An off-duty Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputy fired his weapon at a man who fled after rear-ending the deputy, initiating a vehicle and foot chase in northern Harford County and Baltimore County Monday evening, police said.
According to the Sheriff’s Office, Deputy First Class Christopher Behles, 37, was off duty and on his way home in an unmarked agency Ford Crown Victoria shortly before 5 p.m. when he was rear-ended on Norrisville Road at White Hall Road by a 2001 Toyota 4Runner driven by William Redding Harvey V, 33, of Jarrettsville.
Behles, an eight-year veteran of the agency assigned to the Violent Street Crimes Unit as a plainclothes officer, exited his vehicle, identified himself and engaged in a conversation with Harvey. At that time, police said Harvey began to slowly veer around the patrol car, and the deputy became caught up in the vehicle’s movements.
Police said initial information suggested that Behles became entangled in the car door of Toyota and, concerned about being seriously injured or killed, the deputy “discharged his weapon in an attempt to stop the threat.” Sheriff’s Office spokesman Eddie Hopkins said Behles fired at Harvey, but did not hit him.
The deputy was able to break free from the Toyota, which fled the scene, and Behles pursued the other vehicle west on Norrisville Road and west on Route 439. Entering Baltimore County, Harvey attempted to make a turn on a side street but lost control and rolled his vehicle. Harvey escaped the wreck and continued to flee on foot, but was apprehended by Behles as backup units arrived.
Behles was taken to St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Towson with minor injuries, and has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.
Harvey was taken to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center with minor injuries, and was released from care at about 3:30 a.m. Tuesday. He was arrested and charged with second degree assault, resisting arrest, obstruction and hindering and failure to obey a lawful order of a police officer; he also faces additional traffic charges. Harvey was taken to the Harford County Detention Center and released after posting $3,000 bail, the Sheriff’s Office said
This man attempted to elude a police officer in 2006 by refusing to stop, drug charges and over twenty other traffic offenses. He was charged just last week with driving on a suspended registration, knowingly driving an uninsured vehicle AND DRIVING MOTOR VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY WITHOUT REQUIRED LICENSE AND AUTHORIZATION Why was he driving today??
Great points! I’m sure the drug-using, repeat offender with a suspended license/registration gives a hoot what the law states….sort of hints towards how criminals will adhere to the new gun laws, I’m sure.
The NRA/Death Lobby says criminals will manage to get guns, so why regulate them is like saying robbers will still rob so why lock your door. So let’s just do away with all laws and regulations.
When the robbers enter my home they will meet resistance from me with the very tool that the NRA/Death Lobby (as you describe them) feels that I should be permitted to have and use in a lawful manner. I would advise you to do the same, less some Proud To Be Conservative illegally enters your home for the purpose of robbery.
There is a difference between regulation and infringement. No one wants to take guns away, all we want is to stop the following from getting a weapon via some loophole:
• Fugitives from justice
• Convicted felons and people under indictment for a felony
• Unlawful drug users or drug addicts
• Individuals who have been determined to be mentally incompetent
• Illegal aliens and legal aliens admitted under a non-immigrant visa
• Individuals who have been dishonorably discharged from the military
• Persons who have renounced their American citizenship
• Persons under domestic violence restraining orders
• Persons convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes.
Proud to be an parviscient – we have laws for all of these NOW.
