From Jeffrey R. Gahler:
Dear Harford County Readers,
The mission statement for the Office of the Sheriff for Harford County asserts the Office protects the rights and dignity of all citizens and that the Office is honest, fair and strong of character. I write here to demonstrate that the Office, under the leadership of Sheriff Bane, fails to live up to these statements. During my campaign, I have consistently stressed that as your Sheriff, I will be honest, fair and strong of character starting with the courageous and dedicated members of the Sheriff’s Office. The citizens and members of the Sheriff’s Office must be confident that discipline is consistently applied with the highest degree of ethics and fairness. To this end, I have strongly suggested the use of a disciplinary matrix when addressing misconduct within the Sheriff’s Office. The matrix ensures similar acts of misconduct are addressed the same regardless of the employee or the employee’s connection, or lack of, with the Sheriff or his command staff thus protecting the rights and dignity of our public servants.
A disciplinary matrix is common in professional law enforcement agencies today. In short, a disciplinary matrix consists of a process, with pre-established penalties that coincide with violations of law or specific policies by employees. The process can address any infraction, with sanctions ranging from counseling up to termination. The penalty applied is based on the seriousness of the offense. The benefits to such a system are important to the fair and equitable application of discipline and preclude penalties being imposed in a biased manner, based solely on personal and political motivation.
Since taking office, Sheriff Bane has repeatedly demonstrated his inability or unwillingness to treat the men and women who courageously serve the citizens of Harford County equally. Sheriff Bane has gone above and beyond to protect those in the Sheriff’s Office viewed as his political supporters while working equally hard to persecute those in the Office not recognized as part of his political base. Discipline applied to supporters for major indiscretions consistently pales in comparison to that applied to non-supporters.
As a reminder of inequities, Sheriff Bane promoted a political supporter and documented donor to a command level position and later, after being indicted for a number of criminal offenses related to a theft scheme, retained this member of his “at will” Command Staff at tax payers’ expense for the better part of a year after the law allowed administrative action to include dismissal. Many may recall this case finally made the news the day after the last election and its suspicious timing secured Sheriff Bane another term in office. Timing and transparency appeared suspicious, but let the reader be the judge.
On the other side of the coin, we watched as respected and qualified members of the Sheriff’s Office were denied promotion after they were deemed most qualified by an outside and independent promotional board convened by Sheriff Bane. In one case, Harford County lost a proven detective and police officer to an early retirement because of Sheriff Bane’s unequal, unfair and biased practices.
Most recently, Sheriff Bane dismissed a female deputy who was viewed as not politically supportive. The administrative case leading to the termination came after the deputy exercised her first amendment right to free speech and questioned the aforementioned unfair promotional practices by Sheriff Bane. Utilizing administrative wrangling available due to the lack of fair and equitable policies prohibiting same, Sheriff Bane exercised a provision in the law and with significant bias far exceeded the original recommended penalty offered by the Sheriff and a penalty later suggested by an independent board convened by the Sheriff himself. I make no attempt to explain away the original actions of the Deputy or to excuse the Sheriff from his responsibilities except to say that this case proves the need for a disciplinary matrix to ensure all members are treated consistently and fairly and that politics and bias do not play a role in the application of law.
I have made it very clear that discipline and integrity within a law enforcement agency is an essential part of the professionalism citizens expect and deserve from their Sheriff’s Office. Discipline and termination for cause will, when I’m the Sheriff of Harford County, have a role in the maintenance of a professional organization. When the severity of the offense merits it, I will support its use without bias and political motivation. Doing the right thing for the right reason and at the right time will be my only compass and discipline will follow established policy and procedures. Political motivation and an uneven field have no room in the leadership of a professional organization. Structural leadership deficiencies should not and will not be protected or dismissed by way of discipline against employees.
Jeffrey R. Gahler
2014 Republican Candidate for Harford County Sheriff
Well written Mr. Gahler. I 100% agree that an “across the board” discipline system works and will be a great thing for the Sheriff’s Office. Thank you for shedding light on issues others are not allowed to speak about.
