From the Maryland Department of Natural Resources:
Recreational Projects in Harford, Prince George’s and Wicomico counties will soon receive funding for necessary upgrades and additions through Program Open Space. Governor Martin O’Malley and the Board of Public Works approved the projects at today’s meeting in Annapolis.
“These Program Open Space-funded recreational areas provide Maryland families with safe, convenient places where they can enjoy all of the excitement waiting for them outdoors,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “It is important that our children are given the chance to connect with their natural world so that they may gain an appreciation and respect that will lead them in making smarter, greener choices for the future of our State.”
Harford County will receive $250,000 to develop a recreation area ? to include a multi-purpose athletic field, parking lot, gazebo and storage/restroom building ? in the 11-acre Darlington Community Park. The project’s total estimated cost is $1,210,000, of which $907,500 will be eligible for reimbursement by Program Open Space. Requests for additional Program Open Space funding will be presented to the Board of Public Works as funds become available to the county.
““These Program Open Space-funded recreational areas provide Maryland families with safe, convenient places where they can enjoy all of the excitement waiting for them outdoors,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “It is important that our children are given the chance to connect with their natural world so that they may gain an appreciation and respect that will lead them in making smarter, greener choices for the future of our State.”
Harford County will receive $250,000 to develop a recreation area to include a multi-purpose athletic field, parking lot, gazebo and storage/restroom building in the 11-acre Darlington Community Park.”
Newsflash people…. athletic fields, parking lots gazebo and storage/restroom buildings aren’t “the natural world”
Here is a challenge for you marylanders.. Next election cycle see if you can elect even worse people to waste your money on stupid stuff. I know you can do it….