From Harford County Public Schools:
School bus schedules and routes for the 2013-14 school year for Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) have been released. The bus schedules are available on the HCPS website ( by clicking on the bus icon on the left-hand side of the homepage. School is scheduled to open for approximately 38,000 public school students on Monday, August 26, 2013.
Parents are urged to review the routes and pay close attention to stop locations and bus numbers, as they most likely have changed from previous years. Middle and high school parents especially will want to pay close attention to the information and the consolidated stop locations.
Since routes are based on estimated fall enrollments, school officials remind parents and students to expect minor adjustments in bus loads and schedules during the first weeks of school in order to alleviate any overcrowded buses.
A depot bus stop system for school bus transportation is in place for all students attending HCPS magnet programs. Students attending the Science and Mathematics Academy at Aberdeen High School, the Global Studies Program/International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Edgewood High School and the Natural Resources and Agricultural Science Magnet Program at North Harford High School will be contacted by postcard with their bus information by August 19, 2013.
Students attending the Alternative Education Program and Harford Technical High School will utilize the consolidated bus stop system and will also be notified of their approximate pick-up time and location by post card.
John Archer School and any elementary Pre-K program students will be contacted by their bus drivers, as will all other students riding a special needs bus, both in county and out-of-county.
Elementary school bus routes are planned so that a maximum number of children are picked up and discharged at the nearest stop to their homes. The bus drivers will inform the children of the designated stops during the first few days of school.
The a.m. time for each bus is the estimated time of the first stop the bus will make on its morning run. This time may vary several minutes during the first few days of school until each driver is able to establish a definitive schedule. Students should plan to be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. Students attending the Alternative Education Program should plan to be at their designated bus stop at least ten minutes before the scheduled pick up time, and students attending magnet programs (Science and Mathematics Academy at Aberdeen High School, Global Studies Program/International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Edgewood High School, Natural Resources and Agricultural Science Magnet Program at North Harford High School) should also plan to be at their bus depot at least ten minutes before the scheduled pick up time. The student’s designated depot stop is their home high school in their attendance area or an alternate authorized high school depot stop. Students who plan to use bus transportation are encouraged to ride the bus beginning the first day of school to facilitate the establishment of the time schedule and the busload.
The p.m. return time to home for each bus may be later at the beginning of the school year to accommodate students adjusting to new school settings. Once the schedule has been established, there will be a normal drop-off time for each student.
The Pupil Transportation Rules will be distributed to each student on the first day of school and discussed in class. Parents are urged to review the rules with their children, which can be found on the HCPS website (, as well as in the 2013-14 Handbook & Academic Calendar.
For more information on transportation changes that were approved by the Board of Education of Harford County in June to take effect for the 2013-14 school year, please see the linked press release.
Questions or concerns related to specific bus stops or route schedules should be directed to the HCPS Transportation Department at 410-638-4092.
Has anyone noticed how screwed up the bus stop’s are for this year? Wow what’s safe for our children is out the door. Tried to call the Harford County Transportation Dept. today No Answer.
@Mary Baker –
The reason that you got no answer today is because the school system switched to a 10 hour Monday – Thursday schedule during the summer hours. They are closed Friday to save on operating costs.
For trying to save money, I really think the bus routes are really messed up. The elementary school my daughter use to go to added one more bus this year (how is this saving money?). Woodbridge Center has six buses for one elementary school. In the past years, these buses were not full.
And I am sure they will consolidate if that is the case
Remember when they tell you that the 14 busses that were deleted from the bus fleet have been sold that is far from true. I myself was able to contact and receive information that at least twelve are still free to do runs. As in my case my children will be getting on the bus in the dark standing on Rt. 924 . Oh Tuesday at 11 a.m. David Craigg will have a press conference across from Looneys at Rt 1 / Main st. in Bel Air on this subject. We all need to be there.
They said they were eliminated. The board can’t control if bus contractors sell the buses.
Barb do what any responsible parent would. Drive your kids to school or is that just too much trouble for you…..