Mr Gahler- I appreciate your positive comments towards the agency and the men and women that represent it. My question is will you make well with the people that were done wrong and get them back into equitable positions or find a place for them. There are those that were completely stupid and there are those who were caught up in politics. You put out letters and I respect your support. But what will you do for the deputies that have been harmed for no reason other then politics. For those that were completely stupid, oh well they don’t deserve to put on the badge everyday but the others they hurt . Hopefully you make good sir.
Citizens of Harford County- Now do you see the true problems. What will it take for you to see it? Do a ride along if you feel the need this job isn’t easy, but we as deputies need your support. This isn’t a laughing matter, lives are being ruined due to this. I don’t know that HCSO can wait 2 years for a change. Deputies are doing the true minimum, can you blame them? You work your butt off and you get chewed out about eating lunch together, or harrassing an known criminal in a high crime area or locking up a political supporter. Then you are told to not talk about anything related to HCSO. Why are you scared the truth will come out, if your a good cop then how cares.
Bottom line regardless of what you think of Sam 699 you could be next. Here is a Sheriff that promised to not up the punishment on any trial board yet he did. Complete BS but that what else do you say. This administration has complete control of the agency, i’m not sure Bane remembers what happened yesterday. But I will remind you that a Majors Boyfriend(who is from the jail) made a rap video parked in a handicapped space at an Aberdeen night club and that was ok. The same Major who has a command staff member from that jail drives her around and clearly is her assistant, but should be focusing on the jail. Conflict of interest I think yes but the patrol Major is untouchable. Any Questions, BOOM!
The sad facts here are that Mr. Gahler is pegging his hopes/dreams on information given to him by individuals who dislike the current administration. Every story mentioned here on the Dagger has multiple sides to it and the facts that are mentioned continue to leave out key details that when mentioned give a new light to why things have occurred. This incident is no different and with the continued misinformation from retired deputies who have an axe to grind or current ones not happy with their career choices these stories will continue to have misinformation. When someone gets caught it is never easy to watch especially if that person purported to be something else to all those around but one should investigate all the facts relating to the event not just the talking points.
The sad facts are that Mr. Gahler is accurate and everyone knows the bottom line on why things have occurred, Bane is a vengeful little man who targets anyone who does not worship him.
comon fellas: you are as clueless as the man at the helm. Why is it so hard for you to believe that Jesse Bane is ruining people’s lives simply BECAUSE HE CAN. Do you think Mr. Gahler is stupid enough to want to run for Sheriff because a handful of deputies are giving him “misinformation”? Again, read my first sentence. I do agree with your last statement “one should investigate all the facts”. Good luck–any information put out from the agency will be the “misinformation” you mistakenly attribute to disgruntled deputies.
@comon fellas
I understand what you are trying to say and there is always two sides to every story, but some things can’t be explained away by simply stating the people that post have a personal axe to grind with Sheriff Bane. I have no axe to grind with him, but isn’t Sheriff Bane in charge of the Detention Center? If that’s true, he needs to address the problems there. He is aware there are problems (the number of deaths at the Detention Center would be enough for me to be aware) and as far as I can tell he hasn’t fixed the problems. I personally applaud the people who have spoken up because they have cited specific instances for me to go back and research, which I have been doing. Based on documented public information, I have come to the conclusion there is a problem and its not just people posting because they don’t like Sheriff Bane. There is just too many specific instances and too many people speaking out for us as Harford County residents, not to at least be asking questions. Please take the time to research some of the things being said because I think you will be surprised to learn what the public has been made aware of is just the tip of the iceberg.
It is certainly just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Detention Center. You would think 9 deaths in the past 6 years would get most citizens asking questions. There have been officers terminated as a result of their actions, or lack thereof, involving some of those deaths, and the Detention Center remains without a Warden for almost two years after the departure of Warden Dehaven. I’m not really sure what it takes for the citizens to get involved in demanding change, and I don’t mean just at election time.
@comon fellas,
As far as the female that was just terminated, there’s plenty of ways to figure that one out. Talk to the other two deputies that were there for starters. I bet you get the same story.
What key facts? Tell me what key facts are left out?
I understand what you are saying, but the bottom line is the jail is much better off without the command staff member being there. If she wants to stay away all day that would be fine.
