From the office of the Harford County delegation to the Maryland General Assembly:
Delegates Wayne Norman and Donna Stifler (Dist. 35A, Harford County) are firing back after their constituents received illegal and misleading robocalls, which were placed by Diane Hussey. Hussey is reportedly the President of the recently-formed group called the Maryland Pro-Life Alliance.
The calls from earlier this week made misleading claims about both delegates’ legislative record on pro-life issues and also violated ethical and legal standards governing robocalls in the state of Maryland.
“I was pro-life before I was a delegate, and I will be pro-life after,” asserted Stifler. “This misleading robocall is a false assassination of my character and demonstrated commitment to pro-life causes.”
Both delegates have earned an A rating and have been endorsed by the nationally-known organization, Maryland Right to Life since taking office.
When asked to comment Norman said, “I am disgusted and appalled by the unethical and illegal tactics used by the Maryland Pro-Life Alliance. I am a committed pro-life legislator and do not take these claims lightly. I will be taking appropriate action to ensure that more constituents are not harassed by these illegal calls.”
“This type of illegal attack is despicable and will not go unchallenged,” reported House Minority Leader Nic Kipke.
The Delegates encourage Harford residents who have been contacted by the Maryland Pro-Life Alliance to call the Harford County Board of Elections at office at 410-638-3565.
Curious says
The word “illegal” was thrown around many times in this press release but their was never any mention of what exactly was illegal about the calls. I did not recieve one of these calls , so I have no idea what was said in them. Nothing in this press release tells us what they said and/or what was misleading. I guess we are just suppposed to take the politicians’ word on this without any facts.
Bill says
This whole thing smells of one of Patrick McGrady’s fundraising schemes through the Liberty PAC. They should spend more time defeating democrats instead of trying to destroy good pro-life people.
Fr. Frank says
Any politician issuing a misleading press release like this that attempts to silence voters discussion of issues through intimidation and legal threats is unfit for office. These arrogant politicians behave as though we are their servants when it is they who were elected to serve us.
I did not get the robocall, but thanks to this press release, I was able to do some research and discovered these politicians were simply being held accountable for their unwillingness to sponsor a pro-life bill.
Delegate Stifler has been caught misleading the public about this issue in the past.
Shame on Delgates Kipke, Norman, and Stifler for attempting to use threats and heavy-handed intimidation to silence the voices of their constituents!
Mr. L says
Fr. Frank,
I don’t see anywhere in the press release where they attempted to “silence voters” through intimidation or gave any “legal threats”. Please tell us where you came up with that.
William Wallace says
L, you need to learn how to read. You clearly lack reading comprehension skills. Go back to the press release and read it again, slooowly…..
Mr. L says
William Wallace,
I can read, but can you? I think it is your reading comprehension skills that are lacking. The press release makes no “legal threats.” You are reading into it (i.e. something that is not there). So please go back and re-read for yourself and if I am wrong please explain in detail.
Fr. Frank clarified and mentioned that legal action was talked about on facebook.
mvphkr says
Fr. Frank: You are being extremely naïve, or deliberately misleading. The “pro-life” bill these delegates would not sponsor was modeled after Texas’ new abortion restrictions. Such legislation has zero chance of passage here in liberal Maryland, and sponsoring such a bill would have been a waste of time and energy.
When he first took office, a reporter asked President George W. Bush if he would support a human life amendment to the US Constitution. The President wisely observed that before you can change the law on an issue like this, you first have to change peoples’ hearts and minds. That same comment applies to Maryland. Instead of demanding that good, solid pro-life Delegates sponsor pointless legislation, you and Ms. Hussey should be trying to educate voters and elect more delegates who share your views. When there are enough of you in Annapolis to get such a bill passed, then you can “hold accountable” those who won’t sponsor it.
William Wallace says
What good does it do to elect more “Republicans” to Annapolis when they turn out to be pantywaists like Norman and Stifler who howl upon voters being informed of their actions? Pretty weak. If they are as “pro life” as they say sponsoring the bill should have been a no brainer. I can see it was likely a blonde moment for Stifler but what is Norman’s excuse? They could have sponsored the bill and gotten Dems on the record being for the destruction of life. A 20 week old baby looks like a baby. Seems like that would be something tough pro lifers like Stifler and Norman would want. Who knows? Perhaps those committee votes could take out a Dem or two. Of course that is assuming they want to advance the pro life ball and not just spend time in Naptown slapping theor Dem buddies on the back while having a good time.