Barb, Can you explain to me why everything that HCPS does that you don’t like is the fault of David Craig? Why don’t you point your finger at the people who made the decision? Or the BOE?
If you feel anything in particular that Harford county provides with its school bus transportation is unsafe for your particular situation, you are more than welcome to provide transportation yourself for your own kid(s).
They can’t please everyone, Harford county public schools isn’t a day care, or is it?
Exactly Jagoff. People are not upset because its unsafe. They are upset because it is inconvenient. Last I checked, my first job is to be a parent.
Hmm, doesn’t look complete (for Harford Tech anyway) unless this is what is described as a schedule –
Bus # School Time Route Details Notes
969 HARFORD TECH HIGH 7:15 a.m. Arrive at school.
969 HARFORD TECH HIGH 2:00 p.m. Return 7:15 a.m. run.
181 HARFORD TECH HIGH 7:15 a.m. Arrive at school.
181 HARFORD TECH HIGH 2:00 p.m. Return 7:15 a.m. run.
Maybe they should have waited to release it until ALL school routes were updated.
Did you read the article?
“Students attending the Alternative Education Program and Harford Technical High School will utilize the consolidated bus stop system and will also be notified of their approximate pick-up time and location by post card.”
Read!!! Maybe if you did you would have an answer to that!
Try reading everything next time. My children attend HTHS…and they never post those routes for safety and because they can change based on who rides the bus.
May I suggest that all Magnet School parents and students attend the BOE meeting on Monday night to speak their minds on this issue of transportation. I will be there with my two children.
They did at the last board meeting.
Barb, Harford county cannot control planet earth, or set the parameters for daylight savings time.
Your children aren’t the only ones standing in the dark waiting for a bus everday, so deal with it since you made it a point to mention it.
What would you like? Harford county to chauffeur personally for you?
Here’s another though, move if it such a big safety and incomvience for you. Harford county is not here to hand feed you, even though it seems peoples agenda is to presume they are.
Sissies, what is the big deal? I stood waiting for the bus 5 blocks away from where I lived, before 7am when I was in school.
You don’t have to be so rude . Maybe some parents work (more than one job) and their children have to wait by themselves. Worry is only natural for a good parent. Its not easy to change work hours or find a sitter for short periods of time. Not to mention the expense. And why would you suggest moving. If you don’t have something positive to add please keep comments to yourself
Considering people who move into this area don’t even change their automobiles license plate to a Maryland one, I would think moving (again) would be a very good option for some if they don’t like the way life is here.
Does New Jersey have a system where if you register/tag your automobile there, it’s for life?
Pennsylvania has been doing this for years. In fact, when we moved to Maryland, we were blown away that public school buses stopped at every individual driveway rather than having one stop that picked up an entire neighborhood. Kids will adapt quickly.
People are such assholes these days, like me, see my name. “I work and can’t drive my kids to school”:……. So do the rest of ,very adult for the most part, but they make it happen because its called parenting. I’ve noticed a lot of people really suck hard ass at parenting, even though their kids might be book smart flunkeys, it Still doesn’t mean you are doing a good job.
Haha, it makes me laugh even more to see people pissed off they have to put actual work beyond their previous routine in providing for their children, losers.
I see that the introduction of gambling – and that would be the new laws that were pushed down our throats – has increased tax revenues by enormous amounts in the past year. So the state had many millions of additional income and less expenses because they screwed over the counties by pushing back more retirement obligations to them. Remember, we were sold gambling as an EDUCATIONAL funding measure. So if there isn’t enough money to fund education then somebody better ask O’Malley and the state legislature what they did with it. And if any local educational systemn has a beef about how much money they have then go talk to O’Malley. He got a bill passed to get you a lot more money, the money came in at record levels, so you need to have a conversation with him.
Not only do kids need dropped off at their front door, we need an equal amount of HCPS Employees to be assigned 1:1 ratio so they can walk each and every kid to their respective front doors.
Few like change especially when you have little control over when and how that happens. The new bus schedules will cause significant disruption for some but not for the majority of parents and students. Human beings are resourceful. Parents and students will adapt just as they did with elementary school redistricting that happened a couple of years ago.