@Bear- It Dont blame you but you must admit don’t rob peter to pay paul. I respect your position and WOULD NOT want to be a CO. Seriously, but she should be at the the jail someone has to be there. Thank you for what you do if you are a CO.
There are problems at the Detention Center and I’m not sure it can survive another two years under the current administration. My thoughts are in no way directed towards the COs, as I have heard they are not the problem. As a Harford County resident with no criminal history, I am appalled at how broken the system is in the Detention Center. I have a friend serving time there for DUIs and have had to put in an unbelievable amount of time just to secure his safety and to make sure he gets to court when he needs to and doesn’t get pulled when he doesn’t even have a court date. I have documented and verified everything during his stay, so I know for a fact there are major problems.
I wish Jesse would retire at some point and Steve Moyer would take a pay cut and run for Sheriff.
Gahler is turning into the Pat Paulsen of Harford County, always a bridesmaid and in danger of becoming a joke.
@Bel Air Fed,
Dating yourself with that reference aren’t you Jesse? If you talk to the deputies, the only thing Mr. Gahler is in danger of is becoming Sheriff. Bane must go and no thanks to Moyer.
BAFed: Why do you say Mr. Gahler is “always a bridesmaid?” As far as I know, he has only run for the office of Sheriff once and was narrowly defeated. Bane will never retire. My wish is that there was a way to remove him from office.
There are two: 1) Convict him of a crime, 2) Vote him out.
The voters of Harford seem to like the job Sheriff Bane is doing, so you’re stuck with #1.
He barely squeezed through the last election. It was so close, most of Bane’s people thought they had lost most of the night. Hardly a vote of confidence. My money is on #2 and not just in a small way in 2014.
I’m sure a well orchestrated plan of fear mongering and misinformation will help you in your goal.
Well, you could go on a campaign, listing all of the positives for Sheriff Bane. No one else seems to be up to the task. Several of us tried to get j edger to provide a list of accomplishments but he decided to opt out. Take a crack at it Because.
For your benefit in this forum? It’s not worth the time and aggravation. It’s enough pain just seeing you and your fellow Bane Haters come in here, post nonsense and then dutifully game the system by logging in from different IPs on different devices and giving each other thumbs up and the rest of thumbs down.
You’re not interested in facts, you’re interested in how much chaos you can cause and how well you can elevate Gahler and denigrate Bane.
Marc has demonstrated where he comes from: ex-deputy, possibly canine unit. The operative word here is ex. And there’s nothing like the animosity of a disgruntled ex. And his fixation on Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh give you a good impression of his level of understanding and compassion.
So association and loyalty to a cause for hate is what drives your train. Nothing else.
A typical lib response. Can’t defend so change the discussion.
You sir, are not interested in the truth/facts. It is why you offer none. It is why you try and associate Marc with Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh even though he has not mentioned either of them. The one who is really fixated on them appears to be you.
I would remind you that Jesse Bane is an ex-deputy. Perhaps that explains why he appears to be so disgruntled and full of animosity.
@Because- ” dutifully game the system by logging in from different IPs on different devices and giving each other thumbs up and the rest of thumbs down”. Are you that stupid, truth is not one person has been able to argue with the FACTS being posted on here. Also what does Marc Eaton have to do with Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh? I will ask again because you seem to know everything. What has Sheriff L. Jesse Bane done since he has been in office???????????? I look forward to your answer.
You somehow think Marc Eaton has a low level of compassion. The level of compassion demonstrated by Sheriff Bane toward his employees would make the level of compassion exhibited from Beck and Limbaugh look like they were saints!
Compassion? You think Sheriff Bane has compassion for his employees? Really? You really don’t know Sheriff Bane.
Bear or should I call you Skippy? I am a retired Deputy, not an ex deputy. If all you can do is try and make me look petty on here then I think your grasping at straws. I have no compassion for Bane, he does not deserve it. My compassion is for the people I worked with and for the people who came after me. They deserve to enjoy the job as I did. I see what you and a few others on the second floor are doing to this department. I took the opportunity to look up some of your stats on Maryland Judiciary Case search, some sad stats the “Bear”. Do not question my loyalty to the Department, if the next Sheriff comes in and creates the same hostile working environment I will be on here again. When you guys can’t dispute facts you attack us. We are still waiting one thing positive Bane has done for this department. By the way, I am not a big Beck fan….I do like Rush.