• Fugitives from justice (currently cannot buy a legal gun an Maryland)
• Convicted felons and people under indictment for a felony (currently cannot buy a legal gun in Maryland)
• Unlawful drug users or drug addicts (the new law does not address this – they will not drug test you. The benchmark is CONVICTED or if you answer YES on the question when you complete the application – this is already in practice in Maryland now)
• Individuals who have been determined to be mentally incompetent (the new law does not address this – they will not test you. The benchmark is currently UNDER CARE, have been UNDER CARE for more than 30 days, or if you answer YES on the question when you complete the application – this is already in practice in Maryland now)
• Illegal aliens and legal aliens admitted under a non-immigrant visa (currently cannot buy a legal gun in Maryland)
• Individuals who have been dishonorably discharged from the military (currently cannot buy a legal gun in Maryland)
• Persons who have renounced their American citizenship (currently cannot buy a legal gun in Maryland)
• Persons under domestic violence restraining orders
(currently cannot buy a legal gun in Maryland)
• Persons convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes.(currently cannot buy a legal gun in Maryland)
Here is what this law really does –
If you currently own a gun with more than 10 rounds – you can keep it but you cannot sell it in Maryland unless you sell it to a MD certified dealer.
You will not be able to buy a clip or a gun with a mag capacity of more than 10 rounds.
After 10/1/13 if you want to buy a handgun (new purchase) – you have to buy a $50 handgun qualification (purchase) license from the MD State Police. Then you have to complete 4 hours of field training (at your expense). Then you have to pay $54 for a background check that includes you submitting your fingerprints. Once you do all that, you still have to buy the gun, wait the 4-6 weeks for the background check then you can take possession of it.
The license (purchase) is good for 10 years but then you have to renew it for an additional $20. Without the license you cannot buy a gun in Maryland after 10/1/13.
If you have completed the previous MD State Police gun safety coarse, DNR hunter coarse, active or retired military, certified handgun instructor, or you lawfully own a regulated firearm – you don’t need to complete the 4 hours of field training but you still need to by the purchase the license in order to buy a handgun or rifle.
Bans most AR-15 types of semi-autos – the most popular guns selling right now and if you have them you can keep them but you cannot sell them in Maryland, except to certified MD Firearms dealer.
Another money grab law that would not have stopped New Town nor will it reduce any gun crime.
Only in your mind and the mind of OweMalley and Odumba is it a difference between regulation and infringement. To the rest of us with common sense it is the same.
Off duty police officer driving a county vehicle took a dangerous man off the street. I hope the deputy is okay and this criminal scumbag spends some serious time in jail. But Martin omalley probably wants to fiddle him
You state that this man is off the street, but the above article states that the man is back on the street. The Deputy is the one who is off the street until an investigation is completed.
yes because the Governor does the sentencing!!!!!
Have you ever heard of the COURT?
He knew he was about to get arrested. That’s why he fled. He’s very lucky he is not at the morgue instead of on his way to jail.
He is not at the morgue because the Deputy missed. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Deputy shot at the suspect, and from the description in the article it was also at close range. Sounds like it is time for this Deputy to revisit the firing range.
Says the keyboard commando…..
Sounds to me like you know nothing about external ballistics and have never been in a highly stressful situation in which you have had to fire a gun. I’m guessing you probably don’t put yourself intentionally into harms way everyday to protect people either. Show a little respect, Bear.
Please share with us your explanation of external ballistics so that all the readers can understand.
You would also be incorrect regarding my work history. I have been in harms way on more occasions than I wish to remember and they were all a result of my job.
There was no disrespect given nor intended.
Have you, using a handgun, ever shot at a rapidly moving target that was fleeing from you? It’s not a movie and once those round hit the vehicle (I’d be very surprised if the deputy involved missed the vehicle altogether) they change direction slightly after penetrating glass or body panels.
I’m glad the deputy is ok, but it’s unbelievable that this turd only got a $3,000 bail and is already back out on the street.
Yes. My target was the suspect, not the vehicle. It was close range. It was on target and it was effective. And yes, it was stressful, both during and after.
Then good, I’m sure you can understand how it’s possible for an officer in this situation to miss the subject even when the target is the driver and not just the vehicle.
This sort of armchair quarterbacking is exactly why the deputy’s name has not been released.
It is always possible for an officer to miss. If you have been to firearms training and tactical response training, then you know that every agency has officers who have a higher probability of missing than others. Its just a fact of life. There was no evil intent on my comment that additional training might be warranted.
I would concur with not releasing the officers name until a further examination of the incident is completed.
