From Friends of Barry Glassman:
The weather cleared for State Senator Barry Glassman Saturday, and as expected the Harford village of Level saw its native son announce his candidacy for Harford County Executive before an estimated 1,000 supporters.
Many attendees said it was the largest and most unique political kickoff they had ever attended, with demand so high that the campaign had to stop selling tickets the week before.
The Level Fire Company was transformed into a festival venue decked out in the campaign’s colors of blue and green, with Glassman’s bio video shown on a huge LED screen alongside a stage with 30 foot banners. The colors were presented by the Harford County Volunteer Fire & EMS Association Honor Guard.
Northern Harford Delegate Wayne Norman said, “It was like being at a rock concert. Barry’s speech was great, the food was good, and the company was awesome.” Realtor Carole Bowen added, “What an event. Has to be the best campaign announcement event I’ve ever attended and I been to quite a few in my day.”
In announcing his bid for County Executive, the Republican Glassman laid out his thoughts on bringing smartphone efficiency to local government – a government that is “smaller, quicker, and more efficient, yet provides improved service.”
Sen. Glassman discussed keeping law enforcement as a top priority, and relying on his experience as a volunteer firefighter and as co-chair of the state Fire & EMS Caucus, he will “work to transition through the county’s growing pains to maintain its history as the premier volunteer provider system in the State of Maryland.”
Regarding education, Sen. Glassman spoke of partnering with the Board of Education to share services to save money in an effort to offset new state mandates and further cuts in state K-12 education funding. “The Board and County must come together to use technology to streamline and share duplicative services so we can invest in the future of Harford county education,” he said. “But make no mistake; technology will never substitute for having a quality teacher in the classroom.”
Sen. Glassman stated that his administration will push for local job creation and promotion of local businesses, and will focus not only on attracting new businesses, but more importantly, on protecting existing businesses and supporting their continued growth.
Perhaps the loudest applause came when he talked about protecting Harford’s agricultural community, saying that his first directive to the county’s Law Department would be to assign a deputy attorney to file suit in state and federal court “to begin challenging these state mandates, whether it’s this crazy Rain Tax, or new regs that threaten our farmers or our children’s’ dreams of building a home.”
Glassman, who was born and raised in Level, discussed his humble upbringing in which his family “didn’t have everything, but we had everything we needed.” He also spoke of his journey from the Republican Central Committee to the County Council, then on to Annapolis in the House of Delegates and finally the seat of his mentor the late Sen. Bob Hooper. He thanked his wife of 25 years Debi and son Jordan for all of their love and support over his years of public service.
As he closed, Sen. Glassman made reference to the flock of sheep that he and his family raise on their Darlington farm, saying, “A good shepherd, like a public servant, should keep his flock first in mind, guide it and let it prosper and multiply. I am ready to shepherd Harford County. Join me as we make history for this tiny village and for Harford County.”
To see a short clip from Sen. Glassman’s announcement, click here. For more information about Glassman’s campaign for County Executive, visit
Senator Glassman will make a wonderful County Executive. One of the few politicians around who is genuine and has never lost his way. We need more like him.
Agree with Sara, he will make a difference in this County and bring genuine leadership to Harford County.
Generally support Glassman and certainly the idea of having somebody support local businesses, not big box or chainstores will help us preserve our unique character, what makes Harford County a great place to live. Seems to me we’ve been under assault with nearly out of control developement and certainly I don’t think BRAC has turned out to be such a positive for us…I do think it’s a bit troubling that one of only two quoted include a real estate agent and then to review his statement “to begin challenging these state mandates, whether it’s this crazy Rain Tax, or new regs that threaten our farmers or our children’s’ dreams of building a home.” The regs he’s referring to must include the septic requirements that may indeed slow down development in more outlying rural areas and then to specifically use the phrase “childrens dreams of building a home”. You can’t save the farms by concentrating on undermining rules regarding septic construction and building homes for our children. Sounds a lot like more of the same to me…but I’ll reserve final judgement until I hear more from him.
I don’t think Mr. Glassman chose who was interviewed for this article. Mr. Glassman is a man of character and being there in person he spoke of many issues that hit home. Saving money for schools by working to share services both county and county schools supply. Yes taking on the state for ridiculous regulations and taxes. Everything that happens in the name of progress is always perfect. However without BRAC coming to APG we would have lost jobs at our largest employer in Harford County. We could always just roll back the clock and put the lone cow in the field across from Harford Mall again. I want someone from a humble background, a man of the people to be our next County Executive. That man is Barry Glassman, a leader that will work for the people of Harford County.
HCG alnd HCPS are two different agencies, namely the first a local govt agency and the 2nd a state agency. Can’t really combine their procurement functions and don’t see how much $$$ would be saved from that endeavor as both procure different things and have a different purpose. Confusing to the tea party morons, i know.., but not a functional solution to any type of savings, in fact it would probably cost more to train, integrate and combine these similar although altogether different functions such as like combining Amtrak and a freight carrier. Their tracks are separate and their functions are just as well different even if both use railways to transport their product. Glassman is a complete idiot and hopefully the Democratic party will field a candidate for the position.