It’s quite telling the Stifler and Norman bring Nik “Rain Tax” Kipke into the mix to defend them. Kipke helps advance MOM’s Green Machine while claiming to be conservative. Birds of a feather it seems.
mvphkr says
Mr. Wallace, you too are displaying how little you know about what goes on in Annapolis. Committee chairs decide which bills will be heard, and something like might not even get a hearing. Plus, sponsoring bills to make points, as you want these Delegates to do, is an exercise in futility. And sponsoring such a bill would not get Dems on the record as being for the destruction of life…they are already on the record for that.
You want to advance the pro-life ball? Try to get powerful Democrats to see this issue in a pro-life, rather than pro-choice, light. That would be more effective than turning against good solid Republicans who won’t play your litmus test game.
William Wallace says
You illustrate one of the bggest problems with the GOP in Annapolis and nationally. Most of them have no stomach for a fight. Pre-emptive surrender is not a strategy. We elect these folks to go to Annapolis and DC to fight for conservatve values, Life, Liberty and Property. Last I checked the GOP was still at least claiming the be the conservative party. These nominally “conservative” pols like Stifler and Norman love to brag on their pro-life and other conservative bona fides but when it comes time to actually fight they are missing in action. The you don’t know how it works attitude regarding to activists regarding the political process is emblematic of do nothing politicians and their shills like yourself. Seems Ms. Hussey is aware of how the political process works since Stifler is now issuing mea culpas regarding her actions, or rather inactions, last spring.
I mean if you can’t even co-sponsor a bill or even issue a statement supporting a cause that Stfler and Norman claim to wear on their sleeve then what good are they really? They should just check out and leave the fighting to those who will stand toe to toe with the Dems to fight for life and liberty.
Dreamland says
Mr. Wallace would rather see Republicans destroy themselves and let Dems as he calls them win out. The C4L’s, Liberty Pac and DeLong and Mcgrady followers will only lead their sheep down a path where only Dems get elected. Robo calls are McGrady favorite and you can only imagine him and his side kick Delong are behind this attack. Wallace and Delong are one in the same.
Impy's At It! says
“Dreamland” = Tim Impallaria. You can tell by the personal vitriol and bad grammar.
Here’s a link to the actual bill from the MD General Ass’y (heh) website:
The bill had 24 sponsors, seven of them Democrats. Four of the Republican members of the Harford County delegation sponsored it. Why didn’t the other three?
mvphkr says
I didn’t get the robo-call, but the name Diane Hussey rang a bell. I checked my deleted e-mails and sure enough, I got an email from her last week about this subject.
As near as I can tell, Ms. Hussey’s group wants the Maryland General Assembly to pass the same sort of abortion restrictions that Texas recently put in place, banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. And apparently, Ms. Hussey’s group has made support for this legislation a litmus test of sorts, with anyone unwilling to sponsor or support such a bill standing accused of not being “pro-life”. This is both naïve and counter-productive for several reasons.
Let’s be real here: This is Maryland, the East Coast equivalent of California, where left-wingers and their liberal agenda dominate politically. Not even the mildest of restrictions on the sacred “right to choose” has the slightest chance of becoming law, let alone something as restrictive as the new Texas law. Any legislator sponsoring such a bill here is wasting his/her time.
Demanding that pro-life Delegates sponsor a bill like this, or risk being denounced as not truly committed to the cause, is unfair and extremely misleading. The question now is whether Ms. Hussey’s group is truly that naïve about how the political process works, or are they simply a front or agent for somebody who wants to unseat these two Delegates?
Cdev says
I got the same email and I bet liberty PAC sold her the list since I once donated to Ron Paul and it has my same wrong middle initial!