Well, now that his name has officially been released I’ll comment on it.
Chris is a good officer, spends plenty of time at the range, is great shot, and very tactically sound. He’s also a firearms instructor and has probably trained most of the HCSO at the range at one time or another. Him not hitting this guy has nothing to do with a lack of training or poor firearm skills.
What? Im sorry, how many times have you been in this situation? I never trained shooting while being dragged by a car.
From the information in this article and the one today in the Aegis, consideration for such training might be appropriate. The information in the Aegis article which quoted Mr. Hopkins about the incident was even more elusive than this article.
The good news is… the Deputy was not seriously injured.
What? Please tell me you aren’t seriously suggesting that deputies should get dragged by a car while trying to shoot a target as a part of their training…
I can see just one or two problems with that idea.
Nope. I would suggest training on the approach and emphasizing not extending your arms into the vehicle.
Truth of the matter is we don’t know much about what really happened. According to Mr. Hopkins who was quoted today in the Aegis, the HCSO does not even know how many shots were fired, or if the vehicle was even hit. We do know that the suspect was not hit. Mr. Hopkins is quoted as saying that they “believed” the Deputy was reaching into the vehicle.
why don’t they list the deputy’s name – not like he was undercover. just wondering for any ideas.
It’s not unusual when an officer is involved in a shooting that his/her name is not immediately released. In fact, it’s more unusual for it to be released in the initial press release than not. It’ll probably be made public later (actually I think it has to be in MD), but as of right now the public doesn’t need to know who was involved and finding out in a few days instead of immediately is not going to make any difference to the general public, but can make a big difference for the officer.
Since Jesse Bane now has 3 public information spokespersons, not to mention their own full time secretary, I guess they couldn’t come to a consensus whether or not to release the deputy’s name.
@BBC Someone needs to make Mr Burns look good. The Walls are crumbling around him, he needs to portray a positive image. Even his former good old boys know he will not win the election. Does he really have 3 PIO’s and a secretary? I guess with all the deaths and lack of any structure at the jail he needs one there. Mr Burns enjoy the rest of your term, it will be your last.
Love how he was released back into the community on $3000 bail. Why not publish the official who made that decision and hold them accountable for WHEN this criminal screws up again!
$3000 bail ? What a joke.
Yeah, I wonder who pays the hospital bills too.
If he does not have health insurance, he is a freeloader that you pay for with higher premiums when he goes to an emergency room for routine care.
Would the taxpayers be liable for his hospital bill if he was under arrest and taken to the hospital by the arresting agency, even if he had insurance?
Mike: That is a red herring and no relevance to this story.
It is relevant to Brianc’s question whether it is relevant to this story or not.
Tu, tut, Mike. You have asked a question that PTBL doesn’t like.
The hospital will use every means at their disposal to collect from someone. They are required to do so. If police bring in someone and request care than the hospital starts with the police. Police will refuse and then they hospital will go to the person treated. If they have insurance the hospital will go there first then to the person treated second. Depending on the amount and the assets involved they may eventually take legal action or not.
Alex R,
So the Harford County taxpayer is never on the hook for the treatment rendered when a person under arrest is given treatment while in custody? Thank you for your explanation.
If by some act of God, he actually does have legitimate insurance, that is who better be billed. Shouldn’t matter how he made it to the hospital.
This is outrageous. When will our great protectors ban automobiles. I hope they do it before someone gets hurt!
Amazing he hasn’t killed anyone yet with his record. Too bad the sheriff missed…
checked the maryland case search site on this guy: he’s got numerous citiations and possessions charges over the last 10 years. There is just no accountability with this society.
The only word that comes to mind is “idiot”.
Has anyone counted how many laws this chump broke in his latest adventure? As stated before, he’s a criminal – he could care less about laws. Do you think he cares one bit about the new gun laws, just like the thugs in all of our cities? Our State politics are a pathetic joke. All of this do-gun, feel-good paternalism from owemally and crew do nothing but affect the law-abiding citizen. The clock is now ticking – this rat is back in the alley and free to be a negative force in our community. How long will it take until he strikes again??