I’d encourage you to look into what Ken Ulman has done in Howard County in combining many of these functions such as procurement, fuel and fleet management, and IT. They have been able to save funds and take advantage of economies of scale. If Glassman is serious about this proposal, I think it would be a welcome concept that would save the county potentially a couple million dollars a year.
Sarah.., I have and Howard County combined departments, not agencies. HCG and HCPS are not departments of the local govt, but separate agencies, HCPS a state agency and HCG a local govt. Nothing wrong with economies of scale…although all these departments do not purchase or use the same systems so bundling purchases would not work, but staffing would be reduced, specially losing some upper level department heads under one department makes sense. However, don’t mix apples with oranges.., as I doubt that you can save millions of dollars, but you could conceivably reduce some overhead, less overhead and less expense to maintain staffing levels.
And tsa,
Your Amtrak analogy is slightly off, but it brings up a good thought. Amtrak (federal) and MARC (state) are different agencies from different levels of government, yet they cooperate and share resources (the train tracks) under a mutually beneficial arrangement. This is the same concept behind combining certain functions of county government and the school system.
I think I found the root of your issue though. You say that Glassman is a “complete idiot.” I think you have been confusing him with Glen Glass. They are very different people.
Can’t combine state and local agencies as explained above…and I did mean Glassman as a complete “idiot” I suggest you look at his record in the legislature and not his party tag instead. This guy would set the county back and make the village idiot in Texas a smart fellow…
Wendy Rosen?
another thought…Maryland law won’t allow the county to take over HCPS functions in any way, shape or form. The only thing these two share is a name and tax funding, not much else. I would actually listen to any ideas to make water n sewer self sufficient from their water supply rates, so that the county doesn’t have to continue to subsidize its operation from the general fund and the same thing goes for waste management and housing authority which can function on its own as an independent agency, let HUD fund it and save the county hundreds of $$$ from salaries, buildings, cars and office equipment…other counties don’t have their housing dept being funded from local taxes, but federal $$$ instead. These changes are doable and possible while combining to separate agencies (not departments) is not allowed unless state law is changed…If the good senator can point to any other jurisdiction in Maryland in which this is being done, I would listen to what he has to say.
Implement a fee for service or fee for water usage….why should I as a homeowner in a townhouse subsidize the guy in the state with a pool? we pay the same rate for water by he is overusing the treatment facility for pleasure while I use my for basic needs? Same goes for the car wash which pays the same rate as me but uses a vast amount of water to run his business. The senator needs to come up with real solutions instead of giving out simple ideas that he already knows can’t be done and of course his supporters don’t really know any better…but it sounds good!!!
It was a great event. Harford County needs to see someone fill the gap for this next election that brings experience, honor and integrity back home to Harford. Glassman will do that. My son served along side with him as a Page for the Senate this past session in Annapolis. I am very proud of the things he stands for.
It will be interesting to see what his plans are on limiting development/growth until the County’s infrastructure, including roads, water, and schools can catch up to current needs. I’m open to his candidacy, as he seems far more earnest than Craig has been.
So Keith, basically you are saying that govt has a role in growing the economy and govt contributes and fosters economic growth? Does this only happen if the GOP is in charge? Are you advocating a centrally planned economy? Do you really think that Glassman or HCG can and should be involved in determining who wins or loses in the marketplace? I think the record for Craig speaks for itself…even steven. At least Craig has developed budgets and managed a city and as a legislator, Glassman has zero experience in actually following the law. His idea is that the law dept job is to challenge state law. I would suggest that you read the county charter and see where the county has the right to challenge state law as the county is de facto a state empowered agency, not the other way around.
Pretty clear that economic growth hasn’t gone anywhere with Obama in charge.
Of course government has a role in growing the economy. Look no further than base realignment. I doubt anyone will argue that the county would have been better off without it. As for picking winners and losers in the economy, local government routinely does this through its procurement process. Moreover, local government must balance the needs of its citizens against those of its economic policy. An example of this can be seen in efforts to preserve small farms and businesses in the county. Local government doesn’t operate in theory, it has real effects on all aspects of life and it must balance the competing needs of its voters accordingly.
As for what I am advocating, it is for a county executive who isn’t reactive and interested in going along to get along. Craig has never left Harford County. He’s a big fish in a small pond and his leadership reflects that. Having grown up here, normally that has been enough. However, the county is slowly becoming overdeveloped and just doing the bare minimum isn’t enough anymore. If Craig is unable to do more than he has, I don’t see why Glassman shouldn’t be given an opportunity. If he’s as bad as you say, we could always try a trained monkey. At least things wouldn’t get any worse.
