same extremely low intensities as those emitted by Smart Grid and Smart Meter. These studies show:
• DNA damage in brain cells
• interference with DNA repair mechanisms
• enhancement of cancer risks
• increases in cortisol (a stress response hormone)
• changes in heart cell metabolism
• decrease in sperm counts
• changes in immune function
• damage to retina (area of eye responsible for vision)
• Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) damage
Rats were exposed to non-ionizing radiation and their brains were examined. Significant Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) disruption occurred causing leakage of albumin throughout the brain. Presence of albumin in the brain implies BBB neuron damage. It should be noted that BBB neurons are the same in rats and humans.
It should be noted that children are far more sensitive to these RF radiation induced biologic effects than are than adults. Children can absorb up to 60% more RF radiation than adults due to their more petite statures and higher water content of their bodies.
The utilities often compare cell Phones to Smart Meters, stating that cell phones emit at least 100 times the radiation. They reference a California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) study titled “Health Impacts of Radio Frequency From Smart Meters” and submit the following chart as evidence:
SOURCE: California Council on Science and Technology (CCST), “Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters”, 31 January 2011
At first glance it does look like cell phones emit 100X the RF as Smart Meters. But Daniel Hirsch, a lecturer and expert in nuclear policy University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) completed and published an analysis of the report Comments on the Draft Report by the CCST’s “Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters.” When he conducted a true apples to apples comparison of the data, specifically, he accounted for whole body exposure and cumulative exposure, it turns out that Smart Meters emit at least 100X the radiation of cell phones. In his own words “The cumulative whole body exposure from a Smart Meter at 3 feet appears to be approximately two orders of magnitude higher than that of a Cell Phone, rather than two orders of magnitude lower.”
You can watch a video of Dr. Hirsch himself explaining his findings in a 5 minute interview at the link provided here
Further confirmation of Smart Meter health safety is supposedly given by the FCC, claiming that Smart Meters fall within FCC guidelines so that means they are safe for the public. First, it is important to note that the FCC guidelines are based on a dosimetry model that is focused on making communications systems work with the least amount of transmitter power in order to reduce RF interference, not to reduce adverse health effects.
The utility industry would have you believe that the non-ionizing, non-thermal radiation is safe because it is too weak to injure tissue directly. To understand why the RF radiation emitted by Smart Meters is of concern, a brief explanation of non-ionizing radiation and ionizing radiation is required. X-Rays are a type of ionizing radiation that is dangerous to living beings because it is strong enough to break up chemical bonds, including those in DNA, in living in tissue. Smart Meters emit RF microwaves which are too weak to break chemical bonds in tissue directly like X-Rays. However there is scientific evidence that RF Microwaves cause DNA damage INDIRECTLY and are not harmless.
This indirect, non-thermal damage to DNA by RF microwaves can lead to cancer by a combination of biological effects:
1. Increases the BBB (Blood Brain Barrier) permeability allowing potentially toxic chemicals, bacteria, and viruses to enter the brain.
2. Generates free radicals which can then damage DNA as well as other body tissues.
3. Turns on genes that may lead to cancer.
4. Alters electrical and metabolic activity of the brain.
These above health impacts are due to the non thermal property of RF microwave radiation emitted by Smart Meters. There are thermal effects of Smart Meters at close range as these meters, after all, emit microwave radiation. Thermal effects can be serious and can result in sterility and cataracts, but the non-thermal effects are several times more harmful to health. Unfortunately current FCC Guidelines are erroneously based only on thermal effects.
Another important fact is that FCC standards in place only regulate for acute, short term, high intensity exposures capable of heating tissue the way a microwave oven cooks food. Any effects below the thermal threshold are simply unregulated. The FCC categorically excludes from review any device or application that falls below a certain power density. Most wireless devices, including Smart Meters fall below this power density cut off. This means there is no true regulatory oversight concerning the non thermal health effects of Smart Meters.
The FCC standards are not based on true biological models and are therefore insensitive to health impacts on living systems. Significant health effects occur well below the FCC guidelines. These guidelines place the United States at the highest allowable exposure limits of most countries of the world. Our exposure limits are 10 times that of India and 1 million times higher than that of New South Wales. Do these countries know something we don’t??
Even with the FCC’s scientifically deficient standards, there are Smart Meter configurations already installed which exceed FCC standards. Banks of Smart Meters on apartment complexes placed in close proximity to living spaces are one such example. Occupants are forced to abandon portions of their own home to avoid and exposure that even by FCC’s standards is toxic.