Don’t like our country? Too much government? Too many regulations? Too many taxes? Move to Somalia!
Now, now, now, PTBL— As a liberal you shouldn’t have that type of attitude toward someone with a differing opinion. you should be more accepting and just want to give us all a great big hug….. LOL
But, Brianc, PTBL and his crony Dem/Libs love and accept everyone not matter their viewpoint.
So long as they agree with them.
As you and your cronies wipe your asses with the Bill of Rights and Constitution, the storm is brewing, we are honing our blades, enough IS enough. Bask in the glory of Socialism for now, for the silent majority are awakening, angrily. While your agenda is being met currently, it will ultimately mean the end of America; we will take it back – through votes, or muskets.
The silent majority? That is a term I have not heard since the failed presidency of Nixon. You will take it back, “…through votes…? That was tried and you LOST. “…through muskets…? That was tried too, we know how to deal with traitors.
So do we.
Oh…so your in charge and our laws don’t mean anything…Nice…I seriously doubt you would be able to care for yourself!
Since this is the only country on earth that was founded on the concept of Individual Liberty as endowed by our creator perhaps its you, the collectivist ticks, that should move. There certainly are plenty of countries to choose from.
Oh, given the socialist rants you are prone to . THIS IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY
Sorry jon, but this is my country and Maryland is my state. If Somali does not suit your fancy, how about Mississippi? Your world of “Individual Liberty” would entail every road, bridge and tunnel has a toll. If you don’t have any money, you can walk or swim. Your country would have:
• Banks are not regulated so there are many hidden fees and surprises.
• Every school is a private school. Be prepared for rising tuition.
• Fire protection is by subscription. If you haven’t paid and you have a fire, the fire department watches it burn to the ground. (this has actually happened)
• There will be no police force but you can hire a security service.
• All museums will cost at least $25.00 to enter as there will be no government subsidies.
• You will need to take your chances on safe food, pure drugs or consumer products. Not to worry, corporations would not sell something that may harm you.
• All public universities will cost the same as private universities, around $65,000 a year. And affordable student loans, the interest and term will be left to the tender mercies of banks as they are consumer friendly institutions.
• Science and technology research will come to an abrupt end except for those drugs and products that will guarantee huge profits.
• The environment will become so toxic that all but the youngest and healthiest will need hospital care.
• Floods will not be mitigated by the Army Corp of Engineers as we don’t want no government to do nothing.
• Hospitals and doctors will not treat anyone that has pre-existing conditions or has an ailment that might lower profits.
• Every pregnancy will be carried to term; there will be no exceptions under any circumstance. Of course, these children will all be well taken care of by both the mother and father.
• There are no free school lunches and no children services as churches will be only too happy to take up this task.
• Criminals will be on the loose because prisons will be too costly to run. You can just execute all guilty prisoners and save the costs completely.
• Social Security will end, but your stock portfolio should see everyone through or their children will take them in and feed, clothe and provide all medicines (just like the old days).
• Disabled Americans, the old and infirm will cease to become a problem because their families or a church will provide all care.
• Every man, women and child will own and carry a gun to every place. Schools, movie theaters, churches will be armed camps were violence will never mar the day.
• We will no longer require a defense department as it costs way too much money in taxes to support all those soldiers, sailors and marines. And weapon systems, no way do we want a billion dollar aircraft carrier.
• Since there will not be a Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, a government agency that mediates labor disputes, you can expect wages to get lower every year: that is for those few jobs that are still in the US as most are in China.
• All social services will end by reducing food stamps, eliminating heating assistance programs, eliminating HUD and subsidized housing, ending visiting nurses and home health aides, ending transportation for handicapped and seniors to medical services. But families will step in to provide for these people.
