From Harford County Public Schools:
Edgewood Middle School is doing great things! The Wave of Kindness at Edgewood Middle School (EMS) is an initiative that began with a group of 8th grade students. The group wanted to confront problems caused by bullying and meanness by spreading awareness about how bystanders can speak out when they see these issues around them. The hope is that a Wave of Kindness will spread throughout the school and into the community as students begin to recognize the power of random acts of kindness and learn how to demonstrate empathy towards others. The group was further inspired to make change after the tragic event at Sandy Hook Elementary.
The Wave of Kindness idea was combined with Ann Curry’s 26 Acts of Kindness campaign. Reporter Ann Curry challenged her twitter followers to rise above the horrible occurrence and honor those who lost their lives by doing one act of kindness for each of the 26 people who passed away. She ended her challenge with the question “are you in?” Edgewood Middle School is joining the nationwide movement to make a positive impact and encourage better actions and attitudes as they finish the year out strong. EMS students will be challenged in the 4th quarter to complete 26 Acts of Kindness in honor of the lives lost in Connecticut. The program directly supports anti-bullying efforts as well.
KUDOs to EMS for their initiative!!
This is fantastic! Keep up the good work and let other schools follow your example.
Great job at EMS. Hope other schools do the same.