From Delegate Kathy Szeliga:
Happy Mother’s Day!
Here’s to all the moms – wishing you a wonderful day today! Being a mom is the best job in the world! I’m sure you’re doing something special today with your mom or thinking about your mom if you cannot be with her. WE LOVE OUR MOMS 🙂
Death Penalty Update
Should voters get to weigh in on the death penalty?
During the 2013 Legislative Session, the Maryland General Assembly passed a law to abolish the death penalty in Maryland. The evidence necessary to charge someone with the death penalty in Maryland is so high it was virtually impossible to put an innocent person to death.
The mass murderer who killed children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, the Virginia Tech killer who gunned down college students, the Boston Marathon bombers, the DC snipers who terrorized residents in our area – these are just a few examples of evil criminals who killed innocent people. Without your action, on October 1, 2013 even these types of heinous crimes will not be eligible for the death penalty in Maryland.
What can you do?
My good friend, Neil Parrot of MD Petitions, is gathering signatures to petition this to the ballot. Whether you support the death penalty or not, allowing Maryland citizens to weigh in on this important issue is right. You will not get to vote on this issue unless we gather enough signatures to get this on the ballot.
We have NEVER started a petition drive this late. We have less than 3 1/2 weeks to collect 25,000 signatures for the first turn-in on May 31st at midnight.
There are 3 ways to get involved RIGHT AWAY:
1. Sign the petition. Go to our website and download, print, sign and mail your petition for the death penalty repeal today.
2. Download the volunteer packet. Commit to get 5 or more signatures in the next week from your family, friends, co-workers, people you worship with, civic organizations, or neighbors. You are the ONLY way this petition effort can be successful.
3. Forward this email to your friends, post it on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other sites where people can see this message.
Due to the serious time limitations with this referendum effort,
your action is needed immediately. I am confident that with your decisive and quick effort, you can help change the politics in Maryland and allow Marylanders to decide on the death penalty.
As always, please do not hesitate to call on me if I can ever be of assistance to you and your family. I appreciate your support and encouragement as I represent you in Annapolis and across our fine state.
Delegate Kathy Szeliga
Minority Whip
Maryland House of Delegates
We need 18K signatures by May 31st – so stop complaining and get off your butt and sign the petition. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
We also need to stop the abominable gun legislation recently enacted. Go to to print the appropriate forms plus additional information. A concerned citizen has initiated the process. In addition, you can go to to learn more about how to interrupt this unconstitutional gun grab by the elected employees of Maryland. We need 18,000 signatures by May 31, 2013. Sue Payne, the originator of this effort, sat in for Pat McDonough this past Saturday night during his regular show on WCBM and discussed this vital effort. She was begging those who share the same sentiments to help gather signatures ASAP! Again, all the necessary information is available at Time is of the essence folks…..there are no politicians, who say they don’t like this legislation, stepping up to start a petition drive. This is it, the last shot sans the lawsuit route.
In a state where Democratic turn-out in 2010 outnumbered registered Republicans, do you really think we’ll get a positive result from “Should baby-killing weapons of war be available on city streets, able to be used to rob, rape and murder innocent school children like in Sandy Hook or Aurora, Colorado?” The current administration gets to reword the question without restriction.
Sorry, Del. Szeliga. This is Maryland. In Maryland we put criminals in jail and give them a cell phone and their drug of choice. We feed them from a nice menu. Then we allow them to have their choice of pretty young female guards. Not just one but a whole harem. Oh, and when they get out they get their choice of handguns because the gun laws in Maryland aren’t followed by the criminals. Just law abiding citizens.