In short, it will be a tea party heaven with no pesky government to infringe on your rights as an American to forge your own destiny. It will be the Darwinian Destiny of America where everyone is above average and successful.
How can we not find common ground and compromise when such reasonable people such as our proud friend here are on the other side.
@Proud to be Liberal
It’s our’s and your country in other words us and each of our individual rights.
If you get your liberal/progressive/collectivist way the poor will become poorer, the middle-class become a government dependent class and the rich will be less rich.
Now there’s one minority group, the government-class and their cronies who will benefit financially and gain great despotic totalitarian central-government power.
You lack a grasp of political history where your way was tried in Soviet dominated Eastern Europe and 1930s Germany and Italy.
Those systems lacked both political and financial freedom and whether you realize it or not that’s what you are advocating for our country.
It is just so sad for you to be stuck in such diabolically cruel political ideology.
Oh, you mean like Dick Cheney’s Halliburton that made 39 billion dollars from the Iraq war (kept off the books) with many no-bid contracts? Who are the real welfare queens? Not the desperate for work, the working poor nor the ailing middle class, but rather the ultra rich and corporations who get the benefits of a strong government without ever paying their fair share for it in taxes or hiding their money off-shore.
What is sad is that you are stuck in Fox propaganda.
The top ten percent of taxpayers pay over 70 percent of the federal taxes already. What exactly is their fair share? The bottom 50 percent pay 2 percent of the taxes. Seems like it is the bottom 50 that don’t pay a fair share to me.
Obama is printing 40 billion a month to bail out the banks, and you are hooked on Haliburton? Very unbiased.
@Proud to be Liberal
It seems you are interested in punishing poor by keeping them that way.
You want to increase misery by diminshing economic progress.
Your are woefully financially and econonocially illiterate.
How does taxing the successful help the less successful? It’s been tried and every time it has failed.
And the top 10% control 73% or more of the wealth. The bottom 40% control less than 1% of the wealth. The wealthy are not paying thier fair share.
I say, if more than 50% of your income comes from capital gains, you pay the income tax rate on your capital gains, less retired folks. The only way to make $$$ from capital gains is to have capital. The rich get richer, and the poor stay poor.
“The rich get richer and the poor stay poor.”
Exactly PBC. It has been that way since the dawn of time. Then there is the other 80% of us in the middle. We can either become poor, get rich, or stay in the middle, depending on our education, initiative, skill, and sometimes just plain luck.
PBC, do you understand that the low tax rate on capital gains is to encourage people with money to invest? Taxing that money at 30% will make people less likely to assume the risk involved with that investment. What happens when no one will invest money because the risk and cost out way the potential gain.
You people that are jealous of and entitled to other people’s money do not think of the outcomes of your actions.
The one not paying his fair share is Obama who was taxed only at 18% while making well over a half million dollars. Again, socialism is not for the socialist.
Common: Your idea of helping the poor by allowing corporations to ship our jobs overseas and keep profits in tax shelters overseas certainly would not help anyone but billionaires who pay less in taxes than you do. How about GE who paid zero in taxes while making billions in profits ?Voting against their own best interests: an example would to vote for a group of GOP politicians who send their good jobs overseas; weaken environmental standards so they can be poisoned by the water they drink, the food they eat and the air they breathe so that corporations, who sponsor these politicians, can then reap even more profits and hid the profits with tax loop holes all the while sticking these poor Red voters with higher taxes. Does that clear it up a little for you?
@Proud to be Liberal
Our water and air are cleaner than they were fifty years ago.
Our tax code forces US based corpotations with international operations to keep funds outside the US.
Corporations have legal duty to shareholders to manage their investments to the shareholders highest benefit.
Corporations are for profit entities that are owned by shareholders big and small including pension funds.
Tax loopholes are a tax code problem.
You buy a Chevy Volt the taxpayer gets a $7500 cash from the federal government, that’s a tax loophole that should go away.
Social engineering should not be part of the tax code.
You have no idea how an economy works.