Keith you said “local government routinely does this through its procurement process” as far as picking winners and losers. Are you saying that the bidding process for contracts and services is not fair, just and impartial to get the best deal for the county? The procurement department purchases and maintains real estate, fleet and supplies for county operations. It really has nothing to do with fostering development, economic growth or any other type of function but just paper clips, laptops, energy, cars, gas, and other stuff needed to maintain operations. There is no intent to reward some contractors over competitors or disregard the lowest bit possible within the quality control needed. For example, the lowest bid doesn’t always win due to other considerations such as quality of past service, capacity to deliver the product, or piggyback procedures under which the county picks up on a similar contract from other local governments and there is no need to bid it out as other agencies already weeded out the worst and best providers and the county is just going on that track record. Do you know that county employees can not accept gifts, favors or discounts from any business? This is a county wide rule for all employees from people in positions of influence to janitors.
I’m not saying the procurement process is unfair or illegal, although it has had its irregularities / odd coincidences over the years, as all governments do. However, by definition, the awarding of one contract over a competing contract is picking a winner. The concerns county procurement has of which you are dismissive can include set asides for local business concerns, veteran, women and minority owned businesses, “Made In America” set asides, and so forth. Government needs equipment and you describe it well. The company that provides it is a winner. The companies that don’t get the contracts are the losers. That is how the free market works and, yes, the government does select winners and losers. How it chooses them is the concern, not the reality of it.
As for the county’s role in fostering economic development and growth, it does choose sides, albeit in a nuanced manner. Support for small businesses and independent farmers is one very important aspect of this. Building/expanding public roads near a proposed industrial park would be another.
Keith, the free market picks the winners and losers for the most part. Can you expand on the “irregularities” as you call them? Set asides do exist, but they still need to compete against other companies allowed to bid for the product/service. So while MBE companies are part of the set aside, they are not for the most part the general contractor but a set aside within the contract ( a general flooring contract may have a set aside for doing a portion of the job which an MBE can provide, but due to their capacity can not bid on the whole job) MBE designation doesn’t preclude a company from bidding on the whole job. In fact, large contractor in Harford County is owned by the wife, at least on paper anyway but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t capable to do the whole job or bid on the whole contract. If you could expand on your “irregularities” comment I would like to hear about it and the county has a line set up to report fraud or you can contact the state’s attorney office, be it the state or local office and of course you have the matter of legal remedies as the county can’t be unfair on purpose.
I’m glad to see that we’ve reached a consensus that government has a role in the economy and is an integral part of the free market.
As a life long county resident, I can tell you that verifiable inappropriate procurement issues are a rare thing. That said, just about everyone you meet who has been involved in a local project has an anecdotal story of some kind or another. Irregularities are not corruption, by definition. Corruption is systemic, irregularities are not.
Now, more importantly, are we in agreement that I should support a trained monkey over Glassman and Craig? The trained monkey is always an option.
If he wants to protect local businesses and their continued growth. we should ask his opinion of the prospects of a Bel Air Walmart.
Very true. It would be a good topic to determine how balanced his attitude would be toward maintaining the area’s quality of life vs. the extent he may be beholden to the developers.
Maybe we can ask him his opinion on the 1991 Glenn Davis trade from Houston to Baltimore.
Walmart is approved by the current Administration, I think moving so close to the Fallston store is silly, but the zoning allows it so it can happen.
The State Highway Administration has not signed off on it yet and neither has Wal-Mart, which would be partially responsible to conforming to issues of public safety.
What has been decided is that the County Executive and Council will pay for whatever improvements need to be made for the sake of traffic flow.
It is curious that at least two people disagree with the reality that they will be paying for the improvements on 24 and 924. Denial is a potent drug. Perhaps the Sheriff’s Department should look into it. The addiction could spread.
Homerun, you just hit it out of the park!!!
Actually, he is nothing more than another Republican idiot! Notice how he wants to keep Law Enforcement a priority yet the only educational ideas he wants to implement is the use of shared technology to eliminate duplicative services. If the citizens of Harford County haven’t figured out that the Republican plan for the Harford County youth is keep them ignorant and then lock them up, then I don’t know how they will ever see the light. I really like his closing, as if he was Jesus Christ or something, tending his flock. Total bull shit, total moron. And for all you that are buying his crap, just keep in mind, that shepherd does tend his flock, but then he leads them to the slaughterhouse………
Seriously you could object to Glassman but you might try making sense or being less publically obnoxious in the process.
Can’t help it, its a talent. If you can’t make sense of my comments then don’t read any of them. Believe me, I stopped reading yours, unless you responded to something I’ve typed.
I find it funny that we are arguing this on a web site. Technology makes me laugh, I’m sorry. What ever happened to the personal touch? This should be held in a forum so that Mr Glassman can respond and all can hear. I also find it disturbing that Mr Bob Thomas was noticibaly absent from that announcment. If he is a true party man he would have been there. Just sayin….