From Patrick L. McGrady, Chairman, Maryland Liberty PAC:
Senate Bill 281 passed both Houses of the Maryland General Assembly and now the bill goes to the Governor for his signature to become law.
The deck was stacked against us before this fight.
We knew the odds were against us from the beginning. Each fight we take on builds on the last one, and we are gaining strength.
Why did we lose this fight?
We have not elected the right people 15 years ago, and 10 years ago, and 3 years ago in order to defend our freedom.
Now, we have recorded votes of how many of these legislators voted on gun issues, and it is our job to go to their home districts and explain to the voters that their elected officials cast votes to take away their rights.
We warned them. We told them what we would do. Now it’s time to deliver.
A number of vulnerable Senators and Delegates voted wrong on the Gun Grab this session and I want you to know that the Maryland Liberty PAC, with your help, is going to make them pay.
We will get involved in primaries and general elections to make sure that they are out of office for good following the 2014 election.
Here’s what I had to say about the recent Senate Gun Grab vote on ABC’s Channel 2 News this week:
It’s going to take a tremendous amount of resources to forcibly retire the vulnerable Gun Grabbers in 2014.
The liberals aren’t stupid– they know who they need to protect and they will mobilize their resources to hold onto power.
That’s why we need to start today to win in 2014.
It’s time for us to stop complaining, stop sulking, and reject any defeatist attitude. We aren’t leaving Maryland. We are standing and fighting.
We need to be focused, diligent, and hard working. There is no other option.
And if we don’t fight them here, they’re just going to take their liberal resources and dump them into other states to expand their devastating agenda in America.
We’re not going to throw in the towel.
We believe in natural rights, given to us by Our Creator, that no man or government in this world can touch.
Oppressed people from Beijing to Egypt are looking at us now. Will we give up on the greatest experiment in self-government in the history of the world or will be descend into darkness just as empires and dictatorships of the past have done?
Here in Maryland, we’re part of this big picture.
We all have our role to play in the coming battles. We will ask for money. We will send mail. We will make phone calls. We will run advertisements.
And we will likely lose some battles.
We won’t win every time, but as we build momentum, we will start to claw back some of those freedoms that have been stolen.
If you know our country’s history, you know that this country was founded and built upon the blood, sweat, and tears of a very small, but dedicated, minority of patriots.
They believed in something bigger than themselves and believed that an individual should set the course for their own destiny, not a King.
If we believed that all our freedom was gone, never to be recovered, we wouldn’t be in this fight. We would just sit on our couches and mope around.
If I thought the fight was over for Maryland, I wouldn’t be talking to you right now.
The fact is that the battle for 2014 is here and now.
And it’s an opportunity that we must prepare for in advance.
Let’s lick our wounds after the gun battle, and prepare for the fight ahead.
We need to be in the next fight, together. Thank you for all you do for Liberty here in Maryland.
For Liberty,
Patrick L. McGrady
Maryland Liberty PAC
So the professor in the beginning of the news clip said that it could take a couple of years before we see any “benefit” from gun control. Sounds like someone who is hedging his bet because he knows the empirical evidence isn’t going to back him up…
Strategic positioning so they can blame any future court-ordered concealed carry for increases in crime, while hailing the new purchase restrictions for any decreases…
The best way to defeat the incumbents in Maryland is to register as a Democrat and vote against them in the primaries.
Are you aware of free state dino’s?
Unfortunately law-abiding, freedom-loving, rational people are the minority in this state. People advocating liberty and freedom cannot win over people that have been conditioned to accept that “government will take care of it for me”. This matter is no different. Instead of taking the time to clearly think through the issues and voicing their concerns, the general population is content putting their trust in their elected officials. It’s actually pretty sad to see our Republic eroding so quickly. In the end, we will get what we deserve as a people……total government control over our lives, until we rise again to defeat tyranny. The people that think “total government control can’t happen here…..this is the USA!…..” are already a lost cause. They are too blind (and content) to see that it’s been slowly happening for well over 50 years.
Patrick, I don’t know you, but you seem like you tried to fight the good fight, along with thousands of us that love liberty more than “security”.
Well said, most people are only concerned with the 6 foot microcosm that surrounds them. Well that, and posting pics from their vacation and cute pics of their kids on FB………
I like liberty AND guns, but not gun nuts and inadequate controls (like universal background checks and limited clip sizes). Damn, get over it gun nuts, various types of gun control ARE proven constitutional AND effective!
Nice rhetoric, now post some actual proof. I see more proof of the opposite – ever heard of Chicago or DC. Lots of gun control and lots of gun violence; where’s the correlation that gun control is effective.
There is no proof that the current gun control laws or those they are now trying to pass will have any effect on gun violence. Guns don’t commit violence. “Individuals” who use guns and other means (bombs in the Boston incident) commit violence.
The murder rate in Chicago was soaring until the Mayor, after being nationally disgraced because of his lack of action, brought in over 200 additional law enforcement personnel to man the streets. A tactic called saturation policing. As a result the murder rate has dropped significantly. Imagine that!! This, in a city that already had some of the most stringent guns laws in America. You want incidents of violence to go down, initiate common sense deterrents.
Thanks for your help Patrick. The people of this state have spoken loudly and frequently.They knew if O’malley & most of the dems were voted back in (again) we would get more spending, more taxes, more illegals and less freedom. Yet that is what they did. There is no hope left for this state and maybe the country. As someone said : the damage done by O’Malley and Obama can be reversed but the mindset of the people who keep voting for these idiots can never be changed.
When is common sense ever going to prevail in Maryland? Attacking the law abiding citizen rather than getting to the root problem that confronts us as terror acts, will never solve the problem. It only takes away our freedom and the right to defend ourselves and family. Vote for the candidates that support freedom and economic sense in Maryland and the nation!
Amen to all of the above. The real idiots would only thump their chest to the beat of “we won” if they read this article – or even the Constitution. They are blind – and heavily reliant on fathers o’malley and o’bama. It takes real anger and hate to be so blind to facts and logic – but that’s the way they live.
Where are Republicans like Theordore R. McKeldin, Mac Mathias, Nelson Rockefeller, Everitt Dirksen, Christie Todd Whitman, John Danforth, Margaret Chase Smith, Mark Hatfield, Dwight Eisenhower, and even Michael Steele etc. when we need them?
Purged along with the Gilchrest’s of the world. To bad many didn’t see the paint going on the wall.
And the moderates on the left are…..,
I know what you mean, Rusty. When it’s fully loaded, my schlong is like an assault rifle because I like to shoot people in the face with it.
Thanks, Jerry! You heard what he said, people? My cock is as big as a Bushmaster AR-15! Who wants to see it????!!!!
When O’Mally and the Democrat Party threaten to take away my guns or my cock, I want to protect my liberty and my ability to get hard! Thanks, Jerry and Rusty! Mcgrady can learn something from these guys.