The FCC guidelines also do not consider important realities of modern life. These 1996 guidelines assume only one device being used at a time. There is no allowance for cumulative and combined exposure to the myriad of wireless devices, WiFi, hot spots, and cell phone towers, all emitting microwaves. Smart meters and the Smart Grid will add an unprecedented amount of new RF emissions to the environment, a whole new layer of ambient radiation that does not currently exist.
It is important to note that Smart meters do not operate independently. They are designed to function in a mesh network. In a mesh network, the effects on any one residence come not only from one’s own Smart Meter but all the surrounding Smart Meters, collection meters and routers. In addition, smart appliances will add yet another level of radiation within the home or business on top of any existing wireless network. These smart appliances have pulsing microwave transmitters that communicate with the Smart Meter continuously. It is estimated that each home will have 15 smart appliances, conservatively.
The mesh network technology required by wireless Smart Meters bathes you in radiation from head to foot. The meters constantly chat and update each other 24/7. Smart Meter transmission can only go up as new applications and functionalities (Zigbee microchipped “Smart Appliances) trigger additional Smart meter communications. This is much more problematic than using a cell phone, which is elective, only on for limited time, and affects one area of your body.
Furthermore, the utilities and PSC often refer to Smart Meter radiation exposure as an average and this is disingenuous. Smart Meters use burst technology. When it sends out signals in a pulse, the radiation level is very high for a microsecond. This occurs 19,000 to 190,000 times each day. While the total time of these bursts may only be a few minutes each day, and the average exposure over a half hour may be small, the actual exposure is substantial. These bursts can also trigger negative biologic responses.
The notion that Smart Meters add ‘just a little more radiation’ to our home and neighborhood environments is completely false. It is like saying ‘You already smoke cigarettes. Why not smoke more cigarettes throughout the day?” Obviously the health impact of 1 cigarette compared to many is dramatic. This is also true of RF radiation exposure. There is an additive effect, and depending on several factors, your tolerance threshold may fall anywhere on the scale, but no one is immune to the biological effects of RF radiation.
Let’s also remember that the makers of cigarettes and their studies said that cigarettes were completely safe…. until they weren’t. At least the cigarettes are voluntary. They weren’t forced on you. You didn’t have to smoke. And, you were not fined or penalized if you chose not to smoke. But with Smart Meters, you will be penalized if you decide to opt out. The utilities will charge you a fee every month above and beyond your monthly electricity bill, EVEN if the Maryland PSC decides to even establish a permanent option to opt out.
• Smart Meters emit at least 100X the radiation of Cell Phones.
• FCC guidelines established in 1996 are outdated and not protective of health. Industry claims of Smart Meter safety because they fall within these guidelines are false.
• The non-ionizing RF radiation emitted by Smart Meters is harmful. These non-thermal effects are several times more harmful than the thermal. The FCC guidelines ignore these non-thermal effects.
• There have been many industry claims, but to date no independent studies conducted on the safety of Smart Meters. The utilities will be making guinea pigs out of millions of people.
• There are thousands of studies showing biological effects at extremely low RF intensities in the range that Smart Grid and Smart Meters emit.
• Exposure to low level microwave radiation increases the risk of adverse health effects such as cancer and blood brain barrier leakage.
• Smart Meters are not “Smart” and they are not necessary. While they may benefit the Utility by lowering personnel costs, they increase RF exposure to all residents in a home. In some cases these RF exposure levels even exceed FCC guidelines.
Crap Meters: Your electricity is used to run them and then they over charge you and soon you will have to go to the gas station to buy a pre-paid card to fill them up.
The utility, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, admitted yesterday that about 1,600 so-called “smart meters” had charged customers for phantom power. The meters, manufactured by Landis+Gyr, malfunctioned when they get too hot.
Crap Meters:
“There was a box of these burned up meters, they are coming in every week. There’s about a 30 % failure rate,” said Local Union 1288 representative Bill Hawkins.
Taking AIR HEAD Announcer in the News Video says….The fire was sparked by a power surge, and NOT THE SMART METER ITSELF!
Mr. Idiot Announcer…Where did the surge come from? and why did it not BURN up other meters in the vicinity feeding off the Delivery transformer?
It Must Have been a Phantom Charge! Just made up to cover up the Utility Mafia Cartel Bosses.
Not to worry though! You will no longer need to go watch the fourth of July FIREWORKS…you will have them around the year in your neighborhood, as soon as SMART meters are deployed.
It is ALL about Technological Progress!
Crap Meters:
“Karen Collier reports that the Electrical Trades Union demanded the suspension of the smart meter rollout in Victoria. The state’s electrical union said it feared that someone will have to die before safety concerns about the smart meters are addressed.”