Truth Detector says
The Maryland Pro-Life Alliance is affiliated with Campaign for Liberty. Diane Hussey mentions her involvement with Campaign for Liberty in her bio. The address used to contact the MD Pro-Life Alliance is the same Aberdeen address McGrady uses for all of his many organizations ( The format and language of the email follows the Campaign for Liberty format. Campaign for Liberty runs under many different names and uses hot button issues and distortions as a means for raising funds to support the candidacies of those who are affiliated with the group. These delegates who are currently being attacked each have a 100% score from the Maryland Right to Life organization. There is usually a lot more to the story than what Campaign for Liberty will tell you, and the truth is usually a lot less exciting than what you will hear in one of their robocalls or emails but if you heard the whole truth, they probably wouldn’t raise as much money to fund their candidacies.
Patrick Henry says
This legislation is pending. That means it hasn’t happened yet. Check out the date on the hearing for the link Impy posted. How could Maryland RTL have scored the delegates on legislation that hasn’t been heard?
Also, MD RTL does not score budget votes. It only scores votes on explicitly abortion-related bills. That means a legislator can vote for a budget that funds Planned Parenthood and still get a 100% rating.
Truth Detector says
But contrary to what some have posted on this site, Delegate Norman never supported O’Malley’s budget. So that is an irrelevant argument here. We are also getting off the topic of this article which deals with the abortion bill that was submitted on behalf of MD Right to Life, and the subsequent anonymous robocall that misled low information voters. Since they submitted the bill, they are the authority on what went on in Annapolis and the reasons behind it. This is what they had to say: Dels. Norman and Stifler,
I heard of the recent robocalls attacking each of you for not sponsoring the MDRTL-initiated HB1312 last session. As you are surely aware, the group behind the robocalls appears to be a new fringe group operating in Harford County. Their views are certainly disputed by MDRTL.
Thank you for both of your longstanding pro-life support in the MD House of Delegates. We at MDRTL and your constituents are certainly grateful for your courage to stand for justice.
I submitted a quote in your defense on behalf of MDRTL to Minority Whip Szeliga, illustrating your strong pro-life stands in the legislature:
“Rumors and inaccurate information on the pro-life positions of several legislators have been circulated recently. Maryland Right to Life (MDRTL) is the largest pro-life group in Maryland, staffs an office in Annapolis and has a full time Legislative Director. MDRTL is the only single-issue pro-life lobby in Annapolis. Based on Maryland Right to Life’s voting records in the legislature, Delegates Wayne Norman (R-35A) and Donna Stifler (R-35A) have always cast solid pro-life votes,” noted Jeffrey D. Meister, Director of Administration and Legislation for Maryland Right to Life.
If MDRTL can be of any assistance or work with you in any way in the upcoming session, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Thank you,
Jeffrey D. Meister
Director of Administration and Legislation
Maryland Right to Life
fax: 410.263.9138
Justice says
Truth Detector is 100% CORRECT. Confrontational Politics is their model. They are not interested in dialog.
Truth Detector says:
August 2, 2013 at 12:53 am
The Maryland Pro-Life Alliance is affiliated with Campaign for Liberty. Diane Hussey mentions her involvement with Campaign for Liberty in her bio. The address used to contact the MD Pro-Life Alliance is the same Aberdeen address McGrady uses for all of his many organizations ( The format and language of the email follows the Campaign for Liberty format. Campaign for Liberty runs under many different names and uses hot button issues and distortions as a means for raising funds to support the candidacies of those who are affiliated with the group. These delegates who are currently being attacked each have a 100% score from the Maryland Right to Life organization. There is usually a lot more to the story than what Campaign for Liberty will tell you, and the truth is usually a lot less exciting than what you will hear in one of their robocalls or emails but if you heard the whole truth, they probably wouldn’t raise as much money to fund their candidacies.
