From Friends of Derek J. Howell:
Chairman of the Republican Central Committee of Harford County, Derek J. Howell, filed to run for the Maryland State Senate – District 34 – on August 5, 2013.
Paraphrasing author GK Chesterton, Derek said, “We are perpetually being told that what is wanted is a strong person who will do things. What is wanted and needed is a strong person who will undo things – that will be a real test of strength, and I am that person.” Derek went onto say that “I will fight to repeal and ‘undo’ the nonsense coming out of Annapolis, such as the ‘rain tax’ and the dreadful infringements on our Second Amendment rights.”
Derek looks forward to meeting with citizens from across the 34th district, from Havre de Grace to Bel Air, hearing their concerns and ideas, and sharing his vision for a better future. Additionally, Derek plans to bring his experience in law and law enforcement to Annapolis, as he works to repeal the misguided policies of the past and restore constitutional government for all Marylanders.
Derek also congratulated Senator Nancy Jacobs on her fight in the Maryland State Senate saying, “she has fought hard for us in Annapolis. She has voted against irrational legislation, like the rain tax and infringements on the Second Amendment, and she worked tirelessly to protect our families. I am grateful for her service to our community.”
Derek is a decorated former Maryland state trooper who spent over ten years with the Maryland State Police before leaving to obtain his Juris Doctor, cum laude, from the University of Baltimore School of Law. He earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science, both with honors, from the Johns Hopkins University. Derek is an attorney and Harford County small business owner. He teaches at Stevenson University, the Community College of Baltimore County and Faith Theological Seminary. He is also an instructor and the director of operations for Institute on the Constitution, where he teaches courses on the Maryland and U.S. Constitutions. Derek is happily married to his wife, Jenna. Derek and Jenna are the blessed parents of two wonderful boys, Hudson and James.
Derek is a great guy, a good man and an outstanding husband and father. He knows the US Constitution inside and out. Hopefully he can bring a breath of fresh air to the stale windbags in Annapolis.
More like hot air really. Same stale rhetoric from Howell. He’s all hat and no cattle as they say in Texas. He’ll need a Bat Phone to Phred and David to tell him what to do in the unlikely event he wins a throw down with Helton or James. Phred is Howell’s Lady McBeth.
Its not hot air. He is the real deal. Any member of any political party has to play some ball, but Derek knows whats right and will do whats right to the best of his ability. This is exciting. Ronald Reagan once read that democracies will continue to fall until a free-world leader stands on his convictions and fights with the zeal of his faith. President Reagan did exactly that. Derek reminds me of him. This is exciting.
Sure he knows and preaches the constitution but he’s a turn coat. He was supported and got elected by being a ‘TEA Party candidate’ and like many others he played the game just to get in office and now sides with the David Craig RINOs and Republican establishment. He deceived many people who had high hopes of having a former trooper and lawyer who respects the constitution on our side on the County Council and RCC. Don’t let him fool you, he is a typical lying two faced politician.
Derek is an excellent choice to represent Harford County in Annapolis!
I’m open to the man’s candidacy, although I would like some more clarification on what he means by “restore constitutional government for all Marylanders”. It sounds like he means something beyond gun control laws, as he mentioned that twice and separately. (Before anyone whines, I don’t have a problem with repealing our gun control laws. I’m more curious about his specific plans on regarding what he perceives to be a restoration.)
Derek will make an excellent State Senator. He is intelligent, genuine, conservative, & compassionate. He will have big shoes to fill but I know he is up to the task. I look forward to seeing him in Annapolis.
He would be better than Del. James who hasn’t shown her face or been to a single community meeting in the District for16 years and now with Mike Miller’s money wiants to knock off Sen Helton and win the seat for Miller and the Democrats.
James defeating Helton won’t hurt the Republicans all that much. You could look it up.
Good luck Derek!
So wait… did Derek Howell announce his candidacy, or was it actually Fred Mullis wearing a Howell mask?
Probably just Mullis. I’m sure Derek’s already granted him power of attorney. I had high hopes, but unfortunately, Howell’s proven that he’s little more than a political opportunist. I’d rather brush my teeth with turds than see him get elected.
Not sure what opportunity there is here for Republicans – any battle that will rage in the Democratic Primary will leave that winner with a strong campaign and a ton of momentum; very difficult to see how the Republican candidate can stand a chance unless they are seriously gifted in the campaign department (and it does not sound like Howell is a particularly gifted campaigner).
Is there definitely going to be a democratic primary? I heard that Helton’s claim of residency in Aberdeen was being challenged at the State Board of Elections. Has anyone heard anything about this?
Another anti-govt, just say no, cut all taxes, give everyone guns running for a govt job? No thanks.