From Harford County government:
Statement from County Executive David R. Craig Regarding Action by the Board of Public Works To Delay Construction of a Towson University Facility at HCC
Harford County Executive David R. Craig issued the following statement in response to action earlier today by the Board of Public Works.
“As a graduate of Towson University as well as the County Executive for Harford County, I am deeply concerned by the action of the Board of Public Works to delay construction of a Towson University facility on the campus of Harford Community College. In essence, because the Governor and Comptroller are upset with Towson University over a recent budgetary and management decision regarding sports programming, they are now playing politics with the education of students and faculty associated with Towson University and Harford Community College.
I certainly understand the concerns regarding the termination of the men’s baseball and soccer programs at Towson, however students and their education should not be held hostage because of a difference of opinion on the future of sports at the main Towson University campus.
I urge Governor O’Malley and Comptroller Franchot to set aside personal politics and allow construction of the Towson University facility at Harford Community College to proceed”.
It’s about time someone made her accountable to at least answer questions. She used the dictator approach and refused to talk to anyone or allow others to participate in the resolution, however, money talks doesn’t it? — Too Bad, I hope they grill her big time after that disgraceful show to the parents, students, alumni and athletes. And please don’t give me that holding students and education hostage. Maybe those sports programs are mismanaged —so should the student athletes at Towson be held hostage for administration incompetence. HCC will get the construction funding needed but I agree with what the comptroller and governor are doing.
This has nothing to do with the sports debacle at Towson and everything to do with payback for Harford Countians not voting for Obama and the various amendment questions in 2012.
Nonsense. O’Malley nor the democratic party in MD have anything to fear from Craig or Harford Co. This is all about some well connected Towson alumni being very unhappy about how the whole athletic program fiasco was handled by the Towson Univ. President. There is no conspiracy here.
Its not that they have something to fear, its that we did not give them anything at the polls.
They don’t care that Harford Co. didn’t give them anything at the polls. It means nothing to them because they don’t need Harford Co. to get or do whatever it is they want. Nineteen other counties didn’t give them anything at the polls either. Do you think O’Malley and Franchot are out to get them too? Harford Co. is not the center of the universe. Please get off the conspiracy train.
I guess it is just a coincidence that the majority of State money for education and transportation go to three jurisdictions……B. City, P.G. and Mont. Don’t take my word for it, look it up. People are so niave about how the democtratic machine works in state.
Annapolis Watch, No it is not a coincidence that those jurisdictions get the most money, but it is naive (your term) to think that in this instance O’Malley and Franchot are holding up signing off on construction at HCC because they didn’t get votes enough votes in Harford Co. or that our delegation votes against most of their legislation. They have bigger fish to fry than to worry about us. Do I like that the funding is held up? No. Do I think the Towson President handled the situation poorly and may have reached the wrong conclusion by eliminating two sports programs? Absolutely. Watching is no guarantee that one truly sees or understands what is actually happening.
Take your tin foil hat off. Jeeze.
Towson University Administration was disgraceful in how they came to the decision to cut the sports teams and how it was communicated. I am ashamed to call myself alumni.
If the teams are not making a profit, its the right decision to cut them.
Under your way of thinking there would be no athletic programs at Towson. When you figure in the total cost for their specific sport not a single team at Towson makes money. Are you philosophically against college athletics? With the exception of football and basketball programs at some elite colleges and universities there would be virtually no intercollegiate athletic programs.
I forgot to ask, does your must make a profit philosophy to exist apply to high school athletics as well? Looking for some consistency in your position.
Teams are not supposed to be a “profit” generator.
KHarn is KHlueless
College athletics are not about making profit. I’m sorry. College athletics are not supposed to be about making profit. In fact, very few sports actually “make money” for their schools. Namely Football and Basketball. The rest, the average Joe Q public really could care less. But does that mean we should eliminate college sports unless they make money? I think not.
“Something to talk about”:
You should be ashamed, because clearly you paid for four years and did not learn that alumni is plural. You are either an alumnus or an alumna.
Regardless, in life there are times that priorities must be recognized and tough decisions must be made. All the Governor and Comptroller are doing is pandering.
POT….KETTLE…..BLACK! Craig holds education hostage all the time! BTW the manner in which the Towson President handled things sucked. I only wish those two did the samething for University of Maryland!
Here’s what’s at stake in Harford County:
O’Malley makes sure we all will be paying 20 cents more a gallon for his Montgomery County mass transit but then holds up university construction that could benefit thousands. I’m a Towson grad and was angry at the entire Title 9 vs mens baseball / soccer fiasco, but holding up contstruction is just as big a fiasco. Our government / education officials have lost their collective minds.
Two people in big positions of power at the states second largest university acted in a way that is disgusting, disrespectful and just improper. If you support athletics of this nature or not is not the point. As tax payers we should all expect much more of these people and be happy they are being called to the front of the room to explain themselves. Simply put the behavior was unacceptable and if they do not face any consequences they will feel all to comfortable doing this again. They have brought shame to their professions, Towson University and themselves, though I fear their arrogance will prevent them from seeing this.
Towson University at H.C.C. = GOOD!
Craig pandering to voters… = BAD! 🙁
According to another news source, this is because the Gov. wants to sit down and talk to the TU President. Couldn’t he have asked his Admin. Asst. to arrange a meeting?
The University of Louisville heads into the NCAA tournament at the top of the rankings in more ways than one. It’s the college basketball king of revenue and profits.
The school, which also has the No. 1 ranking in the March Madness tournament, earned a profit of $26.9 million from its men’s basketball program last year, according to figures that schools have to file with the Department of Education and analyzed by CNNMoney. That’s about 60% more than the $16.9 million profit at the University of North Carolina, whose men’s hoops team had the second largest profit.
Louisville turned that profit on revenue of $42.4 million. Syracuse came in second with $25.9 million in revenue.
Louisville’s profit margin is a whopping 63% — enough to make any NBA owner green with envy. The pros pay just over half of their revenue to the players.
But Louisville’s profit margin is only the fourth fattest. North Carolina rules on that measure with a 70% margin. The basketball programs at Minnesota and Ohio State also have higher margins than Louisville.
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Of course, not every school is churning out cash from their basketball teams. Three dozen schools out of the 345 Division 1 programs that reported figures to the DOE posted losses. But all told the Division 1 schools reported a combined profit margin of 25% on $1.3 billion in men’s basketball revenue.
Source: CNN
Let’s spend more money on education and less on sports. I’m so tired of people asking me why I won’t put $ in the Final 4 pool. It’s because instead of gambling, we’re putting the $ in our kids college funds.