Sorry Bear, I meant to send that comment to Because. Guess I am not to bright after all.
Marc it’s all good people from within know that your intentions are well and that you support your brothers and sisters. I agree with previous posters what are Bane’s accomplishments. I have yet to see one person answer that question. Are they consulting the new created legal advisor Major Skippy before they post or does Bane have no accomplishments. I vote for both.
You’re forgiven. Please don’t call me Skippy. I just don’t feel adequate enough for such a high honor. Such a name is reserved for the legal elite.
Mike Welsh- you answered j Edgar as he/she requested. He/She has not responded to you because Lionel Jess Bane has no positives or accomplishments.
I’m so tired of Mr. Gahler bashing what the Sheriff has done with the Department. I’m not debating whether it is right or wrong. Mr. Gahler needs to stand on his own merits and quit the bash Jesse campaign. I won’t vote for any candidate who constantly criticizes and runs their campaign by bashing others. Remember Mr. Gahler, if you get elected, turn about is fair play. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Reen901- Please tell me what Mr. Gahler has been untruthful about? How is the truth about a politically hostile work environment portrayed by you as “bashing”. Also your quote of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, does the colonel remember where he came from and being demoted to LT on midnights for a period of time? Or does he have memory loss like the Sheriff. Then the Sheriff decides to attend roll calls this week to do damage control. Well Sheriff did you really think I believe that your care about us, All I heard was blah, blah, blah.
Mr. Gahler promised to bring fairness and points out how it does not exist in the office at present and you call it bashing. I call it being held accountable and someone needs to hold Sheriff Bane accountable for the tyrant that he is.
The Christmas drive is the only positive thing I can put my finger on. Pointing out the faults of the other candidate is not bashing, but in this case it could be a full time job just pointing out Bane’s many faults.
Marc: Bane may have instituted the Christmas drive back in the day, but it has kept going mainly due to two Sheriff’s Office employees. And although I have nothing against these two individuals, one is now a captain and the other, a civilian, is now a supervisor. Coincidence? The only involvement Bane has in it now is taking credit for someone elses hard work as he does so frequently. Ok, so we have a check in the plus column for Bane for the Christmas Drive, anything else out there? Didn’t think so.
I think that about covers it.
All I can say is, wow. Should be interesting all the way around.
Here’s one for. Several weeks ago there was a homicide in Edgewood. On scene was a deputy and a supervisor. The duty officer that day received a telephone call from the sheriff requesting a deputy respond to a parade at a school in the Edgewood area. The duty officer advised the sheriff that there was no one available because everyone was busy on calls for service. The sheriff ordered the duty officer to have one of the deputies at the homicide scene respond to the school for the parade. It’s clear where the sheriff’s priority stand and it’s sure was not a homicide scene and the victim. It was also a officer safety issue leaving a single deputy at the scene. I’m telling you all I haven’t seen it this bad over my twenty year career. This sheriff does not have a clue. Half the time he doesn’t remember what he said at meetings and loves to waste the time of deputies with these so call committees. He has a roll call and uniform committee when he has already made up his mind. We just want to be treated like human beings and to be able to do our jobs without someone saying on a call I know the sheriff. Next thing you know he calls down to the duty officer to check to see what the deputy did. MORALE sucks
once loved to work at hcso- I agree with you, hopefully things will get better. This isnt about an election this is about the current disarray that exists within the Office of Sheriff in Harford County, Maryland. j Edgar and a few others love to makes excuses for the Sheriff, there is no excuse. 6 years ago the Harford County Sheriff’s Office was one of the premier places to work now, who would want to lateral here and put up with this crap. I didnt agree in the beginning about people bashing the Sheriff’s choice for command staff but now I do, that will be his demise as Sheriff. Your commanders are a hand picked reflection of you and what you stand for. For that Sheriff your have proven that you and your handpicked group with exception of the latest few are a complete failure. You have a head hunting major from your patrol division that will do whatever she can to destroy lives. Dont eat lunch together, dont have a tattoo but she can and she apparently knowns how to lip read deputies and call them in to chew there butt. But she is untouchable, an outside agency is brought in after one of our own files a complaint and you change it after the findings come back and you make it a policy error. Shame on you Sheriff Bane. You also fire a whistleblower from HR, Oh and by the way the policy that was in error has it been fixed. No it hasn’t. Keep up the good work
Well, give Bane a break he knows nothing about securing a crime scene. We lost one of the best Crime Lab Techs because of issues at a crime scene. Votes mean more then secured crime scene.