William Munny says
Being in the delegate club is all fun and games until you are actually expected to do the peoples business. I can see how sponsoring a Pro-life bill with teeth in Annapolis would limit the party invitations one received…Tough choices..
mvphkr says
Your insult notwithstanding, this has nothing to do with party invitations. It has to do with wasting one’s time sponsoring legislation that has no chance of ever becoming law. You really need to understand the political process a little bit better…
DC says
fighting for civil rights for all Americans was a ‘lost cause’ for over 20 years also, especially for the outnumbered Republican senators and congressmen; but they fought on, and finally the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed once LBJ was able to muscle his fellow Dixiecrats into compliance. Reverend Martin Luther King devoted his life, and ultimately gave his life for a ‘lost cause.’ Maybe you are content and satisfied that MD remains the Abortion Capital of the east coast, but the thought of an abortion mill like the one recently uncovered in Elkton, you know, where the so-called DR. stored aborted fetuses in jars in a freezer and performed third trimester abortions, and whose procedures resulted in the death of one woman, bothers me. To think that a local pizza shop gets inspected more thoroughly than any abortion mill in MD is disgusting. Remember, the abortionists prosecuted in Cecil County were starting the abortion procedure in one state, then bringing the women to abortion-friendly MD to finish the procedure. Recall that several months ago, thanks to information provided by employees, a chain of abortion mills shut down rather than face scrutiny for improper practices and procedures. No, I do not support this robocall scheme, nor the person or group behind it, but to bring some clinical and sanitary standards into the “no reason – open season” abortion industry in MD is long overdue.
mvphkr says
Your ad hominem attack on me is typical of the “all-or-nothing” mindset of those of your ilk. I am certainly not content with this state’s abortion laws, but unlike you, I do not have my head stuck in the sand. Unlike you, I realize this state is run by Democrats, and that until you can bring them on board the pro-life train, you will not be able to change Maryland law.
You want change in Maryland abortion law? Pitch your arguments to that good Catholic governor of ours. Get the Archdiocese of Baltimore to pressure him and other so-called Catholic legislators. Get Baltimore’s black ministers to address this from the pulpit, and ask their congregants to talk to the Democrats who represent those communities. Call, write, and meet with legislative committee chairmen and the heads of the Maryland Democrat party, and get them to see this your way. Then, and only then, will you be able to propose changes in the law that have a serious chance of passage.
But no, it’s easier to attack your friends than convert your enemies, isn’t it?
William Wallace says
MV, time to grow a pair….
Mr. L says
I can’t help but laugh that I asked a legitimate question of Fr. Frank and I have, at this time, 4 thumbs down on my comment. Hmmmm. Maybe anyone of you who gave my question a thumbs down could answer, in addition to Fr. Frank, where in the press release they attempted to “silence voters” through intimidation or gave any “legal threats”.
Cdev says
Thumbs down came from the smart phones of the same person working PR for this group peddling ALEC legislation. Make no mistake the group is probably astro turff
Justin A. Glimmer says
Yes, this IS Maryland, the east coast equivalent of California, where intelligent individuals accept the rule of law AND, where the laws are based on common sense and not on religious beliefs! You litmus test Republicans need to get your heads out of your asses, your bibles and out of other freedom loving Americans bedrooms and their reproductive lives. If you don’t like abortion, DON’T HAVE ONE! The Texas law WILL be challenged, and may well be found unconstitutional (for all you Constitutionalists out there!). Amen! 🙂
mvphkr says
Mr. Glimmer, I feel truly sorry for those of you who do not understand what this issue is really all about. It must be difficult to go through life without being able to give weighty issues serious or analytical thought.
A donkey has a big what? says
Heee hawwwww Maryland is nowhere equivalent to California. When I buy a can of spray paint, it doesn’t read ” this product contains aersols which cause health problems in California, and Maryland.”
Five Iron says
Thank you Jason! Republican/Conservatives love to talk about individual liberty and small government but lord help you if you bring up non-christians and them uppity women and minorities. It’s not your body, stay out of it. It is solely up to the male and female who decide to carry or terminate the pregnancy and to decide what is right for THEM. They all need to move to Virginia and have “relations” with their spouses like Cuccinelli tells them.
B says
You’re right Five, why would anyone support the rights of a late term baby from being murdered.
Pretty sure it is consistent with individual liberty for conservatives to protect the rights of that child endowed by its creator.
Five Iron says
Describe “late term”? Is that 3 seconds after fertilization to you? Give me a date before you throw out a talking point.
Patrick Henry says
So your argument for abortion hinges on what stage of the developmental process of a human is in? Does that mean a person who is 1 year old is less valuable or viable than a person who is 5? Or a person who is 10 is less viable than a person who is 18? Consider your logic here. Does life begin at conception as is supported by science, or do you personally get to define when it begins?