Tax the crap out of corporations –
1. The tax levied gets passed on to consumers.
2. Corporations will reduce their costs by reducing labor through salary reductions and layoffs.
So have at it with over-taxation and greater government economic intervention.
Central economic planning has worked for which country? Answer none!
@Proud to be Liberal
Your answer is tax people at 90%.
This would cause eonomic growth and increase jobs how?
Common Sense,
You asked how taxing companies at a very high rate would create jobs? Okay, so if the government taxes companies at a very high rate then the government has a lot of money. And if they have a lot of money then they expand and hire a lot more government workers. These new workers then add to the total employment. And on and on it goes. At the illogical conclusion everyone works for the government and everyone is employed so the unemployment rate is zero. Eureka!
@Alex R
Fascinating indisputable conventional wisdom.
I get it.
And as you know there are so many examples of this working in so many countries around the world with flourishing economies.
Thank you for opening my eyes to the beneficense of central government run economies.
@Proud to be Liberal
Do you tire of injecting Fox News into a discussion to diminish positions of people who disagree with you?
What news source do you recommend people use to get their information?
He watches Fox day and night, why would he ever tire of referring to it?
He’s only responding to the “Limited Information Viewers” that prefer their infotainment from Faux News, the folks that hired Glenn Beck and then decided he was too crazy even for them.
You don’t know whats on Faux News unless you watch Faux News. As for Proud To Be Liberal who watches Faux News day and night, thanks for acknowledging that Proud is a Limited information Viewer.
Because Proud to be Liberal is a low information liberal.
“Limited Information Viewers”
refers to pretty much every American.
We are a country of people who can’t see beyond the 6 ft socioeconomic mindless entertainment sphere they live in whether they be glued to fox, msnbc, american idol, or the voice.
garbage in garbage out
@I Wish I Was A Fed
Low Information Liberals –
1) Have no idea what free market economy is
2) Think Fredric Hayek is Selma Hayek’s grandfather
3) Believe taking money out of the economy through over-taxation actually
grows the economy
4) Want everyone to pay their fair share except for 47% who pay no taxes and top 10% who over 70% of income taxes
5) Do not understand that when you have high corporate taxes businesses hire fewer workers and raise their prices so consumers end up pay the tax differential
The way taxes should work is that the very wealthy looking at a tax rate of 90% will re-invest profits in their businesses to obtain a lower tax rate thus creating jobs. The way the GOP/Tea Party sees it is to lower tax rates so the very wealthy just sit on their money and keep exporting our jobs for even more profit. You tell me which is better for America.
I see you are a proponent for tax loopholes. The mantra from the Dems is to do away with tax loopholes so that everyone pays a true effective rate of tax. You seem to be at odds with that position.
Tell us, should the County give tax incentives to companies locating into our County thus creating jobs in our County? Would this be better for our County?
Another great thinker had similar ideas…. Karl Marx
I do indeed know the difference and so do you. So lets not ignore the fact that Dems want to eliminate many tax loopholes, especially for the so called wealthy.
Care to answer the question you were asked about tax incentives by the County for business to locate here and create jobs?
B: if you had any idea of who Karl Marx was you’d not make simple statements.
Mike: Do you know the difference between a business deduction and a tax loophole where you hide money off shore?
I know exactly who Karl Marx was, and your ideals are no less dangerous then his. Call yourself what you wish, liberal/progressive, but the state ownership of private wealth that you are espousing is nothing less then communist.
You can’t create jobs by forcing companies to spend their money. Demand for a company’s product is what creates jobs, and you should take a second to talk to any business owner and you would realize how completely stupid your 90% idea is.
