From Harford County Campaign for Liberty:
Attend Harford Gun Rally this Saturday
Delegate Mary Dulany-James (D – District 34A) just doesn’t get it. She continues to waffle on whether or not she will vote for O’Malley’s radical gun grab proposal. We need to send a message to Delegate Dulany-James. We need to let her know that we oppose the gun grab and that we demand she vote against gun control measures being proposed in Annapolis.
To this end, we will hold a pro-2nd Amendment Rally TOMORROW, March 16th starting at 12:00noon at the intersection of Rte. 22 and Beards Hill Rd. Please bring a friend, bring signs, and bring your flags to this event to show our strong support in Harford County for 2nd Amendment rights.
If you have a minute, please also give Delegate Dulany-James a quick phone call to ask for her vote AGAINST the O’Malley Gun Grab:
For our God-given 2nd Amendment rights,
Christina Trotta
Steering Committee Member
Harford County Campaign for Liberty
P.S. Harford County Campaign for Liberty needs your grassroots pressure to prevent Delegate Dulany-James from voting FOR O’Malley’s radical gun ban proposal.
Please attend our pro-2nd Amendment Rally TOMORROW, March 16th starting at 12:00noon at the intersection of Rte. 22 and Beards Hill Rd.
From Maryland Liberty PAC:
Rally to Encourage Delegate Mary-Dulany James to Vote Against O’Malley’s Gun Grab Bill HB-294
Brought to you by: Maryland Liberty PAC and Harford Campaign for Liberty
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2013
Time: Noon to 2pm
Location: Intersection of Route 22 and Beard’s Hill Road, Aberdeen, MD 21001
Republicans and Conservatives who want to stand-up for our God-given 2nd Amendment Rights will meet this Saturday, in the heart of Delegate Mary-Dulany James (D) District, to encourage her to oppose gun control, and vote against House Bill 294, which is Governor O’Malley’s Gun Grab Bill.
Let’s demonstrate to Ms. Dulany James and our fellow citizens that the 2nd Amendment WILL be protected in Harford County, and Maryland.
Ms. James, we will not forget your vote on this issue come election time.
Harford is not PG & Montgomery counties and you do not have the luxury of a Democratic super-majority up here.
Although you may win the battle, you will lose the war as this law will undoubtly taken to the Supreme Court and ruled unconstitutional.
The people will not forget those that want to force law-abiding citizens to be finger printed like criminals to buy firearms. Let us not forget that you want us to now register them like automobiles every 5 years and pay registration fees on our firearms as well.
I don’t think so –
Try going after criminals for a change, as we are not the problem.
An incredible turnout, even with the bad weather! It was wonderful to see all the support from the drivers, and to meet so many like-minded citizens.
Del. Dulany-James, I hope you’re listening and vote against this bill.
Close to 300 patriots turned out on very short notice and in bad weather. Delegate Delaney-James, we are waiting to hear from you.
This rally went extremely well! Delegate James, do the right thing and vote against House Bill 294. Our next Harford Campaign for Liberty meeting is next Tuesday, March 26th at 7pm, at the Knights of Columbus Hall on 23 Newport Drive in Forest Hill, 21050. Come on out so that we as 2nd Amendment people can make our voices heard!