Five Iron says
Yes it does Patrick Henry. Not sure why the “REPLY” section doesn’t work under your name Mr. Henry. At what point is a human truly a “human”? Did the magic sky man breathe life into the 2 cells that divided and the cells have a soul? Is it when they take their first breath outside of the womb? Your other questions are as ridiculous as me saying that the death penalty is nothing more than really, really late term abortion. It doesn’t matter what you or I think or believe. Unless your wife/GF/mother/sister/daughter is making the difficult decision to terminate a pregnancy, it is NONE of you or anyone else’s business. That is what I am concerned with. Government needs not to be involved. I’ll leave you with a true conservatives view on abortion:
“Today’s so-called ‘conservatives’ don’t even know what the word means. They think I’ve turned liberal because I believe a woman has a right to an abortion. That’s a decision that’s up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right. It’s not a conservative issue at all.” Barry Goldwater (R), arch conservative.
Patrick Henry says
*Sigh* I guess I’ll deconstruct this one step at-a-time.
My post didn’t have a “Reply” link because the thread only allows so many tangential conversations. Scroll up and down the page and you’ll see that. Your own post above doesn’t have a “Reply” link either. So cool out with the conspiratorial allegations.
Next, insulting the faith of about 83% of the United States population does very little to help bolster your argument, Five Iron. Besides it being unbecoming and rather crass, it really has no place in intelligent debate. You would do well to dispense with it.
The hypothetical scenarios I posited above are not at all analogous to your example of the death penalty being nothing more than a late-term abortion. In the case of late-term abortions, we are discussing pain-capable, INNOCENT human life that is 100% defenseless. Your example presupposes guilt of a subject who has been afforded a trial with a jury of his peers, a defense attorney, and appeals to his sentence (in other words, a grown person who has committed a crime and has plenty of chances at avoiding a death sentence). What I think actually happened was that I hit a nerve with you. Unless you are actually refuting the scientific fact that the continuum of life begins when an egg is fertilized, you are forced to acknowledge that it does. Then, your position becomes defending the practice of ending it (i.e.: justifying murder). I’m sorry it makes things difficult, but that is where your logic leads.
As far as “real conservatism,” conservatives believe that the government has a very limited role. They believe the primary purpose of government is to protect our freedom, and that means the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. Without a guarantee of the right to live, what other rights matter?
Lastly, your quote from Goldwater is a bit misleading if you don’t consider the entirety of his political history. I’ll leave you with this link that might help clarify things a bit:
Fr. Frank says
Mr. L-
After a simple reading of the press release, the pro-life organization is accused of illegal behavior no less than 4 times, yet no specifics are offered about what the ethical or illegal acts were.
Delegate Kipke states, “This type of illegal attack is despicable and will not go unchallenged.”
Delegate Norman is a lawyer and made reference to legal action on his Facebook page.
Any group has a constitutionally protected right to petition their elected officials for whatever type of legislation they are interested in, whether it be pro-life legislation, pro-abortion legislation, environmental legislation, drugs….you name it.
Representatives are not obligated to sponsor or vote for every piece of legislation that a group presents, and that is fine. It is also fine if a particular group of people wish to voice their displeasure with their representatives via letters, commercials, phone calls, or door to door canvassing. They should be able to voice their opinions without being threatened with legal action by whiny, thin-skinned, gutless politicians who are unable to accept one of the realities of elected office- you can’t please everyone all the time.
Cdev says
Yes but is this group registered with the board of elections and did the call contain an authority line? Ask Bob Ehrlich about illegal robo calls in our state. Are you a registered voter here and is your finding from Marylanders or outside groups?
Fr. Frank says
As I said earlier, I didn’t get the robocall,so I don’t know if there was an authority line. Clearly Ms. Hussey identified herself as being with the pro-life alliance, so it doesn’t appear there is any confusion about where the call is coming from. I am a registered Maryland voter, but what difference does it make? The issue for me is freedom of speech without fear of legal retaliation. Did the delegates support the particular bill the group referenced? No. So the group let people know. It’s up for the voters to decide whether or not is is of sufficient import tonremove them from office for not sponsoring this bill. But intimidation of citizens from elected officials for speaking out because the electeds don’t like what they said? This is completely unacceptable. Forget the issue of abortion for a minute. What if this was a group trying to pass a bill protecting spotted owls? Or the right to gamble? My response would be the same im any issue where elected officials resort to these threatening tactics.
