From Del. Glen Glass:
Dear Editor,
I was surprised by the recent announcement from my Senator, the Honorable Nancy Jacobs, that after 20 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Harford County, she would not be seeking re-election for another term. I am proud to have had her as my representative in Annapolis, and she should be commended for her tireless efforts to help make a difference.
As a fierce defender of the Constitution, Nancy Jacobs supported the Second Amendment. She understood that this freedom needed to be upheld, as it was vital in defining our country, and it should not be infringed upon by our government. I also applaud her for fighting for Jessica’s Law, which requires mandatory jail time for sex offenders. It is imperative that we protect our children, and it is crucial that predators be held accountable for their actions.
Throughout her tenure, Senator Jacobs fought against the growth of big government, and voted against the 40 plus tax increases proposed by the current Democratic-controlled legislature. In doing so she defended the underprivileged, and Maryland’s hard-working citizens – aiming to avoid the undue hardships which inevitably accompany such increases.
Twice she ran against former Senator Art Helton and won the seat. Witnessing her courage and success was instrumental in giving me the confidence to run for office myself. I was fortunate enough to win my seat, and be given the opportunity to work tirelessly for the small business owner, the poor and needy, and all of the constituents of my district in Harford County. I hope to carry on Senator Jacob’s legacy, and I am thankful for the chance to continue her fights.
I wish Senator Nancy Jacobs a wonderful retirement, and thank her for her lifetime of service.
Your Delegate and Servant,
Glen Glass
Geez, I hope not! Enough with the old-school homophobic christian BS already. I don’t even care if a Republican wins, just somebody who doesn’t cater to the bible thumpers and big business.
What in particular do you have against the Bible. Are you a Bibleophobe? What is a Bible thumper? What is Christian BS? You could be maligning some very deeply felt convictions so be careful with your answer.
I’m sorry, but your claim (or anything similar by any of your Republican colleagues) to represent “the poor and the needy” is more than comical.
Claimed Moderate only attacks the right. The cradle to grave care, food and housing given to the helpless poor only create slaves, and Democratic votes.
Trillions spent, and still poor.
B. Please find a country that will satisfy your selfish needs. I think Somalia will suit you. No services provided by a helpless corrupt government too busy supporting pirates and being over run by opportunists looking to rape the land and the people for all the oligarchs can get.
“corrupt government too busy supporting pirates and being over run by opportunists”
You’ve perfectly described our federal system and the manner in which it props up fed employees and wall street bankers.
Because has no problem stealing from the future wealth of our kids and giving it to those that don’t contribute.
Putting your money into speculative commodities or flipping it through the stock market is hardly contributing to society any more than the welfare queens.
It’s all a shell game and we’re all playing.
Glen Glass….PLEASE run for State Senate. We need another open delegate seat here in district 34!
Thank you for all your emails.. I really enjoyed the 4th of July parades and I wish you all a happy holiday. I am undecided about running again for delegate or running for a Senate seat. As soon as I decide, I will let everyone know. We can all agree that Sen. Nancy J. has always fought hard against big government and fought against tax increases like the rain tax and the gas tax which are direct taxes against the poor and needy.. I hope that we can all come together and stop fighting because it is important to work together to help people. If you would like to meet with me to talk, please feel free to call me on my cell at 443-360-8607 Aberdeen, Your Delegate and servant, Del. Glen Glass
Excuse me, Mr. Glass. How can you say in the comments you do not know if you will run for Delegate or Senator when the headline of this story is I hope to carry on Sen Jacobs legacy? How do you plan on carrying on the legacy, in spirit? We all know your ambitious and incompetent. A bad combination.