Crap Meters:
This Petition Requesting Deposition Before Suit… to seek justice for the vast number of texas consumers who were wrongfully pvercharged for electric consumption due to defective Smart Meters manufactured by Landis+Gyr
Crap Meters:
This Petition Requesting Deposition Before Suit… to seek justice for the vast number of texas consumers who were wrongfully overcharged for electric consumption due to defective Smart Meters manufactured by Landis+Gyr
Crap Meters Easily hacked:
According to a report by US journalist Brian Krebs, the near ubiquity of smart meters in Puerto Rico is matched only by the frequency with which they are hacked. Krebs cites a 2010 FBI report, according to which spot checks by an unnamed electricity supplier found that around one in ten smart meters had been modified. The company estimates the resulting losses at up to $400 million (around €300 million) per year.
If you’re caught cheating a BGE meter, you’re charged for using the capacity of your service (so 200 amps for most newer houses) since the last time they knew the meter was good. 200 amps for 30 days would be 17,280kW, or $1641 plus delivery charges.
Crap Meter forces Oklahoma Couple out of their home:
Maine High Court Sides With Smart Meter Opponents on Safety Issue:
The case before Maine’s high court grew out of a complaint that 19 CMP customers made to the state Public Utilities Commission. Customers argued the opt out fee was discriminatory and that the PUC failed to consider new scientific evidence, highlighting the health risks associated with smart meters. The PUC rejected the complaint, so consumers took their case to Maine’s high court.
“The experiment of some doctoral students at Stanford is raising questions about the accuracy of PG&E’s new [crap meters]
“PG&E has so far admitted that 23,000 SmartMeters have been installed incorrectly.”
Full Story:
Priviet, do you have a day job or do you just cruise the internet finding unusual solitary of the wall little sites to substantiate your form of paranoia?
Can you point the aspects of paranoia here?
Lets get on with it , and get to the bottom of it!
@Because: You have posed another question to which the only appropriate answer would be “NUNYA”
Maryland resident experiences adverse health effects from Smart Meter: HB 1038 Testimony
Someone should really check out the guy in the video. He said once the smart meter was removed his great health has returned.
So why is it he can’t work and needs disability? Looks like just another hog at the trough taking what he can for free.
Ain’t that Funny!
The ARM Chair health claims are coming out of the woodwork! to find fault with recorded testimonies!
Why don’t ya spend some time drive around go find the guy, get an interview and check him out. Then come back and report!
That “Somebody” in your comment is gonna have to be You!
Because HE SOUNDS CREDIBLE and HONEST and Sincere To ME!
Well of course everyone on medical disability that claims to be feeling better than ever sounds credible to you….
@ Peggysue
I have not been able to come up with a single article or testimonial any where in the GLOBAL UNIVERSE of information that I have searched, that a single person with a medical disability GOT BETTER once they were fitted with a smart meter!
HAVE YOU?? If so post it here!
No I haven’t and as a side note Ms Jackson at the social security disability fraud dept thanks you for that very informative video.
Kharn, I’m good with smart meters for those that volunteer to have them. It’s a free country (well, not as free as it once was). If they want to take the risk good by me. I’m not good with being required to take it. Also, if this turns out to be a health issue hat many studies say it will be then stand by for class action suits against BGE who will then pass along the settlement costs to their customers thru the rate structure.
So, in summary, BGE backed by the government, mandates smart meters which turn out to come with health hazards. The meters make people sick who then sue BGE. BGE then pays them a settlement and charges the costs back to them thru the rate structure.
That, my friend, would be the scam of the week.
If you do not accept their provided meter, you can have your service disconnected.
The Show ain’t over until the FAT lady sings!
HB1038 Is still live and well, and has been moved to the summer session for review!
The NO FEE FREE opt-OUT is still in effect, anybody can refuse a Smart Meter, Or Have one REMOVED from their Premises at NO CHARGE!
The PSC is Getting the message, that the Smart Meter Foes are NOT going to go away!
OPT OUT info is found HERE!
ProPrivacy, If the government ALLOWS them to mandate it – and let’s remember that they are a government sponsored monopoly, meaning I have NO choice who delivers my electricity – then the government is complicit. I don’t care what the grant said, the government directly and thru the PSC exercises CONTROL over what BGE and Pepco do.
Other than that, I fully agree with you or what should or shouldn’t be. As far as the government’s right to force you to buy anything, have you ever heard of Obamacare? I know you have, just making a point.
