From Harford County Public Schools:
Harford County Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services is participating in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The SFSP is a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) program that helps children continue to receive the nutrition they need to thrive throughout the summer months.
During the school year, many students receive free and reduced-price breakfast and lunch through the School Breakfast and National School Lunch programs. Lack of nutrition during the summer months may make children more prone to illness and other health issues and may set up a cycle for poor performance once school begins again.
The SFSP fills the gap while children are out of school.
Meals will be provided to all children without charge. Acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. There will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. This summer, meals will be provided in Harford County at the following sites and times:
Jump Start at William Paca/Old Post Road Elementary School
July 29 – August 9
Breakfast only: 8:30 a.m.
Jump Start at Magnolia Elementary School
July 29 – August 9
Breakfast only: 8:30 a.m.
Summer School at Joppatowne High School
July 1 – July 25
Breakfast: 8:00 a.m.
Snack: 11:00 a.m.
Summer School at Magnolia Middle School
July 1 – July 25
Breakfast: 8:00 a.m.
Snack: 11:00 a.m.
Summer School at Edgewood High School
July 1 – July 25
Breakfast: 8:00 a.m.
Snack: 11:00 a.m.
Summer School at Magnolia Elementary School
July 1 – July 25
Breakfast: 8:00 a.m.
Snack: 11:00 a.m.
Boys and Girls Club of Edgewood
June 17 – August 23
Lunch: 11:00 a.m.
Dinner: 4:30 p.m.
Edgewood Parks and Rec (Basketball)
June 17 – August 2
Breakfast: 8:30 a.m.
Lunch: noon
Jump Start at Havre de Grace Elementary School
July 29 – August 9
Breakfast only: 8:30 a.m.
Jump Start at Hall’s Cross Roads Elementary School
July 29 – August 9
Breakfast only: 8:30 a.m.
Summer School at Aberdeen High School
July 1 – July 25
Breakfast only: 8:00 a.m.
Sumer School at Aberdeen Middle School
July 1 – July 25
Breakfast only: 8:00 a.m.
Summer School at Hall’s Cross Roads Elementary School
July 1 – July 25
Breakfast only: 8:00 a.m.
Trinise Jones Day Camp
June 24 – July 31
Breakfast: 8:00 a.m.
Lunch: noon
Havre de Grace Parks and Rec
June 24 – July 25
Breakfast: 8:00 a.m.
Lunch: noon
Boys and Girls Club of Aberdeen
June 17 – August 23
Lunch: 11:00 a.m.
Dinner: 4:30 p.m.
Boys and Girls Club of Havre de Grace
June 17 – August 23
Lunch: 11:00 a.m.
Dinner: 4:30 p.m.
LASOS at John Carroll
July 1 – July 25
Latisha Lee says
I live in Norrisville how come the closest place my babies can get a free meal is 20 miles away?
Kharn says
Because most kids whose parents are incapable of providing for them live in the Rt 40 corridor.
The Money Tree says
Sadly what appears to be a “smart” comment is also true. I just wonder if the parent is getting food stamps which they most likely are – why can’t they eat at home. I would suggest if we feed the little freeloaders at school and provide day care then we ought to yank the free food card.
Kharn says
I’ve always wanted to see foodstamp benefits reduced for the number of days school is in session, given that many receive both free lunch and breakfast. That could be a 47% reduction in food stamp benefits per child for 36 weeks of the year, and great encouragement for parents to send their kids to school.
The Money Tree says
Of special note however is the program at John Carroll through LASOS. LASOS is a program designed for non-english speaking people. It does not say what criteria is being used to qualify for free meals. If qualifying for food stamps is an accepted criteria then non-citizens qualify because MD does not require citizenship for the kids of illegals.
NeverCease2BeAmazed says
There is no criteria (other than age) for the summer meals. Any child who comes to the school during the hours of the meal service can eat.
The Money Tree says
Seriously? So anybody walks in off the street and sits down to eat? Any idea where the money comes from? Federal? Local? Combination of both?
