From Friends of Harford:
A Development Advisory Committee (DAC) Meeting has been scheduled for the following project(s):
Enclave at Box Hill Site – Located on the east side of Box Hill Corporate Center, at the end of Walter Ward Blvd. Create a Mixed Use Center with 369 residential rental units and a clubhouse on 87.97 acres. Zoning is CI (Commercial Industrial). Tax Map 61 Parcel 107. Council District B.
Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 9:00 A.M.
Meeting Location: Second floor conference room of 220 S. Main Street, Bel Air, MD
The public is invited to attend, ask questions and voice any questions or concerns.
The Community Input Meeting for this project was held October 16, 2012.
The proposed site plan(s) and other information is available at
County government has a description of the DAC process at
Do you want to know where this fits into the development process? Read A Citizen’s Guide to the Harford County Property Development Process by Friends of Harford.
Old Spencer’s Rubble Landfill Property
Harford County Dept. of Public Works is soliciting suggestions from the public about what to do with the old Spencer’s Rubble Landfill property in Abingdon. The property, 3330 Abingdon Road, is located behind the new Abingdon water treatment facility just north of I-95. The County purchased this 42.5 acre property from the Spencers in 2007 for $1,200,000.
The attached “eBlast” from Abingdon Community Council has more information and a link to send your suggestions to the County. Deadline is May 6th.
Thank you to Abingdon Community Council for publicizing this opportunity!
Here’s an idea on what to do with the 42 acre rubble dump we paid $1.2 million for…
Sell it back to spencer’s and get our money back!!!!!
Save it for when the contract with Baltimore County runs out and we need a place to send our trash. By that time the population will have increased and people will have had enough time to get used to the idea.
Perhaps a nice rec field? Or reforest and design a nice parkland area with paths for kids to bike on and joggers to run.
Something like this is what is going to happen. However, because of the topography (not flat) and it being landfill, standard ball fields are probably not an option.
A pathetically sad commentary in there that the only property government is willing to ask for public input on is most likely a property that developers don’t want. Throw the dog a bone…what a bunch of good guys.
The government can only ask for input on property they own. This landfill cannot accept any buildings with a foundation, so that rules out almost anything that can make money, which is why the county acquired it to begin with.
Interesting to note: The ballfields and part of Winters Run Golf Course sit on what was once the biggest landfill in Harford County. Those ponds on the golfcourse were created to keep toxic runoff from seeping into Winters Run. I’d imagine by now most of the funk is gone. When they closed it they basically put a plastic bag around it and soil on top.
We have so many new folks in Harford and I bet most don’t know that the area next to Tollgate Rd. beyond the mall was a county dump. Article references areas under the lining where there’s garbage piles 30 ft. thick.
Those darn city folk moving here and living on our old trash and shipping their new trash off to another county. What’s the world coming to…
Can you imagine? Bet most people don’t know under those ballfields is a bunch of solvents and other not so well-monitored poisons. Over time of course it dissapates but still bet most folks think it’s just pretty little mounds of lovely rolling MD hills.
I’ve been saying that for years, no way in hell I would live in some areas in this county. Living on top of swamps and garbage dumps.
You are not him
Go back to work.
Welcome to the club.