Marc Eaton- The Sheriff cant remember who you are talking about he cant even remember what he ate for lunch today. He cant remember if he ordered a duty officer to have a deputy go to a parade. But back in 1974 we did things this way, really Sheriff Bane that was 39 years ago, its time to move forward and time for you to step down.
I can now say, I have heard enough too. Who in their right mind would leave one duty officer at a crime scene? To me, and take my opinion with a grain of salt because I don’t work in law enforcement, I cant imagine what call would be more important than a homicide other than a call where someone was in a life threatening situation. I’m not okay with Sheriff Bane putting any duty officer’s safety in jeopardy for any reason, nor am I okay with him putting a homicide case in jeopardy, which could very well turn out to be true. I get at least an email a week from ODMP announcing someone in law enforcements death, so it angers me to hear that everything isn’t being done to ensure the safety of the people who are working to ensure my safety. I mean how does one duty officer secure a crime scene? Sheriff Bane must be accountable to someone other than the public. Can anyone tell me who that is?
In the meantime, I will be at the next town meeting that was mentioned in another post and I will be asking questions.
I would ask the people posting on here that this is all a political game to bash Bane and support Gahler, to look at the facts. Something needs to happen way before the next election. Isn’t it our job to protect the very ones that protect us?
Sorry I am a year late but, I just ran across this posting. The Christmas Drive is a good thing to help the truly underprivileged in the County. And, the Deputies and civilian personnel that worked hard on this program every year deserve all of the credit. L. Jesse Bane has used it as a campaigning tool from the beginning. Typical of a left-wing liberal. Some are asking others to list Sheriff Bane’s positive accomplishments. Well, all I can say about that is, you can compare his positive accomplishments to those of Hitlery Klinton……there are none.
Have Seen Enough: What you are reading on this bog is not “Bane Bashing”. The local news media refuse to print any truths about Bane and these forums are about the only way that the Deputies can let the citizens know what is truly happening behind the closed doors at the Sheriff’s Offices. I can assure you there is much more that has not been written that the citizenry does not know about their Sheriff. If the local media ever decided to do a true investigative report about the incumbent Sheriff, it would be a best seller. But, sadly, he has them in his back pocket, as well.
Look at the bigger picture. I’m sick of hearing everyone is lying or making things up for politics. What the #rap will it take for people to see the truth. For HCSO sometimes the truth hurts but the deputies are still trying to do good. Things are bad but that isn’t a reflection of what deputies do on a daily basis. I’m staying out of the election but this stinks.
Sheriff Bane could care less about anyone but himself. Its obvious and well demonstrated by his politically motivated decision-making.
What is your plan Gahler? There is something clearly going on with HCSO and maybe a change will define it? Case and Point… information is power. I am going to look up information on that homicide ….too! Let’s get the ball rolling?
You are so right, information is power and is what is needed to be taken seriously. The hard part is getting the right people to act upon the information. There is also strength in numbers. I’m glad to see others willing to investigate things that don’t look right.
Ummmm…. I just love these articles. So enlightening, in a good way. We need the ACLU and & the DOJ in Harford County.
The DOJ will do nothing, I tried. Bane is all snug with protection from the local papers to the news. How else was he able to keep the Forwood case in park until after the election. However, his new Major the legal advisor who wants to work for the ACLU maybe he will stand up and take action. Or maybe his concern for the people he works with will only kick in after he retires. You don’t want to bite the hand that promotes you.
Wattysweetback, I think he explained his plan in the first paragraph of the article.
JD Shellnut for Sheriff and Skippy Peanut Butter for undersheriff.
Trust me when I say that Bane couldn’t give two shits about any of his employees with a rank below captain!!!!