Is this fair. The best and the brightest kids who attend the magnet programs must report to their depot stops, but the students who have been placed in the alternative education program get picked up in their neighborhoods. Is this fair.
Your comment about the “best and brightest” is exactly what is wrong with parents these days. Many bright students don’t attend Magnet Programs, but could. Now we are comparing students by intelligence? That’s just wrong.
Times are tough. Every one needs to sacrifice some things and pitch in. God forbid a parent take responsibility to get their child to school, a bus stop, etc. The BOE actually reminded parents that transportation isn’t mandated by law. It’s a privilege. I’m guessing this is simply an inconvenience for you. Well, it is for my children and myself too. I’m a single dad, but I’ll make the changes and accommodations I need to for my children. Because I’M A PARENT.
I don’t expect HCPS to raise my family, pay my bills, or be my daycare.
Stop being complainers. Start being PARENTS!
There are thousands of “the best and brightest” students who decide not to attend any of the magnet programs offered in Harford County. This is a conscious choice which carries some burdens with it. Those attending the Alt Ed school have no choice in the matter. They are assigned there for different reasons, some to benefit the specific student, others to benefit the school and classmates from whom they are separated.
We are talking about high school students, aren’t we? You would think we are talking about elementary school students. This shows more about how parents won’t let their kids grow up and be handle things themselves.
So what? Are we really complaining about high/middle school kids getting on the bus in the dark??? My god I got on the bus in the dark for 7 years!!! If you parents are that afraid of letting your 11-18 year old kids get on the bus in the dark you all have some serious issues that HCPS can not ever help you with. One day you have to let your little babies grow up some and getting on the bus @ 6:30 is a great place to start. Wow we have some way over protective parents in Harford County.
O you are correct, students make the choice to attend the magnet programs. Yes many bright students do attend their home school. But the alternative ed students make the choice to attend this program because they are unable to follow rules and are disruptive it their home schools, but lets bend over backward for these students.
Not every student in alt ed is there because of disruptive behavior. The law requires that the school system provide an education for everyone. If the system determines that a student needs that education in another environment like alt ed the school system must provide the transportation. The same goes for special ed students with significant issues and needs that are beyond the ability of the local school system to provide. These non-public placement students are provided door to door transportation because it is legally required. As valuable as magnet programs may be to the small number of students that can take advantage of them there is no similar legal obligation to provide any transportation to those students. What is the difference between magnet and signature programs? Only the title of the program. Students can attend signature programs outside of their normal school district but only if they can provide their own transportation. Some would say those students and parents have more of a gripe because they are provided even less transportation options than magnet school students and their parents. The school system could provide signature students with the same options as magnet students but at what additional cost? The school system can’t afford the transportation model they are using now. Or maybe magnet students could be placed on equal footing and be provided with the same transportation options given signature program students – which is none. I have heard some say this entire transportation issue would go away if the school system would eliminate magnet programs altogether. With all the money saved on transportation and other related costs those resources could be spread throughout the system for the benefit of a larger number of students.
LOL @ Book Smart Flunkeys. There is just too much truth to that.
One point that no one has talked about yet is the policy has not been universally applied. the principal’s transportation letters stated that exemptions previously granted are no longer in place. If you review the bus routes this is not the case. Some students that live 1 mile from school receive bus transportation yet some that must walk 1.75 miles to school do not get a bus (not measured as the hawk flies but with walking rules). Is anyone looking at this?
And yet another issue that has not been discussed is how this increase in car and walking traffic changes and invalidates the traffic impact studies that have been recently performed in the county. HCPS has changed the rules and the transportation change will do just that–change how we transport our children throughout the county. How can the county ans state make plans and approve developments when they know that their data is inaccurate?
Yes O lets take kids that cannot behave and give them five six seven chances. but when it comes to the kids that can really achieve in rigorious programs geared to meet their needs and the needs of this country. We will make their life more difficult. Don’t forget these high achievers will be the leaders of tomorrow.
