From Friends of Harford:
A Community Input Meeting (CIM) has been announced for Redleif Run, a proposed residential development of 27 single-family lots on 255.74 acres located on MD 136 at the intersection with Schucks Road in Bel Air. Zoning is AG.
Meeting Date/Time: Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 6:00 P.M.
Meeting Location: Abingdon Library, 2510 Tollgate Road, Abingdon 21009
The proposed site plan may be seen at
County government has a description of the CIM process at
If you have concerns you wish to raise or simply want more information, this meeting is your opportunity to do so.
Do you want to know where this fits into the development process? Read A Citizen’s Guide to the Harford County Property Development Process by Friends of Harford.
The Money Tree says
It’s hard to tell which farm this is – looks like the one beside and behind Coales ag equipment. I understand why people sell the farm – it’s an asset and farming is very, very hard work that almost nobody wants to do anymore. Something very sad to watch the very rapid destruction of a way of life that was centuries old…once you’ve plowed it under and covered it with asphalt there’s no turning back. I don’t know the answer but it sure seems silly to farm the desert and build a bunch of predictably similar homes on some of the most productive soils in the world. I watch the farms dissappear and there isn’t a place with a house (now) that I drive by that I don’t remember the farm or forest that was once there and don’t feel a bit melancholy about it.
TR says
Fortunately the county has a pretty good ag preservation program that has permanently preserved 48,000 acres of farmland, which is in the top 10 out of over 3,000 counties in the nation. Obviously we all wish more could be done, but if someone can’t make a go of it anymore as a farmer you can’t blame them for getting what they can out of their asset.
The Money Tree says
I am thankful for land preservation certainly. One of the most obvious problems with farming in Harford is simply the value of the land. If a developer offers you more; you sell to the developer. I bet most farmers when deciding to sell wish somebody would come along and give it a try but there are few takers and certainly almost none that can write a check for the amounts developers offer. I don’t know the answers, but I do worry that the pace of destruction is so great what exactly the next generation will see here. Who will be the last farmer in Harford County?
Just wondering says
It’s not the farm near Coale’s. It’s the Fielder farm on the corner of Calvary Road and Schucks Road. That poor Shucks Road community is going to be awful busy with the new recreation park at one end and a housing development at the other.
The Money Tree says
Got it thanks.
Farmgirl says
Why can’t they sell it as a farm? By the time they (the owner) pay for the roads on the property, the same amount of money could be made.
The Money Tree says
They don’t sell it as a farm because planning and zoning in reality is in support of development and grants all kinds of waivers and exceptions. Our entire tax system and public employee “system” is dependent upon a continual stream of development. Public employees want a pay increase and the tax well is dry the only other way (without raising taxes) is to add more taxpayers. There is no incentive to save farmland because the folks making development decisions benefit from deciding it’s OK. We’re almost doomed to destroy ourselves in the process. I don’t know anybody that likes this – roads are screwed up, crime is up, BRAC is a loser for the locals. I don’t know the answer but we’re losing this county one farm at a time to a hideous sameness.
Wouldn'tmakeadifference says
Absolutely ridiculous!!!!! Build, build, build…. So much for the good ole country setting.
BelairBob says
27 houses on 255 acres directly across 543 from Todd lakes.
Bring on the McMansions!!!
i shovel horse dookie at the end of parades says
27 houses on +200 ACRES sure beats 200 houses on 27 acres that seems to be builders wet dream around here. Funny we laugh at that, but people flock into new overpriced matchstick houses that sit on a plot of land you could use a pair of scissors to “mow” the grass with, that was probably built on top of former swamp land.
The Money Tree says
How so? I understand it’s less crowding, but it’s equally a waste of space in terms of open space for wildlife, use for agriculture, fields, trees, etc. I’m a proponent of cluster homes if we’re intent on destroying ag property. If you have 200 acres you should allow no more than half acre per lot and put them together to enable more efficient services (trash, mail delivery, etc.) leaving the remaining 150 acres open. That 150 acres shall NOT be turned into strip malls or condos and permanently set aside as open space.
i shovel horse dookie at the end of parades says
How so, what? I was merely laughing at the fact people love to live in cluster Fuck communities built on top of some of the shit areas I’ve seen in my time.
It was merely my own ignorant opinion.
If you prefer to live 30 feet from your neighbor and have a homeowner’s association, street lights, that’s your choice.
The Money Tree says
Believe me I don’t prefer but somehow I’m thinking the folks that buy the 3500 sq. ft. house on the 7 acre lot aren’t in it for being at one with nature. I can tell you exactly what that new neighborhood will look like – complete and right down to the shrubs in front. I think he has black angus on there right now. I miss farms…lots of farms, the smell of poop that would fill the car back in summers with the windows down before everyone locked themselves into air conditioned cocoons.
BelairBob says
Money tree at least if you are going to respond act like you know where in Harford county this is. It’s a fricken corn field that gets hosed down twice every year with roundup herbicide once before planting and once after the franken crop is growing. Houses with yards and trees and gardens would be welcomed vs that toxic nightmare.