B: Let’s see what the richest man in the world says about “Taxing that money at 30% will make people less likely to assume the risk involved with that investment.” “Warren Buffett, the famous investor who proposed the minimum tax on the wealthy that led to President Obama’s proposed “Buffett Rule,” renewed his call for such a tax…we need Congress, right now, to enact a minimum tax on high incomes. I would suggest 30 percent of taxable income between $1 million and $10 million, and 35 percent on amounts above that…the lower rates for capital gains actually encourages tax dodges, because it motivates high earners to look for ways to classify normal income as capital gains…I have worked with investors for 60 years and I have yet to see anyone shy away from a sensible investment because of the tax rate on the potential gain.”
Now I believe that Buffett knows a little more about investments and how they are effected by taxes than you do.
Taxable income is currently 35% at a million dollar income.
Look into Buffet and see the he uses every method to avoid taxes like every other person of wealth even though he publicly calls for more from the rest of us. Your shining example profits from insider trading and billions from tax dollars, shielded for allowing the use of his name by an incompetent president.
Just like you, very generous with other peoples money. Where I come from, thats called a thief.
And I will not debate you that he is smarter then me.
The key words here being “30 percent of taxable income”. Define taxable income. If you make all income taxable, no matter the source of income, I can assure you that Mr. Buffett will not be supportive of the 30 percent minimum.
B: Where do you come from? Where I come from everyone should pay their fair share. But you want to allow billionaires to pay less than you do, where I come from that is called foolish. What Buffett is talking about, if you ever even read anything that he has said, is that most billionaires pay taxes at 15% (or less) as Capital gains. Tell me how wonderful it is for the US that GE pays NO TAXES on billions of profits. Only the worst kind of Fox dittohead would think that is a good thing.
B. If you paid attention to Buffet he would tell you his tax rate is lower than his secretary’s and he feels the system requires change. So speak all you want about an opinion that supports your own peculiar selfish point of view – and ignore the ones that fail to support you. You are opposed by people who fervently disagree with you that share this planet with you.
Fox knows the difference between an individuals tax liability and that of a business or corporation like GE. Fox and those who watch Fox know that GE CEO Jeff Immelt and Obama are bunghole buddies and the fact that GE does not pay any tax is A-OK with Obama. You will not find Obama’s buddy Immelt complaining that his corporation pays no tax, and that is also A-OK with Obama. Consider it a reward for being Obama’s buddy, who Obama appointed as his top outside Economics Adviser. As President Obama said when appointing him “Immelt’s firm stands as Exhibit A of a successful and profitable corporate America standing at the forefront of the recovery”. Well how about that, GE is Exhibit A of success in Obama’s book and they pay no tax.
By GE, you mean the company that the New York Times describes as having “innovative Accounting”, yet nothing happens to them because they are tight with Obama. Buffet owes billions in past taxes and is widely known for his tax avoiding acumen, but yet again, close to Obama and nothing happens.
I am all for corporations and citizens paying their taxes required by law. Federal employees owe 3.5 billion. Buffet owes over a billion going back more then 10 years. The large banks, bank of america and wells fargo, whom Obama is printing 40 billion a month to bail out of bad investments owes huge amounts. Seems like there is plenty owed, just no will power by this administration to go and collect.
So you two are upset at Clinton for reducing the capital gains from 28 to 20? Only with liberal math can 15% of billions be less then what I pay. How often are you paying in 150,000,000 PBL?
What is the fair share for the 50% that pay nothing……
Because I love when a big government liberal, who makes his living off of our taxes already, feels so entitled to more of the fruit of our labor.
I want the Federal employees to pay their fair share of taxes, but no, Democrats in congress just voted against it.
Feds should be taxed 3% higher to offset their higher pay relative to the private sector. They have undercontributed to their benefits, retirement, and generous time off.
Being a Federal employee is welfare for the well off.
Because says:
April 14, 2013 at 12:59 pm
B. If you paid attention to Buffet he would tell you his tax rate is lower than his secretary’s and he feels the system requires change. So speak all you want about an opinion that supports your own peculiar selfish point of view – and ignore the ones that fail to support you. You are opposed by people who fervently disagree with you that share this planet with you.
We may share a planet but we don’t live in the same world.
