From the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Baltimore:
A federal grand jury has indicted Reddy Vijay Annappareddy, age 45, of Fallston, Maryland; Vipinkumar Patel (V. Patel), age 30, of Edgewood, Maryland; and Jigar Patel (J. Patel), age 27, of Columbia, Maryland, on charges of health care fraud and aggravated identity theft in connection with a scheme to defraud Medicaid and Medicare by submitting false claims for prescription refills. The indictment was returned on July 23, 2013, and unsealed on July 25, 2013, upon the arrest of the Patels and the execution of search warrants at six locations, including three pharmacies and a storage space. The Patels had detention hearings today in federal court in Baltimore and were released under the supervision of U.S. Pretrial Services. No court appearance has been scheduled yet for Annappareddy.
The indictment was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler; Special Agent in Charge Stephen E. Vogt of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Special Agent in Charge Drew Grimm, Office of Personnel Management, Office of Inspector General; Special Agent in Charge Nicholas DiGiulio, Office of Investigations, Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services; and Acting Inspector General Lynne M. Halbrooks of the U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General.
Annappareddy owns Pharmacare, LLC and Caremerica, LLC, a pharmacy store chain doing business in Maryland and elsewhere. J. Patel and V. Patel met when they worked at Pharmacare located at 208 Plumtree Road and at Caremerica located at 2227 Old Emmorton Road, both in Bel Air, Maryland.
The two count indictment alleges that from at least 2007 to July 2013, the defendants would identify customers who filled prescriptions at the pharmacy and for whom prescription refills remained. As soon as a prescription was eligible for refill, the defendants allegedly caused entries to be made in the pharmacy software to reflect that the refill had been requested, when in fact the refill had not. Such a computer entry would then be used to support a claim for reimbursement by the relevant health care benefit program, such as Medicare and Medicaid. The defendants would cause a false claim to be electronically submitted to a health care benefit program for a prescription refill that had not been requested or dispensed. They allegedly used the actual name and insurance and identification number of hundreds of customers. The defendants would allegedly also re-use the prescription drug refills that were not delivered or picked up by a customer by, among other things, re-stocking the inventory in the pharmacy.
The indictment alleges that the defendants personally profited from the fraud scheme, and that the loss to the health care benefit programs to date is approximately $2.6 million.
The defendants face a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison for health care fraud and a mandatory minimum of two years in prison consecutive to any sentence imposed for aggravated identity theft, plus a $250,000 fine.
An indictment is not a finding of guilt. An individual charged by indictment is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty at some later criminal proceedings.
United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein praised the Medicaid Fraud and Control Unit of the Office of the Maryland Attorney General, FBI, OPM, HHS – OIG and DOD – OIG for their work in the investigation. Mr. Rosenstein thanked Assistant United States Attorneys Sandra Wilkinson, Richard Kay and Michael DiPietro, and Special Assistant United States Attorney Catherine Pascal of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit of the Maryland Attorney General’s Office, who are prosecuting the case.
So they are abusing the system…that is already abused?
the private market doing what it does best, stealing from the public!
Ryan Burbey you are posting in the wrong thread. Please take your Marxist ideas back to a David Craig bashing forum.
So a criminals are only in the private sector?
Many Harford County Sheriff’s Deputies worked there on there days off to put food on their family’s table but didn’t know this was going on from what I here, as for the LT that organized this secondary employment I would hope he didn’t know either but would be shocked and disappointed if he did. This is a shame and the persons responsible should face the court of law. 2.6 million in healthcare fraud really sad.
If they are found guilty all assets should be auctioned off to repay the fraud than they should be deported back to their own country. Do not put them in prison, this will be additional taxpayer dollars spent to feed and house them. Ship these crooks back to india.
Would you be saying to ship them home to the UK if their names were Smith or McDonald?
Yes, if that is where they came from.
With names like Patel and Annappareddy, they are probably from the UK….been to the UK lately?
How do you know that this is not their country? They could have been born here.
The mechanism used to defraud seems like a pretty simple scheme – I’m bettin’ these thieves aren’t the only ones out there doing this. It doesn’t tell us here how long this was going on or how it was discovered – I’d bet getting to a number like 2.6M means this was years in the making.
Sounds like it is pretty easy to defraud (allegedly) the government.
In the fourth paragraph of this news article in tells from when this started and to when it ended. Check out the article.
I hope they take that dickhead’s Bentley and his Dream house off laurel brook road that he paid for with our tax money.
I love that word in the headline “Misappropriated”. Can we just say they are thieves and they stole the money?
LOL! too true! That, the overuse of the word ‘allegedly’ and the ‘presumed innocent’ disclaimer. I thought for sure this article was pulled directly from the Aegis with all the CYA verbiage!
String Em up!!! Then ship em back!!!!
You can’t make this stuff up…this is from Reddy Vijay Annappareddy’s linked in page:
“As much as I want to be blessed by almighty, I like to be a blessing for many. I thank almighty for the opportunity to touch many lives through our Charity Helping Hands”
In addition, he was voted in the top 10 entrepreneurs of East Asian origin (so there’s your answer he was not born here). He was also named Entrepreneur of the Year in MD by Ernst and Young because of the extraordinary growth of his company…hardy har. He also opened up a clinic serving Gunter, India in the name of his parents under the “charity helping hands”. They claim to serve 50 people per day free of charge and guess what you Mr. American Taxpayer are paying for it. I bet he funnels money into this organization because it provides tax free benefits. Gotta love it stealing from largely elderly americans to redistribute to India. Obama gotta love it – heck why arrest him shouldn’t he get some sorta prize like a Nobel.
One of Obama and Owe Malley’s new Americans.
They are pissing all over us.
Except for the Hispanics. They run rings around you Luther when it comes to making a buck and moving ahead with the opportunities available in this country. Plus they don’t whine about how others have it so easy. Gosh knows I’d hire them before you.
You’re a moron and just for the record, I hire and fire people daily. I wouldn’t hire you to clean my toilets. I earned my money through hard work and not through theft…………
I spend more on landscaping than you do on your rent.
So I guess Ernst and Young might be his accounting firm? And he is pulling this stuff right under their noses? I guess they better be scrambling and also have their insurance carrier on notice.
He also has a 1/4 interest in the medical building at the corner of Plumtree and 24 right next to the proposed nasty Walmart.
Most anybody that has negotiated or contracted regularly with people of Middle Eastern lineage will attest to their profound dishonesty and arrogance. It’s in their culture to take advantage of another person any way possible. In my many years of contract work for owner/operators of hotels/motels and other establishments owned the Patels of this country I can only think of a couple that I considered honest. Not that they weren’t polite or friendly, indeed they are, they just can’t be trusted.
You do realize that India is not in the Middle East, right?
Iran is the Eastern border of the Middle East, India is in South Asia.
Don went to HCPS so please cut him some slack in the area of geography.
Wait till the affordable health care act is fully implemented when ALL of your medical records are in a government run central database. People will talk about the good ol days when identity theft was not a common occurrence.
Kharn, go hug a tree than we will ship you back from where you came from. How about this, put them in prison than send the bill to you for food, security, housing, medical care, dental care, laundry, entertainment, and any other bs I forgot.
Luther, here I go again with Hanley
Why waste a good argument on a drone? He is AstroTurf at worst and a paid hack who troll blogs pitching socialism at best.
Kharn, Middle east, asia, its all the same db, they cant speak English, take advantage of this country.
Nothing like the bigoted outrage of an entitled angry white man
Entitled to what exactly? Paying you to sit your fat ass on welfare while I work every day. The problem with people like you is that you think you are entitled. You think you deserve the fruits of labor without working for it. Myself, I have worked very hard for many years to earn what I have. You think that you can force working people to finance your subsidies by taxing more of their earnings.
Let me enlighten you, the more you try to take from us, the less you will get from us. The more you try to take from me, the more I find ways to keep it from you. I would rather pay my accountants $10,000 than to give you $1,000, at least they provide a service.
You are a pimple on the ass of society and you will never get you 40 acres or your mule. Now go to work and earn some money and maybe you can buy them yourself.
Most Indians who move to the US have a better mastery of spoken and written English than any public school graduate. You might not be able to understand their British-inspired colloquialisms, but they certainly understand your bias and bigotry.
The vast majority of Indians are the kind of people we want to become naturalized citizens, hard working people willing to do the jobs many Americans feel beneath them, who send money back to support their families while saving to be able to bring their relatives to the US so they can lead a better life.
Yup, that’s me db, a hater, I hate imports that come to this country and take advantage, they think the law does not apply to them. They are given a chance to make a life in this country because the country they came from does not allow chances. What 7-11 do you own?
Because says, you should move to San Francisco, you would fit right in, another freakin tree hugger, get out of Harford County DB.
For those of you, that do not know Reddy, please let me enlighten you. He brought slavery back to the US in the form of H1visa. Ask any of his former employees, who fell under his dictatorship and abuse.
This should not be your immigrant successful poster child
I’m sickened by this whole situation. This was my pharmacy and my pharmacist’s. Two of the person’s charged I could never see them doing something like this they appeared to be such nice people. If this is all true then they certainly fooled a lot of people and also put all of their patients in a terrible situation. It has taken me 4 days to get my insulin that I needed 4days ago. I’m not the only one in this situation. I cannot help but also think of the families of the men charged who I know and feel very sad for. This whole situation allegedly caused by 3 men has effected a lot of people and left them scrambling for meds that they need.