Hungry in Harford says
any CHILD can walk in and eat not just anybody
Don’t get youtr panties in a knot, it’s won’t be an all you can eat Edgewood buffet
The Money Tree says
If the taxpayers are paying for the food it would behoove somebody – whomever is in charge of this program to ensure the kids eating don’t already have parents who qualify for foodstamps. What’s next dinners for everyone? This feeding folks during summer thing is pretty new and frankly I never remember reading about children starving when school was out. You want more of something subsidize it – want poverty then continue to provide everything for everyone 24/7, 12 months a year.
NeverCease2BeAmazed says
I believe that the article says it is a USDA program, so it would be federal, I presume.
And most of the kids that eat for free during the school year probably get some type of assistance at home.
BillyJoeBobIsYourUncle says
If they were born here then they are citizens, like it or not.
fiik says
More of the Nanny state. If you can’t afford to have them, QUIT having them
fiik says
More of the Nanny state. If you can’t afford to feed them, QUIT having them
Bev says
I think these may be for TEACHERS’ kids-you know the ones that got laid off Wednesday-lol
spy says
Nasty, aren’t you? Shame on you!
not economically viable says
Oh shit son, free meals. I’m going to save some serious money and eat real good, hell yeah..
mindless says
Awesome, I have a daycare and my kid are going to love this!!!!! They can eat, then play at the playground. THANKS
OHwiseOne says
Oh PLEASE ,,,, someone tell me there is some kind of accountability and oversight?????
HDG Reader says
Not surprised the number of nasty comments regarding this program. When will some of you learn to stop your demonization of Harford County’s poor at the children? They did not ask to be born into the families they have and have no control when it comes any assistance their parents sign up for or receive. Perhaps some of you that feel these children deserve to go hungry should step up and feed them yourselves so you don’t have to get mad that the schools and government are doing it for you.
Kharn says
The problem is that being poor has become an acceptable lifestyle. And then the poor live in free apartments or townhouses with better electronics than I own, their <10yo kids wearing sneakers more expensive than my best dress shoes, wearing $200 Beats headphones, driving new (leased, because a lease counts as an obligation, not an asset for welfare purposes) Escalades while claiming such poverty that they need food stamps to buy food for their kids, but it seems every single one pulls out a roll of cash to pay for their cigarettes as soon as they've rung up their groceries on their Independence card. ("Independence" is quite a joke, it should be "Dependent")
Welfare needs to be run like WIC, where if its not on the approved foods list, you can't buy it. WIC is the only social handout program that works, because it is so strictly controlled (only plain Cheerios are eligible, not Honey Nut, grape Juicy Juice is covered but not strawberry, etc). Random drug tests should also be required, no alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or hard drugs or you're banned for 5 years.
Welfare should be a horrible existence, because it should be a person's absolute last resort.
GW says
I agree wholeheartedly.
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says
“Random drug tests should also be required, no alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or hard drugs or you’re banned for 5 years.”
How about banned for LIFE
Taxpayer says
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says
Perhaps people that cant afford kids stop having them. Generation after generation in families grow up on welfare. They teach each other how to scam the government. They think their “entitled” to FREE stuff.
The Money Tree says
Historically having a roof over your head and wife or husband and kids were the greatest incentives to getting off your arse, putting on your big pants and taking care of things, but of course now government removes all of that by the endless and permanent set of safety nets. Nobody wants kids to be hungry, but where’s the balance…frankly I see none and that’s evident because of the scope and number of people that have hooked up to the free ride. The law of unintended consquences has resulted in the breakdown of the family, erosion of what was once a decent culture and lack of responsibility so obvious in our kids.
OHwiseOne says
And then again,,,, I could afford ,,,my children,,,Granted there are good honest hard working people in this world , who do fall on hard times (count my blessings),, THEN, there are the “Other” people who just dont give a rats a..,,,how many children they have,,, more children ,,”MO MONEY”..Save your Pitty trip..and YOU send in all the help YOU want… I give and give and give…all i expect is the funds are going to worthwhile causes and not being abused by the Sick , Lame , and Lazy