B : Your ability to swallow Fox tales is only a symptom of an overdeveloped suspension of reality.
You forgot to call me a racist, or is that next since you have no more facts to debate with.
Actually, I start with Drudge, move to the Huffington Post, Foxnews, NBC news, then hit the WashPo, NY Times, Wall Street journal, and the Hill. And in the evenings, while my wife bathes the kids, I clean the kitchen and do the dishes listening to Levin.
We need more common sense laws. Here’s what I think.
A ban on cosmetic features on automobiles is needed, such as racing stickers, and automobiles with racing.names such as the 4Runner. Mustang is a fast horse and would banned under these proposed legislation.
Also, one handed driving needs to be banned as driving with one hand will make people want to drive faster than the speed limit.
I have worked with Chris he is a good cop. I am concerned with the court commisioners decision to set bail at 3,000 ?????
In addition why were the following charges not placed on the defendant-
1.)2nd Degree assault on a law enforcement officer- Which reads Did intentionally cause physical injury in the second degree to_________(name), a law enforcement officer in the performance of his/her duties in violation of CR 3-203. Felony up to 10 years jail time.
2.)Reckless Endangerment – Which reads Did recklessly engage in conduct, to wit:_______, that created a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury to_______(name). Misdemeanor up to 5 years jail time.
3.)Attempted 2nd degree murder- Which reads Did feloniously and with malice afterthought, attempt to kill and murder__________. Felony up to 30 years jail time.
I am not blaming the detective I am blaming the court commissioner. I hope that the States attorneys office adds these additional charges and I am disgusted with the fact that bail was only set at $ 3000.00. What a joke
Perhaps Chris has an answer for you as to why the suspect was not charged with the offenses you describe.
There are over 10 Sheriff cars in my neighborhood waiting to apprehend this man right now.
Do you know why?
I asked a deputy if their presence in Jarrettsville was related to the accident on Monday involving the off duty officer and he answered YES. His children live in my development but I am not sure if he does. His address from the citation from 4/3/2013 and 4/8 listed an address not in Jarrettsville but in White Hall.
Well he should be easy to spot. He has a great big shiner on his right eye.
Mike, when it finally makes it to court they will play Lets make a deal and merge everything together. It seems like it is still a revolving door.
That’s the way it works. Nothing has changed. Hope you weren’t expecting change!
Not in this state run by the left.
Marks 8th Cousin…. it doesn’t matter in the end. He’ll cut a plea deal and do little if any time. Then we can enjoy his company throughout the county again. It’s the same ole story in ole Maryland – the revolving doors of justice are hard at work. It’s all the perfect backdrop for the next power-grab in Annapolis, supported by the DC elite of course!
Looks to me like someone whooped the Hamburgler’s ass
why does the law protect the criminal and not the crime fighter? Seriously, $3000 bail. There should be a commissioner looking for a new job and which judge did the bail review?
If bail is posted, as set by the Commissioner, prior to bail review, there would not be a bail review.
unmotivated and pissed off
This is complete BS!! I know Chris. He strives to be the best at his job and to do the right thing, on the job and off.
Now he has to deal with this crap because some States Attorney decides he needs to be an OWEMalley crony and throw up smoke and mirrors just because another officer was involved in a ‘situation’. For WHAT?? To WRONGFULLY punish Chris for DOING HIS JOB!!!!! This j.a. could have seriously injured Chris!!! Thankfully he only had minor injuries.
There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with our system when this S.A. thinks it necessary to file bs charges on Chris, even after his department found that he acted within reason.
This guy that caused this entire situation was wrong in EVERY sense of the word. Not to mention his RECORD!
Chris does NOT deserve to have to deal with this crap.
Officers are thrown into dangerous, life threatening situations every day. They risk life and limb to protect us. On occasion there are officers with ‘not so great’ intentions…. Chris is NOT one of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey S.A…….. here’s a suggestion…. focus your energy on the CRIMINALS out there!