Where’s the confusion? Some execs from the smart meter company paid a visit to BGE… schmoozed and stroked the execs at BGE with wining and dining and who knows what else and at some point presented a PowerPoint pitch (that some $10 an hour underling created since execs can’t be expected to schmooze AND know which end up a keyboard sits) where they pointed out that the meters can be foisted, oops, bestowed on the customers for their own good. The cost will be paid by the customer and once installed BGE can eliminate those archaic meter readers… maybe pool all their salaries into one pile for executive bonuses, oops, I mean help beef up the infrastructure so the power stops popping in and out like a third world country. It all boils down to: do the customers want to accept ANY possible health issues and ANY possible data mining just so BGE execs can cut employees to improve their own bottom line… Hmmm… I know which finger I’d give them.
This is about the point where someone will be posting a grainy picture of a Smart Meter behind the grassy knoll.
Thanks, Noble. At this point I needed a chuckle. Still don’t want to be forced to have one though.
Don’t worry, nobody can force you to chuckle.
I know. It’s forcing me to have a smart meter that worries me. Actually, sometimes your sense of humor does force out a wee chuckle.
Arch Fault Circuit Interrupters interrupted by Crap Meters:
“I phoned PG&E for help on this matter. A crew came out and looked at the AFCI breaker for a few seconds. One went to the truck and came back with a conventional meter, a mechanically driven version, and swapped it for the SmartMeter that was installed some days before.
It took some prodding, but eventually one of the PG&E crew told me that they have been observing that AFCIs are sensitive to the [crap] meter’s radio transmissions.
To Privet: Thanks for the info that PGE reinstalled conventional meter based on AFCI’s being unable to handle smart meters. That’s not surprising, based on what our electrician recently told us. We had put an addition on our home, which involved adding a new sub-panel electric box and he put AFCI type breakers in, and told me to let him know if the breakers start tripping. He has had to UNINSTALL them from several customers who live near AM/FM radio towers, because they started tripping. He said he has had other strange problems reported as well. We already refused so far to be forced to take an unsafe smart meter. Now I have additional reason to keep on refusing – because now I know the smart meter would cause our AFCI breakers to trip !!!
I bet a dollar that FxGeek, ProPrivacyBlahBlahBlah, and Priviet are one and the same. After all, one claimed to be an IT professional. Doesn’t require ethics, only knowledge of how to mess with a computer and networks. So he’s using a bunch of different names and IPs to create the impression of an issue that he supports from multiple alternate personalities. Trolls ahoy
@ Because
You are an IDIOT Plain and simple!
I have NO IDEA who all those people are!
The TROLLS have Run off with your Brain!
Or is it your desperation taking over your senses??
Hey BGE – if you have millions of dollars to waste on “smart meters” to make your service “more efficient” how about you spend that money on tree trimming? More service is disrupted from downed trees than anything. BGE just wants to be able to cycle off your power. This is nothing more than a cash grab. The old meters have worked for what like 100 years with no problems and now we are going to junk them why…. so BGE can determine who has lost power – give me a break.
How about you install sensors in the poles so when a wire loses connection it will relay a signal to you!
The consumers are not the problem with the grid – your grid is the problem with your grid!!
Have you tried calling them to report problem trees? They were at my (new-to-me) house within 3 hours to look at a branch I thought was interfering with their line, no outage, just touching it. Without specific concerns, their intent is to trim each property every 3 years.
Crap meter driving cat mad?
“Each autumn seems to be a vulnerable time for Asia, but this year the magnitude of her suffering raises the question of her quality of life. She has retreated to the downstairs bathroom, sleeping in the sink and eating, drinking and eliminating within two confined rooms at the mid-point of radiation from the antenna-laden water tower up the hill from the house and the pulsing electric [crap] meter on the other side.”
“…What has most likely driven the cat and increasing numbers of humans to the breaking point is the new juxtaposition of pulsed microwave radiation generated by the deployment of the smart meter grid across the United States. Very few ratepayers are aware of the complexity of this new technology, and the resulting security, safety, and health hazards.”
Are Crap Meters Killing and disorienting bees?
Is Priviet in leave of his senses and simply sitting at home on a social security disability for oppositional disorder or suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder that compels him to post mindlessly about Smart Meters because his efforts at exposing the Earth as flat failed years ago?
Demand we pay attention to you Priviet, garner some interest in your credibility by using your real name and your credentials beyond a nonsense post that borders on Foil Hat silliness.
Ever heard of peer review? They usually don’t use links found on the internet.
Thanks a lot for sharing this with all folks you actually
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