Cdev says
It makes a difference because that is the law in this state. Her new email this evening was funny!
Cdev says
Again is this group funded from outside of the state? I as a voter have a right to know!
Ms. L. says
The way I understand this situation is that Delegate Parrott sponsored this HB1312 bill. He started asking other Delegates to co-sponsor his bill. Due to time restraints he had to file the bill with the co-sponsors that he already had in order to meet the filing deadline. Once the bill was filed, the committee chair “put the bill in the drawer” and it never went any further. Delegates Norman and Stifer are being accused of not co-sponsoring a bill they had no idea existed. Once the bill was filed, Delegate Parrott made no further attempts to get additional sponsors because he knew it was not going anywhere. I am sure that if Delegate Norman and Delegate Stifler were asked to co-sponsor this bill they certainly would have. I believe Ms Hussey is just trying to stir up trouble.
William Wallace says
Gee, now isn’t that convenient. Keep shillin’ for the RINO’s Ms. L.
Concerned Teacher says
What is the matter, WW? You seem to be resorting to the usual partisan tactic of attacking the messenger when you cannot defeat the argument. I thought you were more enlightened than the rest of us, and should be above all that. Apparently not.
Mr. L says
Wow, William Wallace, Ms. L brings up a good point and you resort to immature tactics.
Patrick Henry says
The bill is still pending. Why are you speaking about it in past tense?
Mr. L says
I am not referring to it in the past tense???
Patrick Henry says
Follow the thread. I wasn’t talking to you.
online universit says
This could not possibly have been more helpful!
Patrick Henry says
It’s quite simple, really. The Honorable Delegates Stifler and Norman are learning, quite possibly for the first time, what establishment Republicans the nation over have been learning (also quite possibly for the first time) these days: principles matter. Taking a stand on issues is important for public servants, because it reveals their constitution and intestinal fortitude.
I recall these same two legislators defending previous votes for Governor O’Malley’s budgets, which funded Planned Parenthood, citing the urgency to pass a budget. This sounds familiar. The same test faces congressional Republicans with regard to funding Obamacare. Are we to give those Republicans who oppose that fight a pass on flying the white flag of surrender and continue to claim they oppose the Affordable Care Act? I say no. The same principle applies here.
Prevention says
It seems to me that if you defund Planned Parenthood, you will get less education about and access to birth control resulting in more unplanned pregnancies and then in turn, more abortions.
Patrick Henry says
Trying to count the holes in your argument is a bit like trying to count stars on a clear night.
Planned Parenthood is a private company. Why can’t it fund itself? It certainly profits enough from performing abortions to do so. Why is it incumbent upon taxpayers to fund its operations? On a larger scale, why should taxpayer money fund ANY private organization, let alone one which provides a “service” which half the country finds repugnant?
Second, yes. Let’s trust the organization that generates revenue from depriving people of their lives to “educate” and provide “access” to birth control which will, in turn, cut into its profits. This makes perfect sense. Have you ever looked into the history of Planned Parenthood? Do you know who Margaret Sanger was, or what the eugenics movement advocated? Do a Google search on those topics and let me know what you find. You may also want to check out Abby Johnson’s expose of the organization, which catalogs PP’s push to generate more revenue by scheduling more abortions. Or, you could continue to believe that PP is just a wonderful, philanthropic organization that only resorts to abortion as a last resort.
Prevention says
I have read your statements, but don’t see how anything you mentioned pokes a hole in the theory that is you remove access to education and birth control you will get more unplanned pregnancies.
Patrick Henry says
That is not what PP is INTERESTED in. Do you understand?
Prevention says
So PP does not provide education and birth control?