The Money Tree says
You clearly have no ability to be reasoned about anything. My family has been in Harford for (as far as we can tell) going back 6 generations. They all farmed at one time; many of the family farms are gone to development and still have a farmer or two out there in the county. I know Harford County – 6 generations buried right here on these soils. You have a problem with corn? I like corn. Corn feeds the world. Corn feeds cattle and other stock. Sweet corn with tomatoes is yummy. Do a little research on corn before you suggest it’s not worth much.
BelairBob says
GMO corn spliced with genes of an organism that thrives in liquid round up has clearly rotted your brain.
Next time you get some of that delicious sweet corn, ask them what it has been treated with.
BelairBob says
I can guarantee there won’t be any strip malls or condos on that 255 acres. Matter of fact taking all that land out of corporate farming and put into private hands will result in a better environment/ less pollution and more wildlife.
And as an added benefit those new homeowners will be shopping in the local community and hiring local people for service work at their big houses and paying whopping tax bills. The current use of growing corn to make high fructose corn syrup has only effected the local economy by doubling the size of your lazy ass.
The Money Tree says
Bob you are an idiot. I don’t know anyone who champions human population density but somehow you seem to show up cheering on Walmart, and building strip malls, and cutting into ag lands, and now dismantling yet another farm. There have been studies done on population densities that illustrate a direct relationship between crowding and violence – people do better with open space. Besides if you hate it here so much that you revel in it’s transition to blight why don’t you go where blight already exists. There is room for you in Hunt Valley, anywhere along York Ave., heck Prince Georges County would welcome you with open arms. Anywhere but please just go away.
BelairBob says
Who said I hate it here? Your are wrong once again but hey at least you are consistently wrong. Bring on the expensive houses just makes mine worth that much more. I’m sure it’s not going to do anything for your upside down mortgaged townhouse in edgewood but why deprive the rest of us that made wise reale state choices money tree? And if 9+ acres per house isn’t enough open space for you, that butt of your must be gigantic, maybe you can get a push mower and cut the grass at these new houses and work that ass off.
Farmgirl says
Bel Air Bob, Show a little respect, no need for you to be rude with your opinion. Just think instead of a crop farm, you will have 27 septic tanks running off waste and soap into the ground water table of 27 (plus neighbors) wells. Plus household pollution from the heating and air.
Pavel314 says
Did you ever think that some people like to live with space around them? There’s a McMansions development up the road from my place; looks like they could reach out of their windows and knock on the neighbor’s door. Might as well live in a row home in Baltimore. Just my view as a sociopathic loner.
BelairBob says
Apparently you don’t understand what McMansions are, If you live on 9+ acres and can reach out the winder and knock on the neighbors door you either have a really big house or really long arms.
Keith Gabel says
BelairBob – Pavel314 is correct. A McMansion is a cheaply constructed, oversized house built on a small plot of land. The are of uniform design to promote the speed of construction. They are the fast food of housing, hence the name. You are thinking of luxury housing, which tend to be custom built, overly large, and sit atop large tracts of land.
BelairBob says
Nope you are referring to the modern day harford county 4 bedroom colonial with the 6 over 6 windows and a big circle top window with gothic grills(?) in the foyer. Brick on the front and vinyl siding everywhere else. An architectural abortion.
The true McMansions are the million dollar+ faux french provincial with imitation copper roofs fake stucco with patches of fake brick and stone underneath. They have 6 chimneys that are attached to non venting gas fireplaces and every interior finish is available at your local home depot or Lowes.
Hope this helps for future reference.
Back at ya bob says
Keith is correct not Bob, a McMansion is a oversized home on a parcel of land that is not its equal for space as to size of the house. Hope this helps you or look it up its not an opinion.
BelairBob says
Nice try but where you got that info from is nothing but opinion. Try googling “Mcmansion french provincial” or better yet take a tour of toad lakes or glen angus both are chocked full of McMansions on nice sized lots. Remember in Harford county there is a minimum lot size for septic so by your twisted logic McMansions can only be built on public water and sewer.
Hope this helps.
Keith Gabel says
I Googled McMansion and I got “a pejorative for a type of large, new luxury house which is judged to be oversized for the parcel or incongruous for its neighborhood”, as well as “alternatively, a McMansion can be a large, new house in a sub-division of similarly large houses, which all seem mass produced and lacking distinguishing characteristics, as well as at variance with the traditional local architecture”
Good try, BelairBob. Better luck next time with your rants.
BelairBob says
You are absolutely right, never was a McMansion built with a septic system and empirical scientific research was done to determine exactly what one is.
My bad…..
Bawahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a Moran….;-)
Keith Gabel says
@BelairBob – You are welcome.
Back at ya bob says
Moran or Bob whatever you prefer, there is no water or sewer on that corner. So the wells will run on the same water tables in that neighborhood.
No you are not bad, just someone who is ranting with no true knowledge of facts.
Sheeple says
Who is going to buy these houses? most including me are trying to get out of this state. Don’t tell me BRAC they are smart people they drive from PA or DE.
LOL WUT says
Who buys any houses? People interested in living there, within their budget, and what they are looking for.