Yes. They Could be leaders, but instead people are trying to teach them that there should be no struggles or sacrifice made for success.
Good job Hope! There are budget cuts, deal with it. That is, after all, how the real world operates – even the best and brightest operate that way!
How on earth does being concerned with how students are going to be picked up at 2:30 from a depot stop 7-10 miles from their home equate not being a parent??
These students know all to well about struggles and sacrifice. They have focused on doing well, getting good grades, and missed activities to work on projects, all in a middle school atmosphere where to be ‘cool’ is to not focus on such matters.
After being accepted in one of 55 slots (for the SMA) out of over 300 applicants, they were told transportation would be offered within walking distance from home.
If, at the time of acceptance into the program, they had been told transportation could be rescinded, these students would have had the chance to take other offers, such as the Medical Science program for Bel Air students, or perhaps the vet program at Harford Tech versus North Harford’s magnet vet program. But at this late stage in the game, these students have fewer choices than they once did several months ago.
Why not take away the transportation after school hours for the athletes? Seems like even more money could be saved this way. Why not expect athletes to make their own travel arrangements? The focus of school is education, after all.
Athletes make their own arrangements home everyday! They don’t even have a depot stop!
Athletes get picked up and brought back on the bus to and from away games, and also taken to all daily swim practices and meets. And yes, I am a parent of an athlete/scholar.
@aberdeen parent, Are you advocating that the school system do away with sports programs altogether? Maybe next year you will be asked to pay for sports related travel expenses as well. That happens in other school districts around the country.
No, I am not advocating that sports programs should be abolished, just frustrated that students who make education a priority are getting the short end in all of this. I was actually being facetious in regards to athletic busing.
Yes the get brought back to school where they must make their own transportation arrangments home.
Dear Aberdeen Parent. The math and science program is at aberdeen high school. If your child is being picked up 7-10 miles (kindof a big mathematical variance don’t you think) from your home for their ride to school in the same town I have 1 simple question. Is the bus that picks up junior short?
Dear Disgusted,
I am the parent of a student at the SMA in Aberdeen, I do not live in Aberdeen. I do live about 8 miles from our ‘home’ high school, on a road with no shoulders and no sidewalks for safe walking. The 7 – 10 miles I was referring to was in reference to many students who live that distance from their home school.
Oh my, a road with no shoulder or sidewalks. That’s some real serious world shit there.
It seems that some of the people commenting here might be better off if they spent their energy working on solutions to their own transportation problems instead of complaining about how other students are being transported. Don’t throw others under the bus because you are angry.
How about we go back to the old days and get rid of the magnet school programs except for Harford tech, and just let parents pay for their dumb kids education at college?
I get the vibe people feel entited they go to these special programs.
Maybe we should close Harford Tech and leave it to employers or HCCC non-credit classes to teach things which does not have to do with reading, writing, math or science.
Would it be possible for the magnet school students to take the middle school bus if they are back in time to their “home school”? Or even the elementary school bus, since there are only a few students this might be an option?
No, Michelle, it isn’t possible. Sorry. No one such as you or me is smart enough to have any ideas that are worthy of their consideration. When HCPS has spoken the thinking has been done. Besides, it is just HCPS trying to stir up parents hoping the parents will turn on the County government. HCPS has the money but they are getting ever so much more satisfaction out of screwing over parents for a measly few bucks.
At some schools the middle school is on an adjacent campus so yes in the case of South Hampton and Magnolia they are not. Also the middle school bus would have to have space. Call transportation as that might be a good idea!
It is in point of fact a great and helpful piece of information.
I’m happy that you simply shared this useful info with us. Please stay us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.
This is absolutely brilliant! Congratulations on trying to revitalize the written word no texting, no email, no whatever’s next! I don’t own a computer proud of being “computer free”. Maybe old fashioned, but receiving a hand written letter is planning to be so refreshing! Thank you for focusing on a rapidly declining art the hand written letter and/or note.
Can’t wait around to receive my first letter! Judy Robertson