Patrick Henry says
It’s like talking to a pre-programmed computer. Yes, Planned Parenthood provides birth control so it can keep up the front that it is a philanthropic organization that actually cares about women and children. Does that negate, in your eyes, the fact that it also kills thousands of babies every year? You seriously need to research those topics I discussed. I am not saying that to demean you. I really think it might open your eyes a bit to what Planned Parenthood is really about.
Silly says
Silly you, didn’t you know. Only Whites are racist. Only Republicans do illegal campaign activities.
FacePalmForLife says
I’m sure the illegality of the calls comes down to the source/sponsor not being properly identified. That seems to be where most of the robocall legality issues arise.
With that said, I can’t believe the nonsense I’m reading in these posts. First, there is no scientific reasoning or logic behind banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is pure politics and nothing else. Second, any law creating such limits will be found unconstitutional so wasting tax dollars with symbolic votes is a bit extreme, and hardly “Conservative.” Finally, personal religion and moral beliefs are irrelevant in this argument. The Constitution allows for abortions up to 24 weeks. Making absurd arguments, thumping a bible, or passing unconstitutional laws won’t change that. It’s also not the response I would expect from an ideology that preaches smaller government and claims to want to uphold the Constitution.
It’s also funny to hear the term “RINO” coming from a group that is single-handedly discrediting and destroying the Republican party. As far as I can tell the only ones falling for this obstruction nonsense are those already in the fold. Seems a little counterproductive to the cause, in my opinion.
Wilberforce says
Where in the Constitution does it authorize the murdering of unborn babies “up to 24 weeks”? The answer – NOWHERE! That he Constitution authorizes this genocide is a bunch of crap we have been sold on. All life is precious. Abortion is murder.
Because says
The same place it allows you to own an automatic weapon with a 100 round magazine.
B says
“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Automatic weapons covered, no right to kill babies anywhere to be seen.
Arturro Nasney says
Thanks for your stimulating input, Because. As usual you have stayed right on target of the subject at hand and driven home an irrefutable point. The second amendment surely has everything to do with accepting the murder of babies.
Derek J. Howell says
You proved my point. You couldn’t show me anywhere in the US Constitution that authorizes such genocide. Of course even if it did that wouldn’t be valid, but that’s for another day’s discussion.
B is actually right. The second amendment authorizes me to have “an automatic weapon with a 100 round magazine.” I can explain more of that too another day.
The lesson today is we live in a murderous society with the blood of murdered unborn babies on our hands and we are delusional enough to call it a “civilized society.” May God have mercy on our nation.
Derek J. Howell says
(The following should have been before the first sentence in my statement above but was accidentally not added)
I know Wayne Norman, Donna Stifler and Kathy Szeliga to be pro-life persons. I have personal discussions with them in the past to know where they stand on this issue. The trouble today is we don’t have an understanding of the Constitution as it was drafted.
Cdev says
The constitution only prohibits the right of the individual. While I abhore abortion, the government can not dictate this to a women sense the power to do so is not enumerated in the Constiturion.
B says
The constitution doesn’t “prohibit” the right of individuals, it limits the power of the federal government. Murder is not addressed.
Cdev says
I agree that is my point. No where is the federal government delegated this power so it is reserved for the individual!!!!
B says
It is for the state to regulate as it pleases, just like murder, yet the supreme court found that it fell under the right to privacy and overruled several states who had banned abortion. More federal overreach as usual.
B says
Laws against murder would be found unconstitutional?
Are you speaking of those same Republicans who failed miserably in their last term in office?
Crushing debt from never ending military and big business friendly spending. Erosion of freedom with the patriot act. Economy in the tank for a decade. Healthcare mandate supporters before it was the Dems idea Republicans? For immigration reform before they were against it? Export jobs overseas for profit Republicans?
You are worried about destroying those Republicans? I think they have done a pretty good job of destroying themselves. Good riddance.
Patrick Henry says
It is impossible to make the GOP more irrelevant that is already is in Annapolis. The current RINO inhabitants have made sure of that.
Patrick Henry says
I agree, but I’d appreciate it if you would choose a different handle. I’ve got this one already. Thanks.
Derek J. Howell says
(Please excuse typos, grammar and tense of my above two statements. My statement was done via cell phone)
Cindy Mumby says
Please see related story here: